I had been sitting on these stairs for what felt like hours, staring out over the city.
The lights lit up the evening sky and a fresh breeze blew in.
I didn't want to go home, too many thoughts were buzzing around in my head.
Kyra called me from Yoongi's phone. Did he tell her what happened today?
I lied, I said I was at university, instead I was walking the streets, unsure of my feelings.
I couldn't deny it, no matter how hard I tried, but I totally fell for him.
Every thought was buzzing around him, eating, studying, doing nothing, it's Yoongi I can't stop thinking about.
I laid my head in my neck and sighed, "What am I going to do?"
I had to go to Home, I couldn't think about it all night. Love or no love. It would be hopeless anyway.
I got up, walked down the stairs and hailed the nearest cab.
On my way, I decided to call Mina and ask her if I could stay with her for the night. She agreed immediately without asking any questions.
The cab stopped in the driveway of Haru's house. I paid the driver and went inside.
I snuck into my room, not wanting my mom or Haru to notice me, let alone Yoongi, though I didn't see his car in the driveway.
I grabbed the essentials, my toothbrush, my pajamas and a change of clothes, put them all in a bag, grabbed my car keys and snuck back outside.
When I closed the car door, I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe I'll get a clear mind if I keep my distance.
And just as I started the engine, car headlights came up the driveway.
Yoongi parked his car right in front of mine.
My heartbeat quickened.
We both looked at each other and there they were again, those voices in my head, constantly droning at me...' You love him, don't you Nika? You're head over heels in love with him!' 'But he doesn't love you...he just wants his fun...so forget it!'
I took a deep breath..." Shit!" I whispered and Yoongi got out of his car..came towards mine....
The engine was running and just before he reached me, I stepped on the gas and drove away.
I made my decision quickly...
I have to stop this before I hurt myself.
You love him...you love him...those voices in my head...
I was relieved when I arrived at Mina's. I parked the car and took another deep breath, grabbed my things and got out.
It was an open plan apartment complex where she lived, everyone shared the same balcony...her apartment was right on the first floor and then the shock....
I saw her, her arms wrapped around a guy's neck. Who, when he turned around, turned out to be my ex....
I felt betrayed, not by Chris, but by my best friend, when I thought I knew everything about her.
I swallowed the lump in my throat, turned around and walked back to my car...
Then I reached for my phone...opened our last chat and texted her that I had changed my mind....
She saw my text immediately...and smiled and pulled Chris into her apartment....
I tearfully started the engine and drove back home.
When I got home, I switched off the car and leaned back in my seat. Tears streamed down my face.
I wasn't even angry at Chris, I didn't care about him anymore, what really hurt was my best friend cheating on me.
Maybe if she had told me...what I didn't understand was why Chris was acting jealous when he was making out with Mina.
I looked up at Yoongi's room and saw a light on. I felt miserable.
In love with a guy who shows no feelings, my girlfriend fucking around with my ex....
I started the car again and just drove off into the night.
At some point I decided to sit down in a small bar and get drunk.
I had two shots behind me when someone sat down with me.
"Nika?" Kyras smiled. "You here?"
I almost choked on my drink and was a bit embarrassed.
I mean... I hadn't seen her since our...well...since that night.
I cleared my throat..." Hi!" I said sheepishly.
"Can I sit down?" she smiled and I nodded. " Yeah, sure!"
Kyra sat down, both arms on the table... " Everything okay?"... she sighed ..." Yoongi was with me today. He told me what happened!"
"He's not to blame. Chris is an asshole." I said quietly ...
"Still, Yoongi didn't have to do it like that!"
"Like I said ... it's okay, we're not a couple!"
Kyra leaned back. " You're right. It's none of my business." She pointed at my drink. " Looks delicious!"
"Mojito!" I replied.
I looked at her and for the first time I saw how pretty she actually was. She looked young, beautifully shaped lips, elegant. No wonder Yoongi liked her.
"What's really bothering you?" Kyra ordered the same drink.
I sighed... took the last sip from my glass. "I just found out my best friend is fucking around with my ex behind my back."
"Ouch!" she replied, "Then she was never a real girlfriend."
" Maybe!" I said quietly.
"You love him, don't you?"
I chuckled. " Chris? Gosh. A long time ago yes!"
