New more characters and perverted things?Wait what?!
Ana:*sleeping on the couch*
Thunder:Cyclone!!!!Fire get back here!!!!!!!!*chases them with a thunder blade and a thunder sphere*
Cyclone:AAAHHH!!!!!!!!*flies away with hover board*Help us anyone!!!!!!!!
Fire:Oh no!!!!!help !!!!!*runs away*
Ana:*woke uo*I can't sleep here anyway its loud oh right I fell asleep because of waiting where are they,and what's going on?!
Quake:Maybe Cyclone and Fire pranked thunderstorm
Ana:From the looks of it...*looks at them*
Both:AAAHHH!!!*runs away from thunder*
Thunder:Get back here!!!*chases them with weapons*
Fire:Cyclone!!!Wait up!!!
Cyclone:No way!I don't wanna get zapped by him!!!*flies away*
Fire:Ugh!!!*trips*Ouch!oh no..*turns around*
Thunder:*smirks*Thunder blade!!Thunder sphere *hits him*
Fire:Stop your laughing Ice!!!!
Ice:Okay i'll stop
Quake:So who you waiting for it took so long you fell asleep!
Ana:I was waiting for the ones who are going to give dares for you guys
Boboiboys:What?!?!?!Why can't they give us questions!!!!
Ana:Well you don't need to complain fo-
Doorbell rings
Ana:They are here!!!
Sharon:Sup so what's going on down here
Cyclone:Well we are going to have new people here
Sharon:Really?!I need to show them everything here and all the otp and a lit more and*blah blah blah*
Thunder:She really wants to know them and like her otp and not mess with it
Sharon:Did you say something Thunder?👿
Thunder:Nope nothing
Ana:Welcome guys!!*smiles*
3 persons appear and Fang
Solar:Looks like fangs joining us today,am I right Quake!*elbows him*
Quake:*blush*Shut your face solar!
Fang:Oh hey there Quake,how's its hanging
Quake:Its about you
Fang:Its fine
Ana:Okay quit your love conversation and we have new people here
Both:Shut up!!!!!
Ana:Okay jeez here are the new people joining us for the whole book too
Kiel:Hey there*smiles*I'm Kiel!
Kiel has black hair and eyes with a tsundere,cheery and mischievous personality,same height as quake
Kei:Hey how's it going ?I'm Kei*smiles*
Kei looks like fang but lighter hair color and eye color with the opposite of fang(playful,blunt,annoying)
Kei:Hey!!!!Who said I was annoying
Ana:*points at Kiel*
Kiel:Well at least its true right
Kei:*sigh*well I guess your right
Danika:Hello I'm Danika nice to meet you all!*smiles*
Danika has a power like boboiboy except there darkness,she's emo silent loves music playing piano and just like thunderstorm,she wires white t shirt black and red vest glasses black and red skirt and red sneakers
Ana:Your clothes looks like the colors of thunders clothes
Cyclone:Yeah she's right
Thunder:Don't think your getting out of the prank you gave me thunder bl-
Cyclone:*hugs him*I'm sorry I just want to have fun that's all!!
The 3:What kind of brother are they?
Quake:The yaoi type
Kei:What you mean like you and fang?
Quake:Not the point!!!!*blushes*
Sharon:Nice to meet you 3 I'm Sharon
Thorn:She's the she demon match maker
Sharon:What did you said thorn?
Sharon:Here is Lia where both of us is the first new characters here last time
Danika:Oh hello Sharon and lia Nice to meet both if you
Sharon:So she said you guys have dares right what is it?
Kiel and Kei:Our dare for them is to play janken and we will be included too
Sharon:I love janken*smirks*Oh but how about our innocent Cyclone?
Cyclone:Why what is janken?
Ana:Its a game of rock paper scissors except if you lose you have to-Ouch!!!!
Thunder:*used his thunder blade to hit me*Your trying to ruin his innocence don't let him know that!!!his too young or too innocent for that!!!
Ana:Well you don't have to hit me with your thunder blade !!!!
Thunder:But his innocence *worrjed*
Ana:Don't worry about that
Thunder:You better be right about that or I'll be forced to use my thunderstorm rain on you oh who am I kidding I'll hit you either way,including the ones who gave it within a blink of an eye
Ana:so let's get started
Everyone each otp started to play
Lia:I'm lucky I'm not in that
Sharon:*smirks*And I have a lot of posting this time
Ana:So what happened who won
Sharon:And who lost
Blaze:Ice lost
Fang:Ours is a draw so what now
Solar:I have lost!!!!!why!!!?!?!?
Ana:So how about you Cy and thundy
Cyclone:Were a draw
Kiel:Kei lost*smirks*
Sharon:This will be fun
Ana:Well I guess the ones that are draw,just have to uhm....kiss
Thundclone and FaKe:What?!?!?!?!
