Halloween (special) and more
This chapter might be short or not again
Both:I'm a girl/boy!!!!!
Cy:No this cannot be happening and its Halloween!!!!I can't go out trick or treating like this!!
Ana:Awesome!!!I'm a boy!!!I always wanted to be a boy!!!and it finally came true!!
Cyclone:Hey you can be a boy if you wanted to right!!!then why don't you cast a spell on yourself!
Ana:Well my mother will be mad at me!she wants me to be and act like a girl and I hate it!
Cyclone:Then how do we explain this to them!its already morning!!
Ana:Wait what?!thats so fast!!
Ana:What are we gonna tell them
All:Tell us what?*walks in**gasp*Oh my god!!who are you two?!?!?!
Ana:Its alright guys don't worry its just us ana and cy
Amelia:You guys have been gender bend?!
Thunder:Cy?huh prove it
Cyclone:Come on thunder do I have too!!
Thunder:Yep that's cy alright his the only one here who whines to do something
Danika:Oh my gosh!!!
Lisa:Cyclone your so cute
Amelia:What a big turn out
Blaze:Hey brother or should I say sister
Solar:Darling you look so fabulous!!
Thorn and ice:*thumbs up *Awesome
Sharon:I think I know someone who's gonna have a make over
Kiel and kei:Cool your so cute cyclone
Ember:Oh my gosh cyclone your so adorable!!!!I can't hold it!
Cyclone:No I'm not today's Halloween and I don't know what to do!!!!
Amelia:Aww Cyclone
Ana:Aww come on relax
Ana:Noah don't call me like that its so lame sauce not Bruce how about Nate sounds cool
All:I guess
Fang:Your such a boy now
Quake:I must agree with fang!
Ana:wait oh no now that I'm a boy! How do I convince the others to believe that I'm me!!
Sharon:What do you mean others?
Cyclone:Wait do you mean there will be new poepl here?
Nate:Yeah!and most of all I called them here so we can play some paranormal games but I have a dre first oh this going to be the greatest Halloween of all!!!
All:*sweat drops*
Thunder:So cyclone how did this all happened?
Nate:His or her fault she accidentally cast a genderbend spell instead of a go away nightmare spell
Thunder:Then why didn't you just go and sleep with me
Cyclone:I was shy,and scared you'll say no
Lisa:What a turn up
Nate:Yeah and they are arriving soon!!!
Nate:What have I told you!
Amber:Eek!*runs away*
Everyone:*Sweat drops*
Danika:Oh my gosh!!
Lia:I guess there will be new characters now!
Kiel:New bros!!Yes!!
Ember:New members amazing!!!
Lisa:She's like the girl version of blaze
Ice:I guess
Sharon:New people cool wonder if there gays or not*smirks*
Amelia:What are you thinking of doing right now?
Ember:I can't wait
Thorn:Well I guess it will be cooler to have new people around
Solar:Yeah!'hope they know that no one will take away my thorn or else'
Nate:I already told them so no worries*smiles*
Solar:I'm having hard time to hide my secrets from you
Nate:I know all your secrets!like that time on the rink where you and thorn acci-
Solar:*covers her mouth*Okay o guess that's enough*sweat drop*
All:*sweat drops*
Amelia:Those two
Sharon:Just like that
Ember:She or he is really a handful
Nate:So Amber where are the others?
Amber:Why should I tell you,you were not being nice to me*turns his head*
Nate:Your going to tell me or I'm gonna tell everyone your very embarrassing secret...
Amber:*Gulp*I'll tell!!
Sharon:Blackmailing cool
Amelia:*sweat drops*
Danika:Does two
Lia:When are they gonna come where are they who are they?
Ember:Same question!!!*jumping up and down*
Nate:We will know that after Mr. Copy cat here tells it!
Amber:Hey!!shut up!!they were late because they have to fight something through the other time
Danika:What does he mean?
