aim - i have none other than to be happy. it sounds easy, but we always make it difficult and overthink. life is a bitch and then we die. we should try to be happy as long as we are alive. it has everything to do with choices and a good attitude. no one can be happy for someone else.
best time of day - morning. and dusk, just before dark when everything i see is that same shade of blue. longer after sunset but just before darkness settles.
chores i hate and love - i intensely dislike house cleaning - there are some house cleaning chores i will, and some i won't, and i don't care. i love doing clothes washing, especially hanging up to dry in the fresh air and sunshine on a good outdoors washing line - i find it therapeutic. i won't mind dying under my washing line.
dessert/drink i love most - i do not have a sweet tooth, i would eat cold meats for dessert. i could eat dark chocolate mousse, but i'll have it for a starter instead and not spoil my mouth with sweet for it's last taste. i love water. living in a country where the water from the tap is good enough to drink is a blessing to be cherished. i freeze water and i cool it and i make ice cubes, i am never without. i make iced tea from rooibos tea, which is an indigenous plant and a miracle, healthy, tannin free product that is very freely available here. i make liters of it. the secret of its appeal is a very tall glass filled up with ice cubes and a straw. i adore rock shandy. i have ice in every drink i take, except filtered coffee. i love irish coffee too.
essential start to my day - cleaning teeth, bathing. and coffee when i wake. i set the percolator every evening.
favourite flower - i love yellow roses (how they smell) and white roses (how they look with the green tinge) especially, but my firm favourites are portulaca vygies. such grateful and beautiful small flowers of a succulent. i love arranging flowers too, but i probably arrange them to death.
gold/silver - silver. and i love pewter and marcosettes and platinum and opal.
heart/brain - i try to let my brain lead my heart, but i would gladly live in eternal poverty with my true love if i had to choose between love and money, so, so much for the brain.
instrument - favourite is sax and i love the sound of big wooden wind chimes.
jealous in love? - oh yes
kids - no, no, no.
living arrangements - extremely comfortable and sunny. i'm very fortunate.
most used word - what?? and fhell.
nickname - gogga
oldest possession - silver and gold ring belonging to my grandmother and enamel kitchen items(i love them!), a few pieces of retro furniture.
priority in life - to be fair and objective. whether you are friend or foe.
quotes - 'truth is one, men call it variously' and 'never miss an opportunity to shut up'.
right/left handed - right. would give my right hand to be left handed.
secrets - i am the world's best secret keeper, the best. the best.
time i woke up today- 06h00 - i am seriously a morning person, ask anyone. people wish i would shut up mornings. of course i don't and actually they love my jabbering, i suspect.
unique thing about me - i asked a friend who said my sense of humour is unique, but i don't think it's that unique, seeing as there are people who share it, i mean, how unique can it be? another said they know no one who has the same dress sense as i do. oh, and i am bald by choice.
vegetable i love - all cabbage related vegetables, all orange coloured veggies, cucumber, artichoke, onion, garlic.
worst habit - inability to share (space and time and much else), said one friend. another said i mostly think my way is the only way (that confirms my own observation of being selfish)
x-words i know well - xylophone, x-ray, xanthippe.
yummy food i can make - chutney and orange juice chicken casserole (my cooking is notoriously bad) and salads. i am good at making dressings.
zodiac sign - aquarius (i would not mind being pisces - only. but i do prefer the waterbearer)
(i hope some readers might try this tag too. it's interesting to read aboutthe people one has gotten to know on here. and it can be adapted in any way. would anybody try? please tag me if you do)
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