!!!Valentine Trouble!!!
???: "FINALLY WE ARE BACK FROM THE CHURCH!!!" *About to jump onto the bed*
Michelle: *Grab ???'s shirt* "The story..."
???: "Oh yeah... So this is how it goes!!!"
Michelle: "Yep! Also... Watch out..."
Lia: "Why???"
Michelle: "It's the time of the year again... Valentine week..."
Everyone except Michelle: "WHAT!?"
Michelle: "So~"
???: "Hey babe!" *Try to plant a kiss on my cheeks*
Michelle: *Move out of the way* "Hey King..."
King: "Do you wanna go ou~"
Quake: "Nice to meet you King! Sorry but we have to get going!" *Drag everyone away from King*
Michelle: "I'll teach you some advance magic if you don't do that anymore!"
Fire and Cyclone: "DEAL!!!"
Michelle: "So anywa~
???: "Hey Lia! You look really cute today!"
Thunderstorm: "BACK OFF!!!"
Lia: "Thunder~"
???: *Pull Lia's arm* "She's mine so back off!"
Lia: "LET GO OF ME MAX!!!"
Max: "Sure cutie!" *Tighten grip*
Thunderstorm: "LET HER GO!!!" *Punch Max*
Max: "If that's how you wanna play it... Then bring it on! I got a black belt for Karate!
Thunderstorm: "Same!"
Michelle: "QUIT FIGHTING!!! Max! Go to your dorm right now or you will be expelled!"
Max: "Sure... Cya cutie!" (directed to Lia)
Thunderstorm: "That guy pisses me off..."
Quake: "I know how you feel..."
Lisa: "Don't tell me I'm ne~"
???: "Hey beautiful! Here... A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl..." *Put a blue rose in Lisa's hair* "It's your favourite! Right? You know... We should go on a date... Like right now... Don't worry! Together... We can ditch school...
Lisa: "..."
Cyclone: "Sorry but she can't!" *Pull Lisa away*
???: "See you later beautiful! Call me!"
Cyclone: "Are you ok Lisa!?" *Take the blue rose from her hair and chuck it away*
Lisa: "I'm fine Cycy..."
Danika: "Should we~"
???: "Hey love... Wanna hang out today!?"
Danika: "No than~
Ice: "Sorry but she is busy today! So she doesn't have time to hang out with the likes of you!"
???: "Sorry that you're... A LOSER!!! Come on love!" *Hugs Danika*
Danika: "Get off Mike!"
Mike: "No need to rush the hug..."
Ice: "Stay away from... DANIKA!!!"
(Ice screamed... Ice actually screamed... Does Ice like Danika!?)
Mike: "Make me! Come one love! Let's get out of here!" *Pull Danika away from the gang*
Danika: "Le~"
Ice: "GET AWAY FEOM HER!!!" *Pull Danika off of Mike and tightly hug her*
(Wait... He didn't blush... So does Ice like her or not!?)
Danika: *Slightly blush*
Mike: "... I'll be back next time... Wait for me love!" *Walk away*
C.M.D: "Those guys makes me MAD!!!" *Crazy dark aura surrounds her*
Mio: "Are you forgetting something...*
Liz: "True... Aren't you forgetting about us???"
Mio: "They will target us sooner or late~"
Random crowd of boys: "HEY GIRLS!!! COME DATE US!!!"
Michelle: *Click my fingers* *Teleport everyone to my room*
Quake, Thunderstorm and Cyclone: "They're starting to bug me so much!!!"
Michelle: "This is going to continue for a week..."
Lia: "WHAT THE H#~"
Michelle and Quake: "Don't even say it..."
Lia: "Kay..."
Michelle: "We better hurry! The ceremony is about to begin!"
Lisa: "O~"
Michelle: *Click her fingers* *Teleport everyone to the entrance of the ceremony*
Lisa: "K?"
Michelle: "I'll be in the front! See you guys later!" *Walk onto the front area of the hall*
C.M.D: "Catch ya later guys! I gotta go to my mates! Peace out!" *Walk to the Slytherin table*
Mio: "Same here! Cya!"
