The second that they reached their destination Bonnie walked to the fireplace and started a fire, while Mrs. Fitzgibbons helped Jamie take his shirt off and unbandaged his shoulder, "As you asked, garlic and witch hazel to boil the rags. I also brought you comfrey and cherry bark for the pain." The plump woman said as she held Jamie close to her, her eyes never leaving the young caster, "Perfect." Bonnie drawled as she finished, the highlander looked at the older woman and nodded slightly, holding the blanket that had been placed on his shoulders closer, "Call out if you need anything else." Mrs Fitz stated as she began to walk to the door. "I will. Thank you, Ms. Fitzgibbons." Bonnie said as she stopped stirring the pot that was over the fireplace, "Everybody calls me Mrs. Fitz. You may also." The plump woman said smiling gently at the two before leaving the room.
Bonnie smiled at the woman's retreating back before grabbing a rag and walking around Jamie, her movements fluid and graceful, she gently grabbed the blanket and gently pulled it off his shoulders, exposing his severely scarred back, a small gasp escaped her lips as she missed Jamie shudder in discomfort, "The Redcoats." Jamie started, attracting Bonnie's attention, "Flogged me twice in the space of a week. They'd have done it twice the same day, I expect, were they not afraid of killing me. There's no joy in flogging a dead man." He continued, Bonnie frowned as lightly ghosted her fingertips over some of the scars, the usual sparks making their usual appearance slowly, "I shouldn't think anyone would do such a thing for joy, it's a horrible thing to do, no matter what reason." Bonnie stated.
Jamie chuckled slightly, enjoying the feeling that the sparks were giving him, "Well, If Randall was not precisely joyous, he was at least very pleased with himself." He explained to the orange haired woman, who frowned and lightly cleaned his bruising and blood covered shoulder, "Why were you flogged?" she inquired, her voice soft, innocent like, Jamie hummed before replying "Well, the first time was escaping Fort William. And the second was theft. Or at least, that's what the charge sheet read." "Why were you escaping in the first place?" the young caster inquired, her curiosity getting the best of her, "They were holding me prisoner." The highlander whispered teasingly making small giggle escape Bonnie's plump lips as she replied "I gathered that. But why? On what charge?"
Jamie smiled at the sound of Bonnie's giggle but it quickly went away at the mention, or rather inquiry of why he was arrested, "Oh, that. I think it was, um... obstruction." he told her in a low tone, Bonnie quickly stepped in front of him and the fire and boiled the rag once more, it having gone cold, "Obstruction? What's that? It doesn't sound like a serious crime." she frowned, her fingers almost dancing in the warm water in the bowl, "Ah, well, I suppose it's whatever the English say it is." Jamie told her, their eyes meeting as she pulled her hands from the bowl and grabbed more rags, "Aye, it was near to four years ago now." Jamie reminisced, "You don't have to talk about it just because I asked." Bonnie quickly stated.
Jamie looked up at her with an unreadable emotion in his eyes making Bonnie look back at him, but she quickly looked away and bandaged his shoulder tightly, of course Jamie being impatient tried to sit in a better position but Bonnie quickly told him in a motherly and worrying tone "Don't do that. I'm going to strap that arm to your side." the wounded ginger grunted and tried to move again, "Just hold still." Bonnie told him once more, tightening the bandage around his arm and stomach, "You're a kind woman with a good touch. Your husband will be lucky man." Jamie chuckled, a bit in pain from his dislocated shoulder.
Bonnie turned back to the fire and stared at it, she had never thought about marrying, she was still young, but then again she knew that by the time she reached the age of 23 that she'd have to at least meet some suitors if not be married already and that pained her, especially since her mother wouldn't be there to see her, Bonnie had been so focused on her memories and thoughts of her mother not being able to see her grow up that she didn't notice a tear, almost crystal like, fall down her cheek and she most certainly didn't hear Jamie call out to her "Mistress. Mrs. Duchannes?"
"What's wrong?" Jamie inquired as he leaned forward and cleaned the tear from her cheek, allowing the sparks to bring her back to reality, "Oh, I'm fine. I was just thinking about my mother." Bonnie laughed sightly, completely embarrassed that she started to cry in front of someone that hadn't know her very long, "Oh. Lass... Is she not alive?" the highlander inquired, feeling ashamed to have brought such thoughts to the orange haired young girl, "No, she isn't."Bonnie whispered, barely being able to be heard, but she didn't sob, instead her hand flew to her chest, like it always did when she was missing her mother but instead of finding the crystal necklace, she was met empty air, a disappointed sigh escaped her lips.
Jamie got up from the stool he was sitting one and kneeled down next to Bonnie giving her a sideways hug with his good arm, which Bonnie clung to, not only because of the sparks but also because he was trying to comfort her when she needed it most. The two stayed like that for a few more second before pulling back slightly, enough for their noses to be touching, Bonnie's camouflaged eyes met Jamie's natural ones before glancing down at his lips a few times, like Jamie's did to her lips, but before any of them leaned in, Jamie's eyes casted down to the almost superficial sword cut on her neck.
"What happened?" he inquired, pulling back a bit to reach for the wound with his good hand, "Wha?" Bonnie frowned but hissed in pain when his calloused fingers touched the wound slightly, "Oh, nothing, just Black Jack Randall trying to get me to do his bidding, wanted to have his way with me but in refused." Bonnie answered, the wound having completely slipped her mind, "You need not be scared of me. Nor anyone else here, so long as I'm with ye." Jamie whispered to her, the light from the fire making both their hairs more ginger than what they already were.
"When you're not with me?" Bonnie teased, a small smirk returning to her lips as she looked at him through her eyelashes, "Just never forget that you're English in a place where that's not a pretty thing to be." Jamie answered with a small smirk of his own, his hand rising from her neck to cup her cheek, "Thank you, I will." Bonnie mumbled, being completely captivated by his eyes, "Watch yourself. Now, you sleep a bit. You're worn out. Likely someone will want to speak to you before too long." the scot said forcing himself to let go of her, which was almost impossible because of the addicting feeling that the sparks were giving him, "I suppose you're right." she replied and watched him as he grabbed his things and walked out the door, closing it behind him.
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