As soon as you entered the door, you plopped down onto the sofa, falling asleep instantly. You woke up to the sound of a kettle whistling. You groaned sitting up. "Why can't you just use the microwave like a normal person?," you asked laying back down after seeing Cailee.
"Well unless you havent notice, (y/n), I am not normal," she said plopping infront of you feet. The smell of cofee hit you, and you opened one eye to see Cailee holding your mug with the hot liquid. You sat back up taking the mug from her, thankful to having something warm between your hands.
"So how was it?" Cailee opened the floodgates with just a single question. You told her of everything even of Bonnie. "He's so hot ..." you said without thinking. She spit out her tea ruining the carpet. "FEMALE_SAY WHUT!?" You smiled sheepishly. "He he... did i say that out loud?" "YES YES YOU DID. WHY (Y/N) WHY?!" "I dont know who created this design but they are good at detail," you joked. "He was the only thing that made me feel sorta calm. Well... besides the whole 3 strike thing." She shook her head as she went to get something to clean the carpet.
"All I gotta say is good look onto night. Chica really attacks." Oh and she was not kidding. Later that night you constantly found chica at your door. You found yourself muttering "go away" repeadetly as you saw the power drain. "Ah what did i do?," came that sweet voice again. "You did nothing Bonnie. Its the duck thats giving me trouble," you said as bonnie stepped into the office. He looked at chica. Something flashed in his eye that made Chica freeze. One moment she was there, the other... poof. Gone.
"How did-?" "She knows I'm Fazfuck's right hand man. If she messes with me, she messes with him. . . .Unless she snitches on me." You look up at him smiling as you open the door. "Thanks now I dont have to worry about my power as much." He laughed. "Yeah. Good thing you've been checking on foxy right?" You tilted your head confused. "Why would I need to check on him." He stopped laughing giving you a wide eyed stare. "You didn't-" he cut himself off, ears moving to the east corridor, hearing something. "Oh no..."
The next few seconds happened in a blur. First Bonnie was in front of you then seeming to block the left door then he was rammed into the other side of the room. There was a loud clank as his head hit the wall and he cursed before he blacked out. There in the left door stood a humanized Foxy. This confused you because you thought they didnt use him any more.
"Well arent ye a sight for sore eyes?," he said in a ragged, pirate accented voice. You were frozen stiff deciding whether you should help Bonnie or to run for it. You eyed the west corridor then looked at Bonnie then to foxy. He gave you a toothy grin that didnt match his golden eyes.
"Aye lass dont even think about moving..." His eyes grew dark, the white of his turning black and his irises white. "I want to savour every last. Scream." Your eyes widened in fear as he came closer and closer to you. Yoi had enough since to back away but not enough to see you were backimg up into a corner. You were trapped. As he came up to with his hook inches away from your neck, you saw something behind him which made you relieved.
"Any last words?" "Yeah..." Bonnie's voice sounded behind him. He turned around to look at the rabbit whose eyes were matching his. "Thats my girl," he said as he punched him square in the jaw, metal on metal. Foxy was sent flying back and landed on his hind quarters, eyes returning to normal. "Aye what the hell, mate!? Now me arse is gonna hurt for a week," he complained. But he didnt hear him.
The aura around Bonnie had gone from light and joking to cold and sinister. He looked down onto Foxy with a cold glare that could freeze hell over. He picked the fox up by his tan jacket colar and started to drag him out of the office. Before leaving, Bonnie looked back at your with his regular happy face before dragging the fox all the way back to his cove.
Fear still weld within you as you moved back to the chair. You had gotten this close to death. It was a miracle Bonnie was there to save you. You curled up into a ball as panic went through you. What if he wasnt there tonight? What if he hadnt woken back up? What if he gets servely hurt? What if-
Bonnie's P.O.V.
I let Foxy stand up when i reached the cove. "Damn mate. You could have gotten me coat torn." WHACK. I punched him the nose. I could hear breaking of wires inside his face frame. "What. In the actual. FUCK Foxy? What the hell was that? I thought i mafe it quite clear she was my kill?" He scoffed holding his nose. "Ye werent going to do it." I was about to interrupt when he continued to speak. "If you were, you would have done it already. Yer lil toughness has worn out after... how many kills have ye done? 25? 30? Ye show weakness now. This lass. . . Yer going to do something other than kill the lass arent ye?" I was at a lost for words. He walked past me moving his nose a bit and crawled onto stage. "Yer in love with her arent ye, mate?" I felt heat rise to my cheeks as i whipped my head to see him. "That is none of your concern, you damned fox." He chuckled. "Yeah ye are. Dont get yourself hurt when Freddy gets her before you do." He moved the curtain into place. I started to head back to the office.
Get hurt? From her death? That was stupid. Its just infatuation. I was lying to myself. Cause deep down i could feel myself caring about her little by little. When i got back to the office, I saw (y/n) crawled up into a ball crying. "(Y/n)? (Y/N)!?" I ran up to her putting a hand on her back. She was shaking. "Hey (y/n) everythings okay. You dont need to be panicked, Im here." She was having a panic attack. I knew cause Cailee had them quite frequently here. "Hey f-focus on something else." I looked around the room trying to think what would distract her. "Do you see the fan?"
She nodded. "Do you see the cupcake?" Gotta tell Chica thats in here. She nodded her breathing started to gradually go to normal. "Do you see the poster?" She nodded wiping her eyes. "Did you know there was a secret to it?" She looked at me confuse as i stood up and went to the party poster. Is that what i really looked like before the upgrade? I pushed the nose of the freddy on the poster and a squeak could be heard from it. She giggled unballing. She was back to her old self again.
"Feel better?" She nodded. "Th-thanks. I dont know what came over me." "Its not a problem. Cail's sister taught me how to distract someone from a panic attack." Which led me to question why was she having a panick attack? I didnt ask cause i thought it would be prying.
The bell chimed and she stood to leave. I grabbed a hold of her arm before she could leave. She looked back at me with a smile. "Whats up Bonnie." That smile made her face seem like a goddess. It was so radiant far brighter than the sun's rays. I could feel my self become flustered forgetting what i was gonna say.
"Er... I was just gonna say I hope you have a good rest of your day." I let go of her and she tasseled my hair. "You too Bon." With that, she left. I couldnt help but think how beautiful her smile was. I couldnt help but feel happy when she was happy, or sad when she cried. I stopped in front if the stage realizing something.
Maybe I was in love with her...
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