Liz: "Yeah... Same here also! Cya!"
Mio and Liz: *Walk to the Slytherin table*
Fang: "Now what..."
Quake: "I guess we go... Inside?"
Cyclone and Gopal: "YOU'RE ON!!!"
Fire and Cyclone: *Run to the Griffindor table*
Gopal: *Run to the Hufflepuff table*
Ying: "LET'S GO!!!"
Everyone else beside Ying: "YEAH!!!" *Walk inside*
New freshmen: "BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!"
??? (1): "Everyone! Please quiet down!"
Everyone (only the new students): "???"
Quake: "Who's there!?"
??? (1): "My name is Harry Potter! The headmaster of this magic school for wizards!"
Everyone (only the new students): "HARRY POTTER!!!"
??? (2): "We are now going to begin the selection of which house you guys will go to!"
Random kid: "Who's there!?"
??? (2): "Nice to meet you all! I am Michelle!"
The 4 elements (minus Quake), Ying, Yaya and Fang: 'She's actually Harry Potter's assistance...'
Harry Potter: "She is the second most powerful wizard there is here!"
Michelle: "And Harry here is the first!"
Harry Potter: "But anyway... We shall start the ceremony!"
Michelle: "So step right up and we'll start the ceremony!"
Harry Potter: "(Insert spell)"
Griffindor - Quake, Maxie, Shelia, Ruby, Diamond and Cupcake
(He is not lonely! Quake has Fire and Cyclone with him! I repeat! He is not lonely!)
Slytherin - Thunderstorm, Ice, Fang, Ivy, Snakey-Wakey!!! (😅) and Slytherin!!! (😙NAMED AFTER THE HOUSE!!!)
Ravenclaw - Thorn, Solar, Speedy, Oceana, Melody and Mikey
Hufflepuff - Yaya (?), Ying (?), Fiona, Leonna, Christina and Cylia
(I feel like Yaya and Ying shouldn't be in that house...)
Michelle: "Now please go sit down in your houses!"
All the new students: *Scurry to their seats*
Harry Potter: "We are holding a grand feast to celebrate the recent arrival of these new students! So please enjoy the feast!"
(Room changes appearance and a feast appears in front of everyone!)
Everyone: "..."
Gopal: "DIG IN GUYS!!!"
Everyone: *Starts eating*
Fire: "You know... This is like the first day we have been here except we are replace by our brothers and friends..."
Cyclone: "True..."
Cyclone and Fire: "OH WELL!!!" *Starts eating*
Random boy: "MAIL!!!"
Owl(s): *Drop lots of packages!* (Mostly for the girls though!) *Flies away when finish sending all packages*
(Over 100 owls)
Fire: "Where's Lia, Lisa and Danika???"
???: "UP HERE!!!"
Cyclone: "Lisa???" *Look at the front part of the hall*
Lisa: "I forgot to tell you... I'm a teacher!!!"
Cyclone: "WHAT!!!???"
Lia and Danika: "We're the same!"
Thunderstorm: *Trying to hide the blush he has* (^/////^) 'She looks so cute in that uniform... Wait... WHAT AM I THINKING!!!'
Lia: "Thundy???"
Thunderstorm: "Don't call me that!" (-/////-)
Lia: "Sure sure..."
Cyclone and Fire: "SURE THUNDY!!!"
Thunderstorm: "WHAT WAS THAT!!!!!!"
Fire: "Hey Thundy!" (Whisper tone) "Look at all those valentine gifts she has... So many..."
Thunderstorm: "WHAT!!!???"
Michelle: "Would you three please quiet down!"
Fire: "Kay M-CHAN!!!"
Michelle: "..."
Cyclone: "Hey M-Chan! Can we go to your room later to play!?"
Michelle: "I can't see why not..."
Harry Potter: "What's wrong?"
Michelle: "Hey Harry... Can my friends stay in my room for a while???"
Harry Potter: "I can't see why not... Sure! Have fun!"
Cyclone and Fire: "LET'S GO!!!" *Run to Michelle's room*
Michelle: "Thanks Harry! Talk to you later! And also, say hi to the guys for me!"
