Alien Abduction AU
Another idea from my Boyfriend Cfan23 I hope you like!!!
This AU will also be filled with Smut just warning you now!!
Three friends were hanging out by a campfire roasting marshmallows and just talking in the backyard on warm summers night. These three were Shannon Brian and Jaren who all lived together because it was a lot cheaper from them. But they did live out in the middle of nowhere and their nearest Neighbor was about ten minutes away from them. They loved living near the woods and nature but they still love their phones and internet.
"Boy, the stars are beautiful tonight!!" Brian says with his Irish accent
"They sure are my friend!!" Jaren says
These three have been close since middle school and they were greatest of friends. Jaren was the oldest, Brian was Second and Shannon was the youngest of the three.
"Oh look up there, a shooting star!!" Brian says
"Or it could be a UFO??" Shannon says
"You know we dont believe in that Nonsense Shannon.." Jaren says
"I mean, you dont know what is out there? You believe in ghosts and Brian believes in Leprechauns.. so whose to say there might Aliens out there??" Shannon says
"That's racist Shannon!!" Brian says with a giggle
"But still you don't know what is out there??" Shannon says
So after a little everyone was starting to get sleepy, Shannon puts out the fire and looks up to the sky and still wonders if it was a UFO. She heads inside and get ready for bed.
☆Shannon's dream☆
Shannon wakes up on a cold metal table with her friends right beside her on two other metal tables. They were strapped to the table and also the temperature in this room was cold and Shannon shivers slightly as three strange beings come into view with strange glowing eyes and several tentacles on their bodies. Shannon couldn't understand what they were saying as she laid there trapped on the table, all of this felt so real but then one of the beings comes towards her and puts their normal looking finger on her forehead. And she read their lips and they said.
"This will be real..."
☆End of Dream☆
Shannon woke up in a cold sweat and she looks around and sees that she was in her bedroom. She sighs and looks over at the clock and the time was 10:30 am. She gets up and gets dressed for the day ahead of her. She brushed her hair and teeth and headed downstairs and sees Brian and Jaren making breakfast.
"Good morning sleeping beauty!!" Brian says with a smile
Jaren noticed that Shannon looked pale as a ghost.
"You alright??" Jaren asked
"Oh yeah, just had this strange dream is all.." Shannon says
"Tell us about it??" Brian asked
After telling them about the dream and the warning. Her friends didn't believe it.
"You watch too many scary movies!!" Brian says
"But guys it felt real I'm telling you.." She says
"Come on and let's get breakfast!!" Jaren says changing the subject
Shannon rolls her eyes and ate her food and it went quiet as they ate and after breakfast, Brian suggested they go for a walk, this Afternoon in the woods behind their house.
"I guess we could do that.." Shannon says
"Oh come on Shannon, it will be fun!!" Brian says
She smiles a little and looks up at her friends.
That Afternoon, they dressed for the little walk in the woods and made sure to carry water and snacks. They usually did this when they got bored of video games and scrolling through their phones. They walked out the back door and headed deep into the woods. They had been in these woods hundreds of times but today was different. Usually the animal life would be out and about but everything was very quiet... too quiet...
"Is it just me or is it too quiet out here??" Brian asked
"Normally animals would be out and about but we haven't seen the first animal yet!" Shannon says
Right after Shannon said, there was a loud boom not too far from them and it scared the three friends.
"What was that??" Jaren asked
"Maybe it was a sonicboom??" Brian says
They really didn't pay it no mind and continue on their little walk not realizing what was gonna become of them later that evening.
It was getting and they could barely see the walkway in the woods and they went off track and ended up lost in the woods.
"Damnit, we usually dont get lost in the woods like this!!" Shannon says
"Don't worry we will find our way back to the house!!" Jaren says
As they were walking something behind them was getting brighter and brighter to the point of blinding them for a few seconds and then Brian and Jaren heard Shannon scream and then the light went away! They blinked a couple of times and then they Notice Shannon was gone.
"Shannon??" Brian stutters
"Shannon, where are you??" Jaren yells
The two males looks around and notice Shannon left her bag behind and she never did this!
"Shannon, would never leave her stuff behind. What is going on??" Brian says
They continue to look for their friend until they were both hit with a bright again and this time Jaren yells for help but then it goes silent as Brian was on the ground with Jaren's backpack beside him.
"What the fock is going on??" Brian whimpers
After a few minutes, he too disappeared into the bright light leaving behind his stuff....
Shannon Brian and Jaren woke up with a moan as they were in a strange looking room which was all white and there was a window. They looked out and saw Earth.
"Uhh, is this a dream?" Brian asked
"I told you guys that my dream of aliens was true!!" Shannon stutters
"I'm sorry for not believing you in the first place but how did we get here??" Jaren says
"The bright lights??" Brian stutters
The three friends noticed that they were strapped to metal tables and was in silver looking clothing.
"Who changed our clothes??" Shannon stutters
Then a few minutes later, three Beings enters the room, they had strange glowing eyes, had human like hands and several tentacles. The three humans looks up at them.
