Revenge taste so sweet! (Like Red Carrot Doughnuts)
Me: "Yep! Just hurry up with it... Oh hey there viewers! I was just talking to Lia! I just hope she can make it in time to host the sho..." 😥
Lia: "I am" *pant* "right" *pant* "here..."😤
Me: "How did you get here so fast..."😮
Lia: "I am not going to miss this part of the show! No matter what!"😤
Me: "Why?"😑
Lia: "Shouldn't we start the show now..."😐
Me: "Uh... Maybe later in a while..." *Grabs 11 pillows and place it on the floor* "Hehehe..."😈
Lia: "Oh no... What are you going to do Mi..."😰
Gopal: "ARGHHHHHHHH..."😱
Lia: "WHAT THE HECK!!!"😱
Me: 'The BBB siblings, except Solar , Ying, Yaya, Gopal, Fang and Ochobot are falling down from the sky unconscious but it seems that only Gopal woke up...'😑😑😑😑😑"Oh shoot... I shouldn't have put that crate of Tok Aba Cocoa 50 meters away from him... I should of put it probably 1 kilometre, or more, away from him... Oh well! Get ready to land Gopal! Try to land on that pillow!!!"😆
My little brother Michael: "Your on a pillow bro... And by the way... You're looking at a bread crumb..."😎
Me, Lia and Michael: "HAHAHA!" *Laughing like a maniac* 😂
Me: "If only this moment had last forever...😬I'll let you off this time Mikey...😪And also the exit is in the back over there!"😄(My nickname for my bro which is pronounced as Mike-ey but anyway...) "Hey Gopal!😆I left a box of Tok Aba's famous hot chocolate right behind you!"😆
Gopal: "WHERE!!?? WHERE IS IT!!??😍😆
Me: "RIGHT HERE!"😈💉*Gives Gopal a needle*
Gopal: *Fainted*😲
Lia: "Are you crazy!"😱
Me: "Just in case you guys are wondering about what I gave Gopal... I gave him a special poison... Don't worry it won't harm him... It will just change him in a way..."😉*Snickering*😂
Lia: "Michelle... What did you do..."🤔*Getting suspicious*🙄
Me: "You'll find out soon! Anyway... Here comes the best part! Butler Jim! Can you please start my plan!"😄
Lia: "You have A BUTLER!"😱
Me: "I can get you one if you want! Here is the magazine of the best of the best available butlers and maids!Choose wisely because that person will serve you throughout the show ok!"😉
Lia: "Ok! Thanks Michelle!"😄
Me: "No prob! And now I think you should start taking steps backwards... Oh and by the way... I believe you should run out of the room and take cover in the watch room!"😙
Lia: "Why.."🤔*Looks at Michelle suspiciously*
Me: "Don't worry! I'm gonna join you so... Last one there is a rotten green alien!!!"😆
Lia: "You're on! Wait... Where is she..."🙄
Me: "Hurry up Lia!" (10 meters away from Lia) "We can't be here when everyone else is here!"😆
Lia: "Can you just tell me why!?"😫
Me: "Sure! That is when we get into the watch room!"😙
Lia: "What the he..."😪
Me: "Come on! And also... NO SWEARING! Well for now that is..."😄
-Time skip-
Lia: "Now can you give me an explanation please..."💢
Me: "Sure! So remember I set all the pillows down!"😄
Lia: "Yeah... Why..."🤔
Me: "How many pillows did I set down!"😈
Lia: "One... Five... Nine... Eleven... Oh yeah! You set down eleven pillows! So what does this got to do with us taking cover..."😑
Me: "All the BBB siblings will be there! Along with Ochobot, Ying, Yaya, Gopal and Fang! And how many will there be all together!?😈
Lia: "Twelve... Oh... No..."😣
Me: "Oh yes! The one that I didn't get the pillow for is the one I want revenge against but anyway... I got him something else... Something big... Muwhahaha!!!"😈
Lia: "What is wrong with you..."😥😪
Me: "If you look behind you, there would be some windows for us to see through showing us the whole scene! Before it starts get some snacks I left on the table behind us!"😄
Lia: "Yum! You got some fries!"😍
Me: "Here's your chair! Now sit back and enjoy this little scene I created just a few minutes ago! That also means you guys too!"😘
Quake: "Ow... My head..."🤕
Thunderstorm: "Is everyone here and ok..."😎
Fire: "YEP! We're all here!"😆
Fang: "I have a feeling that we're forgetting someone..."😑
Yaya: "Wait... Where's Solar..."😮
Ying: "Yourrightwhereishe!"😱
Quake: "Slow down Ying!"😅
Ying: "Ok! Hey Yaya! Your right! Where is he!?🤔
Ice: "Haven't you guys notice that Gopal didn't wake up yet?"😧
Thorn: "Ice is right you know... Gopal is still aslee..."😐
Gopal: "I'm wide awake..."🎤
Everyone: "..."😱
Ice: "Why is Gopal singing!?"😱😱😱😱😱
Gopal: "What sup my mammals!"🎤
Thorn: "Please... Just stop singing Gopal! This is too much even for you!😱😱😨😨😰😰
Gopal: "I'll sure like some sweet company!"🎤
Fire: "Yeah! Let me sing too!😆
Gopal: "Shake it off! Shake it off!"🎤
Quake: "Wait wha... Argh! You got a spider on you Gopal!"😱
Gopal: "Shake it off! Shake it off!🎤*Faint*
(Me: "Oops... Wrong needle..."😧
Lia: "Michelle... What did you do..."
