Hocus Pocus AU
This AU I came up with while watching the Halloween movie called Hocus Pocus. But it is gonna be a little bit different from the movie.
Anyway enough talking let's dive right in!!
Also to be clear on something
Sarah is Shannon's past life
Briana is Brian's past life
And Karen is Jaren's past life
Yes, Brian and Jaren were girls in their past lives!
~1691 Salem, massachusetts a year before the Salem Witch Trials~
Everything was quiet as normal, as three females were talking after they had got done with their chores of course. These three were Sarah Briana and Karen. They had been friends since were young. They were very sweet and kind young girls who were almost of age to be married to someone but they didn't fancy any of the guys that lived in the small village in Salem. But then some newcomers came along. And at first everyone welcome the three Males strangers that is until the Preacher of the church noticed that they didn't come to every Sunday night for pray and little Festivities. The three girls would see them from time to time coming into the village to get more supplies. Well one day, they came into the village and didn't buy anything but came over to chat with them.
"We have seen you around, how come you don't live close to the Village?" Briana asked
"Because we like it in the woods. My name is Brock and these two are Kyle and John. Maybe we could show you around the woods and maybe our little house?" Brock says kissing Brian's hand
"I'm Sarah and these are my friends Briana and Karen." Sarah
This was only the beginning of their friendship...
Over the next few months, the three Ladies had visit Kyle Brock and John, not realizing their fate wasn't going to last long. But on this spring evening of 1692, the three Males had given their crushes something important.
"Sarah, your eyes are like the leaves on the trees in the woods. I want you to have this as token for my love. I have never loved anyone as much as you, Beautiful Sarah~" Kyle says putting the necklace on Sarah
((Sarah's nekclace))
"Briana, your scent is a sea breeze, that drift me out to the seas. You have a place in my heart where there use to be a hole at. I love you Briana!" Brock says also putting a Necklace on her neck
((Brian's necklace))
"And for you Karen, your love for me is like a fire that can't be put out. As you told me once before you put a spell on me and I can't stop loving you. This necklace is from me to you my Lovely Karen~" John says as he helps her put the necklace on
((Karen's Necklace))
Then the three Males pulls the three Ladies in for a kiss, who in response puts their arms around their necks. But then Sarah pulls away and look up at the full Moon.
"We have to go, girls!! Our Fathers will have our heads if we do not go!!" Sarah says
"Don't worry we will be back Tomorrow we promise!' Briana says
The three ladies kissed their lovers on the cheek and headed off back to the village not realizing that they would never see the light of day again.
When the three Ladies came back from the woods, everyone was standing there with pitchforks and torches and their friends had guilty looks on their faces.
"You have been sneaking off to see those Warlocks haven't you three?" Sarah's father says
"No, we were picking berries, Papa!" Sarah says showing him and the others
"Then where did you get those necklaces from?" Karen's Father asked
Then some tears falls from their faces as they take off towards the woods away from the crowd of villagers and they get halfway and screamed for Kyle Brock and John as they were dragged away from the woods and back to the village. When Brock heard the scream, Himself and his brothers ran to the village and they hid as they see their beautiful lovers, getting nooses around their necks.
"For not following the number one rule which was never to be around people who do witchcraft. You three are to hanged for your devilish acts and feelings." Says Briana's father
"Do you have any last words Witches?" On male says
"We are innocent and we were in love because none of you would understand that! You never got to know them to understand them, but one day we will see them again!" The threw accused Witches say looking out towards the woods and then down at their necklaces
The three Witches looked at each other and then black as their fate was seal with death.
This pissed the three good Warlocks off. They would never hurt a fly up until now, watching the ones they loved now hanging lifeless on the tree. The Villagers left them to hang there and went back home. The three Males waited until everyone was asleep before they took the bodies and buried them beside their little cabin.
~Hallows Eve, 1692~
Kyle, who was the oldest was making a Life option with his two brothers be younger again. Over the few months, they wanted to get revenge on the Villagers by taking the children they loved dearly for what they did earlier that year. They never stopped thinking about the ones they loved and cared for. They bought the necklaces back and put them on display in their bedrooms and every night and day they would look at the necklaces and smile thinking about them. But soon their own fate was about to happen as the Villagers were looking for a little Girl, to which the Three Warlocks had sucked the life out of to make them young again. They were caught and bought outside of their Cabin where Nooses were placed around their necks.
"Any last words Warlocks!!" The preacher asked
Then the three Brothers started to sing as their spellbook was dropped on the ground and turned it to a certain page in the book.
"Oh yes, we do have some words to say. On one Hallows Eve in the future, our Soulmates will light the Black flame candle and awake us from the dead, where we will have all the children souls and rule again!!" Kyle yells with a smirk on his face
And their fate was sealed...for now...
