Pronunciation Guide
I've tried to spell the names as I would if they were English words, but because English spelling is so inconsistent, it wasn't always possible to devise spellings that gave the pronunciation I wanted and were pleasing to the eye. This page gives the pronunciations of the names that occur most often in Death & Magic, using both familiar English words and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
You can usually get something close to my intended pronunciation by observing the following:
There are no silent letters. The stress almost always falls on the first syllable of a word. Consonants and combinations of consonants generally have their English values. G is always as in give, never as in gin. S never sounds like Z. DH represents the TH of these. TH is always the TH of thin. KH represents the sound of CH in Scottish loch. A is usually the sound in cat and lad. AR is more like car. E is usually as in bet and bed. I is as in pin. O is usually as in got. OR is as in ore. A notable exception is Zorian, where the O is short, making it rhyme with sorry Anne, not sore Ian. U is pronounced oo, never you. Y is a consonant at the start of a word, and a vowel (as in why) elsewhere.
I'll give the name, then the "English" version, where capitals indicate the stressed syllable, then the IPA. Wattpad doesn't support tables, so this looks uglier than it needs to.
Adramal / AD-ram-al / 'ædræ-mæl
Alesin / a-LESS-in / æ-'lɛs-ɪn
Angaris / AN-gar-iss / 'æn-gɑːrɪs
Arveth / AR-veth / 'ɑːr-vɛθ
Balvor / BAL-vore / 'bæl-vɔr
Centador / SENT-a-door / 'sɛntə-dɔr
Chavaen / CHA-vane / 't͡ʃæ-veɪn
Dalbren / DAL-bren / 'dæl-brɛn
Darund-Kerak / DA-rund KEH-rack / 'dæ-rʌnd-'kɛ-ræk
Degoran / DEG-or-an / 'dɛg-ɔr-æn
Eskalyn / ESS-kal-in / 'ɛs-kæ-lɪn
Gilmareth / GILL-mar-eth / 'gil-mɑ-rɛθ
Grenur / GRE-noor / 'grɛn-ʊər
Groll / (doesn't rhyme with "troll") / 'grɒl
Hispar / HISS-par / 'hɪs-pɑr
Kharadar / KHA-rad-ar / 'xærædɑr
Komarth / COMB-arth / 'koʊ-mɑrθ
Kreztalin / KREZ-tal-in / 'krɛz-tæ-lɪn
Kyer Altamar / KIRE (rhymes with "fire") AL-tam-ar / 'kaɪr-'æl-tæ-mɑr
Kyturil / KYE-tour-ill / 'kaɪ-tʊər-ɪl
Lelsarin / LELL-sa-rin / 'lɛl-sɑr-ɪn
Lorgrim / LORE-grim / 'lɔr-grɪm
Marik / MA-rick / 'mæ-rɪk
Meldoran / MEL-door-an / 'mɛl-dər-æn
Melinand / MEL-in-and / 'mɛl-ɪn-ænd
Morakh / MORE-akh / 'mɔr-æx
Nerupar / NE-roo-par / 'nɛ-ruː-pɑr
Nurfadel / NER-fa-dell / 'nɜr-fæ-dɛl
Perinar / PE-rin-ar / 'pɛ-rɪn-ɑr
Pethandril / PETH-anne-drill / 'pɛθ-æn-drɪl
Rakbanorath / RACK-ban-or-ath / 'ræk-bæn-ɔræθ
Rakeloth / RACK-e-loth / 'ræk-ɛl-oʊθ
raskarim / RASS-car-im / 'ræs-kɑr-ɪm
Salmar / SAL-mar / 'sæl-mɑr
Shadrakh / SHAD-rakh / 'ʃæd-ræx
Shendar / SHEN-dar / 'ʃɛn-dɑr
Sujas / SUE-jass / 'suː-d͡ʒæs
Tagahra / TAG-are-a / 'tæg-ɑr-æ
Tanshalm / TAN-shalm ("shall" with an M on the end) / 'tænʃ-ɑːlm
Tergrith / TER-grith / 'tɜr-grɪθ
Teshan / TE-shan / 'tɛ-ʃæn
Yisea / YI-say-uh / 'jɪ-seɪ-ə
Zerimuni / ZE-ri-moon-eye / 'zɛ-rɪ-muːn-aɪ
Zorian / ZO-ree-un / 'zɒ-riːən
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