episode 22(rancangan)
Episode ini bakal beda dari episode aslinya. Ini isinya bahasa inggris semua.
"I bet the commander's just lazy and needs an errand boy. " ucap gopal meremahkan kekuatan komandernya sendiri(kokoci) membuat BoBoiBoy menatap Tajam+seram ke arah gopal. Begitu kokoci yg megang tongkat legendaris nya pun menatap tajam+serta listrik Biru(dibilang kekuatan telekinesis nya) ke arah gopal.
"WHAT DID YOU say?!!" ucap kokoci menatap tajam dan listrik kekuatan telekinesis nya ke arah gopal. "YOU DARE ACCUSE YOUR COMMANDER!! " ucap kokoci marah dan taruhkan tongkatnya ke arah lubang hidung gopal.
"I am sorry! Commander" ucap gopal
Diluar ruang rapat
"This.... This isn't a Galactic laundromat. Hehe! This is tapops' headquarters. I must report this To mr. Boss... " ucap probe pergi jauh-jauh sebelum dia pergi jauh dia diserang oleh name dan romaro.
Kali ini romaro bakal pakai sorban hitam. Tetapi dalamnya ada sorban putihnya.
This is name!. Ras Yahudi norama.
"Argh.... You two dare attack me!. Laser probe shot!" ucap probe tembakan lasernya ke arah name dan romaro
" PROTECTOR NOVA!!!"ucap romaro melindungi name dan dirinya. " Ohhh? Do your plans want to destroy our friend's mission? FEEL THE SHOT OF NOVA SCOTIA!"ucap romaro tembakan probe dengan serangan tembakan NOVA Scotia.
"WUAAAHHH" ucap probe terpental jauh(alias ke kapal angkasa milik adudu)
" Is our mission to stop the probe from informing adudu going to be successful?"ucap romaro bertanya pada name
"Hmmm.... I don't know... " ucap name membuat romaro jatuhkan rahangnya.
" Backwards...."ucap romaro lemah dengan kondisi dirinya jatuhkan rahangnya.
Kembali disisi kokoci dan kawannya.
Kokoci lagi menuliskan penerima(laksamana tarung) laundry dobi kat planet dargahayu, wilayah burga barat(dimana penduduknya suku darga pokok burga (pohon berpokok),suku Big rock darga burga(batu raksasa), The frog darga burga(alien yg menyurai manusia tetapi ras mereka ke Frog human(the Frog darga)).yg dihipotesiskan oleh katak. Selepas kokoci menuliskan surat untuk penerima.
"All set. " ucap kokoci semangat
"Where should we send these to, Commander" ucap BoBoiBoy bersifat lembut dan hormat pada kokoci.
"That's, you don't need to know" ucap laksamana davina yg berjawab. Membuat BoBoiBoy menguping pembicaraan davina Aurelia dan fani
"Just go to the designated location" ucap laksamana fani berjawab dengan tegas.
"And leave them there." ucap laksamana davina dan laksamana fani berjawab tegas bersama
"Understood, Admiral! " ucap kokoci, BoBoiBoy, Fang, gopal, dan yudha Yudhoyono.
"Oh right, one more thing, don't let these bundles get dirty.... NOT EVEN A LITTLE... THE LITTLE FU--" ucap riko Hamzah membuat leo Greyyano menutup mulut riko Hamzah
"HEI, YOUR LAUGAUGE! YOUR LITTLE BROTHER(mean BoBoiBoy) IS HERE. " ucap leo Greyyano dgn tegas tersebut.
"Astaghfirullah, You never repent, do you, Riko." ucap yura unamira berucap pada riko Hamzah.
"YOUR MOTHER FUCKING" ucap riko Hamzah bertengkar dgn yura unamira membuat BoBoiBoy ketakutan dan memeluk abang angkatnya, kokoci.
"WHAT! MY FATHER? " ucap riko Hamzah berteriak.
"Yes... " ucap davina Aurelia menghubungi Ochobot
"Yes, Admiral davina what is it, eh BoBoiBoy! What happen with BoBoiBoy! " ucap Ochobot teriak membuat Abu Hamzah dan Abu Ubaidah khawatir dgn kondisi BoBoiBoy.