Nate:Oh nothing*smiles
All:Your acting weird and you have a lot of secrets
Nate:That's just me!*smirks*
Thunder:Other,wait does that mean they are fighting too and your here why
Amber:I was bored
Nate:Really amber?
All:*sweat drops*
Nate:They're here!!
???1:Hey ana were here!
Nate:He!uh,*opens the door*
???1:Oh hello there is ana here
Nate:I'm ana
???2:No way your a boy!
Nate:Shut it!
???3:What happened?
Nate:Well cyclone accidentally cast a genederbend spell on both of us and this happens to me
???4:And do you plan on being a girl again?
???1:I guess not yet because she or he always wanted to be. A boy
Nate:Yeah and I will be like this for just 4 chapters or maybe a week chapter wait
???5:You can't remember do ya'
???2:Your really ana huh prove it
Nate:Your always Luke that well to make sure I'm me here's the only proof you'll need the nickname my mother call me is mj
All ???:That's her alright
Nate:Come in guys
All:Who are they?
Nate:Oh right before I forgot over her is sand
Sand:Hey guys well my name says my power and my main weapon is a sand spear
Nate:Yeah here's dark
Dark:Technically all of our names say our powers and I guess attitude as well
Solar:Dark and light in one house?will not be good and I hate his attitude already
Dark:Shut up,my main weapon is my shadow scythe
All:Dark its dark
Nate:Okay,here's magnet he doesn't like to be in loud areas
Thunder:That makes both of us brother
Magnet:*smiles*my main weapon is a magnet throwing ring
Nate:Well that's not right but it looks like blazes weapon but more different so different and this is cloud
Cloud:Hello I'm cloud and I like to be in soft places and my main weapon is a hammer a cloud hammer
Nate:His one of the shy ones and emerald
Emerald:Sup guys!I'm emerald or you could just call me em my main weapon is an emerald scythe but mines different from dark and I have two his is larger like mine is a ninja scythe if you guys are watching RC9thGN you'll know what I mean
Nate:And I guess you know amber already!!
Amber:Hey guys!!!
Danika:So uhm
Ember:Well okay amber what is your powers?
Nate:That a toughie
Amber:Well uhm
Lia:Are you to shy to say I
Lisa:Maybe he is but he's not like that before
Kiel:Do you think there something wrong with his powers?
Kei:Probably or not
Amber:Well as an amber my power is when I touch a person with powers his powers will be copied so like this dark
Dark:Ugh fine!
Amber:Just like this*touches darks hand*shadow scythe!*summons darks shadow scythe
Nate:That his power but he has his own special weapon too but he still can't find it in him
Amelia:That was a toughie
Lia:Oh god
Solar:Oh Darling we are sorry to hear that
Dark:I'm stating to get annoyed
Thunder:Both of us brother
Ember:so question
Quake:why do they look like us
Nate:Well they are your other brothers
Cyclone:Then why haven't we heard about them?
Sharon:And I guess that's the whole reason why
Ember:Everyone she ask for a cloud or emerald or more its always appearing
Boboiboy 2:yep!
Nate:Okay let's get down to business a simple dare and a tag then were off to the paranormal games I have a lot of it!*smirks*
Ember:She's scary
Amelia:I know it,but it isn't her
Both:Not funny
Nate:The first one is okay guys you need to uh go somewhere less or wait here in the living room and cyclone thunder and the Lisa thunder and cyclone come with me
Amelia:What do you guys think there gonna do
Sharon:Jeez I'm just kidding
Dark:I think I'm gonna like it here
Ember: Of course you would
Thunder:So what's this all about,spill it already Nate!
Nate:Okay so thunder you need to do the catwalk and were gonna watch you do it
Thunder:That's it
L.Thunder:This will be amusing
Cyclone:Your right
L.cyclone:You kinda looks like me now
Cyclone:Yeah I guess so
Thunder:*Does the cat walk*
L.thunder:How embarrassing
Both Cyclone:hahaha
Nate:Let's go back!
Blaze:Hey who here likes pokemon,and who are your favorite pokemon,mines charizard!
