Weeks went by, and each day was slowly killing you. Instead of using him for scraps, Cailee asked the boss if she could use him to help with her mechanic skills. Being her adoptive father, he obliged. As soon as she got the okay to remove him from the building, Cail braught home the disfigured humanoid. You throat clenched up seeing him that way, but you had to remind yourself he'd be fixed soon. Those weeks dragged on forever.
But even forever eventually ends. Cailee had less and less to take care of in fixing your bunny. All she was really waiting for was the oil to deliver to the house. So it was just a bunch of waiting around. You couldnt help pace the apartment and avoid the room he was in. Yeah he was fixed, but would he still act the same? Being out of the restaurant might mess up his system, but what did you know? You werent an engineer or mechanic like Cail was.
Cailee sat on the couch watching you pace around, eyes following you like a cat. She sat cross legged and when you walked by her for like the 50th time she extended her leg and tripped you. You yelped and landed on your face. "Why are you so worried? Do you doubt my skills?" You glared at her with your face still in the living room rug.
"Would it be bad if I said yes?" She chuckled and sighed. She gave you her hand to left you up. You begrudgingly took it and sat next to her. "It's just..." You were scarred you were going to sound crazy.
"Youre not sure if Oliver's spirit will follow?" You gave her a surprised look. "How the hell did you read my mind?" Cail laughed at that and shook her head. "If I was in the same situation as you, I'd be wondering the same thing. That whole building is being destroyed, (Y/n). The only thing their spirits have to hold onto is the robotics." You looked up at the ceiling. "I didn't know you believed in spirits, Cailee." She looked straight into your eyes. "I lost my parents, (Y/n). Why wouldn't you think i did?" You grew silent after that. And that silence carried on for the rest of the day.
Starring at the ceiling in the dark, you struggled to fall asleep. Cailee had gone to bed hours ago and here you were trying to rest your eyes. You sighed and sat up in your bed, your (f/c) silk sheets flowing around you. You looked at your alarm clock sighing. You've been trying to go to sleep for five hours not even the slightest hint of sleep came to you. Rubbing your face you got out of bed. Maybe some nightquil would help?
You walked the hall down to the bathroom when a noise stopped you. It was familiar like a distant voice from a long past memory. Fuzzy but still being able to recognize it. It was Bonnie's voice, but how? He wasnt powered on yet! Were you going crazy? You turned around and headed to the room he was locked into. The voice became less hazy the closer you got to the room.
"Jesus, Cail-Pal, you made a hell of improvements to this thing. It actually feels really close to skin texture. The mending went well too, and that arm has a lot more detail to the hands. Jeez she could go into auto-mail if she wanted. It would be safer than that crappy job...."
Your body temperature was going down. You shuddered as you placed your hand on the door. You hesitated. What were you expecting to see? A still mangled {A/N: heh heh heh... puns} Bonnie? Whatever it was it sent panic through you. You took a breath and unlocked the door as you turned the knob. There was an audible click and creak as the door opened.
Tears arose to your eyes and you covered your mouth to stifle a gasp. When the humanoid versions were given to the restaurant, they looked like stereotypical robots. What Cail has done was magical. He looked like a real human. You walked over to where he stood. You lefted your hand and dragged it against his cheek. It was so soft like rose petals but also as cold as ice. You grazed your hand lower feeling the faux muscles. Every part of him seemed to be as soft as the face. But you weren't gonna test the... uh... lower appendages. You would test that in time.
A wave of coldness enveloped you; it felt like a childhood friend hugging you after decades. You shuddered and it grew more embracive. You tried to hug yourself to get warm but you couldnt move your arms. You shuddered again. "Why is it so damn cold?" You heard a chuckle.
"Well maybe cause a ghost is hugging you?" Your whole body stiffened. That was definitely Bonnie's voice. But his mechanical body wasnt talking. You looked around and didnt see anyone. You gulped. A cold shudder ran through you. "Oooooookay I'm going crazy..," you muttered. Suddenly the coldness left you and only went to your hands.
"You cant see me, can you?" His voice sounded so sad. "But you can hear me right? I mean... you should be able to..." You looked up at the humanoid. Still no power. You sighed. All coldness left you.
"If I am going crazy... I'm glad its his voice I'm hearing at least...." You hugged yourself for comfort and sat on the ground in front of the tall bot. "But, (y/n), you're not going crazy." You felt the cold right in front of your face. "Doll... it's me. Ol-" The voice stopped. "Its Bonnie. Youre not going crazy." The tears from earlier were blocking your vision. Once they rolled down your cheeks they didnt stop.
"Aw, (Y/n), no. You don't need to cry!" Cold touched your cheeks as the tears rolled down. You werent gonna stoop to talking yourself. You would not let yourself be that desperate. You wiped the tears away and sat up. Starring at the silent form, you sighed and turned to leave the room. It felt like something grabbed your arm. You stopped.
"Don't go... I... I'm sorry..." his voice sounded broken. You were gonna stoop to that level. "You have nothing to apologize for Bon... I need to go to bed though..." The thing let go. His voice sighed. "Right... goodnight (y/n)." Your face made a sad smile as you headed out of the room. "Night Bonnie."
Back in your room, you cried yourself to sleep. A nightmare was running through your dream scape. But you couldn't wake yourself up...
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