Kyra looked at me, put her hand on mine. "I don't mean Chris! Yoongi! You're in love with him!"
I gasped briefly, felt caught out and was relieved. "Is it that obvious?" I looked down.
"I'm happy!" she said, rubbing her thumb over the surface of my hand.
Kyra sighed... " I think it's time you knew some things."
I looked at her questioningly. "Really? What?"
" Something about Yoongi. Gosh, he's going to hate me for this."
My heart began to beat a little faster.
" Nika! First of all, you should know what I really am. Maybe you'll get up and leave, or maybe... !"
" I've been working in a certain business for quite a long time. I got to know Yoongi when he was almost 20. I was 26 at the time. Two years in the business. His father..."
I didn't understand what she was getting at first. "You know Haru?"
Kyra nodded." Yes," she said quietly.
" Nika I am.... I...am not just the owner of that little club you were in, I receive certain clients who pay me for sex."
My eyes widened....." You are..."
" ...a professional..yeah.!"
Kyra lowered her eyes. I didn't know how to react. It wasn't unpleasant or anything, it was ... surprising...somehow.
" So if you are a. I mean...if you are a...!" I somehow tried to continue the conversation.
" Say it....A whore!"
I gasped for breath and nodded. " So how did you meet Haru?"
Kyra looked at me.... " He was a regular customer... in the club where I worked ..as a whore. "
" Haru?! The Haru my mom is head over heels in love with?" I huffed and leaned backwards. I couldn't believe it.
" Yes, that Haru. He was drunk, talking about how much he regretted marrying a crazy woman. I just wanted to make money. I got involved with him and then he came around a lot...
...once or twice a week at first, then almost every day, at some point he confessed that he had fallen in love with me. "
Kyra took a deep breath..." Sweetheart. I'm telling you all this so you can understand Yoongi. He's a good guy. " she grinned " Even if he tries desperately to cover it up. "
" Okay!" I replied, because I really wanted to know what was going on between Haru and Yoongi.
" I told Haru to get this infatuation out of his head. It was just a job for me. He didn't let up. At some point, he brought Yoongi with him. Told me to make a man out of him. Gosh... I could have ended up in jail for that... .."
I cleared my throat... " And? Did you ? I mean did you both?"
" That night? " Kyra smiled. " No. He was far too shy. We talked. Became fast friends."
I let out a soft sigh of relief.
" Yoongi started coming around more often. Whenever Haru wasn't with me. We talked about him, his life, his mother."
" Kyra, I really want to know what's going on. But... don't get me wrong... I...! Did you...?" I knew he had slept with her. And why wouldn't he?
" We've had sex a few times. if that's what you mean. Yes. . But ..since he.." she sighed.."Yoongi blames his father for his mother... leaving the family. "
Why does her answer bother me? It shouldn't bother me. I gulped.
" Listen, I... !" suddenly she changed her mind..." I've told you too much. Talk to Yoongi. He's totally in love with you. " she tried to smile.
" What?" I chuckled.." Come on! No. He isnt!"
" I know him too well. He only has eyes for you. " Kyra reached out and put her hand on mine. " He said it!"
I looked at her. My heart was racing ... I sighed. " He said no love! I tried not to fall for him. "
A small smile on her part. " Talk to him . I think he'll tell you why there's a huge rift between him and his father." Kyra stood up.
" I gave you a little push, sweetheart. You two will have to do the rest yourselves. "
Yoongi sat in his car, staring at Kyra's text... " She's at Hoon's Bar "
The rain that started a few minutes ago pounded on the roof of the car. Yoongi leaned back in his seat. Sighed.
His feelings were playing a shabby game with him. Kyra was right. Nika had nested herself in his heart. It was hers now. And yet he still resisted.
Yoongi got out of his car, went into the house and met Yvon.
"Hey!" she greeted him and he just nodded briefly in her direction and wanted to go to his room.
"Yoongi!" she called after him and he turned to her.
"I...I just wanted to ask...well. Nika. I haven't been able to reach her all day. It's late and she's still not back"
Just as Yoongi was about to answer her, the front door opened and Nika walked in.
Yvon turned around and he heard her relief. Just as he could hear his.
"Nika!" Her mother went over to her and hugged her tightly. Yoongi knew about the fight this morning and was sure Yvon was sorry. Just as he was sorry for simply ruining Nika's day.
