Chocolate Factory AU TerrorSnuckel
I decided to do a One shot on this AU with TerrorSnuckel and also Nogla x Lui (But it's at the very end) Also I do not own Charlie and the chocolate factory nor the BBS Guys just borrowing them for this One Shot!! And the Picture does belong to my Friend!!
Snow falls slowly as a group stood at the gates of a large Factory. You may be wondering what this group was doing here well let's go back a few days before this.
The news Reporter was talking about how the Mysterious Chocolate Factory was opening back to the public and the Factory was giving to the grandson named Brock Snuckel who was now running the Factory. But the strangest thing is that nobody has seen his face nor have his voice. But here is where the good comes in, he has hidden five Golden Tickets in five different candy bars of his candies that he makes. Mr. Snuckel puts out Bulletins about the opening to everyone in the world.
First Winner of the Golden Ticket was a Male named Anthony Panda. He almost ate the Ticket because he loves Chocolate.
"I can't wait to see the Chocolate Factory!!" Anthony says as he eats on some chocolate
His best friend Scotty was standing with him.
"And Anthony decided to invite to go with him!" Scotty says with a smile
Next winner was Craig Ladd. He was a popular Guy and he has a habit of Chewing gum a lot and he is even made a world record of Chewing gum for three months straight.
"When I heard about this Factory opening and heard that One kid had won, I switched to candy bars and then found this. And I decided to invite Jaren my best friend!!" Craig says
Jaren smiles and waves at the camera.
The third Winner was a black Male named Marcel Basically and boy he was spoiled and got everything he wanted. He was with his friend Evan Fong in his living room.
"My Dad got me all kinds of chocolate bars so I would have a chance to win and look at what I got!!" Marcel says
"He should be the one who wins the Grand prize!!" Evan says
The Four winner was Tyler Wilde. He was a video Gamer and he was actually surprised to have won a Golden Ticket.
"I was just headed to town the other day with my Buddy Jonathan here and we got some chocolate bars and I found the Ticket." Tyler says
Jonathan nods not sure what to say.
And then the Last Winner was a Young Male named Brian Riser. He was just a normal guy that didn't have much. He was very lucky to have found the Golden Ticket. But he was a very shy guy though and the cameras were in his face.
"I honestly don't know what to say but I'm excited to see what is I'm the Chocolate Factory with my best friend David Nogla." Brian Stutters
{Back to the Present}
So Anthony, Craig, Marcel Tyler and Brian along with their friends were standing there at the gates of the Chocolate Factory. The Gates open and they all heard a voice.
"Please Enter!"
They all entered and the gates closed behind them. They walked towards the doors and there was a Male in a light green and Blue suit with a green top hat.
"Good Morning!! I'm Mr. Snuckel or Brock it whatever you want to call me. " Brock says
Brian couldn't help but shiver as Mr. Snu... Brock talking.
"Now come on there's lots to see and do!!" Brock says
Everyone takes off their jackets and follows Brock to doors that looks like chocolate bars.
"Now this Room is very special it's my Chocolate River Room." Brock says
He opened the doors and the big group stares in awe at how beautiful and huge this Room was.
"Now you can almost everything in this room except for each other cuz that would be Cannibalism!!" Brock says looking over at Brain with a Bright Smile
Brian felt his face heat up and looks away.
"What is all of your Names?" Brock asked
"I'm Anthony and this is my friend Scotty!!" Anthony said
"I'm Craig and this Jaren!!" Craig says blowing a bubble
"I'm Marcel and this is Evan!!" Marcel says
"I'm Tyler and that's Jonathan." Tyler says
"I'm Brian and this my friend David." Brian Stutters
"Good, you guys are welcome to any of the candy in the room!!" Brock says
So everyone heads off in different directions but Brian wasn't sure where to start. Then Brock comes over to him.
"Not sure where to start?" Brock asked
"Yeah, this place is amazing, Mr. Snuckel!!" Brian Stutters
"Would care for a tour of this room??" Brock asked holding out his hand for Brian
"Thanks, Mr. Snuckel!!" Brian Says
"Call me, Brock." Brock says with a kind smile
Brock shows Brian around the Chocolate River Room telling the Short Irish Male about Facts on the different candies in this Room when They both heard a shout for help. It was Scotty Pointing to Anthony who has fallen into the Chocolate River. Brock sighs as he calls for his workers to help the Chubby guy out but it was too late, Anthony was sucked up the Pipe and got stuck halfway through.
"Anthony!!" Scotty yells
"We have to help him somehow?" Brian says
"Don't worry my Workers will figure something out." Brock says
Then the Workers started singing about Anthony as the pressure in the pipe starts to build up and everyone watched as he shot up the pipe and out of sight. Scotty comes over to Brock with a mean look on his face.
"Where did my friend go??" Scotty says
"Will you take Scotty here to go find Anthony in the Mixing room!!" Brock says
One of the Workers Takes Scotty out of the room and everyone including Brian looks at Brock on what to do next.