Sand:mines well if were not referring to the power I guess I will go with pikachu
Dark: darkrai
Cloud:I like clefairy
Emerald:Mines mewtwo
Nate:Hey guys!where of too the tag
Nate:What going on here,wait let me guess favorite pokemon mine would be artikuno
Blaze:Then that means your artikuno will lose against my charizard because I have the advantage
Nate:We will discuss about this later,here's some 20 facts about me I was tagged by my lovely friend sapphire go follow her her account is sakoneko okay
Amelia:Oh sapphire
Sharon:We know her
Nate:Okay the 20 facts about me
1.I love pokemon
2.I love boboiboy,well I guess you could say I'm a n anime or cartoon lover
3.I'm fierce in school all of the boys are scared of me
4.I love ice cream
5.I'm a hot head
6.I turned 13 this year on September 29
7.my zodiac is a libra
8.I do some stupid stuffs sometimes
9.Im lazy
10.I hate school
11.I'm afraid of the dark now because of the movie I watched called lights out
12.Im jealous to people who haves great art but I also love there art
13.I like drawing
14.I love making stories about my favourite shows
15.In a yaoi lover so deal with it
16:I hate my annoying cousin
17.I have friends in real life but I dont think there friends well the others but you guys are my friwnds
18.I love eating
19.I love playing balls and doing some boy stuffs I don't like girly things
All:That explains a lot
20.And I don't believed in forever!
Nate:Okay and I ain't tagging anybody because u don't wanna bother u guys so let's play shall we?*smirks*
Nate:Not that kind of play!!
Sand:So what are we gonna call you now
Emerald:Okay where did the name come from
Nate:It said so here in my jacket
Dark:How did a Nate appear on your jacket?
Nate:Dunno maybe I just liked it
Sharon:Let's go
Ember:And do the paranormal games!!!
Danika:I'm already pumped up!!!!!
Nate:Cyclone remember your a girl and your wearing a skirt for crying out loud!!!
Cyclone:He he,right
Fang:Paranormal games huh?easy!
Nate:Okay!so sand and dark help me get it!!*grabs both there hands and runs towards the door backwards then looks ahead seeing she's gonna or he's gonna hit the wall*Woah!!!
All:Ana watch out!!*closes there eyes*
Nate:*pissed of look**passes through the wall*
Sand:Huh?Where is he?
Dark:Where did he go
Nate:*passes through the wall again wearing a different attire only his head and shoulder seen*
Nate:Woah guys chill it looks like you guys seen a ghost!oh right I am a ghost!
Lia:Don't tell us that!
Kiel and kei:You've been a ghost all this time!!!!
Nate:Huh?*walks through the wall*Well yes and no I'm not a ghost neither am I a human because I'm half ghost
Danika:Okay!So we have a half ghost friend now!Cool*smiles*
Nate:Yeah so*changes back to his human form*Let's go get it
Both:Yeah sure*sweat drops*
Kei:The juice
Fang:He's half ghost
Danika:That was awesome
Lisa:When he almost crashed
Ember:It was cool!!
Amelia:That sacred the daylights out of me!!
Sharon:Because now its no more ordinary Halloween
Lia:Okay now he scared the daylights out of him
Em:His scared all the time so no worries
Ice:They seem cool and for the record blaze my pokemon of choice is hoops so your charizard is nothing against mine
Blaze:Ugh!I guess your right
Quake:Onix seems awesome
Fang:Who's onix
Quake:On fang his a Pokémon a rock type Pokémon
Solar:I think arceus is the greatest
Thorn:No its sceptile!
Cloud:*Wakes up*
Amber:Oh my
Kei:a they can never agree on who's the greatest Pokémon
Nate:Were back!And I agree that hoopa would win
Ice:Told ya'
Sand:So there's slot of this
Dark:This will be awesome
Nate:a okay let's place everything
After a while
Nate:Okay so let's start
Cloud: What paranormal game a-are w-we playing e-exactly?
