It was almost midnight when you heard Cailee come home. You were watching the news about how creepy clowns were terrorizing America. (I'm in America but the reader could be in Europe watching t.v. there) You got scared, not knowing it was her, you grabbed the closest thing to you thinking it was one of those clowns. You slowly made your way to the door where a shadow figure stood. You whacked them with a good hit of thr t.v. remote. "Ah! Son of biscuit!" Cailee yelped in pain. "Oh my god I'm sorry Cail! I-I thought you were one of the clowns on the news. She shook her head . "Is this another creepy pasta thing?" "No its on the news. . ." She sighed walking to the kitchen flipping the light over the sink on. "Hey (y/n)..."
"Yeah?" "I might have been able to get you a new job." "Really?!" you said excitedly. "Where?" "You remember Jared right?" You nodded. It was her adopted father in her highschool years. "Well he's the manager at my work place. He put in add for tomorrow's newspaper for a new emploee. So, i asked him if you called ro give it to you. I remembered you worked a part time job at chuck e cheese's 10th grade year. He said he'd consider it." You jumped hug the brunette thanking her repeadetly. "Yeah yeah... can i get to bed now?" You let go of her as walked to her bedroom. You smiled laying back down on the couch. You could not wait for tomorrow.
The next morning, you woke up way past your usaul time in your room. Cailee must've dragged you to your room. You stretched, walking to the kitchen. There on the counter was that days newspaper. On there was a colorful add that you read out said "HELP WANTED. Freddy Fazbear's pizza is looking for a new employee." You skimmed the page. "Five days a week... 12 to 6... 40 dollars an hour... weekends are extra... Cailee was right to talk to the manager." I called the number that was on the add. "Hello? Hello hello?" came a familar "Scott?" "Oh hey (y/n)! Whats up?" "Uh is Jared there?" "Yeah why?" he asked concerned." I was gonna talk about this new ad for a job at the pizzeria." You heard him mutter," Looks like I owe mike a $20... He's right here." You waited till a gruff voice said "Hello...?" "Ello Mr. Jared. This is Miss (y/l/n). (Y/n) (y/l/n) to be exact. I just saw the ad that you were looking for a new employee?" you said in a buissness likr tone. "Yes we are." You heard his voice swiftly change into the salesman mood he had about him. "We give on the job training that will last for a week. With this job you can't quite or ask for a switch in shifts for another week after starting the job." Understandable. He'd need to know if you can actually work this job. "I understand." "Alright. If you can come in today during the day, I'll give you an interview and one of the day and night gaurds will give you your training." "Alright, thank you Mr. Jared." "Please, you know how I am about my name. Call me boss." "I'll take it into consideration." You said before you politely hung up. You're mind went into work mode. You mentally made a list of what you needed to do. A shower would take you 15 minutes and when youd dressed and put make-up on that eould take twenty. The ride would be a short one, so you could get there in forty minutes.
Le time skip
You entered the establishment, instally getting hit by nostalgia. This was your childhood. This is where you met all your friends that still stand with you today. Speaking of friends, you saw Scott talking with Cailee, and you guessed it was their lunch break. "Scott!" you yelled running over to him. He obly got a glimpse of you before he was hug tackled by you. "I havent seen you in forever!" "Nice to see you too," he said awkwardly. You let go of him and smiled at Cailee. "Cail you're the best." She shrugged and smiled. "We don't know if you'll pass the interview. The interveiw will be like a pretest for when you'll be done with training. Get more than 88% of the questions right, and you'll get the job." You nodded in understanding. "Want me to walk you to his office," Scott asked. "Thank you."
As you two walked, you noticed the stage. You were expecting to see your favorite animal gang, but instead you saw 3 human like robots in place of the furry animatronics. There was a small, blonde female with lavender eyes and was wearing a yellow dress with an apron that said "lets eat!" and was also holding a cupcake on the far right. You also noticed she had a chicken tail, Chica. In the middle was a tall, muscular, brunette with blue eyes, bear ears and was holding a mic. He was wearing a top hat, a white dress shirt, a brown vest with a chain coming from one of iys pockets, some black slacks, and blue chuck Taylor's. Must be freddy. But on the far left, stood a purple haired, bunny eared, fine built male that sent your heart racing. His hair wasnt long but layered that gave it an impression. His heavy set red eyes were so hypnotizing, you couldnt look away. He was wearing a black T with a red hoodie and was wearing black jeans with red convers. A normal thing to wear but he pulled that look into a whole new intinsity. Was that Bonnie?
"What... da fuq..." was all you could say. Scott looked over your shoulder seeing what you were looking at. "Oh... that. Boss changed the design of the animatronics. Its supposed to bring in more teenagers as customers. Sad to say its working." He went down the left corridor waiting for you . "You coming." "Uh yeah..." you said following him. He opened the door to Boss's officer for you. "Good luck." He said leaving you to talk to him.
You entered the office seeing Jared in a mountains of paperwork. "Hello Ms. (Y/l/n). Give me one second." He pulled out a packet and gave it to you. "Information and introduction really. Cailee told me you were a night guard at C.E.C?" "Yes sir. Gaurd of the month for 6 months." He nodded trying to clear his desk some. "As you get that filled out, Im sure you would like to have lunch. You must be famished."
Another one of these
As it turned out, the only training that you'd need is how to work the ca camera, lights, and doors and if they get jammed to crawl out the vent. It'll lessen your paycheck, but it would do something to help. You started for the exit. You felt a pair of eyes on your back as you were at the exit. When you turned, you saw Bonnie boring holes into you. You blushed exiting the building getting to your blue mercedes. He's gonna distract you all the time you work there.
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