Me: "I sort of did a mistake..."
Quake: "Are you ok Gopal!?"
Gopal: "..." *giggles softly like a girl!?*
Fire: "Gopal..."
Gopal: "Don't you guys think I look so sexy! So sexy!
Fire and Cyclone: "Argh!!! Our eyes are broken!"
Gopal: "I need an extra layer of lipstick... Look at me guys! *Starts pole dancing with the pole that magically appeared because of a button I actually accidentally stepped on...*
Ying and Yaya: "Get a room Gopal!"
Quake and Thunderstorm: "Yeah Gopal! You should get a room!
Ice, Thorn and Fang: "I think I'm gonna puke!" *Skin changes to green*
Fire: "HAHAHAHA! We got three new green aliens!"
Ice, Thorn and Fang: 💢
Gopal: "You guys should try out this lipstick!"
Fang: "No WAY am I going to put that on!"
Gopal: "Hehehe" *Jumps on Fang and put lipstick all over him*
Fang: "Shadow Tiger! I said Shadow Tiger! It's not WORKING!"
Ochobot: "Here let me scan your power watch!
Ochobot: *Scan Fang watch* "..."
Ice: "What's wrong Ochobot!"
Ochobot: "It seems that there is a signal, that was activated when Gopal was singing, that is stopping us from using our powers!"
Thorn: "Tell us more!"
Yaya: "Shouldn't we help Fang first..."
BBB Siblings: "Oops! I forgot about him!"
Fang: "..." *giggling... LIKE A GIRL!*
Fang: "I look so sexy! I should of done this sooner! Now I'm more popular then you Boboiboy! You guys should try it TOO!
Everyone except Fang, Gopal and Ochobot: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Ochobot: "I'm a robot so I can't get affected... So yeah... Good luck guys!
(Butler Jim: "Mistress, the plan will start on your command."
Me: "Please can you start the plan now."
Butler Jim: "Yes mistress!")
Boom! Bang! Clink! Clank!
Thunderstorm: "What is..." *The ground started shaking* "GOING! ON!"
*Then out of nowhere... A pool rise from the ground... Which has... Whatever is in there actually looks delicious...*
Solar: "Argh!!!" *Falling from the sky*
Cyclone: "Land into the pool Solar!"
Solar: "Why can't THUNDY HERE! Use his speed to catch me or why can't YOU! Catch me using your hover board!"
Fang: *Jumps on Thunderstorm and gives him lipstick!*
Me: "I didn't plan this... I can't believe I gave the wrong needle... I've learned my lesson and now I will never do this again... But anyway... WHERE DID THEY GET THAT CRAZY LIPSTICK FROM!"
Adu du: *Cough* "Not me" *Cough*
Me: "How did you get in here!")
Thunderstorm: "Get this brat off of me! Before..." *Giggle like... A GIRL!*
Thunderstorm: "Hey girls! You should try this lipstick on! It matches your eyes but still... I look way better with it then you girls!"
(Imagine Thunderstorm putting cherry red lipstick on and acting sexy! And Fang is the same except he has dark violet coloured lipstick, while Gopal has... Normal red lipstick on...)
Thunderstorm: "I'm so beautiful!"
Quake: "We should take cover! AND I MEAN NOW!"
Ice: "Aren't you guys forgetting someone..."
Ying: "SOLAR!"
Solar: *Falls into the pool filled with Ice cream???*
(Lia: "I thought the pool was going to be filled up with those, I think they were called piranha, carnivorous fish so that you can have your revenge..." 'And to think I studied about medical procedures all throughout last night just to save Solar... I can't believe I did all of that for nothing...'
Me: "I am a person filled with mysteries you know and also... I couldn't get any of those fish because I was busy making a few inventions... Muwhahahaha!"
Lia: "What is going on here..."
Me: "Oh yeah... I have to go pick up someone... I'll be right back!")
Solar: "ICE CREAM! I would rather fall into a pool filled with enormous, blood thirsting, piranha!
