When you, Jeremy, and Cail got to the pizzeria, you could hear Cail let out a gasp. The front windows were busted and there was oil smeared like someone was struggling to get away from a fight. You were here only hours ago; how could this have happen? Like throwing open the shutters, your eyes widen. You prayed that Bonnie didnt get into another fight. Glancing towards Cailee, you all moved closer to the restaurant. The damage was worse inside.
Tables and arcade machines were flipped, decorations were destroyed, and what really sent your heart racing was the state the stage was in. Bonnie was missing, Freddy was entirely fucked up, and Chica had oil splattered across her. There was an oil trail leading from where you were standing to the parts and service room. You were still looking around the place when Cailee and Jeremy started heading for the conference hall. You gaze finally landed on the destroyed Freddy. He returned the look with a wicked smile on his face and a crazed look in his eyes. You gulped and followed to the conference room.
When you had entered the room, Scott and Mr. Jared were heavy in discussion, Mike and VIncent were at it again, and Fritz wasnt there yet. Cailee and Jeremy were just sitting down when you entered, You sat next Cail worrying about your missing bunny. You didnt know how much time passed when Fritz had walked into the room. Cailee snapped her fingers infront of your face and whispered, "Earth to (y/n). We' re starting."
Jared looked across the room while everything settled. Once all was quite, he cleared his throat. "As you have recently seen, the restaurant looks like a disaster. There seems to be no forced entry and according to the systems data, Ms. (l/n) here checked out at 6:05 which could not have given her time to manually destroy the place." A few of you nodded as he continued. "Scott here has gone over the tapes and would like you all to see for yourself. Scott." As Jared stepped away Scott step up to the front of the table pulling up a projector.
"Thank you sir. You all have seen the damage taken to the facility, correct?" Nods. "Well this a clip from the video surveillance from the dining rooms, arcade, and main entrance." Scott hit the play button of the video. It started when you left the building out of the main entrance. About three minutes later it goes to the stage. THere it shows Freddy and Bonnie having an argument.
"Weeks up, Bonnie. What are you going to do now?"
"Oh shut up, Fazfuck."
"Heh... Still forget who you're talking too? Maybe you need another reminder?"
With that, Freddy picked up Bonnie and threw him out of the camera. The camera changed to the main entrance where Bonnie almost broke the window. A smear of oil formed as he slid to the ground. Freddy walked slowly into view. He laughed before Bonnie got up and swung into the bears face. He staggered backwards as the blows from the rabbit kept going. Bonnie pushed him into the arcade where Freddy picked up one of the games and whacked Bonnie with it. The force sent him flying backwards into more arcade machin.
You had to look away from the cartoon-y violence happening on the projector. Minutes passed by and Cail shook you to look at the screen. You reluctantly did and instantly regretted it. What was shown on screen was Freddy tearing off Bonnie's face with Chica trying to pull Freddy back. Bonnie was letting out a shriek of pain and agony. You let out a small whine as your eyes were now glued to watching it. Oil splattered over Freddy and Chica as Bonnie's face came off.
Freddy smiled. "Are you still going to defy me?" Bonnie looked up at him oil pouring down. "I hope you die in a fire." Freddy frowned. "I'll take that as a yes." With that, Freddy flung Chica off of him and grabbed Bonnie's arm. "What is a guitarist without his arm?" IN one fatal swoop, Freddy tore of his arm. Bonnie howled in pain and bared his exoskeleton teeth at him.
"Oh dont look at me like that, Bonnie. YOu braught this upon yourself. THis wont matter soon. You'll be replaced and used for scraps. Me, I'll be cleaned up and start where i left off. Good Luck, dumb bunny," Freddy said as he threw the arm and face to the parts and service room. Bonnie sighed and holding onto the "bleeding" arm hobbled off to the room grabbing his face and arm.
The clip stopped after that. The whole room was quite till Fritz spoke up. "Well what are we going to do about this? It seems to me Freddy is unstable and they're all out of code order."
"Well," Jared started," the upgrade was supposed to make them more humain. But I think after seeing this, I am think this upgrade has been a bad idea. WIth this being said, Scott and I have decided to take a poll on whether to go back to animals or stay humanoid."