"Well, on with the tour!!" Brock says
A beautiful green and blue seahorse looking boat pulls up and everyone gets on it, Brian and David sat in the back with Brock. Craig sits beside Tyler, Jaren sits in front of them with Marcel by him. Evan was beside Jonathan.
"Onward!!" Brock says
The workers starts moving the boat as Brock takes a Dipper and puts it in the chocolate River and hands to Brian to take a sip.
"It's delicious, Brock." Brian says as he hands it to David who drinks the rest of it
"Your welcome!" Brock says
So after a few minutes of riding down the Chocolate River, they make it to another Room called "Invention Room".
"Come on, I have something to show you guys!!" Brock says
Everyone get off the boat and heads inside the Room. Brock shows everyone around the room.
"Now this room is also a Important room but just please don't touch anything because there is stuff in here that might hurt someone." Brock says
And everyone walks around looking at different things in the room. Brian heads off over to a table that had what look like Drinks of some kind.
"Brock, what is this??" Brian asked
"Whose are my newest addition, it's called fizzy lifting drinks but be careful these drinks haven't been tested except for the mint flavor one and it is great. Do you wanna try it?" Brock asked
Brian nods shyly and Brock whispers to one of his workers who nods and heads off for second to get something and comes back with a glass and Brock pours into the glass and hands it to Brian to taste it. The short Irish Male puts it to his lips and he could taste the mint and a hint of chocolate of course. He drinks it all and smiles at Brock.
"It's taste great, Brock." Brian says
"Yeah, it's one of my greatest inventions." Brock says
Before they could say anything else, they both hear Craig's whining voice.
"Hey, Brock what is this Machine!" Craig says
Everyone walks over to the one that Craig is talking about and Brock flips a switch and within seconds a piece of gum pops out in front of Craig and the British Male takes it.
"You mean that's it!" Tyler says
"Of course it is. This so happens to be one of newest additions. I call it the three Course Meal gum. You won't have to worry about breakfast Lunch or dinner. This piece has three flavors Roast beef Tomato soup and Blueberry pie." Brock says
"It's sounds great!" David says
"It sounds weird..." Marcel says rolling his eyes
"I will try it!" Craig says taking his old piece of gum out and puts the three the three Course Meal gum into his mouth
"It's still being Tested out. Nobody except my workers have tried it!" Brock says
Craig doesn't listen to Brock and chews tasting both first and second course and then it changes to the three court being the Blueberry pie.
"What happening to his nose!!" Jonathan points out
Everyone saw a blue spot on Craig's nose.
"Very funny guys not falling for it!" Craig says
Jaren looks at his best with wide eyes.
"Craig please spit the gum out!! Your nose is blue!!" Jaren says
"It's too late for that now.." Brock says with a sigh
The blue starts to spread everywhere on his body. Everyone including Brian steps a few feet back from Craig as he becomes a ten foot blueberry. Craig whines a little bit as his huge body rocks back and forth from the juice in his body. Brock calls for his works who do a song and dance as they rolled the ten foot blueberry Craig to the door as Jaren walks over to Brock.
"I want you to take Craig here to the juicing room at once." Brock says
"The juicing room what are they gonna do there?" Jaren asked
"They are gonna squeeze him like a pipple to get the juice out of him." Brock says
Jaren runs over to his best friend.
"Jaren help me please!!" Craig whines
Jaren and the workers help Craig out the door into the boat.
"Let's roll on!" Brock says
Brock leads them to another door and it leads into a hallway. Marcel walks up to Brock.
"Will Craig always be a blueberry?" Marcel asked
"I don't know but that's what he gets for chewing gum all day long, it's just disgusting." Brock says
After walking for a about five minutes, they get to a door with a sign that says "The Nut Room". They all walk inside and Seen squirrels with nuts. Marcel's eyes widen at all of these Squirrels.
"This room is special because the Squirrels can open up the nuts better then my workers can." Brock says
"I want one. How much for one??" Marcel asked looking at Brock with sicking smile on his face
"Sorry, they are not for sale." Brock says
"I will give a whole lot of money for one!" Marcel says trying to reason with Brock
"No, they are not for Sale." Brock says
Marcel stomps his foot and looks at his friend and then at Brock. Then he slips under the gate leading down a stairway and walks down it and the squirrels stopped working and looks at The Black Male. Marcel walks over to one. Brian had a bad feeling that this wasn't going to end well for the Spoiled Brat and it didn't when Marcel reached for one and all of a sudden was attacked by the Squirrels and pushed to the floor and he shouts.
"Evan!!" Marcel yells
Brock holds up some keys as he tries to unlock the gate as Marcel gets pinned down by the squirrels and one comes up to him and knocks on his head.
"What is it doing?" Brian asked
"It's tasting to see if Marcel is a bad or good nut." Brock says
The squirrel makes a noise and Brock knew that Marcel was a bad nut as he was lifted up by the squirrels and carried to the hole in the center of the room and was dropped down it. Evan was finally able to get down there because Brock found the right key for the gate. Evan walks over to the hole to look for Marcel and noticed the squirrels and the workers started to form around d the hole and before Evan could say anything he was pushed into the hole.