Ying and Yaya: 'If he beats me at a writing test for 1st place, I will make sure to twist him until he explodes!'
Fire: "YAY ICE CREAM!" *Run to the pool*
Quake: "Wait Fire don't!"
Thunderstorm, Gopal and Fang: *Jumps on Fire and gives him lipstick*
Fire: "Argh!!! Save yourself!"
Solar: "Am I dreaming..." *Pinch his cheeks really hard* "Ouch! Nope... I am not dreaming at all...
Fire: "Hehehehe..."
Me: "... "
Lia: "I know what you mean..."
Me: "What has been going on while I've gone to pick up my friend! I believe we should start the show now..."
Lia: "Yeah... You're right..."
Me: "Come on let's go! Race you to the arena!"
Lia: "You're on!"
(10 minutes later)
Me: "I... Am the champion! My friends..."🎤
Lia: "Seriously..."
Me: "Hehehehe..."
Me: "Hey hey! Nice of you to drop in! Hope you enjoyed that little dessert I gave you!"
Solar: "I enjoyed it so little thank you..."
Me: "That's good to know... But anyway... Where is it... Where is it... Where is it... Here we go! Hey guys! Try to round up Gopal, Fang, Thunderstorm and Fire into one of the corner on the left side of the arena!"
Quake: "K got it!"
Me: "Hey guys catch these watches!"
Ying: "What does these do?"
Ochobot: "Scanning... It seems these watches allows you guys to use your powers..."
Cyclone: "All right!" *Put on watch* "MY HOVER BOARD! You don't know how much I miss you!"
(Background becomes a park and cyclone is running to his board in slow motion... Just like the cat movie... Sasha was it?)
Quake: "Lone... Cyclone... Hello... Cyclone..."
Cyclone: *About to kiss his hover board* "Arh... Hehehehe..."
Me: "Guys can you get back to that later! We've got a problem to deal with! And we gotta deal with it now!"
Thorn: "Thorn Wrap!"
Ying: "Time Freeze!" *Time around Gopal, Fang, Thunderstorm and Fire froze*
Me: "Now give them this needle I have here!"
Ice: "While you guys do that I will be sleeping on my bubble..." *Transform into Water*
Me: "I was going to surprise you guys later but I guess I gotta do it now..." *Put on the watch* "Copy cat!" *Make the water bubble disappear*
Water: "WOAH!" *Falls down and turns into Ice* "Ouch..."
Yaya: "How did you..."
Me: "Can we talk about this later!? Right now we are in the middle of something!" *Gives the four boys, that went gay, the needle* "Problem solve... Anyway... Lately did any of you invaded Adu du ship or take something from it..."
Yaya: "Don't tell me that Adu du was the one that made that CRAZY LIPSTICK!
Me: "Actually... He told me he was the one but still... He said that someone stole it from him and Gopal was the one who had it first so... I think Gopal might of been the cause of the zombie invasion... And I was sort of... The one that made Gopal sing... I wasn't trying to make him go gay! I don't know what happened!"
Butler Jim: "Mistress... One of the cameras shows footage of a break in..."
Me: "WHAT!"
Adu du: "Probe! Where is the poison!"
Probe: "Right here Mister Boss!"
Probe: "Uh... Yes Mister Boss!"
Adu du: "Why do I have to do everything myself?" *Snatch the poison and put it into the needle that I gave Gopal ages ago...*
Probe: "Mister Boss! There's a camera watching us!"
Adu du: "Not now Probe! Can't you see I'm busy right now!?"
Probe: "Yeah but Mister Boss!"
Adu du: "Probe! You're going to get us caught! Now go outside you useless machine!"
Probe: "Yes Mister Boss..."
-Footage cuts off-
Me: "Even though Probe is the bad guy... I pity him..."
Quake: "Yeah... Same here..."
Fang: "Ow... My head... What happened..."
Fire: "Ouch! I've got a headache!"
Me: "Butler Jim can you please show them the footage of what happened before!"
Butler Jim: "Yes mistress! May you please follow me masters..."
Me: "Sorry Gopal but he's my butler..."
Gopal: "Oh..." *Cries and sulk in the corner about the fact, that if he had a butler he would be eating a million dishes and drinking a million of Tok Aba's cocoa drinks...*
Butler Jim: "We will depart now my masters..."
*Butler Jim left the arena with the 4 confused boys...*
Me: "All righty! Now we can get back to topic! But first... I'll be needing my watches back please..."
Cyclone: "Sorry but I'll be keeping this watch you gave me!"
Me: "Well it didn't have to resort to this... Copy Cat! Time freeze!" *Freeze time around all the people I gave watches to except me* 'Now it's time to get these watches back...' *Take back the watches* "Oh shoot..." O-O
Lia: "What's wrong this time!"
