Blood Runs Through the Forest
Taka cried herself to sleep, in the morning she wanted some comfort. Taka heaved herself out of the den and walked her way to StreamHerd. She made it across the river and went to see Picasso. Her stomach was growing each day.
Picasso saw that she was heart broken and tried his best to comfort her. "Taka, are you ok?" Picasso asked, standing next to her. "Yeah, I'll explain later." Taka answered, feeling comforted in Picasso's care.
Prince's POV:
Stacie and Prince arrived at BloodHerd. Stacie had an announcement. "I fully announce Prince to be leader of BloodHerd and help us receive out revenge!" Stacie yelled and all the horses cheered. Prince stood next to Stacie, the wind tugging at his mane. "We shall hurt ShadowHerd more than they have ever been before!" Prince whinnied and everyone agreed. "I'm doing this for you, mother." Prince muttered to himself.
The next morning
Prince and 210 BloodHerd soldiers marched their way down to ShadowHerd. Prince was leading the huge army, he felt so much power. They reached ShadowHerd and they attacked. Some ShadowHerd horses fled. Prince marched his way into the nursery. Prince had done the worst thing anyone has ever done. Killed the foals.
"Surrender or join us!" Prince yelled to his father. "I rather die than join you." Hurricane spat. Midnight was shivering behind him. "So be it." Prince nickered and the soldiers killed and tortured every horse in the herd.
"Sir," One of the soldiers reported to Prince. "What?!" Prince screamed, his eyes full of anger. "Taka was not found." Prince stared in disbelief. "Leave the survivors. We won! Let's head home."Prince ordered, and BloodHerd went home.
Taka's Pov:
While Taka was at StreamHerd, she felt a large stab in her stomach, like a million voices were calling for help. She galloped home, Picasso was with her. They walked into the camp, almost all the horses were dead, or badly wounded. Taka stared in horror. She saw that Hurricane was tied down, barely breathing. "Hurricane? What happened?" Taka's voice sped up. "BloodHerd, Prince. Killed us." Hurricane sputtered out. He coughed up blood and fell into an everlasting sleep.
"Prince." Taka murmured. Picasso came out of the nursery and sorrow filled his eyes. "Taka, you might want to come and see this." Picasso looked at the ground as Taka trotted into the den. Taka stared in shock and sorrow. The foals were dead, blood splattered the grass. Taka left the den not wanting to see more.
"Prince." Taka said to Picasso. "Tell Kion to come to my territory, I'll take the ShadowHerd survivors, hurry!" Picasso ordered and Taka galloped to DustHerd.
Midway, Taka tripped and fell. Her belly was now huge, holding a foal that will not be spoken of. Taka quickly got up and darted to DustHerd.
Kion was surprised to see her. "Come, there's no time to explain. Bring everyone and follow me." Taka ordered. No body moved. "Now!" Taka screamed and DustHerd rushed behind her to StreamHerd.
When they arrived, Picasso explained everything. "We have to chase BloodHerd out. We are in danger!" Picasso gave instructions. Taka led everyone to the battlefield. They had to fight BloodHerd and most of all exile Prince out of the forest.
Prince was there with his soldiers, ready to fight. "I see you've accepted to fight." Prince nickered hastily. "I see you've betrayed everyone for some power you are about to give up." Taka snarled back. Taka stared at Prince for a long time. Their eyes glistened like they used to when they were together. A tear fell down Taka's scared face. "Attack!" Prince yelled as his soldiers rushed past him. Taka's soldiers also attacked. The battle was horror, everywhere you looked someone was dying. Taka tried to let go of the memories of her and Prince and she had to fight.
Soon enough BloodHerd ran out of soldiers and they retreated. As they left, Taka's soldiers chased them out of the forest. They won. But Taka was still sorrowful. "Taka we won!" Picasso whinnied and every horse reared in victory. Taka just smiled. "They'll never come back." Picasso reassured Taka. "You guys were great!" Taka congratulated every horse.
Everyone went back to their territory, ShadowHerd stayed with Picasso until they were strong enough to go back to their territory.
Picasso and Taka went for a midnight walk and they talked like Prince and her did. They smiled and laughed. "Taka?" Picasso asked, kneeling down in front of Taka. "Will you make me the happiest stallion and be my mate?" Picasso asked his brown eyes glowing. Taka was overwhelmed with excitement. "Yes, I will." Taka and Picasso nuzzled.
Picasso left to share the news and Taka was standing in the fields by herself when she saw something pop from the bushes. It was Prince, he glided up to her and he was so handsome. Taka avoided eye contact. "What?" She asked rudely. "I love you." Prince nickered quietly, Taka blinked and he was gone, maybe she was just delusional. Taka shook her head and walked back to StreamHerd.
Picture 1: Darkness quote
Author's Note:
Omg this chapter was sad. What is Taka going to do with her foal? Did you guys like the orchestra video! It's probably my favorite other than the Imperial March. Did you think the video went well with Prince? Leave your answers in the comments!
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