"Don't worry they won't be harmed my workers will get them out!" Brock says
Then the workers started to sing and then Brock takes the remaining group to a elevator.
"One of you can pick any room you want to." Brock says
Tyler ends up picking the "Television Room".
They ended up in a white room and Brock gives everyone a pair of glasses to wear over their eyes.
"This Room helps make the chocolate bars smaller because when they are made, the chocolate I ain't small whenever you eat them so we use this room to make them smaller!!" Brock says
The now small group sees a huge chocolate bar being carried by Brock's workers and over to the other side of the room and put into a machine. Then there was a flash and the chocolate bar was gone, which shocked everyone. Brian was awe struck at this, then Brock brings everyone over to the TV and they see the Chocolate Bar in it.
"One of take the chocolate bar." Brock says
"It's not real!" Tyler and Jonathan says
"Well you take it Brian." Brock says
Brian was nervous as he reached into the TV and he grabs the chocolate bar and looks at everyone except Brock, who were in shock.
"What else can you send through this?" Jonathan asked
"Other candies to but I haven't really tried anything else besides Chocolate." Brock says
"What about People?" Tyler says
"Why would I wanna do that?" Brock says
"Maybe this isn't a good idea to be talking.." David didn't get to finish as Tyler smarts off to Brock
"Don't you realize what you have invented.. this Machine is a Teleporter!!" Tyler says
Brock simply rolls his Jade green eyes at Tyler. Which made Tyler mad.
"I'm gonna try it out!!" Tyler yells running over to the Machine and jumping into it
"Wait.. don't do that!!" Brock shouts
But it was too late and Tyler started floating off the ground and within a few seconds there was a flash and he was gone. Everyone waits a few minutes and Tyler shows up on the TV and Jonathan picks him up but Tyler was very Tiny and had a squeaky voice.
"Hey, just put back through the other way!!" Tyler yells
"There is no other way.." Brock says with a sigh
Brock calls over one of his workers who took the two males with them to the Taffy puller to stretch Tyler out. Brock walks over to the Elevator and takes his glasses off and only sees Brian and David. The Candy Maker had a huge Smile on his face.
"I knew that you were gonna be my new assistant here at the chocolate factory!! Congratulations Brian Riser you won the Special Surprise at the end!! Now come with me and we will get the paperwork done. David would you like to also be an Assistant as well? You two have been the most respectful ones out of the others and I want to thank you for not doing anything like what the others did!!" Brock says
A male was in the room when Brock Brian and David entered the office area. It was a beautiful blue and green themed office.
"Brian and David, this is my Banker of My Chocolate Factory, Lui. He does the fine details of where my candies go and whatnot." Brock says
"It's nice to finally meet you two!! This place is great!!" Lui says with a cute Squeaky voice
David seemed interested in Lui and the other two Males in the room notice.
"Lui, do you mind giving David a tour around the office me and Brian have some paperwork to sign. Also help David do his paperwork as well, Please." Brock says with a kind smile
"Will do sir!!" Lui says
Brock takes Brian to another room where they could talk and do the paperwork. Brock gives The short Irish Male the papers for him to read and sign. The Candy Maker couldn't help but stare at Brian. Ever since he laid eyes on him, Brock knew he liked Brian. Something about those baby blues made Brock shiver in delight. Brian looks up, after reading and singing and he meets Brock's stare.
"Brock, here I'm done with Signing the paperwork." Brian Stutters
Brian hands over the papers to Brock, to which their hands made contact and they both just couldn't stop looking at each other and Brock makes his move by pulling Brian into passionate kiss, making the Irish Male squeak at his but then he kissed back. After a few minutes, they break apart for air.
"I have wanted to do ever since I laid eyes on you, Brian." Brock says
With that Brian blushes red and they walked out of the room holding hands.
This is how the story ends by Brian and David being new assistants at the Chocolate Factory while the other guys were walking out of the gates of the Factory. Brian and David learned lots of stuff about the Chocolate Factory and became great friends. Lui and David hooked up as well as Brian and Brock.
[Bonus Clip]
Brian was in the chocolate Room, sitting on the tall Hill, waiting on Brock when he felt arms wrap around him and then A kiss on the cheek.
"Hello, Brian." Brock says
Brock sits down beside his boyfriend and holds his hand.
"You come to this room alot to think, right?" Brock says
"Yeah and with Lui and David always making loud Noises I can't think straight with them around no offense to David." Brian says with a small giggle
"You like it here don't you." Brock asked
"Of course I do and it's not all because of you. It's just all of the things you have created. It's strange but in a good way." Brian says
Brian looks over at Brock and smiles as the Candy Maker brings Brian in for a kiss. You could tell these two were in love and it was all thanks to the Golden Tickets!!
The end!!
Well that's a rap on this One shot I hope you like it!!
~InkyCipher :3
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