Harry Potter: "..."
Michelle: "... You still can't find him..."
Harry Potter: "It's already been a year since Ron was missing..."
Michelle: "Don't worry! I'm still here!"
Harry Potter: "Well talk to you later!"
Michelle: "Cya!" *Walk to my room* 'Harry doesn't deserve to suffer... Besides... Harry can't eat probably anymore since he nearly killed himself looking for Ron...'
Some random boys: (Whisper tone) "Those boys are way too close to the girls..."
(Michelle's room)
Fire: "So how many gifts do you guys have??? I have 156 gifts!!!"
Cyclone: "WELL I'VE GOT 200 GIFTS!!!"
Gopal: "I'VE GOT! None..."
Danika: "I've got 324 gifts..."
Lisa: "I've got 327 gifts..."
Lia: "I've got 330 gifts..."
Michelle: "And me... I got 333 gifts..."
Quake, Thunderstorm and Cyclone: "WHAT!!!???" 'SO WE ARE FIGHTING AGAINST OVER 300 BOYS!!!'
Michelle: "Last year we got around the 200...
Cyclone: "I got around the 100..."
Fire: "AND ME!!! I don't remember..."
Michelle: "So anyway... We gotta survive this week of magic school... GOOD LUCK!!!"
(???: "Am I in this chapter"
???: "But Pang told me... PANG!!!")
Lisa: "You make it sound so easy..."
Lia: "Remember what happened last time we had Valentine day for a week..."
Michelle: "I could never forget about that week..."
(Day 1)
Michelle: "It's Valentine week..."
Lia: "It is!?"
Michelle: "Yep!"
Lisa: "This is going to be hard..."
Danika: "Hey guys..."
Lia: "Yeah???"
Danika"There's over 200 people staring at the back of our heads..."
Michelle: "There's approximately 276 boys staring at us..."
Lisa: "Hey Michelle..."
Michelle: "Yeah???"
Lisa: "Loads of the girls are giving us death glares..."
Danika: "Probably jealous of all the attention that we're getting..."
Michelle: "Well I for one, don't want all of this attention!"
Danika, Lia and Lisa: "SAME!!!"
All of a sudden! Gifts comes flying from the bushes and lands in front of us!
Michelle: "Are these... For us???"
The 4 girls: "..."
All of a sudden! Gifts comes flying from the sky and lands in front of us!
Lia: "More gifts..."
The 4 girls: "..."
All of a sudden! Gifts comes flying from the ground and lands in front of us!
Lisa: "Uh..."
The 4 girls: "..."
All of a sudden! Gifts comes flying from the back and lands in front of us!
Danika: "OK! WE GET IT ALREADY!!!"
The 4 girls: "..."
Michelle: "Let's get out of here..."
The other 3 girls: "Agreed..."
The 4 girls: *Walk to their room*
Michelle: "It was... Crazy..."
Lia: "Let's hope that we somehow manage to survive..."
Danika and Lisa: "AGREED!!!"
Michelle: "An~"
All of a sudden! Gifts appeared in front of us!
Michelle: "D... This is the work of teleportation powers..."
Cyclone: "But who sent all these???"
Michelle: "Of course over 300 people but the one who teleported all this is... King, Max, Mike and Chat..."
Solar: "Wait! CHAT NOIR!!!"
Michelle: "His real name is... Solar but people calls him Chat..."
Michelle: "In a way... YEP!!!"
Danika: "Class is going to starts soon..."
Michelle: "Well cya everyone! And guys! If you guys get lost use this map! Ok?" *Hand everyone a magical map*
Everyone: "Bye!" *Walk to class and some uses the map*
(Second last day of Valentine week)
(Last day to give your crush presents)
(In the park in the middle of the school, before class)
Cyclone: "LISA!"
Lisa: "Yeah Cyclone..."
Cyclone: "I GOT YOU A UNICORN!!!"
Lisa: "REALLY!? Aren't those rare!?"
Cyclone: "BUT I GOT ONE!!! JUST FOR YOU!!!"