"Please let us go!!" Shannon says
"I don't want to get probed in the butt!!" Brian stutters
"What do you want with us??" Jaren asked
The leader of the three walks up to them and speaks English.
"Hello Earthlings, I'm Kyle and these are my partners Brock and John. You lucky three have been chosen to be our test subjects from Earth~" Kyle says
"You got this all wrong, we dont want to be your test subjects!" Jaren says
"But you were chosen!" Brock says
"But you can't just kidnap us!!" Brian says
"Then why were in our domain??" Kyle asked
"Domain, you mean the woods? We were just walking around..." Shannon says stuttering
"The Humans let us use those woods to experiment on humans and animals so we can learn things about earth so we can have offspring with who ever we choose.." Kyle says
"So the government has been lying to everyone about your kind?? But why lie about it?" Shannon asked
"We give them knowledge of our kind.. we made a deal with your government to keep quiet so we don't cause chaos amongst your kind." Brock says
"And they promised to let us Experiment on your kind!" John says
"But don't worry we won't hurt you...Much~" Kyle giggles
The three friends whimpers and squirms as Kyle Brock and John turned their backs. Jaren somehow got loose and quietly moved over to his friends and untied them and they hit the three Aliens and ran around trying to find somewhere to hide or try to get away. They found a bedroom and hid under the bed forgetting to fix the bedsheets. They held each others hands and kept quiet as they heard pissed off voices.
"Where the hell did they go??" Brock growls
"Check the bedrooms!!" Kyle growls
The three Aliens looks in every room until they got to the room where their Human test subjects. They looked around and John noticed the messed up sheets and pokes his friends and points towards the bed. They smirked as they used their tentacles and slide under the bed without the three under the bed. Brian was the first one to feel something touching him and he covers his mouth, then Shannon felt it and she let's out a squeak as they pulled out from under the bed and dragged back to the room, and strapped back onto the tables.
"You three have been very dead!!" Brock growls
"I have a idea~" Kyle says
"Tells us your idea leader!!" John says
"How about we do the tests on them and then impregnate them with our offspring~" Kyle says looking over at the three
"Please don't do this!!" Shannon whimpers
"Its too late for that now sweetie~" Brock says
The three Aliens goes over to their tool table and got very sharp tools and looks over at the three.
"How about we start with her first~" Kyle says
"Don't you dare touch her!!" Jaren says
"Don't worry you two will get your turn~" John says
The three Aliens strips Shannon naked and she whimpers as they touched poked probed and other tests. Shannon whimpers as they noticed wetness between her legs and Brock used his tentacles to spread her legs more.
"Please don't touch me there!!" Shannon stutters
"She is very aroused by our tests~" John says
"Just wait until she has all of our offsprings~" Kyle says smirking
"No please don't do this!!" Shannon whimpers
"Don't do this!!" Brian stutters
The three Aliens didn't listen and Kyle was the first to mess with her. She let's out some moans as her breasts were being mess with by Brock and John. Brian and Jaren were getting a little turned on by Shannon's moans and grunts.
"Please... I need more~" Shannon moans
"Don't worry you will get all of us don't worry~" Brock and John say
Kyle uses his tentacle which is the one that puts the eggs inside her and she whimpers when she felt something enter her.
"What is that??" Shannon whimpers
"My offspring eggs~" Kyle growls
"Eggs, how many are you gonna put in me!!" Shannon whimpers
"A few more from me and then Brock and Joh will put theirs in as well and then we will do this to Brian and then Jaren~" Brock says with a smirk
Shannon eyes went wide at this and looks at the slight bump showing. After Kyle was done, it was Brock's turn and then John's.
After putting their first patch in each of the three humans, they let the humans rest until they put their their tentacles down their throats and it was a strange taste as they started swallowing the stuff.
"That slime will help with the birth of the babies~" Kyle says
Shannon Brian and Jaren were unstrapped from the table but the smaller ones wanted more and touched themselves and whines.
"Please more~" the three smaller ones whines
The three Aliens smirks and gives their lovers what they wanted.
Shannon Brian and Jaren had to have help getting to the bathroom where their lovers made a warm bath for them. Shannon Brian and Jaren's bellies were swelled to the max looking like 9 month pregnant women. Then Kyle Brock and John helps them in and gets in beside them.
"So do you have human forms??" Shannon asked
"Of course that's how we get information from the humans. Hold on and we will change shape!" Brock says
The three Aliens shifted and the smaller ones stared in awe as the males and then they blushed red as their mates pulls them close and hugged the smaller ones closed and each bigger Male rubs each of their mates bellies.
"Our Beautiful family~" Brock says
"Yes~" Kyle says
A few months later, Shannon Brian and Jaren whimpers as they give birth to their offspring which made the Bigger Males happy as they help them pushed the babies out.
Then after the birth, the Males watched over the babies while their mates slept.
"So beautiful~" John says
"Yes indeed~" Kyle and Brock says
So Basically this is How a Alien Abduction turns into smutty to family.
The end!!
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