a lot of dares!Part 2 with a new character!
Ana:Where is he?Where is he?Oh I know hey quake fang have you seen kaizo?
Fang:No we haven't
Quake:Yeah we haven't seen him and fang you don't add too much water in that the dough will melt!!!
Fang:Sorry about that
Quake:Do you need anything?
Ana:Oh..no...just go to the living room later
Fang:Oh by the way what's with my brother?
Ana:A question
Fang:Thad very unusual
Quake:Fang!!the dough!!!
Quake:What did you just call me?*blush*
Ana:Sweet!*walks away*
In the leaving room
Blaze:*playing a video game*
Ana:Blaze is ice still in his room?
Blaze:*stops playing the game and looks down*
Kiel:Bro,bad idea,don't ask him that
Kei:I agree with him
Ana:Of course you would
Sharon:He might be-
Lisa:*jumps over her*In his room once again
Ana:oh..Without You I feel broke like I'm half of a whole, without you I got no hand to hold
Lia:Why are you singing that song I hate that!
Ana:No you don't you just didn't wanna listen to it,plus guys please tidy up someone is joining us,today
All(except blaze):*Looks at each other*Huh?Who?
Ana:Sharon knows who she is she likes to tease her
Sharon:Huh?.....Oh her!!!*smirks*
Ana:Laglagan na dito!!
All(minus blaze and Kiel):What are you talking about?
Ana:You guys wouldn't understand it
Kiel:Yeah,sumasangayon ako
Kei:We can't understand what you two are talking about
Ana:Okay please tidy up shell be here and blaze....
Blaze:What?!*annoyed tone*
Ana:*sigh*There's a dare for you and ice so get ready
Sharon:Come on!!let's clean up!
Ana:Uh...nvm,I'm going up and getting ice thorn,solar and thunder
Thunders room
Thunder:*listening to our superhero boboiboy*
Knock knock knock
Thunder:Who the hell is it?
Ana:*burst in*Dummy go down we need to go downstairs right know as in now go go go
Thunder:Ojay!!!just please shut up!!!
Ana:*sticks out tongue*
Thunder:You devil!
Cyclones room
Cyclone:*writing something while drawing*
Knock knock knock
Cyclone:Woah!!*hide everything*Who is it?
Ana:*burst in*Me!Let's go downstairs we will continue what we unfinished
Sharon:Hurry up!!
Danika:Yeah get down already cy!!!
Ana:AAHHH!!!you two came out of nowhere is the leaving room clear yet?
Lia:Yeah it is kei Kiel is now just sitting there
Ana:Okay you three go to thorn and solars room,I'll go to ice alone
The 3:Okay
Ice's room
Ice:*crying*Stupid heart!why him!Stupid me!I'm such an idiot!*tears a picture of him and blaze apart*Without you I feel broke like im half of a whole,without you I got no hand to hold,without you I feel torn like a sail in a storm....*cries more*
Knock knock knock
Ice:*falls from his bed*Woah!!!hey*sniff*
Ana:*sigh*Sorry ice can you please go downstairs
Ice:What for?!*sniffs*
Ana:I know its hard for you ice its different now but you still don't know what he thinks of yoy please make the right choice be yourself and don't let anything get in your way you can tell him how you feel or not just please be okay,you have a dare,with blaze*turns away**walk downstairs*
Ice:*shocked**looks down**changes*
Ana:Hey I was able to convince him
Danika:Well this could be a bit of a problem if you ask me
Sharon:For your guys safety I agree with her,jk
Lia:This will not be good
Blaze:Will you all please shut up!!!*stressed out**fires on his eyes and hand forms*
All:*backs away*
Thunder:Someone is cranky!did you poop on your diaper*trying to hold back his laughter*
Ana:*trying to hold back her laughter *
All:*trying to hold back there laughter*
Blaze:I'm gonna kill you thunder!!!!*chases him around with fire balls*
Thunder:Woah!!!*runs away*
Blaze:Get back here!!!!
Kiel:Looks like very thing is different now
Kei:Yeah you got that right
Sharon:Everything is not,its the same
Danika:Who here is scared to go on her mind,and see what she thinks?