Lisa: "THANK YOU SO MUCH CYCY!!!" *Give Cyclone a big bear hug*
Cyclone: "The unicorn I got for you is blue! Your favourite colour!!! I think..."
Cyclone: "Hm... Maybe we should name this unicorn... Ice~ y!
Lisa: "Icy... Sure! Let's name the unicorn Icy!"
Danika: "Hey guys... Have you seen Ice anyway by chance!?"
Lisa: "Sorry nope! What's wrong!?"
Cyclone: *Whistle innocently*
Danika: "No one had seen him for the last 5 hours! Oh where could he be..."
Lisa: "Don't tell me you have something to do with this Cycy..."
Cyclone: "Well you see..." *Nervously laugh* "You see... Unicorns are rare! And really hard to get! But I really wanted to get you a perfect gift so... I... Turned Ice into a unicorn~"
Lisa: "YOU WHAT!!! You know that I'll love what ever you give me... You didn't have to force yourself to get me a unicorn!"
Cyclone: "Really Lisa... I love you Li-Li-Lisa..." *Blush* (^/////^)
Lisa: "I love you too..." *Blush* (^/////^)
Danika: "Sorry to ruin the moment but Cyclone... Turn Ice back to normal NOW!"
Cyclone: "Yes ma'am!" *Hesitate*
Danika: "What are you waiting for!?"
Cyclone: "Well the thing is... I don't know the spell to turn him back to... Nor~"
Michelle: "Danika... Are you... Screaming!?"
Michelle: "Calm down Danika... Take deep breathes and tell me what's wrong..."
Danika: *Breathe in and out* "Cyclone turned Ice into a unicorn and he doesn't know how to turn him back to normal..." *Resisting the urge to strangle Cyclone*
Michelle: "Just keep breathing and calm down... I'll solve this..."
Danika: "Ok..." *Breathe in and out*
Michelle: *Click my fingers*
Icy the Unicorn: *Transform into Ice the Human*
Ice: "What happened..."
Michelle: "What do you remember last?"
Ice: "Um... Cyclone telling me to sleep..."
Michelle: "Ok... Just forget about today!"
Ice: "Um... Ok?"
Danika: "Ice! You're~"
Michelle: (Talk to Danika using telepathy) "Do not mention anything about him about being a unicorn unless you want him and Cyclone to get expelled!"
Danika: "You look charming today!
Ice: "Um... Ok?"
Danika: "Wait... What time is it???"
Michelle: "10 minutes after the start of class..."
Danika, Lisa, Ice and Cyclone: O-O "WE'RE DEAD LATE!!!" (Ice said that in a normal tone)
(In his room after class)
Thunderstorm: "What to get Lia... What do I get her... What do I get her! WHAT DO I GET HER!!!" *Break the furniture* "Not again..."
???: "Can I come in Thundy???"
Thunderstorm: "DON'T CALL MY THUNDY, SOLAR!!!"
Solar: "Sure... Thundy..."
Thunderstorm: *Break part of the bed off*
Solar: "No screaming no shouting at me!? Wait... Is something wrong!? You would have exploded at me by now!"
Thunderstorm: "It's just... I don't know what to get for Lia... Everyone gave her really nice expensive gifts, but I'm not as rich as them... I don't even stand a chance to take her as my own.. Solar... I'm going to loose her!" *Starts crying silently*
???: "... Thundy..."
Solar: "Don't cry Thundy... I know she'll love what ever you give her!"
Thunderstorm: "I..." *Continues crying*
???: "I don't need anything!"
Thunderstorm: "Li... a?" *Sniff*
Lia: "I don't need anything from you! All I need is... Your love!"
Thunderstorm: "Lia..."
Solar: "I'll be leaving!" *Escape the room*
Lia: "I always get jealous when a random girl that doesn't know you as well as I do gives you a present, a gift, a hug..." *Starts crying little tears*
Thunderstorm: "Lia..." *Hug her tightly and embrace her*
Lia: *Hug Thunderstorm back but tighter*
Solar: *Secretly take a picture of them with his phone* "I wonder how many fans will agree with this OTP..." *Post the picture onto Instagram*
(During class)
Quake: "What do I do..."
