More dares and a new addition!
???:The juice?you really need to give greater title for chapters..
Ana:Okay I don't need some of your sarcams so get out!
???:Aww...come on
Ana:Nope!out*pushes him out*
???:Alright jeez I'm going!!
Ana:*bored while waiting* long would she take looking for that!
Kiel:*playing video game with Kei*I'm gonna beat you!
Kei:Please,you can't beat me
Kiel:Darn right I can
Both continues playing
Amelia:All he really knows is sleep*face palm*
Danika:Girl!wanna prank him
Amelia:You just read my mind
Ana:What am I gonna do
Solar:Darling why don't you just take a selfie!*takes selfie*
Ana:Enough with the selfies solar or ill swear to the god of destruction that I'll crush your phone
Thorn:What are you doing?
Thorn:Okay I'm going out
Ana:*looks at cyclone*
Cyclone:Again this is the 3rd time this week
Thunder:'this is getting ridiculous'
Ana:No its not!
Thunder:Stop reading minds your like bill cipher!
Bill:Someone called?
Cyclone:Awkward'this is getting boring'
Ana:I know right
Lisa:*appears in front her*Hey!
Lisa:He he,sorry
Ana:*stand up*Do you need anything?
Blaze:I wanna watch a horror movie!
Ana:Thats the plan I'm just waiting for Sharon to get-
Sharon:*slams the door open*Hey whazup homies I'm back here with another dare with the one I'm gonna use
Ana:Right so her dare is for us to watch a horror movie
Sharon:And I just have the right tape!!
Lia:Evil dead?
Thunder:Wrong turn?
Sharon:Not even close
Amelia:Fright night?*holding markers*
Danika:Maybe its Dracula!*also holding markers*
Sharon:Uh..why are you guys holding markers what are those for?
Ice:Danika!!Amelia!!!*goes in with doodles on his face like mustache*
Ice: Blaze this is not a laughing matter!!!
Sharon:Dang its hilarious!!
Kiel:No kidding
Kei:You look so ridiculous!!haha
Fang:*laughs*Ice princess on the forehead haha seriously hilarious!!
Quake:Agreed young master
Danika:Fang is still his young master?
Amelia:Its because of the dare remember and he have to be like that for 3 chappie
Ana:I can't I can't!!stop!!*rotfl*
Ice:I hate you people!!!*goes to the bathroom*
Amelia and Danika:*laughs**high fives*
Solar:Remind me not to sleep when there around
Thorn:Okay*wrote it on a paper and stick it on solars forehead*You fine now
Solar:Thorn!I hate you
Thorn:*grins*that's why I love you,cupcake
Sharon:Okay so
Amelia:Please tell me its not conjuring 2
Amelia:Oh no oh no no no no no no!!!*runs away*
Sharon:Chase her!
Blaze:Yes ma'am*catches her*
Amelia:let me go!!!!!
Blaze:We all have to watch it!
Amelia:No I don't wanna remember the time I watch that!
Ana:*hits them*We need to watch it now so Sharon where's the tape?
Kei:She's evil as hell
Kiel:You don't have to tell us twice
Ana:Nani?!Yo odio ousted!
Kei:You don't have to speak in another language!!
Ana:But why
All:Because we can't understand you!!
Ana:Let's just watch it!
Sharon:Your just saying that now!!but after you watch the movie it will scare the day light out of you
Lia:There's no way that will happen
Ana:Let's just start it now!
Blaze:Yeah we've been waiting forever!
Cyclone:H-horror movie!
Cyclone:Thunder!*hugs him*
Thunder:Your such a wimp'but your so damn cute'
Ana:Oh my ho did you just think his cute!!!
Ana:Hey don't change the subject!
Thunder:Just shut up
Danika:Hey I got all the things needed for the movie!popcorns,sodas,chocolate,snacks,water if no one likes sodas,pillows to bite when scared blanket to hide yourselves,TV is already ready with great sound effects to scare everyone,comfy sofa that is long and can turn into a bed that a lot of poeple can lay on and the tape is already set!*smiles*
All:*sweat drops*Did you made that all by yourself?
