Later that evening, you returned. The door was back in place and all patched up. The living room was still a wreck although all the broken pieces had been picked up. There was only one light on which was in the kitchen. You had left the library when it had been time to close. With a packet of papers in your hands, you walked down the hall to Cailee's work room. You tried to go in but the door was locked. Reaching on your tip toes, you searched for the pin to pop the lock. Your fingers brushed a crossed it as you snagged it down.
Popping the lock, you held your breathe walking in. As before, it was freezing in the room. You sat at the work desk flicking on the lamp. You fanned out the papers ready to educate yourself in your work place. Apparently, hand fulls of kids have disappeared from the establishments including the four you searched. In one of the articles, Cailee told the reporters she had gone to the restroom and when she came back they were just gone. She thought they just went home. But when she called 'Oliver' that night, he didnt answer. You were reading through papers of the printed articles when something cold laid over your shoulders.
"Hey Doll, what are you reading?" his voice said. You just accepted the fact now that you were crazy. "Learning history..." You flipped to the next page of articles. It was a list of children's name that went missing. You had highlighted the five from earlier and the ones that went missing most recently. They mostly went missing on weekends and holidays, the most packed days. "No wonder the business is failing..," you muttered to yourself putting the pages down.
"Why do you say tha-" He cut off. You didnt know why though. You scooted away from the table and looked at his robotic form. You were mentally comparing it to the old forms. "Does Cailee have the old blue prints?" "Yeah... t-top drawer..," he muttered. What could have gotten him flustered?
??? p.o.v.
Does she know? What had she been researching? How much has she searched up? Those type thoughts went through my head as she looked through the first drawer. I looked at the suit I have been cursed to for a decade.
"There it is!" She said sitting back down unrolling the paper. She studied it with great intensity looking for something. "What are you looking for?" "The space in your suit doesnt make since, so i was hoping to find why the original had it."
"Doll, the original suits were to be wearable. Ours weren't. They were more like a-" "Child sized compartment," (y/n) interrupted. "Yeah, actually.How'd you know?" She pointed to the middle of the paper. I looked over her shoulders -while she gave an involuntary shudder- to see that in the design a kid had been drawn into the middle of the suit for spacing. "What the fu-"
She went back to the drawer to pull out the other blue prints. Sure enough they too had the spacing. She laid Freddy's blue print down. "Timothy Reed." Foxy's. "Jane Affton." She placed down Chica's. "Samantha Teel." I looked at (y/n) even though she couldnt see me. And if she could, she'd see a broken spirit tearing up when the truth of his death had been found out. She put down the last blueprint starring at it with mixed emotions.
"Oliver Hance. I've done more research on him than any of the others. He was actually Cailee's boyfriend then. Young love broken. An article states he had a sister. I tried doing more research on her but couldn't find anything. Cailee and her were friends, but I guess lost touch after his death. He'd be 24 now. Two years older than me." She looked at the suit. Her eyes were glossed over but she held back her tears.
"I once asked why Bonnie was her favorite. She said reasons. I know why now..." She rolled the blue prints back up. "(Y/n), I was planning to tell you-" "Do you still love her?" (y/n) interrupted me. "What?" "Do you still love Cailee?" Tears rolled down her cheeks as she hid her face with her (h/c) locks.
I grabbed her arms and looked dead at her. "(Y/n), we were kids then. We didn't know what love was. I care for her yes. But I love you, (y/n)." I wiped the tears off her cheeks. Surprisingly the water followed suit. It actually turned to frost.
She wiped the frost off her cheeks exhaling. "Can she see or hear you too?" "When I want her too. You should be able to see me. You're not really into the supernatural are you?" She shook her head. "Not really but with all of this going on I'm starting too..."
I let go of her face backing to the closet. "They can too. Come on out guys."
Your P.O.V
You were sure you were going mad. You started seeing the same auras from your dream. A light purple one headed for the closet holding the other suits. After his voice said come on out, more showed up. You could see the purple and yellow come close as if they were hugging. Your eyes widened when your heard Chica's voice.
"God I've forgotten how good looking you were Oly!!!" He cleared his throat. "Oh right. Sorry (Y/n)." "Always so inconsiderate aren't you lass?" A British voice asked. It came from the red aura. "Always so salty, Violet?"
"Salt doesn't describe her, Sam." The tan aura stayed by the closet. "So... Oliver can she still not see us...? Or are you as dimwitted as ever to believe you're right?"
"Well... guessing by how narcissistic you sound, I'm guessing your Timothy Reed?" You asked gesturing to the tan aura. "And no I can't exactly see you. You're just a ball of light. All of you are." The yellow one got right to your face. "Ooooh what color am I?"
"Tim there is tan. You, Samantha Teel, you are a pale yellow. Violet Jane
Affton there is crimson. And..." You looked at Bonnie's aura. "He's lavender." The ball bounced up and down.
The tan aura huffed. "Can we get this over with so I can try to kill her again? That was quiet fun... And Oliver, I can't wait to rip you're face off again."
"Tim, that is no way to act," the British voice said with ice in her lungs. It didn't speak after that. The red came closer to you and yellow. "Hiya lassie. Beautiful as always." Your hand was lifted and the red aura lightly put its surface to it. A "kiss-of-the-hand" gesture. "Um..." You retracted your hand. "Thank you?"
The lavender aura moved the red one out of its way. You felt a cold embrace when the aura got to you. "Still think you're crazy, (Y/n)?" "Oh I know I'm insane..."
"But you can't see them." You looked to the door where a tired Cailee stood holding her tool box. The auras left except the lavender one. "...hey Cail-pal..."
"Oly... You didn't tell me she could talk with you..."
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