Michelle: "Are you ok Qua~"
Quake: "I got to go! Cya!" *Run to the bathroom*
Michelle: "He's been avoiding me all day... Did I do something wrong..." *Put my black hoodie on to cover my face* (I always wear a black winter jacket that has a hoodie) *Silently cries with out anyone knowing except two...*
???: "Why is Michelle... I need to get Quake!"
(Outside the boys toilets)
Quake: "What do I get Michelle... I've been avoiding her all day worrying about getting her a perfect gift..."
Quake: "I'm here! What's wrong Thorn!?"
Thorn: "IT'S MICHELLE! I don't know why but... She's crying by herself..."
Quake: "WHAT!!!??? Is it because I have been avoiding her!"
Thorn: "You've been avoiding Michelle!?"
Quake: "I got to go! Sorry Thorn! I got to go see Michelle!"
(Inside the classroom)
Michelle: *Still silently crying*
???: "Michelle! What's wrong!?
Michelle: "Oh..." *Sniff* "It's just you King..."
King: "Are you ok!?"
Michelle: "I'm" *Sniff* "Fine..."
King: "..." *Pull Michelle*
Michelle: "Hey King!" *Sniff* "Where are we going!?"
King: "Wait and you'll see!"
Michelle: "Fine..."
(Passed Quake but only King noticed him)
King: *Make an evil face with out anyone noticing* *Pull Michelle metres and kilometres away from where Quake is standing* "We'll be there soon! Just wait!"
Quake: "I... I lost her... To out of every person in this school, I lost her to King! She's..." *Tears forms in his eyes*
C.M.D: "Hey! What-sup Quake!"
Liz: "Wait! Are you crying!?"
Mio: "Do you need a hug!?"
Quake: "No... But~" *Sniff* "I need help!"
???: "Does that include us!" (It was more like a statement then a question...)
Quake: "Fang... *Sniff* You guys..."
Yaya: "We're always here to back you up Quake!"
Fang: "Just tell us what's wrong and we can help you out!"
Cyclone and Fire: "Then after this we can play video games!"
Quake: "Really..." *Sniff*
Thunderstorm: "You have always been the responsible one, the one to take care of us! We just want to pay you back for all the times you helped us!"
Quake: "Thank you so much guys!"
Solar: "So tell us! What's wrong?"
Quake: "It's Michelle... I-I... Lost her to King..."
Everyone besides Quake and Ice: "WHAT!?"
Quake: "I think... Michelle hates me... I think she doesn't like me anymore..."
Ying: "Iye iye iye Quake! That can't be true!!!"
Gopal: "Besides! Why would she hate you!?"
Quake: "BECAUSE I'VE BEEN AVOIDING HER!!! That's why..."
Lia: "You've been avoiding Michelle!?"
Quake: "It's just... I don't know what to do or say! I want to give her something but I don't know what so... I've been avoiding her..."
Thorn: "So that's why she' crying..."
Thorn: "Yeah... She was crying before King was there..."
Danika: "..."
Thunderstorm: "You messed up big time Quake..."
Quake: "I-I... What do I~"
Liz: *Slap Quake hard on the cheeks*
Liz: "Calm down! Panicking will get you no where!"
Mio: "Who taught you that!?"
Liz: "Michelle..."
Danika: "Let's go save her..."
Everyone except Danika: "TOGETHER!!!"
(Ice didn't shout that though)
(At the school entrance, when the sun is setting)
Michelle: "Wow... That's... That's beautiful..."
King: "I like to go here when I need to calm down... Especially when the sun is rising or setting... It's beautiful... Isn't it..."
Michelle: "Yeah... You're right... It's beautiful... King..."
King: "Yeah?"
Michelle: "You know... You're not as bad as I thought you were..."
King: "What makes you say that?"
Michelle: "I thought... Maybe you like to play around with all the girls, since you didn't only flirt with me but other girls too... But I guess you also got a kind side..."
King: "Are you saying that you're jealous that I'm giving the other girls attention!?"