Me: "I don't know how Ying makes the time go back to normal..."
Lia: "Usually she would have a timer silly!"
Me: "But I don't have one..."
Lia: "..." O-o
Thunderstorm: "We're ba... WHAT THE HE!
Me: "Don't say it!"
Fang: "What has been going on while we were gone!?"
Me: "Hehehehe... (Nervously laugh) By any chance is your brother around here Fang..."
Fang: "..."
Ochobot: "Did everyone forgot about me or what!?"
(Random note- Ochobot: "It's so sad to watch my children grow up and become really responsible... They don't even have to rely on me anymore..." Remember... This is a RANDOM note)
-Time Skip-
Me: "Now you guys can ask any questions!"
Quake: "What are we doing here?"
Me: "With the help of Lia over here, oh wait! Give me one sec!" *Gives Lia a watch* "Anyway as I was saying... With the help of Lia over here, I will be hosting a show which involves all you guys!"
Fang: "And what show is this exactly..."
Me: "Oh it just a truth or dare show..."
Yaya: "Thunderstorm... You're not the only one you know... All of us has been involved with many of these type of things... SO PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!!!
Quake: "Are you ok Yaya..."
Thunderstorm: "So that's where the crunch came from..."
Fang: "Why don't we go on this Truth or Dare show to test our bravery and put our popularity on the line!?"
Lia: "Can you guys just stop fighting and by the way... Me and Michelle has go do something..."
Me: "We'll be right back! But whatever you do... DO NOT! AND I MEAN DO NOT PRESS THIS BIG RED SHINY TEMPTING BUTTON! Ok, cya guys!" *Me and Lia left the arena to do something quick*
Fire: *Whistle and press the button*
Button: "Beep beep beep beep! Activating laser beam!"
Fire: "Uh oh... RUN!!!"
Solar: "Why don't we just use our powers!?"
Cyclone: "Michelle took the watches back remember..."
Solar: "..."
Quake: "Pay attention guys before you get" *Fire, Solar and Cyclone got shot by the laser beam* "shot... Are you guys ok!?"
Fire, Solar and Cyclone: *Turned into cats*
Solar: "How did I claw my way into this situation?"
Ying: "Seriously... Cat puns!"
Solar: "I know that I am so purr-fect my lady!"
Ying: "..."
Fang: "Yes! I am now more popular then those three! YES!" 'Party at Boboiboy's house!'
Yaya: "At a time like this you still think about popularity!"
Fang: "Uh... Hehehehe..."
Cyclone: "Watch out!"
(The rest of the BBB siblings, Ying, Yaya, Gopal, Fang and... Ochobot? became cats...)
Ochobot: "How did I get affected!?"
Lia: "WHAT THE HECK!!! How did they become cute little adorable kittens!?" *Trying to hold back the urge to give Thunderstorm the kitten a bear hug because... Either the machine glitched or this is an illusion because Thunderstorm is the only kitten here!*
Me: "Did anyone here touch the button I said not to touch!?"
Fire: *Nervously laugh*
Quake: "Fire..."
Fire: "OK OK I DID IT!"
Solar: "So how do we change back..."
Me: "Hey guys we have got a guest!"
Solar: "Don't ignore me!"
Lisa: "Um... Hey guys..."
Ice: "Who is she..."
Me: "Her name is Lisa and she's a little shy so be nice to her! Got it! I won't hesitate to become a murderer if any of my friends get hurt! But anyway... My friend Lisa here is awesome!"
Fire: "Why..."
Me: "Because luckily the dare she has will help us with the situation you guys are in right now! So can you please pronounce the dare Lisa!"
Lisa: "I wanted to help Michelle out so I requested this dare... I dare Solar to eat Yaya's cookies and act like Pinkie Pie for a week!"
Solar: "WHAT! *Fainted*
Me: "Here Lisa! Wear this watch!"
Lisa: "What does these do?"
Me: "They allow you to use your powers here, Ok!"
Lisa: "Wow! Thanks!"
Solar: *Wake up* 'I wonder if there's a exit around here...'
Me: "Also guys it seems the cure to this problem is by eating Yaya's cookies..."
All BBB characters except Yaya: "NOOOOOOOOOO!"
Me: "You first Solar!"
Solar: "I rather stay as a kitten then eat this... thing!"
Solar: "Sure! But Michelle I want eat a bucket filled with these delicious cookies!" 'Why did my brain have to think of this first! Now I am doomed to die!!!"
Me: "Luckily I've got a bucket and a packet filled with Yaya's cookies! Now open wide..."
Solar: 'I know I'm going to regret this' *Eat all the cookies and fainted* "So... Tasty..."
Yaya: 'Maybe I should bake an extra 100 packets of cookies for Solar to eat... I'm sure he would be so surprise that he would faint on the spot with happiness!'