All(minus thundy and blaze):raises there hand
Sharon:He-Hey!!my mind is not scary
Ana:Yeah its not its far worst remember I have mind reading powers!I don't ever wanna know what your thinking ever again,its so perverted!!
Sharon:No its not I was not like this before you know!
Lia:Really scary
Lisa:*breaks in with Amelia*Hey homies I'm here with her and kaizo!!!!!
All(minus blaze and thunder):*shocked*So she's the knew character
Amelia:Hey guys!*smiles*
Personality:kinda cold and a loner but she's shy and Sharon is her bff she's a yandere sometimes (if she's mad) and childish sometimes
Looks:Orange eyes and wears red hoodie and wears long pants and also she wears red shoes and also short hair(almost looks like a boy)
Sharon:Amelia!!!*hugs her*
Sharon:Welcome here
Ana:Welcome here Amelia!*smiles*
Kei:Hello there I'm kei and this is Kiel
Amelia:Hey there,I'm Amelia
Danika and Lia:Hey there
Lisa:Welcome here Amelia!
Amelia:Yeah,thanks for bringing me here
Solar:Girl!let's take a selfie!!*takes selfie with her*
Amelia: *smiles*
All:*sweat drops*
Blaze:That's what you get for doing that thunder!!
Cyclone:*havez a first aid kit*
Cyclone:*cleans him up and some some some just some blah blah*
Thunder:Ouch not there!!
Cyclone:Oh come on!This won't hurt if you would stop squirming around!
Thunder:It hurts!
Quake:Looks like someone haves a nurse to look after him
Kaizo:So do I need to do something?
Ana:Captain kaizo!!!!*smiles*You have some questions.....
Thorn:Why does he have a question and we have the dare cant we switch it?
Danika:No you guys can't!!!
Lia:Yeh it would just make things complicated
Lisa:I agree!!!
Ana:Okay so boo is here to ask the question
Fang:I wonder where this is going
Blaze:*ignoring all of them*
Kiel:Lia,I think its vest if you leave him alone
Danika:Understand us please
Kei:Its for the greater good
Ana:Okay boo come in here and ask it
Boo:Hey!!!I got some questions for you captain kaizo!!!!
Kaizo:Okay ask away*thinks:When did I got into this?*
Ana:Last time
Kaizo:Your creeping me out with your mind reading powers
Thunder:Its totally creepy its hard to hide anything from her
Ana:He-Hey!this was a curse you know!
Boo:Hey captain kaizo!Are you Japanese?
Kaizo:Huh?Why would I be a Japanese I'm not even a human I know some languages but I'm not a Japanese
Boo:Oh okay
Quake:What?his not Japanese?I thought he was!
Fang:Quake we are not humans how can we be japanese?
Boo:Next one!!
Danika:I wonder what's going to happen
Boo:How come you and fang are siblings?
Kaizo:Okay,well we both are sibling because we came from the same planet not just that,you guys won't think fang has a sibling because he was never seen with any family we send him to the earth you know with no one with him has why were sibling,is it hard to believe we look alike you know
Danika:Yeah you two do look alike
Kaizo:But what?
kei:You look
Ana:More like sasuke
Kaizo:Stop with the naruto fiasco
Lia:His like fang
Sharon:And that's another reason why they are brothers
Boo:Okay last question!!
Blaze:Boring!*rolls eyes*
Ana:His not himself anymore usually he would act like*wears a blaze costume*Yes!!finally its almost over I can't wait!!*jumps up and down*That's how he would act
Thunder:That's what happens when you knew something that's really unnecessary but also necessary
Cyclone:Your the one who did it
Ana:Thorn!Solar!!!*snaps finger*Tie them up
Tholar:*ties them up*
Boo:Okay as I was saying!Hey are you a human if yes I'm gonna slap you 1 times and if your an alien I'm gonna slap you 2 times
Kaizo:Okay....So I'm not a human I'm a humanoid alien actually
Fang:Then it means
Quake:If his a humanoid alien then
Boo:You got that right!*slaps him 3 times*
Kaizo:Seriously?its okay though
Ana:Your still fine Captain?