Danika:Of course not!It'll be exhausting me and Sharon prepared all of this!
Ana:Yay!movie time popcorn!
All:*Lays on the sofa*
Cyclone:*snuggle with thunder*
Thunder:Its scary and I know!*shivers*
Ana:Its still not starting
Amelia:I'm gonna die
Lisa:Come on be positive!
Kiel:What's wrong with girls?
Kei:No idea
Girls:*glares at them*
Ana:'thunder and cyclone are so cute'
Danika:Okay are everyone okay so we can start!
Cyclone:*holds thunder with pillow*ready
Thunder:*hugs cyclone*go for it
Amelia:*holding a pillow with blanket on and with a soda*I don't know...
Kei and Kiel:*drinking soda with popcorn*go!*eats popcorn*
Quake:Yeah sure
Lia:*eating a chocolate*I don't really care
Lisa:*drinks and eat*Let's start it
Sharon:Guess there ready
Ice:*walks in*okay what's going on
Blaze:*drags him*Ice princess this is a dare all of us need to watch a horror movie
Ice:I'm dead
Amelia:That makes both of us
Solar:Make that 3 of us*shivers in fear*
Thorn:Don't worry solar*held him closer*I'm here for you
Amelia:'I wish I have someone to snuggle with'
Ana:That makes all of the girls here except for you know who
Amelia:Please don't read my mind your scaring me
Ana:Don't be scared*smiles**drinks and eats popcorn*Come on let's wat h it
Sharon:Okay*opens TV
TV opens and started the film
Ice:Just at the beginning its not so bad
Amelia:Yeah but wait for it
Ice:Wait for what
Solar:A jumpscare
Thorn:They'll scream in terror
Danika:It doesnt look lie its getting there
Sharon:That part wasn't scary though
Ana:The part of wha-Ahhh!!!god what's that?!?!
Sharon:Still not scare though
Ice,Amelia and solar:*faints*
Thorn:Its just the beginning and its scary and they all fainted already this is not tat mostly scary
Quake:Just wait
Fang:I know
Kei:Girls can't handle this
Kiel:Really just by the time after we watched this you went to my room and slept with me
Kei:Don't put that subject up!!!*blushes**kicks him*
Cyclone:*hides in blanket*
The middle of the movie
Ana:*hides in a blanket*This is scary!
Danika:You bet!!!
Sharon:Eh...a little*eats popcorn*'its scary'
Ana:See even you think its scary
Sharon:I can't hide anything from you,can I?
Ice:This is more scarier!!!
Solar:I can't!!
Amelia:I'm gonna!!
Kei:Now I agree its scary!!
The 4 of them:*screams*
Cyclone:I'm just gonna*faints*
Thunder:*shivers*This is scary*bites pillow*
Ana:Oh no what's happening to her?!?!?
Amelia:What the heck I'm gonna die I know it!!
Ice:That makes all of us
Cyclone:I can't do this anymore!
Ana:*already dying*
Sharon:I think you girls need some ships to protect you with
Blaze:This is not scary!!*biting pillow
Danika:Then Why are you biting your pillow?
Blaze:Its none if your business!!
The end
Amelia:*shivering*Is it over yet?
Ice:I guess so let me take a look,yep its over
Thorn:Hey solar*waves hand in front him*
Thorn:Solar!!!That really made him scared
Danika:And it looks like
Sharon:they are not the only one
Ice,Amelia,cyclone,and thunder:*faints with their souls like going out*
Danika:I don't think they could sleep at night after this
Ana:Well you got that right
Kiel:Make that kei too
Kei:*shivering like hell*No I was not!
Ana:Okay let's take a break you guys
After the break
Danika:Are you guys?
Sharon:Fine now
Them:We guess so
Fang:It wasn't scary I don't know why you guys got scared
Quake:I still can't get it off my mind
Kiel:We have a dare for you guys!!*smiles*
Cyclone:Uh!!Another one!I'm still bored!
Lia:That's the point
Cyclone:No I mean,why do I even bother
Thunder:'his so cute when he argues and idk again'
Ana:Cyclone thunder just-
Thunder:Thunder sphere!