(Solar (Who's reading this right now): 'As if... That is highly exaggerating...' "Wait! AN EXTRA 100 PACKETS OF COOKIES BAKED BY YAYA FOR ME!!!"
Yaya (Who is on her way to Solar): "I wonder if I should add some extra ingredients into my new cookie recipe like cucumber, salad and tomato... Yeah I should! A healthy breakfast is a healthy life!"
A nearby group of kid: 'Wait... Cookies have cucumber,Salad and tomato in them!? I have to tell my mummy to stop baking and buying cookies!!!')
Thorn: "Nothing is happening..."
*Solar turned bright yellow before turning into a human*
Gopal: "I guess Yaya cookies aren't that bad..."
Yaya: "So do you want some!"
Gopal: "Uh..."
Me: *Quickly chuck some of Yaya's cookies into Gopal mouth!*
Gopal: *Fainted and turn into a human after glowing brown*
Me: "Lisa, can you get the carton of chocolate milk in the fridge downstairs while me and Lia try to wake up the guys?"
Lisa: "Sure!"
Me: "Now to wake up the boys..."
(After 10 minutes)
Solar: "I've been suffering from this headache for 10 hours now!"
Ying: "It has only been 2 minutes..."
Gopal: "And I'm in the same situation as you Solar! Except I've been suffering it for 8 MINUTES!"
Solar: "Whatever..."
Cyclone: "Hey guys... Do you think Lisa is ok... She is taking a while to get that carton of milk..." *Fur goes light pink*
Me: "Cyclone do you like Li"
Cyclone: "What are you talking about!" *Laugh nervously*
Lisa: "Sorry I'm late! I had this little problem to deal with... So what do I do with Adu du..." *Carries him with a giant blue flower*
Cyclone: "Did Adu du hurt you Lisa!?
Lisa: "No... I'm fine thank you..." *Slightly blush*
Me: 'Do Lisa and Cyclone like each other? ... I know what to do to them in the future now... MuwHaHaHaHa' "Hey Lisa! Do you have the carton of milk?"
Lisa: "Yep! It's right here!"
*Grab the carton of milk*
Me: "Hey guys! I've got the cure for you guys!"
Solar: "I nearly died because of you!"
Yaya: "What was that?"
Solar: "What a coincidence! I always really wanted to try Yaya's cookies! I've heard so much about them and the fact that they are the best cookies in the world!" 'Sometimes I wonder how my brain works...'
(Solar (Who's reading this right now): "True that... How do my brain work?")
Yaya: "Yay! A positive comment!"
Adu du: "Can I go now!"
Cyclone: "I'll be the one to deal with you..."
Adu du: "What about a bargain!?"
Cyclone: "Let me see... Nope!" *Takes Adu du to the corner*
Lisa: "Hey Michelle! I found this envelope, that is addressed to you, while I was down there."
Me: "Oh no... Thunderstorm..." *Cheeky aura surrounds Michelle* "Can you please put this on then come see me afterwards?" *A red bag falls down from the sky*
Thunderstorm: "And why should I do that..."
Me: "Because if you don't I'll..." (I'm whispering to him something that will make him got crazy...)
Thunderstorm: "WHERE'S THE CHANGE ROOM!"
Ice: "What's wrong with you..."
Thunderstorm: "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!? WHAT'S WRONG is that I might die..."
Butler Jim: "Follow me to the change room master..."
Me: "Cya Thundy!"
*Thunderstorm leaves with Butler Jim*
Me: "Hey Cyclone!"
Cyclone: "Yeah..."
Me: "Can you do me a favour and take Lisa home?"
Cyclone: "Su...sure..." *Blushes*
Me: "Also wear this Cyclone and can I please have the watch back Lisa." *Gives Cyclone a watch and take back the watch from Lisa* "K cya ya lovebirds"
*Cyclone and Lisa blushes and leaves*
Thunderstorm: "I'm back now so... can you tell me why I am wearing a black and red tuxedo!"
Me: "It's simple! You're going on a date! With a fan! Right now!"
Thunderstorm and Lia: "NO WAY AM/IS I/HE GOING ON THAT DATE!!!"
Me: "A dare's a dare! NOW GET OUT THERE! Oh and by the way... Wear this watch would ya..."
Thunderstorm: "And why would I do that..."
Me: "Oh that is so silly of me! I forgot to tell you guys ages ago! If you guys don't wear the watch or do the dares or answer the questions truthfully... Then a punishment awaits you including... What I told Thundy... A date with Adu du or Ejo jo..."
Everyone except me: "WHAT!"
Gopal: "Why would both of them let you do that!?"
Me: "I did save Adu du from Cycy... And Ejo jo... It's a secret! Didn't you guys see me save Adu du a while back ago?"
