My 500 follower deal
Depending on how long you have been following me you might know that on my old 'hello followers' book I promised to do one thing for each of my followers, anything as long as I hit 500 followers.
I am 5 followers away so when I hit 500 followers then I have to do one thing for you even if it is to write the smuttiest, kinkiest lemon of all lemons.
I swore that I would let you have one thing as soon as I hit 500 so not yet but I'm scared that you're all gonna ask me to go away 😹😸😺😼🙀😿😾
My emotions...
Well you have time to think... you all are awesome btw!!
Yay!!!! Have fun my kawaii kittens!
Au revour kittens
Kat Xoxo 😽
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