"The humanoid option well have some new functions to it," Scott chimed in. "All the animatronics will be replaced. They'll have up-to-date data and facial recognition and-"
"Wait a minute," you interrupted. "They'll all be replaced?" Scott nodded. "Well what are the new designs, if we were to keep the humanoids," Cailee joined in. Scott flipped to a new slide.
"Are those kid appropriate?" Mike asked after a long silence.
On the slide was was three glossy humanoids. The one that was supposed to be Chica had thigh high socks, yellow roller blades, neon pink daisy dukes, and a hot pink crop top. That wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the added curvature. There was a pink pirate fox that wore what looked like foxy's garb but in pinks and creams. Her hair was done in a braid and there was a highlight green parakeet. They're bringing foxy back. What was supposed to be Freddy was a whole lot thicker to the original Freddy. His hair was long and pulled back into a pony tail. He wore a black jacket, tan shirt, cargo shorts and blue boots. You threw up a little in your mouth when seeing the last one. Bonnie.
Instead of a purple headed boy, this one had cyan hair that was slicked back. Instead of your lovely crimson eyes you were you used to seeing, he had emerald eyes with white speckles. He was pale and had a greaser out fit on in a banter color palette. He had a nice figure but the smug look on his face made you feel sick for some reason.
Along with these new forms they all had distinguishing red cheek. They also have added new animatronics. Balloon boy who was to help in the game area, and Marionette who was to give prizes and be some type of daytime security. Cailee objected to ballon boy but Jared said he would pay extra for her mechanic trade.
"So what is the up-to-date features on them?" Cailee asked slightly annoyed.
"Well," Scott said," They'll be limited to emotions unlike the ones now. They'll also have facial recognition and have access to a criminal data base." Vincent gave an unsteady look to Cail. "Along with this they'll be able to roam a little bit."
"Grrrrreat," Mike said. "So its the same as here? And thats totally safe for kids."
Boss glared at him. "This was added so the sercurity wouldnt need to worry about dying every night if the robots were allowed to roam in a certain room."
"W-Well what about the non human ones? Will they have these options?" Jeremy asked much to everyone's surprise. Scott shook his head. "They would have the facial recognition and crime data base but not the free roam. It would be like working here before the upgrade."
"Enough of this talk," Boss said. "We're going to take the poll now. All of those wanting the animal robots?" Vincent ad Fritz both raised their hands. "Okay... All those in favor of the humanoids?" You, Cail, Jeremy, Mike, and Scott raised your hands. "Alright, then its settled. The humanoid version stays. I am heading to my office to see if i can get a renovating crew to clean this mess up."
With that he left you all to talk. There was a huge, darkening silence in the room. Mike was the first to speak.
"So you two want a higher chance of dying? Are you guys crazy?" Vincent laughed at that.
"That upgrade was to see if the animatronics could handle emotions. It failed undoubtedly, Micheal," Vincent said starring straight at Mike.
"And," Fritz added," This is a new system. They are bound to be bugs in the humanoids codes." Cailee stood abruptly to that.
"If it was a bug, I could fix it. Do you know anyone in this town who does mechanics better than I do? Especially for animatronics?" Cail waited for his response. There was none. "Exactly. This isnt any computer bug, Fritz. Why would boss renovate the place for a mess the janitor could clean up? We're losing money. This is to make more customers come so we dont close down."
While they started bickering about the place and animatronics, you left the conference room and headed down the hallways. You did NOT like the new animatronics especially not Bonnie's. You let your feet take you where-ever while you were lost in thought. Eventually they brought you to parts and service. You looked up the sign biting your bottom lip. Looking around, you opened the door. It was pitch black and you couldnt find the light switch. You gulped before entering the room shutting the behind you.
"Bonnie?" You called out gripping the door knob. There was a shifting noise and then footsteps. THey seemed to get closer till they were right infront of you. Suddenly someone was hugging you tightly. YOu felt something cold and wet drip on your shoulder.
"(Y/n).. what are you doing here?"
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