Me: "So Thundy... A date with a fan or a date with Adu du or Ejo jo..."
Thunderstorm: "Fine I'll wear this stupid watch and go..."
Lia: "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *Sulk and cry in the corner...*
Me: "Bye Thundy!"
Me: "Because your name is too long..."
Thunderstorm: "What about Earthquake!?"
Me: "We call him Quake... And shouldn't you be somewhere!?"
Thunderstorm: "..." *Leaves the arena with the watch on him*
Yaya: "Hey Michelle! Do you want to try my new cookie recipe! It's really good..."
Me: "Hey Yaya! Um... Didn't you want to know how I've got my powers Yaya?"
Yaya: "Oh yeah!"
Me: "This is how! Come on out Milobot!"
Milobot: "Is there anything wrong Michelle!"
Me: "Meet the gang and Ochobot the ninth generation of power spheres!"
Milobot: "THE ONE AND ONLY OCHOBOT!" *Hovers to Ochobot in a haste* "Hi I am Milobot! Your biggest fan ever!"
Everyone: "..."
Me: "He might be more popular then you actually... I better make a survey! So guys who do you think is better!
Fang: "Don't tell me that that is the survey..."
Me: "Um..." *Nervously laugh* "Wait... I've been wondering... How did Lia and Lisa get their powers?"
Fang: "Look for the answer by yourself!"
Me: "Please can you help me!" *Pout*
Quake: "Hey guys Thundy is back!"
Me: "How was it Thundy!?"
Thunderstorm: "It was terrible!" *Blushes*
Thunderstorm: "YOU! COME BACK HERE YOU!"
Fire: "That is... If you can catch me!"
Me: "Hey guys... Where's Lia..."
Thorn: "I think she's in the corner sulking still..."
Me: "Oh no... Give me a few minutes..."
-Time Skip-
Lia: "I'M BACK!"
Me: "Maybe I gave her too much of that hyper drink... Please forgive me in the future Lia!"
Ice: "Oh boy..."
Thorn: "You can say that again..."
Me: "Anyway... We've got two more dares and 1 uncompleted dare..."
Solar: "GREAT!"
Me: "Give me a sec to read the first one..." *Read letter* "Seriously Lia! Do you want that to happen so badly!?"
Me: "I guess we have to do it since it's a dare... Ok... BUTLER JIM!"
Butler Jim: "Yes mistress..."
Me: "Can you call Adu du and Probe to come over here please?"
Butler Jim: "Yes mistress!"
Everyone: "WHAT!"
Cyclone: "I'M BACK!"
Quake: "Why did you take so long Cycy?"
Me: "And why did you go on a date with Lisa?"
Cyclone: "How... How did you know about that!?"
Me: "That's what the watch is for silly!"
Fang: "Wait so it watches everything we do!"
Me: "No... Why would I do that... And don't even think about it! I'm straight and never will I be gay!!!"
Cyclone: "So then how did you know!?"
Me: "Well... The watch transmitted a signal to my watch and it showed me that you were heading to this fancy restaurant! But the only thing I saw was a map and a blue dot so don't think that I broke your privacy!Got it! Anyhow... We've got to continue the dares..."
Butler mistress: "Should I send Master Adu du and Master Probe in mistress?"
Me: "Yes please!"
Adu du: "What do you want!? If it's about me having to date one of them then I'm out!"
Me: "Why would I do that if I also asked for Probe to also here?"
Adu du: "..."
Solar:"Cat got your tongue Adu du!"
Yaya: "What's with the cat puns again!? You're not a cat anymore!"
Solar: "I guess I watch too much Miraculous Ladybug my lady..."
Everyone except Solar and Butler Jim: *Stare at Solar with a, are you serious, look*
Solar: "WHAT!? How do you guys think I've became so popular!? Duh! By copying Chat Noir! Well for most of the time..."
Me: "... Anyhow... Can we borrow your talk show Adu du? You do own me..."
Adu du: "Fine... But only this once!"
Me:."Thanks! Hey Boboiboy!"
Quake: "Which one..."
Me: "Well all of you guys silly! If I was just talking to one of you guys, I would have just said your elemental name..."
Thunderstorm: "So what do you want..."
Me: "Do scissors paper rock or something... But one things for sure! The loser has to do the dare!"
BBB siblings: *Gulp*
(After 10 rounds of a game they made up on the spot...)
Thunderstorm: "NOOOO! Why me!"
Me: "I'll let Lia tell you the dare..."
Lia: "YIPEE!" *Go to Thundy and whisper/scream into his ear...*
(Also viewers... Lia's acting different to what she usually would be like, because to cheer her up I gave her a drink that hypes you up but don't worry! When the effect goes away she will be back to normal and the drink can be drank by anyone in the world so it's harmless! Well... I think so... It's 50 50... What can go wrong...)
