Back at the inn she was staying in Bonnie held her phone to her ear with a small yet teasing smile gracing her lips as she did her hair, "Don't worry Aunt Maya, I'm just finishing getting ready, and then all I have to do is call a cab and I should be there by nightfall, just in time for dinner." Bonnie said as she placed the last bobby pin in her hair, she was wearing a pale pink vintage dress and old fashioned shoes, her Aunt Maya and Uncle Caleb were holding a mascarade like birthday party for their 4 year old daughter, who Bonnie very much loved pending time with.
Of course while most of her family preferred to live in America, she had a bunch of family all over the world, these particular aunt and uncle had lived in Scotland for as long as she can remember, meaning their accents were becoming more and more Scottish with the days that they spent here, "I know sweetheart but you know I worry, ever since your mom's untimely passing, I feel the need to be there for you." Maya Ravenwood said, Bonnie's movements halted and the phone nearly fell from her shoulder, her mother was a tough subject for the petite ginger.
When her 16's birthday came and she claimed herself for both light and dark, only two family members died, the family member that was a dark caster was her grandfather, who never got along with anyone and wanted more than anything end his misery of putting up with everyone, and the light caster was her mother, Queenie Duchannes, a tall and respected thaumaturge and the best that had ever walked earth, she very much like Bonnie had long flowing ginger hair that she always let cascading down her back, and while she inherited her mother's hair she inherited her father's kind brown eyes.
Funny how no one blamed her for her mother's death it was almost as if they knew exactly who would die when she claimed herself, and as if they knew exactly how she would claim herself. Her family was one of the most understanding families that the Caster world had ever seen, her father, Malcolm Richards Duchannes wasn't a caster, he was a wayward who had helped Queenie while they both grew up, which naturally ended up with them falling with love with each other, against all odds. Their love was a dream and wish that Bonnie could only hope to one day live, her mother had always told her that from the moment she first had laid eyes on Malcolm she knew that she was destined to be with him for the rest of her days.
Maya Ravenwood was Queenie's second cousin while Adam's father and the twin's mother were her direct cousins. After a long silence Bonnie decided to finally answer quietly "I know Aunt Maya and I'm very grateful but if you want me to make it there on time you have to let me finish getting ready." Maya chuckled from the other side of the line and dismissed the girl by ending the call, Bonnie looked up once again at the mirror only to find a stray tear fall down her cheek, quickly wiping it away Bonnie turned around and opened the bathroom door to her bedroom.
The second she did so she found a man wearing a kilt with deep blonde hair and piercing blue eyes looking through her drawer until he pulled out her crystal necklace, feeling anger and horror flash through she hissed "You better drop that before I whoop your arse." the man looked at her with a shocked look that soon turned into a smirk and dashed out the door, still holding the crystal necklace, the only and remaining working object that Queenie had left her daughter, beside's her wedding ring.
The second the strange man set foot out the door and started running Bonnie followed him, she gripped the front of her gown, lifting it slightly and ran fast, her heels clicking against the floor boards of the inn, she didn't stop to wonder how on earth had the man known her room or where she kept the crystal but as the passed the reception she saw Mrs. Baird asleep on the counter, soundly and peacefully. Feeling more shock hit her, Bonnie decided to fasten her pace and try and catch the thief that almost seemed impossible.
She knew that there was a faster way of getting her necklace back but she also knew that that would expose her family and she didn't want that, casters were easily mistaken by witches thanks to the dark casters exposing themselves in the past and she didn't want that she din't want the witch trials to start again. She kept running after the strange man, not noticing that they were now long way away from Inverness and any form of human being life, one thing that she did notice how ever was that they were now at Craigh na Dun.
Confusion made her slow her step, anyone who had seen her run would question how on earth had the ginger girl not tripped over her heeled feet, and truth be told she was more agile that she appeared to be, quickly glancing around Bonnie raised her hand at the stranger, clearing her mind completely before throwing her hand back at her, usually this action would have worked wonderfully but perhaps it was because she along with the thief were inside the stone circle her magic didn't work as she planed instead of throwing him back to where she was standing he simply tripped which was enough for half of him body to hit the stone but instead of hearing a groan, Bonnie watched as the whole body was sucked into the stone.
Gaping at this she slowly stalked up to the center stone as the wind around her started to rumble and pick up, distinct, Gaelic and chanting voices were heard from all the other stones around her, Bonnie's hands instinctively raised themselves as she neared the center stone and the second her palms touched the cold rock she wind roared and she felt like she was pushed forward and was being sucked into a tight tube.
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