"Tell me... What happened to BoBoiBoy. Riko...." ucap Abu Hamzah dgn aura bapak-bapak serta aura hitam ke arah anak pertamanya, riko Hamzah. Riko Hamzah terdiam serta lainnya.
"This is was riko's Fault! Uncle Hamzah! He make his little brother SCARED" ucap gopal berkata jujur
"WHAT!!! RIKO! Beware at the Tapops's station tomorrow." ucap Abu Ubaidah membuat riko Hamzah menelan ludaknya.
"I am sorry, oboy" ucap riko Hamzah pada BoBoiBoy
"It's okay" ucap BoBoiBoy
Di sisi name dan romaro.
" Serious to prevent adudu and probe ni. Let us prevent it?."ucap romaro pada name
" I have a plan!. I have plant power. I can set a trap for both of them before coming here."ucap name
" Prevent both of them (adudu and probe). Good idea!"ucap romaro
" Let's go to your spaceship! We're moving back to the spaceship quietly."ucap name pada romaro
"Iceh, okay" ucap romaro pada name
Di ruang dimana pesawat dan kapal angkasa berkendara di ruang.
" Be careful on the road, guys!. Later you'll eat Hana's cookies!."ucap k2bebot, motobot dan laksamana feni pada mereka berlima(kokoci, gopal, Fang, BoBoiBoy dan yudha Yudhoyono) membuat mereka berempat(tidak termaksud yudha Yudhoyono) ketar ketir dgn biskuit kematian Hana(padahal biskuit Hana sekarang udah enak)
"WHAT? HANA'S COOKIES!. OH NO😲" ucap kokoci udah panic attack dgn biskuit kematian
" This is serious if we meet Captain Hana."ucap BoBoiBoy dan gopal ketar ketir
" That's right!. Captain Hana's biscuits are deadlier than yaya's biscuits."ucap Fang ketar ketir
" What are they afraid of in this beautiful red-hijab girl's biscuit."ucap yudha Yudhoyono gak tau
" We're leaving first. Whose spaceship is this?."ucap BoBoiBoy kebingungan membuat kokoci ambil ide.
" I'm going to space! How is it. Also fill up the supplies there. Because the supplies for my spacecraft are running out. Let's go to the nearest planet, tapops station first."ucap kokoci mengambil ide membuat Fang, BoBoiBoy, gopal dan yudha Yudhoyono setuju.
" Goodbye commander! Goodbye friends. Later, I'll come home and eat my biscuits."ucap yaya membuat mereka berlima masuk ke kapal angkasa (dah pasti mereka ketakutan dgn biskuit yaya dan pada kabur ke kapal angkasa milik kokoci)
"Bye every none! " ucap mereka berlima.
Skip di planet terdekat stesen tapops, bisa dibilang planet Hamria paling dekat dgn stesen tapops.
Mereka lagi mengisi bahan minyak kapal angkasa milik kokoci. Yg jaga kapal angkasa hanya Fang dan yudha Yudhoyono saja. Yg kokoci, gopal dan BoBoiBoy mencari makan siang untuk mereka berlima.
"Korang mau Nasi Hamzia ni" ucap salah satu penduduk asli Hamzia yg berada di wilayah Zumal ia, planet Hamzia.
"Mau dong!. " ucap kokoci
"Ada Nasi goreng Hamzia? " ucap gopal membuat kokoci dan BoBoiBoy menatap datar ke arah gopal
"Dahlah habis duit aku aduh. " ucap BoBoiBoy pasrah
"Dahlah BoBoiBoy, biar abang yg bayarin. Numpang beli nasi Goreng Hamzia 3! Sup lubak merah 1 dan Roti rasanya seperti roti Palestina ada kah" ucap kokoci pada salah satu penduduk asli Hamzia yg bernama Tarazia.