Thunderstorm: "... Michelle... Did you make it so that everyone will target me..."
Me: "Nope! In fact... I wanted everyone to target Solar!"
Solar: "Can I quit the show!?"
Me: "Nope!"
Everyone: "..."
Thunderstorm: "Let's get it over with..."
Random... Guy???: "We have a special broadcast from the one and only... Thundy!"
Thunderstorm: "SERIOUSLY! YOU TOO!"
Me: "Go on..."
Thunderstorm: "Right here and right now... I want to declare... My love to... Lia..."
All around the world, Thundy's fangirls: "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
Lia: "YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!" *Glows black and turn back to normal*
*Thunderstorm sticks a paper on the camera*
Fangirls: "Why don't I dare Thundy to go on a date with me!?"
Me: "Hey Thundy... What was that paper for..."
Thunderstorm: *Leaves the stage*"Oh nothing" *Smirk*
Me: "Oh no... Something bad is going to happen..."
Adu du: "NOW GET OUT!!!"
Me: 'But not that type of bad!'
(Back at the arena)
Fang: "Can I go home now..."
Lia and me: "Nope... We've still got..." *Fallen asleep*
Fire: "Should we leave them...
Quake: "If we leave them they'll catch a cold..." *Slightly blush*
(Sorry fans but Quake is mine...)
Ying: "Lia is already targeting Thundy so that leaves... Michelle!
Thunderstorm: "I can teach you how to become cool and how to flirt while Solar can teach you about dates and all of that if you want!" *Smirk*
Quake: *Blushes a lot*
Ice: "Leave him alone! You shouldn't tease him like that!"
Fire: O-o
Ice: "What!"
Fire: "Hey guys... Do you think Quake and Ice swap soles or personality because if I weren't mistaken... Ice was acting like Quake just a minute ago..."
Me: "Wha-wha-what!? Did I fall asleep..." *Pout* 'I'm sorry Father Time but can you take me back into time so that I didn't waste 2-3 minutes!' "Sorry about that..." *Shake Lia lightly to wake her up*
Lia: "I'm awake!"
Me: "Anyhow..."
Solar: "You sure say that a lot!"
Quake: "Don't be rude Solar!"
Solar: "Whatever..."
Me: "What I was going to say is that there is 2 dare left to complete, which will last for 1 weeks, for Solar, Ying, Yaya and Fang."
Fang: "To think that I'll be able to get away from doing any dares..."
Ying and Yaya: "DOES IT INVOLVE A TEST!?"
Me: "Calm down and then I will tell ya."
Ying and Yaya: "Ok!"
Me: "I'll tell Solar his one first since he was told of it a while back ago."
Solar: "I was?"
Me: "You can't be this forgetful! Can you!? I'm not talking about you guys ok."
(By guys I mean Solar's brothers)
Solar: "So what if I am that forgetful!"
Everyone: "..."
Solar: *Blushes because of embarrassment* "So what's my dare Mich!"
Me: "The names Michelle! My name isn't that long you know!
Solar: "Sure Mich..."
Me: 💢
Lia: "Break it up guys!"
Thunderstorm: "Lia's right you guys! After we finish these last 2 dares we should be able go home, right Michelle?"
Me: "Uh... How should I say this... Yes you will go home but you'll have to come back to the arena everyday at the time I assigned you... If you don't then a punishment will await you..." *Nervously laugh...* "If you're lucky you might get a painless punishment..."
Fire: "Really!?
Me: "Yeah..."
Lia: "Shouldn't we get going... It's nearly night time and we started in the morning..."
Gopal: "Ying did you use your powers so that the world around us go fast!"
Lia: "You shouldn't blame her Gopal!"
Me: "Lia's right!"
Quake: "Besides we can't use our powers right now! Right Thundy!
Everyone: "..."
Gopal: "Y-ye-yes Thu-Thun-dy... I mean yes Thunderstorm!"
Thunderstorm: "Now say sorry!"
Gopal: "So-sorry Yi-Ying!"
Ying: "Apology accepted!" *Nervously laugh*
Thunderstorm: "You guys can continue now..."
Me: "Uh... Yes you're right! So... Uh... Um..." 'I don't think I can speak English anymore...'
Lia: "Solar your dare is to dress up as Pinkie Pie for a week!" *Give Michelle a wink*
Me: (Whisper) "Thanks, I own you! You're a life savers!"
Lia: (Whisper) "No problem!"
Lia: "Yep!"
Solar: *Faint*
Fire: *Wake up Solar*
Ying, Yaya and Fang: "And... What about us..." *A ladybug comes and land on Fang*
Lia: "Actually... I don't know what it is..."
Me: "Same here..."
Everyone except Lia and me: "WHAT!"