~2019, Salem, Massachusetts the day of Halloween or Hallows Eve~
Three friends were just getting settled in after unpacking everything. These three were Shannon Brian and Jaren, who just moved here from Georgia to start a new life.
"It's a lot different then Georgia.." Shannon says with smile
"Yeah, it is and guess what it's almost Halloween our favorite holiday besides Christmas!" Brian says with slight Irish accent
"You two are a bunch of Weirdos. I have been hearing rumors about these Warlocks who were hanged in 1692, a few months after their lovers were killed because the three Females were in love with these Warlocks and their parents hang them for it..." Jaren says
"Awww, what a sad romantic story even though ends up getting them all killed.." Shannon says with sad smile
"But rumor has it that before the three Warlocks were hanged that they placed a curse and to whoever lit the black flame candle would awake the three Males... but the strangest thing is that who lit the candle is their long lost soulmates.." Jaren says
"From what I heard is that, the three Females were given necklaces by their lovers that had a spell on them but were lost and some thieves had stolen the necklaces and hid them sometime after the Trials.." Brian says
"But the Candle also has to be lit on Hallows Eve by a virgin.." Brian says
The three friends explore their house, Shannon however found herself in the attic and was looking through some things when she came across a old box of jewelry that was real old. But what shocked her was that there was only three items in the box, a green blue and red Crystal necklaces. She comes down from the attic.
"Guys, look what I found!!" She says
"Oh wow I love that the red one.." Jaren says
The three picks out the one that they liked and put it on. When they all held their heads getting a visions of trees water and fire. They were pulled back to reality and looked at each other.
"I swear I smelled the salt water and could hear the waves." Brian says
"I felt the heat of fire like I was sitting by it.." Jaren says
"I was in a forest full of trees.." Shannon says
~Later that night~
The three friends had decided to go for a walk, they watched as the kids and teens went and got candy and whatnot. They remember being that age like it was yesterday. As they were walking, to which they didn't realize how far they walked from their home until Brian noticed that there wasn't a whole lot of people around.
"Umm, where are we??" Brian asked
"Damn, did we walk that far.." Jaren says
"Guys, not to interrupt you two but look where we are.. it's the old Cabin that our neighbors were telling us about... it's the Sanderson brothers house." Shannon says
They looked and saw decent it look. Like someone had been cleaning it and making it look good.
"Should we have a peek into the cabin?" Brian asked stuttering
"I mean I think we should and besides I kinda want to see what is inside!" Shannon says
"I agree!" Jaren says
They walked up to it and noticed that it wasn't lock or anything. They looked for a light switch, which Shannon found it and the lights turned on and they saw kinds of stuff.
"Oh wow!!" They said
Then Shannon grips her head and hears a voice say
"Light the black flame candle~"
Shannon walks over with a Mysterious lighter that appeared in her pocket, her friends noticed what she was doing.
"Shannon, No!!!!" Jaren yells
But it was a little too late for that now, Shannon shakes her head like she was in some kind of spell. Then all of a sudden the cabin started to shake making them whimper and they ran to the door but it was locked and they heard evil laughter and they went and hid in the three bedrooms. The front door slams open and three Males walked into the house and smells the air.
"We are back~" Brock says with a smirk
"I smell a beautiful scent like the Fire of my long lost lover~" John says
"But where are they then?" Kyle asked
The three Warlocks looks around and the last place they look was in their rooms, where the scents were very strong, because when they fell in love with their long lost Soulmates, they put spellbound on Sarah Briana and Karen so when they woke up from the dead, they could smell their scents. They used their magic to pull the three friends out from under the beds and drags them back into the main room.
"Hey, let go of us!!" Jaren squeaks
"Please we don't want any trouble, we didn't mean to come into your house." Shannon says
"Don't hurt us!!" Brian stutters
Of course, Shannon Brian and Jaren had hid the necklaces under their shirts.
"We are not gonna hurt you.." Brock says
"Tell us what year it is?" John says
"Its 2019.." Jaren says
"Brothers, we have been gone for 400 years." Kyle says with a smirk
"Wait..your the Sanderson Brothers?" Shannon asked
"Of course, sweetie who else would we be?" Brock says
"But how... oh Wait, Shannon you lit the black flame candle! That bought them back but why?" Brian stutters
"A voice in my ear told me too.. it felt like I was under a spell of some kind or it was the right thing to do.." Shannon whimpers
"That's because you three are our Long Lost Soulmates from the past~" Johm says
Then Brock points out glowing Crystal's under their shirts and used Magic to reveal them.
"This explains why you three are wearing the necklaces~" Brock says
"But we found them in our attic, because after you three died someone took the necklaces and hid them away and it so happens to be in our home but what does this mean?" Jaren says
"It means that you three are our lovers and those Crystals wouldn't be glowing like that unless of course you are our yours!!" Kyle says
While the Warlocks looked around, this give enough time for Shannon Brian and Jaren to run out the door and get away.