Ana:Woah!Lightning movement!!!!*dodge*
Thunder:What a motormouth
Quake:Oh brother
(Cole:Just like jay
Jay:I am not a motormouth you moron!
Ana:Out!you people keep coming here!!
Yukimura:We Luke it here
Ana:hmm!!!out!!!!*points to the door)
Amelia:What's the dare?!
Thunder:So we can take care of this
Ana:so there dare is for everyone here to tell what type of person do you guys have a liking on right now
Ana:Well at leat I know you guys like them although you never really tell your feelings except for the blice pair so I guess they won't be joining been if they join sloth wouldn't finish what he's gonna say because he'll fall asleep again I know it
Ana:Say it now chop chop!
Lisa:Hey wait doesn't that means it include you too?
Ana:Well-hey wait your right!!but you guys first
Cyclone:Fine,Mines his cute always mad awesome handsome charming sweet caring in if his called sometimes and hot headed
Thunder:Tsck,his cute adorable his always happy I love him his cheerful and sometimes bunkers but nice
Quake:His a bit dark his cool and his popular his my master right now so you know him
Sharon:Technically we know him already
Danika:No kidding
Fang:Well his nice his responsible cute amazing or awesome either way his great his the wisest among his brothers and a great cook
Solar:Its obvious that's our older brother
Cosmo:You have an older brother
Thorn:Mine his cute awesome cool mostly all the girls like him he likes to be around the sun and around electronic especially his cellphone to take selfies
Solar:Who's that?!its in the tip of my tongue!
Lisa:Already it would be obvious but solar is sometimes well you get the idea
Solar:Mine is dreamy cute like very one else's but mine is different his responsible likes plants and the nature and he waters the plants take care of it and a sweetheart!!so no one even try to take him away from me!!!
Ana:Rule#12 never take thorn away from solar or there would be a destruction in this house and the world
Danika:I wonder who would ever do that
Sharon:Someone who's not afraid
Amelia:Hey since well they all are done with that its our turn I guess
Ana:But,I guess Sharon and Amelia won't tell it since its very clear we know who it is and Sharon don't have one or maybe she does not telling us and Lia already know it and also Lisa its very clear so I guess Kiel and kei are the only one
(To be honest I'm just busy and also we already know it guys)
Lisa:I guess you guys know but how about you ana?
Ana:Don't want to discuss about it
Kei:Well his
Danika:Why is everyone a gay in this house?!
Kei:Let me finish!his funny very caring even if he sometimes makes some bad choices lovable very loving cute and everything I could wish for
Cosmo:One wish coming u-
Ana:His not even your godkid!!!!*snap*
Cyclone:What do you mean weird its awesome!!
Cosmo:I can also be a fish!
Ana:Someone get me anti cosmo!
A.Cosmo:Cosmo!you ig norant moron!get back here in our show!
Thunder:Come on cyclone
Ana:Okay so Kiel how bout you
Kiel:Its very clear to everyone its him a cute charming adorable loving caring boy who perhaps have the name if you know him right
Ana:And you love him so much blah blah
Danika:Is it just me
Amelia:Or we girls don't have pairs?
Ana:Come to think of it you guys don't have one
Lia:Including you
Ana:I don't care anyways
All:Right?*raises eyebrow*
Ana:What seriously!
Amelia:What's the next dare?
Blaze:There's more?!
Ana:Yep!and before that!*snaps her finger and then someone appeared in the cloud of smoke just to reveal ember*
Ember:Hey guys!its me ember I'm the new addition can I say that you guys have a dare
Thunder:You just said that
Ana:She's our new addition!
??:though its getting crowded than usual
Ana:Shut up!
Solar:Who said that?!
Thorn:Were on to you
Ana:*gulp*so yeah what's your dare again?
Ember:My dare is for blaze to act as ice and me act as blaze!
Amelia:Oh!is it even allowed in the rules to dare yourself
Ana:Stating from the rules yes because there are no rules!
Amelia:Right I keep forgetting that
Blaze:I have to act as ice easy!give me a moment!
Ember:Where us he off to now who cares hey guys wanna see me juggle this fire balls!*juggling fireballs*
Ice:Hey blaze is the only one here who can juggle fireballs unless your a fire elemental!
