Cailee p.o.v
I woke up with someone pushing my arm and a blazing headache.
"Cail...? Cail come on wake up!" It was Bonnie. I slowly sat up rubbing the back of my head. Great a giant goose egg. Jeremy laid next to me unconcious still. Bonnie hugged me basicly crying into my shoulder. He was sobbing so bad i couldnt understand a word he said.
"Bonnie Im okay... but your sobbing isnt helping my head," I said petting his head. He looked up at me oil tears rolling down his face. My uniform is now gonna be ruined. "What happened...?" Bonnie asked trying to get his voice in control. What had happen.
"Everything was like usual. Me and Jere talking with the grape... I had asked how much he know about the past of this place... I told him about a theory that is true that no one really believes... Vincent ignored all of it... until I mentioned the names... He got really angry when I mentioned Violet. His eyes had gone to... a possesedI9 like form like you have." A shock of pain went through my head. I groaned rubbing my head. Bonnie looked at me worriedly. "I'm fine... He grabbed one of the tools I braught incase the door jammed and whacked us across the head. Last thing I remeber was him saying he needed to get rid of me."
You know the eye thing i mentioned? His eyes turned to black with white pupils and a cold aura surrounded him. "Im gonna kill him... Im going to fucking kill him." "Bonnie? Bonnie!" I said grabbing his shoulders. "Calm down. He's probably gone by now. Sides its almost 6. You need to get back to the stage." "And you need to get to an ER. You could have a concusion." "If that was the case my head would hurt worse." We continued arguring till the bell rang. I picked the still unconcious Jeremy up and bidding Bonnie goodbye, left to the parking lot. Thank God for days off. I put Jere in the passenger seat making sure he was buckled and that his head wouldnt have anymore trauma added to it. As i shut the door i looked around the lot to find his car. It wasnt there. I hopped into the driver's seat and turnes on the engine.'I wonder if (y/n)'s up,' I thought to myself.
Your p.o.v.
You exited your room stretching. Cail had the day off so that could give you time to study. The whistle of a tea kettle signified your roommate was up. It was 11 o'clock and she was just now getting tea. You smiled going for the kitchen till a different voice was heard. A male voice.
"Th-thanks for getting me out of there, Cailee..."
"No problemo Jere. How do you take your tea?"
You smirked as you peered into the kitchen. There was a honey brunette sitting at the island table his back to you. He wore the same uniform you saw Scott and Cail in the other day.
'A guy with a caring voice... fluffy hair... tea lover... This could be the boyfriend Cail has always wanted...,' you thought smiling to yourself. You walked into the kitchen plopping yourself next to this new guy. He jumped back startled.
"(Y/n)!" Cail yelled at you putting her and his mug down. "Jeremy excuse my roommate. (Y/n) you remember Jeremy Fitzgerald. He graduated with us." As you took in his facial features you finally recognised him. He was the shy one in your friend group amd probably 2nd to last being the shortest. He was the one that got Cail into anime and manga. Green eyes... darker than Cail's... Anime lover... practically weeb but low spectrum... poofy hair... and if i remember correctly he was a pretty good basket ball player... you thought to yourself. "Eh Jere! Havent seen you in forever! How'd going to Tokyo treat you?" He smiled shyly. "I-it went well... how's things with you and (exbf/n)?" Sadness rolled over you as the unpleasant memories came back. "We broke up..." you said choking back emotion.
As you guys caught up with each other, you steadily forgot about your training. "So (y/n) you ready?" "For...?" "Your training for next week?" "Oh right right. Yeah i am." "Good. Jere can help out this time!" Jere looked up from the manga he was reading. "Wh- what?" Cail grabbed his hand and dragged him off. "Costume time!" Cail said smiling while Jere seemed confused. You got the living room ready for the training. It was the perfect room since it had 2 doors on either side. "You two ready yet?" You said into a walkie talkie that both should have once getting into position.
"Cailee Cat and Jeremy as Bonnie are on stage and ready for action," Cail said back. This was how you abd Cail trained. It was like a game that you were getting paid for. Five minutes had gone by, and you had decided to check the doors. Nothing on the right, but when you checked the left one you jumped back. There was ' Bonnie ' staring at you. Cailee had used her halloween face paint to make the purple rabbit scary. It work to scare the sh*t outta you. You shut the door in his face apoligizing silently. You heard a laugh come from your walkie talkie. A creepy laugh.
You checked the door again and he was gone. You checked the other door. Nothing. This continued on till a shutter sound came on the walkie and the lights went out. Used too much power. You went under the coffee table. You watched as cail came to the left door flashing a flash light under her. She sung the Torridor March. She stopped as she turned off the flash light. Slowly she walked to the table. Your phone went off signafying you won since she didnt jumpscare you.
"Good job," Cail said helping you up. "Thanks..." you said looking at her costume. "Nice costume." She was wearing purple cat ears and tale and a purple (hooker) cat costume with her black boots. She didnt usaully wear it. "Trying to impress someone?" She became flustered. "N-No. . . I w-wanted to see if it still fit..." "mhm."
They changed out of their costumes and you cleaned up the living room. They walked in talking about Sailor Moon theories. 'She finally looks like she has soneone. I hope she doesnt mess up like I did" you thought to yourself. You heard your stomach growl as you sat down on the couch. Cailee looked at the clock and smirked. "You guys wanna go out and eat?" "YES." "S-sure... where?" She smiled.
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