Michelle: "That isn't close to what I said..."
King: "I was just joking! Thanks... Let's enjoy the sunset to the fullest!"
Michelle: "Sure!" *Smile*
King: *Blush* 'Oh shoot... She looks so cute...'
Michelle: "Is something wrong King?" *Tilt head to the right a little*
King: *Blush even harder* 'Why does she have to be so cute at times like this!?'
Michelle: "King?"
King: "Michelle... I want to tell you something!"
Michelle: "What do you want to tell me?"
King: "Michelle I-I... Lo~"
???: *Pull Michelle away from King* *Embrace Michelle in his arms*
Michelle: "!!! Quake!?"
Quake: "Stay away from Michelle you~"
Michelle: "Quake! Let me go!" *Struggle free out of Quake's arm*
Quake: "Mi~"
Michelle: "King was only trying to comfort me! He was at least trying to stop me from crying!"
Quake: "Fine then! Have King love you for the rest of your life!"
(Moon turns pink?)
Michelle: "... Shoot! 20% of my magic got extracted..." *Fall onto my knees*
Quake and King: "Michelle!?"
All the other girls: *Faint*
Cyclone: "Lisa!"
Thunderstorm: "Lia!"
Fang: "Ying!"
Gopal: "Yaya!"
Ice: "Danika..."
Michelle: "It's time..."
Solar: "Time for what???" *Take millions of selfies of himself*
Blaze: "The invasion..."
Everyone except the girls, Blaze and Cyclone: "WHAT INVASION!!!??? And how did you transform into Blaze???"
Blaze: "Um... Magic!"
Cyclone: "We have to move the girls away from this area!"
Fang: "Why's that!?"
Blaze: "It's because if we don't! The invaders will take over there thoughts and memories, and use them against us!!!"
Fang: "What about the other girls!?"
Cyclone: "I don't know..."
King: "They usually target the strongest target there is! Which is Michelle, Lia, Lisa and Danika! So that means the invaders will stay away from the other girls! That is... Unless we lead them straight to other girls..."
Michelle: "You guys take care of the girls! I'll hold them back!"
Quake and King: "Mi~"
Michelle: "GO!!!"
???: "Need some help Michy-Chan???"
Cyclone: "IT'S YOU!!!"
Michelle: 'Oh no...'
???: "Huh? Have I met you before???"
Fang: "Remember us! It's us, you used to help us defeat Adu du and Probe! You even saved us!"
???: "I don't remember helping someone in these parts..."
Gopal: "No it wasn't here! The first time you appeared was near the school in Rintis Island!!!"
???: "Never heard of that place before..."
Boboiboy siblings: *Look at each other with a confused and worried look*
???: "Michy-Chan! They're coming!"
Michelle: "Let's do a bet! Whoever destroys the most monsters win!"
Michelle: "Don't worry about us! Now run!!!"
Thunderstorm: "Let's go Lia..." *Carry Lia bridal style* "Thank you... Michelle..."
Michelle: "Well this is a first! Promise me you'll take care of Lia!"
Thunderstorm: "No need to say it twice!"
Cyclone: "Yeah... Thanks Michelle..." *Carry Lisa bridal style and jump onto his hover board* *About to drop Lisa*
Michelle: "DON'T DROP HER!!!"
Cyclone: *Nervously laugh* "Oops? Sorry?"
Fang: "You better survive!" *Carry Ying bridal style*
Michelle: "Sure! But no promises!"
Gopal: "Yes promises! Promise right now that you'll come back alive!!!" *Carry Yaya bridal style*
Michelle: "Um... I... I... Sorta promise that I will come back alive! Good enough?"
Gopal: "That was really good!" *Eyes sparkling* "Best speech ever!!!"
Michelle: "Wait what..."
???: "HERE THEY ARE!!!"
Michelle: "Wait! Who's taking Danika!?"
Michelle: "Any volunteers???"
Everyone: "..."
Ice: "I will then..." *Carry Danika bridal style*
Michelle: "You guys make such a cute couple!!!"