Ana:Well at least your not going to-Ouch thunder!!!!!
Thunder:His innocence!!!
Ana:Well sorry!!
Sharon:Now you have to. Do it!!!
Ana:Okay let's just uhm hey Lisa help me put the other who have to kiss on the other room
Both of us put the ones who have to kiss each other
Ice:So I guess I have to do it no turning back now *taking off clothes*
Blaze:Oi wait!!!!!
Ice:*lefts with his underwears**starts to do the dance*(author:*starts to puke*)
Blaze:*blushes intensely**nose bleeding**faints*
Sharon:*records the whole thing*
Ice:Hey why did you record that?!?!?!*blushes then faints*
Lia:You've cross the line!
Sharon:Whatever next!!
Kei and solar:*sighs*I hate this!!!*did what ice did**blush*
Kiel and Thorn:So hot,oh why?!*blush*eternal nosebleed**faints*
Sharon:*still recording *I have a lot to do,I'll have many followers with this on my side!!!*smirks**laugh maniacally*
Danika:She is crazy oh wait I forgot to help ana and Lia for the others wait I think they already done it,hey ana have you done it is everything done Lia
Ana:yes and they both fainted quake and cyclone
Cyclone:Your cute thunder!*fainted again*
Thunder:Oh cyclone*hugs him*
Quake:Fang,your so hot*fainted*
Fang:Your so cute*blushes*
Everyone:*jaws drop*
Sharon:*recording all thing*
Danika:She really loves to record Her otp moments right
Lisa:I'm here and I have another dare!!!and this time with my sisters Lisa thunder and lisa cyclone
L.Cyclone:Hey guys!!
Thunder:So what is your dare?
Thunder:Shut up you one hell of a devil
Lisa:So the dare is my sisters here and thunder and cyclone to play fnaf in each room and cyclone Sharon will be with cyclone to look after him and thunder with thunder Lisa and l. Cyclone is alone
L. Cyclone:Why?😢
Ana:Cool!!then hey Danika!!!
Ana:Could you please be with Lia and chat with her for a while for you to know each other more!
Lia:Let's go!
Both left the room
Ana:Now Thad done don't worry Lisa cyclone I'll be with you
Ana:So let's start here Cyclone all of us will play fnaf 3 because its not that scary for me I don't know for you guys and for us to see who is greatest among the 4 of you
4 of them:Game on!
Around Midnight
All in each room and started to play the game
Cyclone:Okay so this guy on the phone is saying something an I don't wanna listen this is the first night so easy I won't be scared!!
Sharon:*recording things*
Cyclone:Almost over why is he not here weird not in camera 3 not here not anywhere
Cyclone:Yes second night here I come!!!*plays it*Okay wait why do I hear something
Sharon:The horror is starting *smirks while recording*
Sharon:*recording*this will be funny
Freddy appeared in front of him
Sharon:Bit over the line?*stops recording*
Thunder turn
Thunder:Let's just see who'll win I'm defeating you
L.Thunder:Let's just see about that!!!
Both plays
Both:The first night sucks!The second night rules
Thunder:Okay third night I will win this
Blaze:*secretly hiding in the room with a balloon*hihi
L.Thunder:Oh no ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!his in my 3 camera there is him oh no this is not good!!AAAHHHH!!!UGH I LOST!!!!
Thunder:Well thas because your weak!*plays the game*Oh no me too I'm gonna lose no,calm down
Blaze:*accidently popped the balloon*Oops
L.Thunder:Balloons no!!!!
Both runs away and ice saw them thunder rubbed to Cy's room and hides Lisa thunder went to Lisa and hugs her
Lisa Cyclones turn
L.Cyclone:So I just watch things over here
Ana:Yes your the night guard well actually night one is easy but the next one is not
She won the first one and the second
L.Cyclone:That was really scary!!Okay third one,oh no where did he go oh no Hus in the door I just saw him oh no no NOOOOO!!!!!AAHHH!!!*jumps away*
Ana:*records the whole thing*I have to post this in the internet
Ana:So danika and Lia did both of you have time to know each other
Danika:Yeah!it was fun
Lia:Yeah it was
Ana:So guys what happened to the dare?*smirks*
Sharon:He was so scared he cries then thunder runned up here and hugged Cyclone,it was so hilarious when I uploaded it it hitter a million. Likes and views and most of the comments are siblings are they really they look more like a couple go thundclone
Ana:Awesome I did too and we have the she except the cooments are so cute when she acts all tough
BBB and Lisa Thundclone :You two better run!!!Cyclone hover board/Thunder blade
Ana:Oh no!earth filler!!!(wrong spelling)*runs away*
Sharon:...You don't scare me
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