Nate:Were gonna play spirit glass,the ouija board,one man hide and seek and the midnight game!
Amelia:The midnight game?!?!
Sharon: Okay that's awesome
Cloud:Were gonna die!!!
Nate:Don't worry cloud were here plus I'm half ghost remember*turns to ghost and the the attire changed*I'll be a ghost the whole time that's okay with you guys
Danika:What ever you say
Sharon:That's cool
Amelia:As long as I won't get hurt I'm in
Kiel:Cool bro
Kei:Bro so different now okay
Lia:Sure whatever
Ice and Blaze:*Still arguing about something**thumbs up*
Thorn:Okay sure
Solar:Yeah I wanna do this
Sand:This will be the most awesome Halloween ever!!
Dark:Let's get this show on the road
Emerald:What are we waiting for!
Amber:I agree!
Nate:Then let's start so we have four games right!
Nate:So here I have a dice,this dice have the names of the games and there are two blanks when theres blank we have to roll it again and the other blank has something on it and I will tell it to to you guys later on so let's roll the dice and let's see it and okay so if we have the midnight game we will skip it and make it to the end game
All:Game on!!
Nate:*rolls the dice*
The dice then stop and turn to the game of the name
All:The ouija board!
Nate:Let's go to the station!!!
Quake:*Trying to back away*
Fang:Your coming with us!*drags him back*
Cyclone,Ice,Solar and kei:*backs away*
Thunder,Blaze,Thorn and Kiel:Oh no you don't!*drags them back*
Nate:*face palm*Okay all hands on the ouija board!!
All:*does what he said*
Nate:Anyone who wanna ask a question?
Sharon:I do,ghost hello are you here in this room?
The things that people put there hands on you guys know it right moved to yes
Nate:Okay just that and you got pale,and would someone please wake up Cloud!
Danika:Even though his a boy
Amelia:His still the same one
Ember:The same one that w all know
Lisa:Even though his a ghost
Lia:Half ghost
Nate:Okay who wants to ask?
Dark:Me,okay why does Solar talk annoyingly?
It turned to b,e,c,a,u,s,e,h,e,t,h,I,n,k,h,I,s,s,o,f,a,b,u,l,o,u, this e letters
Amelia:Okay this game is really sarcastic
Solar:Hate this
Nate:Shh!so who's next
Amber:me!What's my special weapon
It turned to the letters C,a,n,t,t,e,l,l,u
Amber:Awe man!
Ember:It doesn't work that way amber
Nate:Okay who's next,anyone else
Fang:Let me ask something who here have crushes
It turned to letters a,l and l
Nate:I agree and this is supposed to be scary not lovey!!!
Fang:just asking
Sharon:W-Wait!It means all meaning plus the boboiboy 2 the new members
Boboiboy 2:Uh,yes
Nate:This is getting way out of hand okay enough!
Cyclone:I'll ask what is your name
It turned to 6 letters which reads Johnny
All:*looks at each other*Johnny?
Nate:Johnny seems familiar,wait johnny how can I forgot his my ghost friend duh!
All:Your creeping us out
Danika:Me next!Am I strong?
It turned into yes
Sand:Me next!*whispers*
Nate:Hey is that even allowed?
Lisa:I guess so
Em:There's nothing that says it can't happen
Amelia:Hey no fair!
Then suddenly it turned to yes
Nate:Did you ask if your gonna live for a long time again?
Sharon:Is this for real
Kei:I guess so
Nate:Hey guys do you wanna end this?Hey
All:Not yet!
Nate:Fine,I'm asking it so Johnny is it a good idea to go trick or treating?
It turned to yes
Amelia:Even though
Ember:Yeah that he is now a boy
Dark:He still acts like a girl
Nate:Not literally!I wonder how long this would last
Amber:Can we gt this over with
Nate:Do you want to end this cause cloud has lost it
Nate:Amber!Roll the dice
Amber rolls the dice and then it went to one man hide and seek
Nate:*shivers like hell*W-What?!o-one man hide and s-seek?!*hides behind sand*
Sand:Hey what's wrong?