Kaizo:I guess I am I just have to-*falls*
Boo:Think I slap him too hard
Boo:I'm just going now see you guys again!
Fang:Hey what about my brother!!!
Ana:Wait!!Hey cloud!!can I borrow your cloud
Out of nowhere a cloud came in and lift up kaizo
Cyclone:Woah cool you borrowed a cloud?From who?
Danika:Wait what?
Lisa:I think were confused
Sharon:Not me
Amelia:Okay does this happen everyday?
Amelia:Is everything crazy around here
Amelia:Is she a psychopath?And one hell of a devil?
All:*looks at each other*Definitely yes!!!
Ana:What did you all said to me?!?!?!*surrounded by dark aura*
Amelia:*laughs*So what's next on your guys list
Ana:Oh about that can you read it instead of me*giggles*
Amelia:Okay if you say so
Lia:Does this have to do with fang and quake?
Ana:Yes it does
Sharon:Sweet!!I need to get things ready!!
Amelia:She will never change would she
All:No,no she won't
Amelia:Okay so this was dared by kei
Fang:My twin?!
Faye:You have a lot of twins including me!
Danika:Shut up guys
Amelia:So the dare said Quake must wear a French made outfit and fang as his master for 3 chapters
Quake:What!!!I'm not wearing any dresses!!*blushes*I'm a grown IP I'm not doing that!!
Ana:Oh you won't its okay,its okay if you want yo be in the fan girl room for I don't know about 3 chapters
Quake:Wears the dress
Solar:Here its is!!*pushes him in the changing room*
Quake:Woah!!*get shoved to the dressing room*
Fang:I'm his master?
Kei:He-Hey your the one who told me to dare it
Fang:No I didn't!!!
Danika:I wonder what he looks like
Blaze:Is captain still unconscious?
Solar:From the looks of it
Cyclone:What now?
Ana:I can use a spell to wake him up while waiting for quake!
Thunder:What spell?
Ana:Its easy I just need some emeralds hey emerald!can you give me some of your emeralds?
A bunch of emerald been thrown
Thorn:Okay seriously where are those things coning from?
Ana:What?*healing kaizo*
Quake:Uhm...Guys....I'm here...I dong feel so good...I look ridiculous in this!*blushes*っ>/////<c'
Fang:Oh hey Qua-*blushes*I think I'm in heaven
Fang:Because I just saw an angel
Quake:Stop it fang!*blushes*
Sharon:His supposed to be the master
Fang:You look cute in that dress!*smiles*
Quake:No I don't I look ridiculous!*blsuhes madly*
Amelia:Sweet and looks like,Quake look like a girl
Quake:Amelia!!not you too!*blushes*
Fang:And since now that I'm your master you have to do everything I say!Let's go buy some red carrot donut!!
Quake:Seriously?*put his hands around his waist*
Fang:Come on I am your master after all!
Both of them left to buy red carrot donut
Sharon:He really do love red carrot donuts
Danika:His crazy for them!
Amelia and Sharon:Does red carrot donut even Tate good we mean its not that sweet right,and JTS vegetable
Lia:His the wierdest
Lisa:You can ever encounter despite the fact his an...I don't knilow alien
Kiel:His a humanoid aliens its cool
Kei:well yeah
Ana:Okay enough yapping we have the last dare and this will be hard for ice and blaze
Blaze:Jut spit it out already!So we can get this over with!*thinks:I hurted his feelings and he has a crush on me this is gonna be awkward*
Ana: Yes it would,so yeah you have to spend the whole day with ice and do all what he does
Blaze:That sloth doesn't do anything at all!
Water:Who are you calling sloth huh?
All:*shocked*Ice why did you turn back to water?!?!?!?!?
Water:Oh this,its nothing I just want to be water again for a change because ice his weak!pathetic!and vulnerable!
Blaze:*worried**runs up to him**shakes him*What the hell!!are you insane!!Why would you think that your pathetic!!Its not like your vulnerable your strong!!and independent!!You got all the things that blocked your way annihilated, but this time you have to do it again!!
Water:Tsck!I'll be good with being water than that weak old ice!I got used to him too much that I forgot who I really am!!
