cool is stealing in through windows
together with smooth leaves of
jade-bottle-limefresh green
green trying to join cool air inside where i sit
waiting waiting waiting
the nuns' hospital stays peaceful
and safe even without you here
but i glimpse your beloved ballet bun
untidy and halfway ruined but gorgeous like you
on my way to the loo
(your ghost is familiar and beautiful too)
that is what i spy through the
jade-bottle-limefresh green
green leaves that try to get through the window
from outside inside to me
where it is cool
non state of the art items
lying standing sitting resting on
desks tables counters surfaces carelessly
testament to frugality and care for patients
the fax machine has turned yellow together
with the keyboard of a more recent monitor
the two receptionists too are not too new
of everything old in the waiting room the oldest
seems to be the lacquer on toes
warm and older than the toes themselves
broad colourless vertical blinds
are tied together an unforgiving flat pony tail
stark, stiff and african
letting in the cool
jade-bottle-limefresh green
green leaves and breezes that cool and caress
my face throat hands thoughts
i glimpse cool headless feetless bodies
moving through the trees of
jade-bottle-limefresh green
green branches downstairs from the window
it seems as cool there as it is here
everything moves in imitation of a disorganised
miniature mexican wave
starting with leaves air hair
through the quiet cool room and
ends with paper skirt shirt
full circle to leaves and
jade-bottle-limefresh green
cool air
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