He searched her eyes. Wanted to see if she could forgive him in the same way. And he met her eyes.
They both looked at each other while she held her mother in her embrace.
Yoongi made a gesture with his head upwards, showing her that he wanted to talk to her. Nika squeezed her eyes shut and he understood.
Yoongi went upstairs and waited for her outside her room. He didn't know what he wanted to tell her.
Should he apologize that it was actually him who had ruined the day? Should he tell her that she was always buzzing around in his head? Love?
Yoongi sighed and let himself slide onto the floor.
He has never been in a real relationship with any girl he has ever had. Kyra was all he wanted.
And now there's Nika.
He sat there for ten minutes, trying to organize his thoughts and feelings before she finally came to him.
Nika sat down opposite him and leaned her head against the wall.
"Hey!" she said almost quietly and he could see that she was a little drunk. Eyes reddened, pupils dilated.
"Hey!" he replied. .
Neither of them spoke at first. But their eyes kept searching for each other.
Suddenly she was crawling towards him, onto his lap. Yoongi's heart didn't know where to go.
Nika cupped his cheeks. Looked at him. Her thumbs circled tenderly.
He could literally hear her heartbeat and then it was...That gulp she always made when she was near him.
"Spend the night with me, Yoongi," she whispered. And I mean without any sex. Stay with me!"
His hands went around her hips, pulling her closer to him. He nodded " Okay!"
"I tried..." she whispered. "I failed!"
"I know!" nodded Yoongi, cupping her cheek.
"I'm sorry!" whispered Nika and leaned in for a gentle kiss.
" Don't!" he returned her kiss " You have nothing to be sorry for!"
He knew exactly what she meant because he felt the same way. "Let's go to your room."
"Okay!" she nodded and got up and held out her hand to him and he put his in hers.
She pulled him up. Towards her. " Tomorrow ... when I'm a bit sober again, we should talk."
Nika put her arms around his shoulders and smiled...
"But first I want you to get to know someone!" he kissed her forehead.
" Anything you want..."
Yoongi hoped he was taking the right step in the right direction...
I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I smiled. Why? Because he was in my bed, because I knew what he felt for me, what I felt for him.
I rubbed my hair dry a little, combed it through and went back to my room.
The sun shone into my room in full bloom. Its rays touched his skin tenderly.
I carefully crawled back to him. Yoongi was still fast asleep. In my bed.
He held me in his arms all night and I felt so comfortable.
My fingers gently traced over his perfect jawline, the line of his lips.
I slid even closer to him, kissing his cheek tenderly. Smiled.
"Hmmm!" he sighed sleepily and turned towards me. Took me between his arms. "Kitten!" I heard his rough morning voice for the first time. And i loved it.
I kissed the corner of his mouth, his cheek, my hand wandered over his back.
"You said no sex!" he stammered... and I chuckled..." Kitten, if you keep this up I guarantee you nothing!"
" I want this every morning!" I whispered and planted another kiss on him.
" What sex?" and Yoongi turned on top of me. His eyes half open, he looked at me. " No problem kitten!" ." and his hands tugged at my towel.
I let out a little gasp and held his wrist tightly. " No sex! ... For now!"
Yoongi wrinkled his nose slightly and grinned. " As my Kitten wishes!"
Yoongi rolled off of me and back onto my mattress... " No sex!" he did a slight salute.
I turned to face him . My chin rested on his chest. " I met Kyra yesterday!"
Yoongi looked down at me. " hmm!"
I nodded. " Coincidentally!"
I sat up, adjusted my towel and looked at him.
"Yoongi!" I let out a soft sigh. "Why didn't you ever mention that Kyra is a whore?"
He looked at me, I saw his tongue brush against the inside of his cheek.
"Get dressed!" he then said and stood up. Sit on the edge of the bed.
" Yoongi!"
He took my chin between his fingers and kissed me passionately. "Get dressed. I want to show you something."
" Someone!" he kissed my cheek .. " someone i care a lot!"
An hour later we were sitting in his car and I didn't know where he wanted to take me.
With his fingers wrapped around mine, we drove to the other end of Seoul.
He pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it gently.
Yoongi pulled into a parking lot, turned off the engine and turned in his seat to face me.
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