"Ada kok! Roti Hamzia spesies bercouple" ucap Tarazia
"Ok! Ini duitnya" ucap kokoci kasih uang yg berupa duit Planet Hamzia. Kokoci pernah kesini. Bapaknya saja kasih kartu credit pada anaknya, kokoci biar berdikari 🤣
"Oke terima kasih! " ucap Tarazia dengan ramah
"Sama-sama, kami pamit dulu! Assalamualaikum! " ucap BoBoiBoy dan kokoci berucap assalamualaikum pada Tarazia. Mereka bertiga pergi
"Waalaikumsalam! " ucap Tarazia tersebut
------_________--------- ????? (Ada yg mengikut mereka dari belakang! Yup adudu dan probe guys)
"Mereka dah pergi! Jom ikuti mereka! " ucap adudu
"Jom incik boss" ucap probe
"Why did the Admiral insist that we mustn't let these get dirty" ucap gopal membuat kokoci menatap datar ke arah gopal. BoBoiBoy dan Fang menatap kebingungan pada gopal. Yudha Yudhoyono pun berjawab
"Hey, just follow his orders. Don't ask questions. "Ucap yudha Yudhoyono menatap Ke Dataran ke arah gopal.
" hei fang, what's so Dangerous about planet dargha'ya, Fang. "Ucap BoBoiBoy bertanya pada Fang
"Ssshe! I just said don't ask questions" ucap yudha Yudhoyono yg malah berjawab begitu pada BoBoiBoy. BoBoiBoy cemberut karna gak dapat informasi dari tentang planet dargha'ya.
"Are there Evil Spirits? " ucap gopal malah takutkan BoBoiBoy. Fang juga ikut jahili BoBoiBoy membuat kokoci tepuk jidatnya.
"Is the atmosphere unbreathable" ucap Fang yg ikut jahili BoBoiBoy malah takutkan BoBoiBoy (semoga Fang dan gopal bertenang disana. Yg kawal kapal angkasa milik kokoci itu yudha Yudhoyono. Kokoci mengawasi BoBoiBoy, gopal dan Fang)
"Are there space Bears" ucap gopal membuat BoBoiBoy takut dan memeluk abang angkatnya, kokoci
"Is it filled with poisonous gas?!! " ucap Fang jahili BoBoiBoy malah membuat BoBoiBoy trauma dgn kata kata jahil Fang dan gopal. akhirnya yudha Yudhoyono dan kokoci turun tangan dan berbicara.
"Argh!. NONE OF THOSE THING. That's planet's AS good AS Dead. " ucap yudha Yudhoyono tersebut dgn nada marahnya.
"That's why it's so Dangerous" ucap yudha Yudhoyono berbicara tegas namun dia berhati lembut berhadapan BoBoiBoy.
" According to the history of the planet Dargha'ya, many indigenous inhabitants of Tapops in the eastern and southern regions were brutally and savagely killed by the Burga nation. The Burga nation, which has never changed until now, targets the Jewish and Arab communities. The ancestors of my friend named Yurako Tamonia from the Republic of Tapops! Many Tapops residents were killed. Even the prophets were killed by the Burga people. The Burga people must be awakened, eradicated from the face of the dargha'ya. We need to free the civilian population in the western burga area."ucap yudha Yudhoyono
" Tapops residents when in the TAPOPS burga, many Tapops residents of Jewish faith become victims of brutal and sadistic attacks by the burga army. Freedom Fighters retaliate against the occupying army. Not only the Wanaan ethnic group became victims of genocide. The Kubulus, Sayyanora, Camona, Caromma, and the Burga people who belong to the Tiger Clan were also affected. The western burga region that is blocked by the Kingdom of Palestine is for the safety of its citizens, government, and the royal family who are descendants of Zommara. "Ucap yudha Yudhoyono dgn tegas pada Fang dan gopal " Differentiating between dead and living forest might attack you. Be careful, guys."ucap yudha Yudhoyono lanjut kan kawal kapal angkasa milik kokoci.
"Death and living? " ucap gopal dan Fang kebingungan
"WHO the he--" ucap gopal terpotong melihat kokoci menatapnya tajam.
