The voice in Taka's head spoke again, "it is what you call a vision from StarHerd, they are warning you."
Taka was very confused but remembered her mother's words, "revenge is not."
Taka walked from the den, but she wasn't in StarHerd so her hoof hurt when it hit the ground, but not as much as it did yesterday.
Prince was talking to Buck, "Just stay away! No one needs you, get a life!" Prince yelled at his brother, Taka walked up to Prince, and he seemed embarrassed.
"That wasn't kind of you." Taka stated, glaring at Prince. Taka's eyes softened as she looked at Buck. "Yes, let's leave this selfish colt. Would you like to get something to eat?" Buck asked, swishing his tail, trying to brag at Prince. "I would love to." Taka nickered and took Buck's side.
Buck turned his head around and showed a teasing face towards Prince. Buck mouthed words making sure Taka didn't hear, "you lost." They walked away, Taka looking at Buck with loving eyes.
Prince's View:
Inside Prince melted under his anger and walked over to the Whispering River. He looked into the river and drank it's cold icy water. Prince talked to the river, "My dark side is calling." Prince sighed.
"Just ignore it, don't let your feelings take over." A voice from the river nickered. "I am desperate for Taka. She makes me feel warm whenever I am around her." Prince nickered quietly. "Anyway, something has awakened from StreamHerd." The voice declared. "What? I don't want anything to do with Picasso, I have a bad reference with him." Prince said truthfully.
"Search your feelings, don't you feel something revengeful." The voice asked as Prince was standing quietly with his eyes shut. "I do. I will check it out-" Prince paused. "Later, I have a mare to win, first." Prince whinnied with a bossing tone. The river sighed and Prince galloped back into camp.
Taka's View:
Buck and Taka reached the meadow, the winds, making their manes' dance across their neck. "Isn't beautiful?" Taka asked sniffing the fresh grass. "Yeah, I've never seen anything so beautiful, part from you." Buck said, starting to groom Taka's neck. Taka pulled away, she had never been groomed by another before. "Sorry. I've never been groomed before." Taka nickered feeling embarrassed. "Then this will be your first time." Buck stated simply and continued to groom Taka with his sharp teeth.
Prince was watching, or spying, from a bush. "He's already grooming her, what should I do, what should I do?" Prince muttered, talking to himself.
Taka pulled away once more, "stop!" She ordered sternly. "Fine, princess. Have it your way." Buck snorted and started to snack on the grass. Taka sighed to herself and started to eat the fresh grass.
Soon after a little eating she heard a battle cry across the meadow. "Attack!" Yelled a pinto as many strong horses galloped towards them. Buck galloped into the forest to warn the herd.
Taka tried to gallop after him but her hoof hurt to much.
Buck returned with all of ShadowHerd's soldiers, Buck looked so powerful with all of ShadowHerd following him. "Attack!" Yelled Buck, as the stallions and mares battled.
Two strong stallions walked aggressively towards Taka. Taka backed up until she reached a stream. She reared hoping that would scare the stallions off, but no. "Picasso was looking for a bay filly, wasn't he?" One of the stallions asked. "I don't know, pretty sure though." The other stallion nickered.
"You're coming with us." The stallions said at the same time.
Picture: Buck leading the ShadowHerd soldiers into attack
Authors Note:
Hope you liked this chapter, such a cliff hanger! Excited to write the next chapter, sorry these chapter aren't long but it's getting really intense!
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