Thunder:Looks like someone is scared
Danika:What is even scary about that game
Nate:don't you guys know that game?!
All:*looks at eachother*Nope
Nate:Can we skip this one?*shivering like hell*
Sand:H-Hey your the one who wanted this,come on!
Dark:Someone is scared!more than cloud
Cloud:Well that is because I don't know it
Sharon:I think have a plan
Kiel:I bet this game is gonna be scary!
Sand:Come on Ana!
Nate:I told you I'm not ana anymore!!
Sand:*pulling him*
Then lost balance
Blaze:I guess I'm going to fond another partner since mine is asleep
Ice:*wakes up**hugs blaze*Your mine!
All:*sweat drops*
Sand:Oh no
Nate:*about to you know but then floats through*
Danika:That was really close
Fang:Really close
Cyclone:Let's just play already!!*jumps up and down*
Nate:Skirts!If your not going to stop jumping up and down then I have to turn you back into a boy,where's my spell book?
Dark and thorn:Oh no need to go away we have your spell book
Nate:Ugh'great now I can't stall time'Where is it okay I will change us back now to the way we should be back to our gender though I like being this
Then she chanted the spell and afater a while a white flash turned up then suddenly the white light was gone everyone ten looked back and saw our true form back
Thunder:Cyclone,my cyclone your back!!*hugs him*
Cyclone:T..Thunder....*smiles*and hugs back*
Ana:Now were back to normal!!!*smiles*And I'm still boyish!
Ana:Oh no!*tries to run away*
Sand:*chases her*if you think your getting out of this one your wrong!
Ana:Ugh!!Why even here why do boys keep chasing me!!
Amelia:Oh please let's just play it what's the harm it could do
Sand: What?!That's all
Ana:Okay so what we have to do is well we have to get a doll that is stuffed which we already have okay so who here would do what I said to the doll
Ember:Oh!et me do it!!
Ana:I need two people!
Emerald:I want to do it too
Ana:Oh right and one more
Sharon:I will do it!!
Cyclone:I wonder what will happen
Ana:First of all get the knife and cut open the doll and removed the stuffs on it
Lisa:Maybe she doesn't
Ana:Okay blhh
Sharon:Done what next
Ana:Okay put some rice on it,I mean in it and full
Ana:Stop judging me!So after that sew it with red thread
Ember:Done,why red
Ana:Oh because
Thunder:Its the blood of it if you saw it the spirit in it is sealed on the doll
Ana:Hey!That mi line!
Dark:I think you meant my
Ana:No mi,its my on Spanish
Ana:Next uh,well oh right you have to go to the bathtub and fill it with water then oh we have to name it let's just name it Nomi okay
Kei:So what is this gonna do
Kiel:You will figure it out soon enough
Ana:Okay I'll take it from here
Ana:'I wish I was still Nate'Okay but first here you'll need this*gives them flashlights and sharp objects
Fang:I don't need this things
Danika:Hey why do we need flashlights?
Ana:*turn off all the lights*That's why,okayNomi we are the first it*says it 3x*
Ana:Okay let's go find a hiding spot while were it and count 1 to 10
Ana:do you need to ask so we can hide easily once Nomi is it
Ana:Let's go*goes to the bathromm and nomu is still on the bathtub*
Thunder:Nothing even happened
Ana:I thought you know this
Dark:It didn't even work
Ana:Oh!*smirks*Were just getting started
Sand:Is this why she sent want to play this its because shell be like this
Ember:Pretty much
Ana:*gets Nomi from the tub and squezze the water out then stabbed its back,releasing the spirit*Now the real game begins!!!hahahaa!!
Cloud:She is scaring me!