"Don't worry they won't get to far because the necklaces will bring them back here." Brock says
Shannon Brian and Jaren tried to get away but then they hit a forcefield that they couldn't pass. Then they heard voices and see three Ghostly figures standing in front of them.
"Who are you?" Brian asked stuttering
"We are Sarah, Briana and Karen your past selves." Sarah says looking at Shannon
"But why us?" Brian asked
"Because of fate.." Briana says
"But that doesn't make any sense?" Jaren says
"You three were chosen for a reason, to be our future selves. We never had the chance to be with the ones we loved dearly." Karen says
Then the three ghosts puts their hands on their foreheads. The ghost gives a little flashback of their past lives.
"Kyle, stop it!!" Giggles Sarah
"Brock, please I'm trying to help you with this potion!!" Briana says giggling
Karen was being kissed to death by John, but then the three girls had to leave or else their parents would think something was up. But when they get home, they were in a lot of trouble but they told their parents that they were out in the woods picking berries and looking for stuff for the market in the village. Their parents believe it. But the next day, the parents made sure to have someone follow them and watch what they were doing and the ex best friends told the parents of their findings and they were pissed to know that their Daughters had fallen in love with the three Warlocks.
Shannon Brian and Jaren watch their past selves get hanged for their "Devilish acts and feelings".
~Back to the present~
Shannon Brian and Jaren felt tears run down their faces from seeing that.
"That's why you are chosen to be theirs because we never had the chance to love them and get married to them. But times have changed and People are more open now and we have always been beside you since your births and as long as you wear those necklaces, we will be there inside the Crystal's to help guide you along the way.." Sarah says
"Now go to them, they are waiting for you three.." Briana and Karen says with smiles
The three ghosts disappeared into the Crystals. The three friends touched the necklaces and smiled making their way back to the cabin. As they enter, the Sanderson Brothers were working on the young potion.
"Do you three need help?" Jaren asked
When the males heard that, they turned and swore they saw Sarah Briana and Karen for a split second and then sees Shannon Brian and Jaren with smiles on their faces as their Crystals glowed with energy. The three Males walks over to them.
"We can help you if you need us to." Shannon/Sarah says
Kyle puts his hands on her face as he own necklace glows bright blue. He leans down and kisses her feeling the energy course through the both of them. They pulled away from the kiss, Kyle sees Shannon's eyes glowing the same way that Sarah glowed.
"I will do anything for you, Brock. I love you very much." Brian/Briana says
Brock pulls Brian close smelled of the smaller Male he had and he smelled the same as Briana. Brian's Crystal glowed bright blue as Brock's glowed bright purple.
John looks at Jaren as he got flashes of both Karen and Jaren. The Younger brother looks at Jaren's necklace glowing red as his own Crystal glowed bright green.
"So, how can we help with the age potion?" Brian asked
The three Males smiled and kissed their mates foreheads.
Shannon Brian and Jaren were told to go gather children and bring them to the cabin.
"Use your voice, Shannon!!" Sarah says to Shannon
"Come, little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land
Of enchantment
Come, little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden
Of shadows
Follow, sweet children
I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and
The sorrows
Weep not, poor children
For life is this way
Murdering beauty and
Hush now, dear children
It must be this way
To weary of life and
Rest now, my children
For soon we'll away
Into the calm and
The quiet
Come, little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land
Of enchantment
Come, little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden
Of shadows~"
On the ground, children were following the singing voice as Shannon Brian and Jaren were flying around in the beautiful night sky. While their lovers were making the brew. Then after Shannon Brian and Jaren were done flying, they landed and headed inside the cabin.
"We are back!" Brian says with a laugh
"And the children are coming!!" Shannon and Jaren says
"Good work our beautiful and talented lovers. You will be rewarded later for what you did." Brock says
Shannon Brian and Jaren helps their lovers bring in the children to make them young like they were.
After that was done, Shannon Brian and Jaren had noticed the change in their lovers. They didn't have grey/white hair, they were Young like themselves and they were very handsome as well. Kyle had pure black hair and shining blue eyes, Brock's hair was brown and those toxic green eyes shined bright and John had blonde hair and hazel eyes. But then, the three Warlocks realized something.
"Wait, our future lovers will grow old as we stay young.." Brock points out
"We still have plenty of kids and the brew for them." John says
"But there will be side effects for their first time. We have to help them with this." Kyle says
They showed their lovers what to do and they seemed to get the hang of it but very drain of their new powers of being witch/warlocks. Brock Kyle and John carried the three to the bedrooms and laid with them and cuddled them close.
"Now we have you and nobody can stop us from loving you." The three Warlocks said as they kissed their lovers foreheads
And that is how Shannon Brian and Jaren met their past selves and found their lovers.
The end!!
I hope you like it!!
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