Ghost of Captain Culter
Okay so me and My friend on tumblr/Amino named SQ_tO_tHe_rEsCuE, they did a Scooby Doo BBS Drawing while I wrote a One Shot!! The pic below is done by my Amazing Friend :3
I hope you enjoy this!!
It was started out as a normal night out on the beach for a group of friends and a Great Dane named Delirious. The four friends were Brock, Brian Craig and David. They were all having a great time dancing and enjoying each others company. Then Delirious comes running over looking frightened by something.
"What's wrong, Delirious?" David asked
"I saw a glowing ghost!!" Delirious says
"Ghost!!" David shouts in freight
"There's no such thing as ghosts, Delirious." Craig says
"But there's glowing footprints!" Delirious says shivering
"Glowing footprints? That's strange? Maybe we should have a look at these glowing prints?" Brian says
"I agree with Brian, I say we have a look at these prints!" Brock says
Delirious shows his human friends where the prints, which were indeed glowing green and also had two pathways one leading to a lighthouse and the other path leading down into the waters below.
"I think we have a Mystery on our hands." Brock says
"How did I know you were gonna say that, Brock." David says with a sigh
"So what's the plan Brock?" Craig asked
"I say we split up and look for clues and figure out what is going on!" Brock says
"Uhh, you want us to split up and probably run into this Ghost, uhh no thank you!!" David says stuttering as Delirious hid behind his best friend
"Will you do it for a treat?" Brian asked holding a box of treats
Both David and Delirious changed their minds and got some snacks.
"Alright, me and Brian will he'd up to the Lighthouse and see if anyone lives there while you three stay here and look around for clues. We will met up back later!" Brock says
And with that being said, the group splits up.
~With Brock and Brian~
Brian holds onto Brock's hand as they walked up to the old lighthouse and follows the glowing footprints around the whole area and notices scuba gear that was glowing laying behind the house, they both looked at each other.
"I guess this so called ghost lives here or something?" Brian says
Just then a tall Male with sandy brown hair blue eyes and wearing Glasses comes up looking at the two.
"Can I help you with something?" The guy says
Brian was kinda of nervous about the tall male that cam out of nowhere and stays behind his boyfriend.
"We were wondering where that ghost went?" Brock says
"I'm Tyler Wilde and I don't think you guys should be here, the ghost of Captain Culter roams around at night. I do live here but I'm not sure what to think of these Scuba gear. I just recently moved into the house connected to this lighthouse." Tyler says
"I mean me and my Boyfriend won't get in the way we are just finding clues and what not." Brock says
"Your welcome to look around just be careful and I wouldn't want nothing happening to you guys on my property. And welcome to check my house as well. " Tyler says disappearing into his house
Brock and Brian were looking around outside for a bit and then made their way into the house. The couple has a look around the small house. As the two were looking around in the Library, Brian was looking at a article on the table as Brock search the bookshelves in front of him. Brian didn't hear or see the figure behind him as a rag with chloroform was placed over his mouth and nose, the smaller male fights back but the chloroform was affecting him and he passed out in the figures arms and the figure throws the Irish Male over his shoulder and disappeared into the opened bookshelf that close silently.
Well this is a bust, no clues here, Brian.. Brian??" Brock says
The male turns and doesn't see his boyfriend at all and looks around the house but no luck his Boyfriend had disappeared. Brock keeps trying to find Brian but still no luck.
~With David Craig and Delirious~
So far the three hadn't found anything until Delirious spots something glowing in a sewer drain.
"This looks like glowing seaweed, it's a very rare type of Seaweed though. I wonder if this makes the Ghost glow? This is a interesting find though. I wonder if Brock and Brian found anything." Craig says
Speaking of Brock, he waves towards his friends but the three noticed that Brian wasn't with him.
"Where's Brian?" David asked
"I don't know, I was coming to find you three and see if you guys saw him. I don't where he is, one minute he was behind me looking at something on the table and the next he is gone. We also met the Owner named Tyler Wilde, who now owns the Lighthouse. He says the ghost is named Captain Culter and he supposedly roams around the area at night. We also found some scuba gear behind the house as well before Brian went missing." Brock says
"Well, Delirious found this rare glowing seaweed that could be used to make this so called ghost glow but now the question is, should we take a swim down below the surface and see what is down there since the footsteps lead?" Craig asked
"Yeah but I think someone should stay up here in case Brian happens to appear? I can stay and maybe Delirious could help me find him while you and David go down there and see what is down there?" Brock says
"Uh huh I ain't going down there!!" David says
"Oh yes you are!!" Craig says
Him and David head off to find some gear to wear underwater while Brock and Delirious look around.