Blaze:You are who you am!!Your not weak!!Your more better than this ice!!
Water:I already told you!!im not ice anymore!!!!and who are you to know who I am!!*gets out of his hold*
Sharon:Hey how long would you two take
Ana:Oh no this is not good he can't turn back to ice again,not anymore the only way to do it is for him to feel....true love
Water:I'm fine as water
Sharon:There are a lot of drama kings here!
Danika:You got that right
Kiel:You two are so cold
Lisa:That's who they are!
Ana:You two have to spend the whole day together doing what ice likes to do and since all he wants to do is sleep and eat so*shoves both of them to ice room with cold cocoa*
Inside the room
Water:*sparkles*Woah!!!Cold cocoa!!*drinks it while sitting on his water ball*
Blaze:*sits on ices bed**looks around**saw an album and opened it**blushes*
Water:Still ruined and I don't care anymore*lays down on his water ball*
Blaze:How come all of this is my picture
Water:You already know why so don't let me spill it out again!!!*tears starts to form in his eyes*
Blaze:*walks near him**holds his wrist a pushes him on the wall*Come on tell me in person so I would believe you!and if its not true you can just push me away
Water:*starts crying*Its true I liked you an I don't know why!!my stupid heart chose you I don't know why you and your my twin!!I don't know why I feel weird around you why I lo everything around you and love to be with you!!All I know is I followed my stupid heart an I became weak and vulnerable!!is that what you want to hear blaze!!!!!*cries*
Blaze:I love you too,this whole time
Water:*looks at him in the eyes*What
Blaze:I love you too,I was a fool top,all this to I was searching for the perfect person for me and to be with me,I was searching everywhere when all this time the one that is perfect for me was already standing in front of me instead of noticing you I was searching and looking the other way when all this time you were the perfect one fr me and I know how much I hurted your feelings I hope you can forgive me!*hugs him*
Water:*shocked*Blaze*hugs him back*
Blaze:*let's go and looked him in the eyes**kisses him*
Water:*shocked and kisses back*
Blaze:I love you ice
Blaze:Ice!!*carries him bridal style and lay him one the bed*
The room then shone from ices bright light and blaze couldn't see a thing and after a few moment everything the light went gone and blaze opened his eyes in shock
Ice:*wakes up*Ouch my head hurts*puts his hand on his head*
Blaze:*smiles*Ice your back!!!*hugs him*
In the leaving room
Ana:*shivers*Seems ice is back to normal
Lia:How come you know that?
Amelia:Maybe because she just knows it
Kiel:Mind reading powers
Kei:Yeah agreed
Danika:Your right
All the boboiboys downstairs:Uh...
Ana:Shut up guys!
Sharon:What are you doing?
Amelia:*looks behind her and saw a picture**took it*Oh!!what's this?!*smirks*Who is this?
Sharon:Maybe that's her crush
Ana: Hey give it back!!
All looked and saw blaze smiling and saw ice back to normal
Ana:Looks Luke someone find true love
Ice:Shut up!!!*sleeps on the couch*
Thundclone:Looks lie everything's back to normal again
Lia:Hey I'm just going to go home now its getting late my mother would probably get angry at me
Ana:Okay bye!By the way do you know Cloud?
Ana: Any of what I'm gonna say next?
Ana:Even Dark?
Lia:No-uhm actually yes
Amelia:I think I know where this is going
Ana:Bye Lia see you again tomorrow!
Thunder:Are all the stupid dares done?
Sharon:What you want to do another one?
Thunder:No ma'am
Fang:Hey Quaky!
Quake:yes young master
Fang:Are all my red carrot donuts safe?
Kiel:End this!
Kei:End this
Ice:End this,well I don't care either way
Blaze:And that's what makes you cute!
Lisa:I'm going to remember this moment!!*faints*
Thunder:*watching something on YouTube with Quake*
Quake:What the HELL?!?!?!?
Both runs away
Quake:Get back here you two!!!!!*chases them*
Danika:Sucks to be them
Lisa:That reminds me,I better start running too!!!!*runs away*
Kiel:Sucks to be
Kei:Like them
Kaizo:They would never change
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