The second they arrived at their location, Bonnie looked at the Castle, Castle Leoch, she had been there before she travelled to where she was now and in her opinion, this castle looked so much more homey, her hands were still gripping the reigns of the horse while Jamie's hands were on her waist, after much fighting Jamie finally slept a bit against Bonnie's shoulder but when he woke up he wanted to ride, of course the ginger being the stubborn minx she was she denied his request and kept riding.
Everyone was waiting for Bonnie to push Jamie off the horse and gallop away but no, sometimes she would either speed up slightly or slow down way too much, causing the horse to halt, to annoy everyone especially Dougal and Jamie, granted it worked but at the same time she was also providing the fun, her curiosity was the thing they found most intriguing. Bonnie jumped off the horse, refusing any help.
"Dougal, you're back early, man. We hadna thought to see ye before the gathering." a man said as he came out of the castle, "Aye, well, we've had some luck some good, some bad." Dougal said looking at the ginger who was too busy petting the horse and saying sweet words lowly, "Rupert, ye great fat fart, what have you done to my Peggy now? Did I not tell you to tighten her girth?" the same man complained walking to his horse, while Bonnie took a glance at Jamie before going back to the horse, "Let me be, old rat. I been riding all night, and I don't need you squalling in my ear." the tired man said, "Did ye never even look at her hooves? You canna expect any beast to carry around something that weighs as much as you without taking care of the poor creature's feet." the owner complained with a teasing tone, "Like a cow riding a mouse." everyone erupted in laughter and Bonnie was no exception.
She walked to the mare, who's name was Peggy and caressed her muzzle, her hand's glowing ever so slight as the young caster took away any kind of pain the mare was feeling, "Shut yer hole." Rupert growled tiredly, children's laughter was heard along with people speaking in Gaelic, a lot of them were looking and commenting about the ginger, who looked like royalty even in the little, in their opinion, attire. Suddenly a woman appears speaking in Gaelic as Bonnie moves to a spotted stallion and caresses him, "Rupert, m'dear! How good to see ye! Oh, my dear." the woman said hugging Rupert tightly, the second they pulled away she said in a teasing and laughing tone "Ye'll all be needing breakfast, I reckon. Plenty in the kitchen. Away in, and feed yerselves."
All the men in the company waste no time in rushing inside, the plump woman touched Bonnie's savior's arm and said "Murtagh, you look and smell like a rat that's been dragged through sheep dung." Bonnie held back a bubbly laugh as he said "Gi' us a kiss, then." the woman tried to get away while saying "Oh, no!" "A kiss, then!" Murtagh said pulling her into a hug as he kissed her neck teasingly, both the woman and Bonnie laughed as the second Murtagh left and the woman turned to greet Jamie, her eyes landed on Bonnie who was petting yet another horse, the smile not leaving her face.
"And what do we have here?" she questioned attracting the ginger's attention once more, before Jamie could say anything Bonnie stepped forward and said "Bonnie Anne Duchennes, and yes Bonnie is actually my name." the plump woman cocked a brow at the petite ginger just as Jamie stepped from behind Bonnie and said "Mistress Fitzgibbons, Murtagh found her, and Dougal said we must bring her along with us, so..." "So. Well... Bonnie." the woman tested making the ginger break into a smile, it shocked Mrs Fitzgibbons how someone that was so underdressed, spent that much time with the guys and had had a bumpy trip could smile so brightly, "Come with me. We shall find you something to eat, something to wear that's a bit more... Well, a bit more." she added.
"Much appreciated, Jamie's coat kept me warm enough though." Bonnie said, her ginger hair glowing to her head and forehead, Mrs Fitzgibbons nodded and started to pull Bonnie away and in a split of a second, Bonnie grabbed Jamie by the coat and pulled him to her, "Why ye bringing him?" Mrs. Fitzgibbons questioned, her eyebrow raising as Jamie wasn't complaining, just like her Jamie was wondering why he wasn't pulling away, "He's wounded and I need to tend to his wound, otherwise he will get severe fevers and swelling." Bonnie said as if it were obvious. "He was shot yesterday. I bandaged his shoulder, but I wasn't able to clean it or dress it properly." the ginger quickly added, the Mistress nodded and lead the two to the ginger's new quarters.
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