"Hei. your LAUGAUGE, gopal" ucap kokoci menatap tajam ke arah gopal tetapi teriakannya pelan sedikit karna BoBoiBoy nya tidur di pelukan abang angkatnya.
"Sorry Commander! Would willingly live in such a place? " ucap gopal "it's got the to be Ghost, yudha Yudhoyono and Commander" ucap gopal lanjut dgn ketakutan membuat BoBoiBoy terbangun.
"You coward...., just let me, BoBoiBoy, Commander and Fang..... Huh!!!? " ucap yudha Yudhoyono terkejut bukan main melihat BoBoiBoy tunduk pada yudha Yudhoyono
"Let's just go home, yudha Yudhoyono" ucap BoBoiBoy dengan muka polos mau menangis atau apa. Membuat kokoci menatap nya Seperti apa coba.
" My foster sibling is also afraid of ghosts. Especially balloons."ucap kokoci menatap keimutan pada BoBoiBoy.
"There are Ghost!!! " ucap Fang ketakutan
"Let's go home! Come on" ucap BoBoiBoy pada yudha Yudhoyono membuat kokoci tenangkan adik angkatnya.
"For god's sake... How did I get stuck with Babysitting these two" ucap yudha Yudhoyono pada gopal dan Fang.
" Calm down BoBoiBoy. Abang always protects you."ucap kokoci pada BoBoiBoy
" Great bro."ucap BoBoiBoy bertenang kembali membuat yudha Yudhoyono senyum.
Ada kapal angkasa adudu mengejar kapal angkasa milik kokoci. Begitu juga kapal angkasa milik romaro mengejar kapal angkasa milik adudu.
" We need to thwart the plan of adudu and probe!. The way is. I told my friend who is in the city of Zumarra, the western burga region."ucap name
" You're right! Let's ask for help from your friend."ucap romaro
"Yup" ucap name
Meanwhile in another universe.
"Haccim" ucap Aira tersebut bersama kedua kawannya keturunan burga yg merupakan etnis Kanaan burga.
"What happen with you, Aira" ucap kedua pemuda tersebut ditabok oleh laksamana tarung
Kedua pemuda asal kota terletak di blokade, wilayah burga barat yg di blokade. Banyak penduduk burga yg etnis Manusia, alien dan Fantasy ditangkap oleh tentara Merah burga dan memasukkan mereka ke penjara. Perbuatan katak udah kelewatan betul. Ini penghapusan etnis dimana alien, manusia dan Fantasy disingkirkan oleh bangsa burga yg dipimpin oleh katak.
" This is very true! Admiral!. Admiral from where?."ucap Aira dan kedua pemuda burga
" I am from the southern part of Tapops region. I live in the smallest city. Only the place where my younger sibling and mother are is in North Burga which borders Camona."ucap laksamana tarung
"It's okay" ucap Aira
" Our plan is..... We need to save the civilian population first."ucap kapten Hana membuat mereka sweatdrop
"Ok! " ucap mereka semua
Bersambung. . . . .
tapops, camona dan burga akan bersatu melawan penindasan, perbudakan, dan penyiksaan yg dibuat oleh seekor katak. Bisa jadi Freedom Fighter bakal bangkit kembali untuk melawan katak. Agar burga, TAPOPS dan camona hidup damai dan berdampingan.
" Adudu and probe will destroy their mission. I have no hesitation in hunting you adudu and probe. You always cause trouble with BoBoiBoy. All you have is a name with his father."ucap romaro di pidato epilog episode ini
" Does his father really have power? No, he doesn't. His father is weak."ucap adudu tersebut
" Boss, behind you!"ucap probe
" IT'S GREAT WHEN YOU TALK! FIRE KICK!!!!"ucap Abu Hamzah mengeluarkan kekuatan dasyatnya ke arah adudu dan probe ternyata abu Hamzah memiliki kuasa api. Gak cuma kuasa air dia miliknya tetapi kuasa api pun dia gunakan.
"AAA AAHHH" ucap adudu dan probe terbang jauh-jauh.
"Bye alien berkepala kotak aneh" ucap Abu Hamzah tersebut
The end of episode epilog ini.
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