Ana:Nomi your the next it!Okay now let's hide
All of us hide again then after a while we were bored and checked on the bathroom
Danika:Doubt it will be gone
Dark:Wanna bet on it
Ember:Ujm guys,why is the doll not here
Amelia:what do you mean not here an-Oh my f****** gosh
Ana:Told ya
Thunder and cyclone:Screw this were out
Ana:No you can't get out of this game you knowIf you bail on this it will hunt you forever
Blaze:No!I just wish charizard was real!
Ana:Here we go again,luckily this is not that scary even if the lights
Are out its still afternoon and its about to set we have to find if as quickly as possible I don't wanna miss trick or treating
Kiel:Hey kei trick or treat
Ana:We need to fond the kitchen!!
Quake:But why
Cloud then quickly saw the doll
Cloud:Ahhh!!!the doll is here!!!!
All:*screams and runs away*
Ana: I told you,guys!!but you wouldn't listen!!*running*
Danika:No time where's the kitchen?!?!*running*
Amelia:Hey Gus quake would know!!
Sharon:Yeah!!its his kitchen quake lead the way!!
Quake:Why am I your GPS?!
Fang:Come on quakie!
Quake:F..F-Fine!*blush*,over to left
Lisa:Oh no,The doll had moved!!
Ana:Oh no run faster guys!!!
Ember:Already on it!*runs ahead*
Emerald:Wow she's fast
Ana:The kitchen,where's the salt?Wheres the salt?!
Ana:*takes the water and full it with salt*Okay we need to find that doll!!
Danika:O think it found us!!
Ana:Oj no!*drinks the water not swallowing then splash the water on the doll and spits the water on it*
Cloud:Is it over?*shivers*
Ana:Not yet!
Amber:What ?!?!
Sharon:What do we need to do?
Ana:*holds IP the doll*Burn it,Ember and blaze let go outside!
Both:Fire breath!!*blows fire on the doll*
The doll then fastly engulfed into flames and then burned up and slowly burned out
Cyclone:Is it over
Ana: Okay that's enough paranormal games for now!Who's up for
All:Trick or treating!!
Ana:Dress up guys !!Our the trick or treating this night will be a blast
Cyclone:All right and I'm a boy back!!
Ana:Your costumes are in your rooms guys and after this were watching a scary movie!
All(except cyclone,ice,solar, and amber):Alright!
Ana:Let's get ready!
Cy's room
Cy:Okay I'm wearing this tonight?
Thunder's room
Thunder:Oh,this night is gonna be fun
Quake's Room
Quake:Why do I have to go out like this?*whines*
Fang:You don't get to whine now
Quake:Your just saying that because your outfit is not even ridiculous!!
Fang:Oh yeah I remember now*smiles*
Ice's Room
Ice:Okay I'm going out like the great
Blaze's room
Blaze:Oh my gosh....So awesome yeah!!!
Thorn's Room
Thorn:Okay I guess I'm going out like this tonight!
Solar's Room
Solar:fantastic!!Tonight I will be the light of the party(seriously solar?)
At the living room
Ana:Guys show up!*smiles**wearing a ninja costume with only her mouth seen*
Danika:A ninja costume that's cool*wearing a zombie apocalypse outfit with gears*
Sharon:Awesome!I guess I will be going as Dracula!*wearing a Dracula costume*
Ember:I'm going as vampire too but Dracula is more superior I guess*wearing a vampire costume*
Amelia:I'll go as a zombie!*wearing a zombie costume*
Lia:Okay,then I will be nagisa*wearing nagisa outfit*
Lisa:a Halloween trick or treating is really amazing!*wearing a marceline costume*
Kiel:Is it just me or are there many vampire costume here
Sharon:hey your not wearing any costume aren't you going?
Kiel:No because I have WTO watch over kei okay well cya
Danika:Okay where are the others
Thunder:I'm here,sup okay cyclone come on out*wearing a Cosmo outfit from fairly odd parents*
Cyclone:I hate..t.this costume I don't wanna be a buck tooth boy!!*wearing a Timmy outfit*
Ana:I can always change it*snaps her finger*
Cyclone:Okay,now why am I morro?
Thunder:And why did I turned like jay?!
