BBS Hybrid Zoo
Here is another AU one shot with the help of my Boyfriend Cfan23 who came up with the idea and helped me with it. Anyway let's get right to it!!
Also here's what Kyle Brock and John will look like
The sound of coffee being made and yawns could be heard three friends had gotten up and made breakfast and the Female went out and got the mail and newspaper. These three are Shannon Brian and Jaren. They were fired for no reason at their old job and now they had to find a new job. They were eating breakfast and drinking their coffee when Shannon finds something.
"Hey, the BBS Zoo needs three feeders and they want whoever to come to the zoo for interviews!" She says
"Well, after we get done eating why don't we head down there!" Brian says with a smile
"That sounds like a great idea!" Jaren says
So after they all got done eating, the three got ready and headed to the Zoo.
Three animals were relaxing when they picked up on three new scents. The three looks up and sees three new people, Female and two males. They let out some grunts and gets up to get closer. You see these weren't normal animals, they were humans once but their friends who were the bosses of this Zoo had made them this way and betrayed them and put them in this no zone area and nobody is allowed to be here but they could see when people came in. Three listen in on the three new people.
"Now, this gate you do not cross for any reason at all. There is wooded area that could be Dangerous to you three."
The three animals growl/squeak as they watch their ex best friends talk trash to the new helpers. The three new workers seem so innocent and felt so bad for them.
The three best friends couldn't believe they got hired today. They were being showed around and their bosses Evan and Tyler.
"So basically you know where everything is. Now it's time for Lunch for all of the animals!" Tyler says
~ A few weeks later ~
Shannon Brian and Jaren were feeding all the animals when their bosses comes up to them.
"Can we talk to you three when you get done feeding all the Animals." Evan asked
"We are just about done, we have to feed Lui and David!!" Brian says
"Okay meet us in the meeting room." Tyler says
So the three friends gets done feeding everyone and headed to the meeting room. They had been working here for several weeks now and they were nervous about what their bosses wanted. The three hoped it wasn't nothing bad or anything.
"So what did you need to talk to us about?" Jaren asked
"Well, we have to go out of town for a week and we were wondering if you three would watch over the Zoo for a week. We can have no visitors enter for the week and whatnot while we are out of town!" Tyler says
"But don't enter no zone are please!" Evan says
"We can do that!!" Shannon says with a smile
So next week, Shannon Brian and Jaren had came in with a air mattress some food and drinks for the week. They started their round that morning by feeding and making sure each animal had water and leaning their areas and putting new stuff down for them. After doing that they went back to the meeting room. They watched the cameras briefly before getting bored of this.
"I wonder what they are hiding behind the gate that they told us about??" Brian asked
"I don't know maybe something secret that they don't want us to know about?" Shannon says
"I say we take a look behind the gate and see what they are hiding?" Jaren says
"But Jaren, they told to never go back. We could lose our jobs over this!" Shannon states
"And we don't know what is back there?" Brian stutters
"We won't know until we look?" Jaren says
The three friends got over the gate, not realizing that there was cameras hidden. They walked with a bucket of food in case if there was animals in here. It was beautiful back here and they looked all around until they heard two sets of growls and a bird sound. The three friends turns and sees a Lion, Beautiful White Tiger and a Bald Eagle. They stayed very still as the three animals closer and sniffed the three humans and then sat in front of them and lowered their heads as a way of saying it was okay.
"What are you three doing back here all alone??" Shannon asked petting the White Tiger
"We bought some food. It's just scraps from the leftovers when we feed the others.." Brian says looking up at the Bald Eagle
"Wait guys look, they have collars on their necks.." Jaren says
The three friends see that the three had collars and their names were Kyle Brock and John..
"That's odd names for Animals.." Shannon says feeding Kyle
"They sound like Human names..." Brian says petting Brock
"Wait hasn't there been cases where People have gone missing around Zoos??" Jaren says also feeding John
The three Male Animals made what sounded like "yes" but it was more of a growl. The three Males animals felt like these three wouldn't hurt them and the three humans seemed so sweet unlike the ones that did this to them and the other Animals in the zoo.
