Cailee's P.o.v
I was letting the tea kettle heat up when i heard y/n scream. Rushing down the hall, I reach her room to where she sat in sweats. Her hands were tightly wrapped around her sheets as she stared at the space infront of her. I could hear her breaths come out in wheezes. I sat on the foot of her bed rubbing her leg in comfort. She flinched.
"Nightmare?" She nodded, still wheezing. "Ex?" Shaking her head, she started looking around the room staring at one thing for 5 seconds to another. She was trying to Ground herself. I wonder if Bonnie taught her that?
"Wanna talk about it?" She shook her head again looking at me. Her pupils were so dilated I couldn't tell that her (e/c) was even there. The kettle's whistle blew echoing the complex. I looked at (y/n) again before going to go get it. As i walked down the hall i called out to her.
"You can tell me anything, (y/n)! I've seen shit too!"
Your P.O.V.
You stared at the opened door once she left. You had calmed your breathing before exiting the room. You washed off your face before entering the kitchen. Cail was making hash browns as her tea brewed. You didnt notice she was in her uniform earlier until now. "Is it finally done? The renovations i mean."
"Its almost done. Boss wants me to check it out to get a handle on the new controls and such. Get me used to the new animatronics." She said putting a plate of food in front of you. "Are they that different?" She nodded sipping her tea. "They have data bases I'm not familiar with so me and the techies who made them are gonna have a conference." You nodded taking a small bite of the food. Cail looked at you with uncertainty. "You ok? You looked pretty freaked out earlier."
"It was just a bad nightmare. Really bad... I'll be fine, Cail." She grabbed your hand looking you dead in the eye. "Are you sure about that, (y/n)?" You tried to match her seriousness in your own gaze. "Don't meme on me. Yes, I'm sure about that."
"Alright... As soon as I get back, I'll finish working on Bon." You nodded as she headed for the front door. "Don't hurt yourself, (y/n)," Cail called out closing the door behind her. The apartment was now quiet. You could hear the silent hum of the light above you and that was it. You sighed taking your breakfast to the couch, flipping on the tele.
Your mind constantly wandered to the dream and if anything that happened last night was real. You were questioning your sanity at the fact you heard Bonnie's voice last night. You absentmindedly watched the tv's flickering colors and was startled when there was a loud knock at the door. Cail had a key and shouldnt be back that soon. Putting the barely touched food on the coffee table you started for the door. That cold feeling from last night returned and grasped tightly at your wrist. You instantly froze.
You waited for his voice but nothing was said. The knocking at the door got louder. Someone desperately wanted in. "Im just gonna take a look," you whispered. The cold gripped tighter on you. What could have gotten him so scared? You headed for the door's peep hole. The cold on your wrist left as you got closer to the door.
As you peered through the peep hole all noise went dead. There on the other side of the door was the demon that caused all your mental breakdowns, all the mistrust towards relationships, all your anxiety. There on the other side with a 3 inch barrier between you two was the hell you thought you left behind. You now knew why the cold returned. There on the other side of the door was your ex.
Your felt your throat clench up as you backed away from the door. The knocking was now banging, and you thought the door was going to give in. How was that not suspicious? Where the hell was the landlord? You fell over your coffee table and a loud crash filtered through out the apartment. He was in mid bang when he heard the noise. You could hear his laugh as you got up. You started walking away from the door and headed to the fire escape. Fight, flight, or freeze? you already did the last two; you werent going to do the first.
You heard the door give way and you slipped into the room nearest you. You instantly got cold as you silently shut the door and locked it. Seriously where the hell was the landlord?!?! The room that Bon was in was practically bare. There was a closet, work bench with tools, and then him.
"(Y/n), (y/n), (Y/n)!!! Where are ya, ya bitch?!"
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