Thunderstorm, Cyclone, Fang, Gopal and Ice: "WE ARE NOT A CUTE COUPLE!!!" (-/////-)
(Ice didn't scream and didn't blush... This love thing is so complicated...)
Michelle: "Sure... Sure... See you later guys!" ^^
Quake: (Whisper tone) "I hope..."
Michelle: "What was that?"
Quake: "NOTHING!!!"
Michelle: "Coming! Copy cat! Elementral dragon!"
(A dragon made of 8 elements, include darkness, appeared)
Blaze: "Woah..."
Solar: "Wait... There's a dark element too!!!???"
Ice: "... Can we go now..."
Quake: "Sure! Let's go!"
King: "I'll stay back and help the girls!"
Quake: "King..."
King: "I never wanted to steal Michelle from you... Neither did my buds wanted to still your bros' girls... We were just jealous that you were the one chosen by our crush..."
Quake: "Thank you... King..."
King: "Now go! Go to the secret room!"
Quake: "... Thank you... You three..."
Everyone that isn't fighting: *Run into the secret room*
???: "Let's see... I'm in the lead so far with 59 monsters destroyed!"
King: "Too bad! Because I destroyed 134 monsters!"
Michelle: "Sorry to say, but I destroyed 345 monsters!"
???: "You always beat me..." *Pout*
King:'"True..." *Pout*
Michelle: "Maybe if you guys keep practising, you guys will be able to beat me one day!" *Wink*
King: (-/////-)
King: "SAME!"
Michelle: "I'll be waiting then! Well that's the last of them..."
(Pink moon is replaced with a normal sun)
???: "LET'S GO GET SOME!!!"
Blaze: "YEAH!!!"
Quake: "You changed so much M.K.B..."
M.K.B: "How do you know my name!!!???"
Michelle: "I can explain that..."
Quake: "Ok~"
Thunderstorm: "Go ahead! We're listening!"
Michelle: "Well... You see..."
M.K.B: "I~"
M.K.B: "What am I doing???"
Michelle: "Giving a spoiler alert of the next chapter..."
M.K.B: *Pout* "I just want to finish reading the next chapter so then I can read Blice vs. Bice to everyone..."
Michelle: "This chapter and the next chapter is a birthday special... When ever it's someone's birthday, we have to do a special chapter based on one thing about them..."
M.K.B: "Do we ha~"
???: *Hit M.K.B with a bat on the head*
Michelle: "WHY DID YOU DO THAT GOPAL!!!???"
Gopal: "Because if she doesn't stop talking, I can't get my ice chocolate in time!!!"
Michelle: "Too bad! Because not only did you hurt an innocent person, but you are also late!
Gopal: "Late for what!?"
Michelle: "The koko stand closed down 1 hr ago..."
Gopal: "NOOOOOOOOO!!!"
Michelle: "I do not own Boboiboy and it's characters, o do not own any of the OC characters, besides mine and... Time to get tagging!!! By the way, these people are awesome and many of them have awesome stories that I believe everyone one of you will like!!!"
Michelle: "And blah blah blah..."
M.K.B: "You said that this was a birthday special, right?"
Michelle: "Yep!"
M.K.B: "So who's birthday is it today???"
Michelle: "Um... This is actually part 2 of fangirl78123 birthday special! But... Today's my birthday!
M.K.B: "REALLY!!!???"
Quake: "Did someone say birthday???"
Michelle: "I DON'T THINK ANYONE DID SAY THAT!!! Keep it a secret ok M.K.B!"
M.K.B: "YES MA'AM!!!"
Ice: "Would you guys please quiet down... I'm trying to sleep here... And also, it's good to see you again M.K.B..."
Michelle: "When you read the next 'birthday special' chapter, you will understand..."
M.K.B: "Can I read it now!!!???"
Michelle: "Yeah... Nope!"
M.K.B: *Pout*
Michelle: "But please... Don't explode! Ok M.K.B!?
M.K.B: "Just finish this session already..."
Gopal: 'Wait... Didn't M.K.B fainted...'
Michelle: "N~"
Thunderstorm: "THUNDER STRIKE" *Shock you (the readers) with a thunder staff*
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