Lines will now be replaced with random song lyrics in italics cause I can and I have music in my head right now so ENJOY!!!!!!
Disclaimer at the bottom for that.
"The worst things in life come free..." -<
Ezra groaned, hands brushing against the burning cuts on his cheek before sitting up cautiously, eyes widening at the sight in front of him.
They were locked in, doors around them sealed shut. Baldy and Cowboy were engaged in a fight, while another man and a Togruta woman with two pure white and a crimson lightsaber were at a standstill. Zare, Jai, and Ruby were force pushing, pulling, or anything else they could do without a lightsaber at Ally and Indigo, the former barely dodging in time.
As their yellow eyes bored through his soul, Ezra's heart dropped.
He had failed.
However, he wasn't about to let himself fall into self-pity, not while he was in the middle of three fights with force users at least.
Standing up, the boy pushed Ally away a second before an invisible force a wished by.
"Spectre E!"
"Yeah Yeah you're welcome."
He flinched a split second before a glowing red blade sliced him in half.
"Hey! Be careful Ghost K! How many times do I have to tell you to stop swinging things around? You could've hurt one of us!" Ezra joked despite the drastic situation, a smile tugging at his mouth.
Behind them, the hiss of a lightsaber broke through the air, and the three figures turned around to see Indigo, a green lightsaber in her hands.
"Step away!"
"You think I'll listen to a toddler?" Smirking, the girl grabbed both figures beside her, rubbing the blood red lightsaber on both ends against their skin.
"Colors and promises how to be brave"
Kanan was doing alright until two screams interrupted his concentration.
Looking over, the jedi watched at Killiana's double bladed lightsaber burned two of his friends, momentarily distracted. The Inquisitor took this to his advantage, about to strike a fatal blow. Kanan turned, certain it was his end when he realized the lightsaber had stopped a hair away from his face.
Staring wide-eyed at the weapon, the man looked over to see Indigo, her arm stretched. However, her hold was quickly slipping, and Cowboy had to move in order to stay intact.
Dodging a swipe to the head from the pau'an, Kanan mimicked his attack only to be blocked. Over and over again it went, strike, dodge, block. Strike, Dodge, Block. Soon, Kanan felt exhaustion start to make his attacks sloppy, slower. And he could tell the Inquisitor was having the same effect happen to him.
The jedi faintly remembered the doors around them opening, shots flying past, and was about to turn strike the dark side user down when he felt the faint heat of a lightsaber close to his back and about angry, female voice speak:
"Don't. Move."
Cursing, Kanan mumbled under his breath, "I knew she would go after me."
He was about to put his hands up in a surrendering gesture when he heard a cry of "KILLIANA DON'T!!" And turned to see the most reckless thing he's seen in years.
"Life is no Nintendo game..." ~\~\~\~\~\~
Hera cursed as the doors shut in front of them, beating against them in a feeble attempt to get them to reopen. Turning to the others, she said, "Any ideas?"
"I could try to hack into the security system to make the door open, but it's going to take a while," Sabine suggested.
"Do it," the twi'lek nodded, "We'll cover you."
Positioning herself in front of Sabine, the former prisoner watched as the others did the same, shooting at the troopers rushing towards them.
"Wave one!" Hera shouted, the group taking the Imperials out in a flash.
It was all going well, Sabine managed to open the door and the rebels were almost never overwhelmed. Rushing in, Zeb promptly knocked out a red-headed boy before two other kids, one dark skinned and the other with half red, half black hair, started to wrestle him down.
The green-skinned woman immediately ran over to Ezra and Ally, who were panting, "Never used the Fork for that long," the former murmured, looking ready to pass out.
"Shoot those three," pointing at a pau'an, masked figure, and a girl with cold yellow eyes, Hera, Sabine, and Tahara proceeded in shooting the ones mentioned, Nico having gone to try to steer some attention away from Zeb. However, the three enemies kept dodging their attacks and they found themselves having to shoot the reinforcements that kept flooding in.
Then, as the rebels watched, a girl with short, brown hair strolled foward and pointed her lightsaber at Kanan's back, and not a second later, the small girl Hera recognized as Ally ran foward, yelling the other girl's name before hugging her, either the bravest, or the stupidest thing Hera the twi'lek has seen someone do.
"With the voices inside of my head."<_*
Sorry for the shorter chapter but I think the next chapters will make up for it, hopefully you'll all like it and survive the feels.
Disclaimer: Salminion does not own the lyrics used as lines in this chapter. They belong to Eminem, Rihanna, Ed Sheeran, and Cristina Perri. Salminion does own her writing though XD.
So... next chapter is called A Hint of Hope. :D
The Ghost crew and Spirits of the Forgotten have gotten together to escape from the prison they (as in TSOTF) have lived in for years. However, Vader, Killiana, and the Inquisitor stand in the way. Will they defeat them and will all of them make it out alive?!
Anyway, I'll give you all some buckets from bucketheads for no apparent reason at all because I'm not planning anything nope nothing don't look at me... 🙄*hands out stormtrooper helmets*
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