Ana:Because your powers match!
Ice:What's all the loud noises?*wearing a mummy costume*
Blaze:Hey what happened here?!*Wearing a Frankenstein costume*
Lisa:Oh my blob
Thorn:Why am I Ben 10?*wearing a Ben 10 costume*
Solar:At least I'm fabulous*wearing a satsuki costume*
Ember:That Costume fits perfectly to him
Fang:Come on quakie let's go!
Quake:No I don't wanna come out like this!!
Fang:*pulls him *
Quake:No!!!!*reveals quake wearing a maid dress*
Fang:Come on why don't you wanna show yourself like that*wearing a butler outfit*
Quake:Because I look ridiculous!!
Amelia:Quake come on your cute in a maid dress
Quake:But I'm going outside!!
Thunder:No worries brother
Dark:Hey keep it down!!*Wearing a devil costume*
Sharon:That's your costume?
Ana:Fits you perfectly
Magnet:*wearing a spider man costume*
Lia:Spiderman?Who came up with that
Ana:Hey spidy is your spidy sense tingling?pfft
Magnet:I'm not amused....
Ana:Your no fun
Emerald:Hey guys!!*wearing a ghost costume,not the blanket one*
Cloud:Monsters everywhere!*shivers**wearing a fluttershy costume*
Ana:Oh my god Cloud your so cute!! And don't be scared cloud
Cloud:I will lose it
Ana:Oh cloud
Lisa:Where are-
Sand:Why am I going like this?*wearing a ciel costume*
Danika:How did he get that?
Ana:Hey,woah nvm,amber where is amber
Amber:I'm right here*wearing a cowboy*Sup y'all!
Ana:*sneaks up behind him*Didn't notice me coming?
Amber:*shivers*Woah!Don't do that
Ana:As a ninja I got to be sneaky!!
Amelia:Even sneakier than a vampire
Ana:That's right!*smiles*
Danika:What are we waiting for let's get this show on the road!!
Ana:Woah wait a second
Danika:What now?!
Ana:Pairs we all need to be paired up
Thunder:Cyclone is mine!
Cyclone:*sweat drops*
Fang:Go with me young lady quake
Quake:I am not a lady!!!😯
Ice:Blaze your coming with me
Solar:Thorn is mine back off
Thorn:This getting way out of hand
Ana:Okay they have their pairs so here who wants to let's just roll the dice
They all rolled the dice and got paired up
Ember:Eh?...uhm..Lava?who's Lava?*curious*
Lava:Hey there I'm Lava!!*smiles**said it behind her*
Ember:Woah you just gave me a heart attack!!!don't do that!*jumped*
Lisa:Lava?never heard of him..
Danika:yeah!Who is he
Lia:Why is he here?
Sharon:What's he doing here?
Amelia:And why does he look and act like blaze???
Ana:Oh god please one question at a time,okay first he is just like the new boboiboy here and he has the same purpose as they are and further more yes he is like blaze only his exact twin though his dressing is different
(I will show the picture of him later on the next chapter)
Ember:Oh!So that's him
Lava:*grins*Where you surprised?!
Lava:uh-oh'dangit I thought she would forgot*
Ana:Forgot?you want me to possess you?!
Lava:Nope ma'am
Ana:Okay exactly why were you late?!
Lava:I said I'll go alone...?
Ana:Oh god please,oh please tell me he didn't use his scooter!
Boboiboy2:We wish we could
Cyclone:What's this about
Ana:*pissed*Can someone please tell me who is the person responsible for allowing him?!*scary voice*
Boboiboy2(except emerald):*unblock emeralds view*
Ana:Emerald!*said in a scary voice*
Ana:Ugh we will discuss about this later
Danika:So by any chance are we
Ana:Yes going trick or treating
Ember:Finally let's go
All:*they were about to go out the-
That's all for now guys sorry if this was updated not complete it was by accident actually sorry wait for the next chapter!*smiles*
Amber:I don't wanna be a spoiler or anything
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