"We have to trust them.. they don't seem like the type to hurt us!!" Kyle says
"I agree but you know what Tyler and Evan are gonna do if they find out about this!!" Brock says
"I wonder where they went??" John asked
Shannon Brian and Jaren could only grunts and growls from the Animals.
"They must be talking in their own Language!!" Shannon says with a bright smile
"That's really cute!!" Brian stutters
The three animals looks up at the three friends and made some happy sounds, Brock flew down and sat on Brian's shoulder and rubbed his beck on Brian's face. The three friends stayed with these three and comfort the animals.
"I'm sorry we didn't come sooner but we wasn't allowed but Our Bosses are out of town for a week and they told us to watch over the Zoo and it's closed until they come back." Shannon says
Kyle looks up into her deep hazel brown eyes and just stared at her and then puts his head in her lap and let's out a happy grunt.
"Let's hope they dont get hurt by Evan and Tyler. They don't deserve it." Kyle says to his friends
It started to get dark and it was time to feed the others but Shannon Brian and Jaren came back with more food.
"We bought some water for you three and food as well!!" Jaren says
The three Male animals makes a happy sounds and ate their food and drank their water.
"We will come back Tomorrow we promise!!" Brian says
"Good night you three!!" Shannon says with a smile
~A Week Later~
The three friends had found out that their Bosses would be back in a few hours, so they had to hurry and feed their new friends.
"We can't stay long our Bosses will be here in a few hours so if dont see us for a few says you know why!" Brian stutters
"Shit, they are coming back." Brock says
"We had better hope they dont look through the Cameras or they are gonna do the same to them as they did to us!" John growls
"Let's hope for the best!" Brock says
"Alright, we have to go now but I hope we get to see each other again." Brian says
The three animals made somewhat happy grunts as their friends waved at them. Not realizing they were gonna be the next animal hybrids.
Shannon helps her friends pack their car up since they spent the week here at the Zoo. Then they went back to work because they were on their lunch break. They went to the area where they make up the food for all the animals. They done up the food and went around feeding their animal friends. Then Shannon was called away to the office but when she got there, she was grabbed from behind by Evan who puts a rag over her mouth and nose.
"You and your friends are in so much trouble~" Evan says
Shannon struggled but she begins to pass out in his arms. Him and Tyler takes her Body to a secret area where they strapped her to a table.
"Now let's bring her friends in here." Tyler says
The three friends whined as they open their eyes.
"What's going on?" Brian asked
They were trapped on three tables and the three looked around and noticed they were in a lab of some sort. Then they see Evan and Tyler walk in.
"I see our new Animal experiments are waking up~" Tyler says
"Animal experiments??" Shannon whimpers
"Yes, because you three didn't follow our rules and you went into that area where we told you now to go. So now you three are gonna be add to that area now. Now hand me the Tiger DNA we got while we were away at our Secret Hybrid meeting!" Evan says
"So, you are the ones turning humans into Animals you won't get away with this!!" Jaren says
"Actually we already have! All those animals you have been feeding were actually humans at one time!!" Tyler says
Evan and Tyler walks over to Shannon and injects her with the Tiger DNA into her veins and then she turned to changed into a smaller version of a white Tiger but she had brown eyes instead of blue eyes. Then the two give her a sleeping meds to knock her out. Then they walked over to Brian, which they got a Barn Owl DNA and does the same to him and knocked him with meds. Then they turned to Jaren and bought out Fox DNA and injected him and knocked him out.
Kyle Brock and John were walking around their territory when they smelled the air and caught a scent familiar to them and they ran/fly to the scent and saw three new animals that looked knocked out. One was a small Female White Tiger like Kyle, a Small Barn owl and a fox. They put their noses/becks on the other three and smelled their scent and realized that these three were Shannon Brian and Jaren. They had collars as well. The three new hybrids started to wake..
"Hey, are you three okay?" Brock asked
"Huh, where are we?" Brian says in a very tired voice
The three smaller animals opens their eyes and looks up and sees Kyle Brock and John.
"What are we doing here?" Shannon asked
Shannon tries to get up on her own but the meds were still in her system and Kyle made sure she didn't hit the ground.