Fang: 'Yes! Maybe I should start watching Miraculous Ladybug... A ladybug might come again and give me good luck like just now!' *A black cat comes*
Fire: "Oh that reminds me! Before you guys captured me and put me on a plane I think it was... This girl said to give this letter to someone and by coincidence it was addressed to a girl that has the same name and appearance as you Michelle!"
Everyone except Fire: *Face-Palm*
Ochobot: "Why do I have a feeling that everyone forgotten about me again..."
Fang: "Ochobot! You're still here!"
Ochobot: "Milobot... You're my only true friend..."
Milobot: "YAY!"
Boboiboy Siblings: "DON'T LEAVE ME OCHOBOT!!!"
Ochobot: "When did I say that I'm going away?"
Everyone: "..."
Ying: "Hey guys! Look! A black cat!"
Solar: "I wonder who has bad luck..."
Fang: 'The ladybug is not here anymore... I have bad luck!' "Yeah... I wonder who..."
Me: "I'll let Lia announce the dare so Fire... Can you please give the letter to Lia."
Fire: "Ok!" *Burns the letter with his... powers!?*
Me: *Presses a red button* "Oops... There! Don't worry! You can't use your powers anymore but you can use your powers once you are outside!" O.O 'Ochobot can use his teleportation powers...'
Quake: "What's wrong?"
Me: "I just remembered something important that doesn't involve you and I can't tell you what it is..."
Everyone except Lia and me: 'I wonder if there is a way out of this...'
Fang: "Since the paper is gone, let's go home! And I mean right now!" 'Before you find out what the dare is...'
*A black cat plays in front of Fang*
Fire: "Lucky for you guys I was reading the letter a while back!"
Fang: 'You... Did you curse me with bad luck!'
Lia: "Then you announce it Fire!"
Fire: "Ying, Yaya and Fang is dared to act stupid for a week!"
Everyone: "..."
Quake: "There's going to be a test everyday this week and it will determine which high school you'll go too..."
Ying and Yaya: "I'M GONNA TWIST THAT GIRL!!!"
Fang: "No..." *Dramatic music* "My popularity... I can see it fading away from my reach! WHOEVER CONVINCED ME INTO DOING THIS WILL DIE!!!"
Fire: "The way I remembered it..."
Fire memories-Fang: "Why don't we go on this Truth or Dare show to test our bravery and put our popularity on the line!?"
Cyclone: "Practise what..."
Fang: "Duh... The test that's taking place tomorrow for acting skills!"
Lia: "What about your dare..."
Fang: O-O
Everyone: "..."
Everyone except Ying, Yaya, Fang, Lia and me: 'Their angry side is scary... Better make a note that I should never make those three angry no matter what...'
Quake: "So... Now what..."
Me: "I really want you guys to not do this dare but... If you don't... A pu..."
Solar: "We already know that a punishment awaits us so would you quite reminding us!"
Everyone: "..."
Lia: "You know that that included you too Solar... Right?
Solar: "Why?"
Lia: "The dare..." *Getting annoyed*
Solar: "What dare..." 'Maybe if I get them annoyed I don't have to do the dare...'
Me: "For the MILLIONTH time... You were dared to dress up as Pinkie Pie for a week..."
Solar: "Doesn't ring a bell!" 'This is getting too hilarious to watch!'
Me: *Grab a frypan...*
Lia: "What the heck are you going to do Michelle..."
Me: "It's simple..." *Hit Solar on the head*
Solar: *Faint*
Everyone except me: *Stares at me with a, what are you doing, look*
Me: "What!? If no one done something sooner or later he would of not remembered about the dare and that won't be fair, right!? *Innocent*
Lia: "What is wrong with you... Are you crazy! Um... Uh... We are now ending the show and by the way viewers, next time on the show we'll show a few short footage of what has happened during school! Bye!"
Me: "ADIOS! And now to write this into a story..."
Everyone except me: "Wait WHAT!!!"
Me: "Peace out?"
Thorn: "Wait one se..."
-📱Group text📱-
Yaya: You lied about my COOKIES Solar!
Solar: Uh...
Me: Please just continue this tomorrow... I am going to get
Solar: What? You gonna get what?
Me: Bye and guys... I'll edit this tomorrow...
(Three cheers to these guys!!! 🎉🎉🎉And I recommend all you viewers to add these awesome guys!!!
If you're supporting me or giving me a truth or dare, I am greatly sorry if I forget to tag you!!!
Me: Have a good day!!! Adios amigos!!!"
Solar: "Wait what..."
Me: 💢 "Anyway I've got good news... I've got a new record!!! My new record for most word in a chapter is now 6378!!! Now I have a reason to have a party!!! In my head..."
Fire: "Did someone say party!?"
Me: "BYE!!!"
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