Ember:You got that right!!
All:Your a fire elemental?!
Ana:Duh I already told you guys that!
A.Cosmo:Oh grow up ana!
Ana:*catches him with a butterfly net and throws him back to anti fairy world*don't ever come back here again!!shoob!
All:*sweat drops*to much Randy Cunningham
Ana:Hey!so where is blaze
Sharon:Doing coffee with ice
Sharon:Just kidding
All:What is coffee in your meaning?
Ana:You do not wanna know
Ember:Hey can you guys play with me I can juggle fireballs and make holahoop fireballs!
Ice:She's acting like blaze alright I know his personality inside and out
Ember:Hey ice!play with me come on!
All:*sweat drops*
Fang:Too much of this quaky let's go!I'm going to buy some coffee
Quake:Okay young master
Fang:Don't get the wrong idea!
Ana:*shuts up*
Blaze:Hey guys *wearing ices clothes*
Ice:hey that's my clothes!
Ember:Fits perfect on you!haha
Cyclone:I guess he needs
Danika:to act as Ice right now
Thunder:Maybe he'll just make fun of this
Ember: Yes two ice!!I can play with them!!
Both:Were bored!*lays on the couch*
Ember:Oh come on icy!!
Blaze:I'm too lazy to do it!
Ice:Hey I do not act like that
Blaze:Of course I do
Ember:Ice!come on
Blaze:I just want to sit here and relax and be a sloth
Ice:Hey I do not act like that your doing it wrong!
Ice:Well your so r-*falls asleep*
Ember:Aw man!*pouts*
All:*looks at each other then to them*Uh...
A couple of minutes Later
Ana:Guess the dare is done
Ember:But why?!
Sharon:Stopped playing his part
Ember:No fun
Ana:*sweat drops*Wow what a long day let's all sleep guys
Blaze:Yeah ice?What is it?*smiles*
Ice:W-well....Can i-i sl-sleep with...y-you?*blushes*
Blaze:Of course*smiles*
Both goes to blazes room
Lia:I guess your right
Ana:She's starting to warm up again
Lisa:Come on
Danika:Just admit it!
Cyclone:Hey Ana!
Cyclone:Can I borrow your spell book?
Cyclone:Just for reasons so I can sleep plus I'm too shy to ask thubdy to sleep with me
All went upstairs
Thunder:'weird cyclone hasn't whined around to sleep with me what is he doing?'
Quake:What's wrong with you?
Ana:*opens her room*Still not done
Ana:Just fasten it up*lays on her bed
Cyclone:Okay,ah here its is!eht redneg I hsiw ot egnahc dnebredneg su rof a yad, a yad os thgirb os ew thgim egnahc siht si ym hsiw(read the words backwards not read the sentence backwards but the words)
Ana:*opens her eyes*Wait as far as I can remember that's not the go away nightmare spell..oh no cyclone stop that's the gender bend spell!
Cyclone:so mote it be!
Bright light filled the room and clouds of smoke appeared
Ana:*cough*Cyclone you dummy that's a genderbend spell,my voice I'm a boy!
Wearing blue jacket with logo ninja on the back long black shorts shorter hair colored light black blue watch the jacket is open wearing a red T-shirt
Cyclone:I'm a girl!!!
Ana:That's what you get cy hey I can't call you cyclone anymore can I
Sorry guys if this was a long update its because of school activities its so many and so hard I tried my best to fasten this up with my fast fingers but every time I type fast my keyboard will go away and I have to wait a long time for it to show up again I'm deeply sorry guys
A.Cosmo:Your such a mess ana!
Ana:What have I Told you!!*haves a bazooka**chases him*Come back here anti cosmo!
A.Cosmo:Oh no!Aahhh!!!*runs away*
Amber:He he oh and guys on the next chapter there would be a lot i mean a lot of new characters like me I'm boboiboy Amber
Ana: Hey what have I told you amber!!!
Amber:Eekk!Sorry got to go
Magnet:*drags him away*
Ana:Sorry!Gomenasai!pasenya na guys
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