Brian wakes up and sees a person in a very old diving suit. But the Irish Male couldn't see who it was and he whimpers slightly as he looks down and sees that he was tied to a chair and gagged. The person noticed that Brian was awake and turns around with a smirk on their face. Brian's eyes go wide at who it was and squirms in the chair.
"You're friends and boyfriend won't find you for awhile, so I would get comfortable sweetie~" The person says leaving Brian trapped in a room tied to a chair
Brian goes to work on his very tight bindings but no use he couldn't get them loosened. The Irish Male could have sworn he could hear echoes like he was in a cave or something.
~David and Craig~
The two had found a scuba gear shop when the creepy old person had warned the two not to be out in the open waters because of the Ghost of Captain Culter. Both kinda of ignore it and paid for the gear as they made their way back to where the glowing footprints were and head down into the water to figure out why the ghost would be down here for. As the two swam, the ghost watches them look around the ship wrecks, the person hopes to scare them away by chasing after them in the water but they lose sight of the two and head back to where they held Brian at. David was looking around when he noticed a chest of gold and jewelry, he gets the attention of Craig and points towards the chest and the other Male nods they both head for the surface to tell Brock and Delirious what they had found.
"We found a chest of gold and jewelry while we were looking around but it's seems like our so called ghost has found that treasure and maybe that's why it has been seen only at night?" Craig says
"Well another step closer to figuring this mystery but first we need to figure out where Brian is at. Me and Delirious were doing something walking down the beach notices some cliffs that looked way out of place." Brock says
So David and Craig return their gear and then the four went looking for these cliffs that Brock and Delirious found.
Brian pulls and tugs on the ropes binding him to the chair as Captain Culter walks into the room.
"Don't even bother, sweetie. I made sure those ropes are tied good on your wrists and ankles!" The person says
"Mmmmpth!!" Brian tries to say with the gag over his mouth
Just then a voice over the radio comes through to the captain Culter warning them of the group trying to find him. Then the person gets a idea and smirks over at Brian in the back room of the boat.
"This should be fun but sweetie, I'm gonna have to leave you here for this plan of mine to work.~" The person says
Brian starts struggling again as the Ghost leaves him alone.
~back with the others~
"Oh wow you wasn't kidding about these cliffs looking fake.. I wonder.." Craig says
Craig starts tapping on it and noticed how hollow they sound, so the group looks around for lever or button when David steps on it and the walls opens up revealing a huge cove with a boat tied to the dock. They walked up onto the dock and notice a stairway leading upwards and they walked up it and lead to the secret passage where Brian disappeared at.
"Maybe the Ghost grabbed Brian and bought him down to the boat?" Brock says
They walked back down to the dock and entered it finding Brian in the very bottom of the boat, struggling a little bit until he looked up and seen his friends and boyfriend.
Brock goes over and untied him, who let's out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you, I have been stuck down here for awhile and that creepy ghost has something planned but I don't know what they are doing!" Brian says
Just then they all heard Delirious growling and barking from above, the four come up on deck and saw Delirious chasing after the Ghost and ends up tackling the ghost and keeping them pinned until police arrived.
"Now to find out who the Ghost really is!" Brock says pulling off the top
It reveals Tyler Wilde being the ghost of Captain Culter and everyone explained to the police what was going on.
"So one day, Tyler decided to go scuba diving and came across this chest of gold and jewelry. And decided to make up the story of Captain Culter and the Scuba gear guy helped him in order to keep noisy people away." Craig says
"And he used the rare glowing seaweed to make his outfit glow and he built this little hideout in order to stash the treasure here." Brock says
"And I would been rich too if it wasn't for you guys and you damn Mutt!!" Tyler says as he was put into the back of the police car
The group went back to the beach to celebrate because they solved the mystery of Captain Culter's Ghost!
The end!!
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