🔥Part 2🔥
I could hardly sleep all night I was so embarrassed about what happened in the bathroom and Yoongi.
Gosh I wanted to get it out of my head but as soon as I closed my eyes he was sitting in the bathtub in his clothes grinning at me with pleasure.
How could I be so stupid and feel like it when it was most inappropriate?
Tired, I sat at the kitchen counter the next morning and hoped I wouldn't bump into him, but God didn't hear my pleas. No, he punished me the very next second when Yoongi came in.
I sighed softly and avoided eye contact.
"Good morning Kitten!" he said and went to the fridge.
"Kitten?" I mumbled, wrinkling my nose. "I'm not your kitten," I said.
Yoongi turned to me and there was that grin again. As if it was telling me 'Hey, I know what you did in my bathtub yesterday! That look.
"Are you feeling good? I mean after yesterday...."
"Gosh...!" I got up from my seat and just wanted to die.
"By the way... You can also lock the door to my room from the inside. So the next time you're in the mood... " Yoongi came to the counter and leaned towards me
"...then lock it or just call me. I can help you get where you want to go!" he winked.
"You're so disgusting!"
Yoongi giggled and came around to me. He looked me up and down and back. I watched him gulp.
"I'm sorry Niko!" he whispered.
"Nika!" I replied.
He held out his hand to me..." Okay, restart! Hey, I'm Yoongi, the misguided son of Haru!"
" I....!" I was about to tell him to stay away from me when Haru came into the kitchen.
"Wow, my son made it home!" he said and Yoongi's mood changed abruptly.
He took a step back and suddenly looked at me seriously, then turned to his father.
"Have you been with Kyra all this time again?" Haru asked him.
"Why? Do you miss her already?" Yoongi replied and I sensed that the two of them weren't on good terms.
"Be careful son." Haru came closer to Yoongi.
Yoongi grinned. But not in the way he grinned at me. It was a repulsive grin.
"Haru?!" said Yoongi and left.
I was probably sliding from one awkward situation to the next, only this one was weird instead of awkward.
Haru looked at me with a smile and covered up what had just happened.
"I see you've met my son now. I hope he was nice to you?" he said and poured himself some coffee.
"Yes!" I said quietly and my head rattled. What's going on here?
" Even if he is my son, stay away from him. " Haru patted my shoulder.
"Okay!" I replied and I could see that father and son were not on good terms.
"I have to go to the Campus." I said and reached for my bag next to me.
Haru nodded and I left the kitchen.
Yoongi came down the stairs in tattered jeans and a leather jacket and walked past me without a glance.
Something was odd.
Somehow I just felt sorry for him and I didn't even know why.
Yoongi sat pissed in his car.
"Fuck!" he muttered quietly, his fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly.
He hated being under the same roof as his father, but he had no other choice. He had made a promise.
He pulled out his phone and called Kyra.
"Sober?" she asked as she picked up.
"I need you!" Yoongi said, watching Nika pull out of the exit in her car.
He started the engine and drove after her.
"Business or pleasure?" asked Kyra.
"Both!" Yoongi replied and pulled into the next lane Nika drove into.
"Okay sweetie, can you be more specific?"
"I found a new kitten!" Yoongi answered her.
"Okay! Let me guess. Your new stepmother's daughter?"
Yoongi didn't answer and Kyra understood.
"Yoongi , no innocents that's the rule and especially not one that has nothing to do with our stuff."
"Don't worry about it..." Yoongi said and stopped his car. Nika got out of hers and went into a small café.
"I'll make sure she purrs." he leaned back and waited for Nika to come out of the cafe.
"It's about Haru, isn't it?" he heard Kyra sigh.
" The house belongs to my mother . She inherited it from her parents and he brings one bitch after another into it. Who knows maybe he's fucking mother and daughter!"
"Yoongi!" said Kyra admonishingly.
"What? You know him...!"
"What's her name?" asked Kyra...
"And is she pretty?"
"Yeah.. damn she is!"
"Bring her to the party tomorrow. I need to see her first and then I'll decide if i can help you."
"Thanks...hey...I'll be with you in an hour. As a client." Yoongi said and saw Nika come out of the café and get into her car.
"The soft way or the hard way?" Kyra asked and Yoongi could see her mischievous smile.
"I need the hard way!" and he hung up.
Nika was still riding in front of him and yoongi kept his distance.
He wanted to find out everything about her.
Where she goes, who she meets, what she eats, what color she likes, what music she listens to. Simply everything.
She would fall for him, he would make sure of that, even if it wasn't easy. At the latest when she's almost bitten and he gives her his cold side...
After a while, she turned into the SNU street.
Yoongi let out a slight huff.
"Seoul National University. A very smart one. Okay Kitten, now show me what you're doing here. "
Yoongi parked his car, turned off the engine and watched.
Nika got out and a guy came up to her. He pulled her close and kissed her .
" Oh, so you have a boyfriend? Even better!" he whispered and slid a little in his seat.
The guy put his arm around her and she put hers around his waist.
Yoongi rolled his eyes and got out.
"I hate love!" he muttered and put on his sunglasses.
Nika and the guy walked towards the main building and Yoongi was only a few steps behind them.
"So?" the guy asked " How's your new home?"
"Terrible!" she replied and Yoongi grinned.
"Hey, ... how about a party? We'll all meet at the Halo..."
Nika pulled her arm away from the guy and stopped.
Yoongi turned his back to her, hoping she wouldn't see him.
"Honestly , I'm not in the mood. You go , take Mina with you!"
"Oh babe not your crazy friend. Come on! We hardly spend any time together anymore. Let alone... I miss you in my bed!" he heard the guy whimper.
Yoongi grinned..." So that's why her show in the bathtub yesterday! She's in heat!" he whispered.
"Chris, please! " said Nika...
"You see! There we have it! You call me Chris!"
"What else should I call you?"
"How about Babe, Love or Daddy?"
Yoongi rolled his eyes.....
But suddenly someone grabbed his upper arm...
"Oh my God, you here?"
Yoongi looked straight into the girl's smiling face.
He furrowed his brow, how did he know her?
"Ouch!" she said and titled her head" Jaime! It was only yesterday when you left my apartment. "
"Oh!" Yoongi replied, pulling Jaime slightly away from Nika.
"Are you studying here?" Jaime asked, sliding her finger down his arm.
"Oh , no I...!" Yoongi cleared his throat... " ...My stepsister studies here. "
"Anyway, hey... there's some students meeting at Halo tonight, why don't you come over and who knows..." Jaime closed the distance between them and pressed her body against his.
"... Maybe we can pick up where we left off." she whispered.
Yoongi put on a fake smile, gently grabbed her shoulders and slowly pushed her away.
"Maybe another time...!" he looked at Nika, but she was gone. "Fuck!" he whispered.
"Too bad, I'd be in the mood...!"
"Wait!" Yoongi said suddenly. "Did you say Halo?"
Jaime nodded with a grin.
Hadn't Nika's boyfriend mentioned the Halo earlier? Yoongi had to go there. He had to find out more about Nika if he wanted to keep her.
"Okay!... Let's meet there?" he said.
Jaime smiled " Well then... I hope for more tonight!" and she walked into the building.
Yoongi went back to his car and reached for his phone to call Sammy.
He got into the car, started the engine and made his way to Kyra.
"Hey!" said Sammy as he picked up the phone.
"Tonight at the Halo!" said Yoongi.
"Isn't that the club where all the students meet? What do you want there?" asked Sammy.
"To have a bit of fun!" replied Yoongi.
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