This felt like a nightmare to you, but there was nothing to be seen. The atmosphere around you felt of fear and anguish. The sphere around you was pitch black almost inky. A soft light glowed in the distance and they reflected on a small pool of warm looking oil rippled on to the floor. You approached, wanting to investigate, but the further you stepped into the ink, you began to notice noises. They sounded strange, whispery and soft like wind. They didn't sound human, also not really animal, but definitively not a robot.
"Get out get get gone getoutgetgone getoutgetgone getout getoutgetgone getoutgetgoutgetout," they mumbled. It sounded like chorus as if more than one was speaking. The oil wafted around your ankles as you stepped closer to the thing illuminating. It distinguished its self into 5 lights; its glow soft and fabricated. One of them seemed to be reaching out for you. That light was warm and inviting unlike the dark gripping you. You stretched out your hand to the warm light, but as soon as you took a step towards it, the oil turned to tar and kept you stuck in your spot.
The tar started rising up your leg and felt like a million tiny needle stuck into you. You grimaced but was filled with determination to get to that light. You forced yourself to walk further into the tar, each step making it go further up your leg. You coughed as a sudden scent of smoke hit you. You glanced behind you and gasped as you came to the realization that the tar was on fire. You were so close to it; you needed to kept up your fight to get to the light.
A few of them parted from the group and came closer to you. They were encouraging and somewhat inviting, but they werent the ones you were going for. One went right through you and you could feel its growing rage as if to tell you to leave. The one you wanted was still; its glow dimming and brightening. Being this close you could tell these lights had color to differentiate between themselves. There was a gold, red, tan, lighter yellow, and then lavender.
Your leg started to burn and it was then you knew you were going to die. You stopped trying to reach for it. Suddenly it struck you. The lights were them. Foxy, Freddy, Chica... Bonnie. . . You were trying to get to him, but with circumstances blocking you, you couldnt. Foxy and Chica were trying to encourage you, and Freddy was trying to stop you. The fire surrounded you and blocked your vision from the lavender light. His form materialized through the flames and he reached out for you.
The tar vanished as did the flames. It was only you and him in the empty void. His arms were still outstretched waiting for an embrace. No control of what your body did, you found yourself instantly in his arms. HIs hug was like a death grip. You shakily hug him back choking back tears. A sudden electric shock went through you and you looked up. His form was glitching from human, to robotic, to his robotic form being destroyed like he was, to him actually being destroyed himself. His voice was just as glitchy.
"HeLp mE "
Then, everything went black. Before you awoke screaming, two words echoed in Freddy's voice.
"You can't..."
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