"Wait how can we hear you speaking??" Jaren asked
"Come, we will show you!" Brock says
They bring the three new hybrids to a pool of water and they whimpered when they realized that they were animals. Shannon was beautiful white Tiger like Kyle, Brian was a small Barn Owl and Jaren was a fox.
"So you three were turned into Animals because you didn't follow the rules.." Brian whimpers
"Yes, Because Tyler and Evan wanting to experiment with their new DNA testing.. now you see why we were put here.." Brock says licking Brian's feathers
"But why??" Shannon asked
"Because after we were turned they forced us to entertain the humans and we disobeyed and they made us a home here and now this is your home now." John says
"So the other Humans turned animals are in the zoo." Jaren asked
"Yeah, most of them are obeying but there is a few where we are but not many.." Kyle says
Over the course of several weeks, Shannon Brian and Jaren had adjusted to their new life as Animals but what they didn't know was that they were about to go into heat and tried to distance themselves because they thought they were sick but that wasn't the case... oh no it was their heat and the three were all cuddled up together in Shannon's and Kyle's little cave.
"What is wrong with us??" Brian whines
"I'm burning up but it's not even out outside today!" Jaren whimpers
Shannon was licking herself to try and cool down but she was hit with pains. Their scents were in the air when Kyle Brock and John were walking around.
"What is that delicious smell?" Kyle growls
"I wonder where our friends are at today?" Brock asked
"Normally they would be up and about and playing tag with us?" John says
As the three Males got closer to where their friends and realized this is where the scents were coming from.
"Oh crap, I think these three are going through their first heat.." Brock says
"No wonder they are hiding away in mine and Shannon's den." Kyle says
They walked in and saw Shannon Brian and Jaren whimpering and panting for air.
"What are you doing hiding?" John asked
"We ain't feeling so good.." Jaren whines
"We are sweating and it's not even hot outside." Brian stutters
"And dont forget about the wave of Pains!!" Shannon whimpers
"We know why you three are feeling this way~" Brock says
"You do??" The three say
"Yes and what are you going through is your first heats." Kyle says
"Heat??" Brian stutters
"Yes, and we can help you with it. Only if want us to." John says
"We have to have your consent before we can do anything to you." Brock says
The three smaller ones blushed but they walked up to the bigger Males and put their noses/becks up against the others.
"Yes you have our consent, but please be gentle with us." The three smaller ones say blushing
"We will be gentle don't you worry. Now lay back and we take it from here~" Brock says
Then the six animals shifted into their human forms. Shannon Brian and Jaren blushed at how hot Kyle Brock and John were in human form. Then the three smaller ones squeaked realizing that were naked and they see lost in their lovers eyes. The males gently bites their lovers necks marking them and the smaller ones moaned as they did this. Then they felt their large hands go down their bodies exploring every inch of their beautiful bodies.
"Such beautiful bodies~" the three Males says
They kissed the bellies up to their necks making the smaller ones moan and grunts.
"Please we need you~" the three whimpers
"Shhh, patience our loves you will have us in no time~" Kyle says
Then the bigger males puts their fingers up to their lovers lips.
"Suck~" the Alpha Males say
They suck on their fingers as the males pleasures their mates. Then after a few minutes of ducking, the fingers were taken away and the males put them inside their lovers one at a time.
"More please~" Brian moans
"Please~" Shannon whimpers
"Fuck me please!!" Jaren screams
The three males pulls their fingers out and pushed their members in and out of their lovers, who were moaning and grunting as they were being fucked by them. After a few minutes of mating, the bigger mates come inside the the there and gently pulls out and they all shifted back into their animal forms.
"Now you three rest while we guard outside the den." Kyle says licking Shannon's belly and then her face
The others did the same and they went outside as the three inside cuddled and went to sleep not realizing that they would be pregnant.
~a Few weeks later~
Shannon Brian and Jaren had given birth to babies... well Brian and Brock had eggs which cracked and their babies were chirping up a storm while Shannon and Jaren had puppies who were sleeping now after getting some like from their mothers. Then Kyle Brock and John came in with food, which the three ate.
"You three made Beautiful pups/birds~" the three males say
The three mothers licks their mates and then cleans their babies. They couldn't have had these kids without their lovers help.
The end!!
I hope you like it peeps
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