W H A T-
*Louise's phone rings again, and she picks it up*
Louise: Oh, hello Mark, Susan, and Albert.
Mark: Hello there.
Susan: Yeeted.
Albert: Yote.
Susan: YEETED.
Albert: YOTE.
Mark: I just want to know who defenestrated Noah.
Alan: What does defenestrated mean?
Louise: It's a fancy word for "being thrown out the window".
Alan: English has a word for that?!
Louise: Yep.
Noah: BOTH of them threw me out the window.
Mark: Welp, there's our answer!
Susan and Albert: ...
Louise: So Noah, how was that project?
Noah: My siblings and I got the lowest mark.
Louise: That sucks.
Noah: Our dad was not happy. Oh, and Ms. Janssen says "thank you".
Louise: Ms. Janssen?
Noah: Evi Janssen?
Louise: Oh! *Evi SOMEHOW appears outside of the house*
Louise: Happy Birthday Evi!
Evi: Thanks! Now back to being with my siblings. *Evi somehow disappears*
Louise: Blep.
Noah: Excuse me as I teach my idiot siblings to not defenestrate me!
Mark: Whoa, am I included?!
Noah: Just Susan and Albert. *Susan and Albert run away from Noah*
Noah: GET BACK HERE! *Noah starts to chase them*
Mark: Welp, gotta go! Bye Louise.
Louise: Bye!
*Mark hangs up the phone*
Alan: How did Evi appear out of nowhere?
Louise: Don't question it.
Image: *Appears back in the Boarding House* Yep. It's just a thing.
Alyssa: Welcome back Imi.
Image: Thank you.
Wonder:Don't worry. They only kill eachother, not you guys.
Byte, Chomper, Sismare, and Lunar:*fighting eachother*
Alika: Okay.
Ela: Thank goodness.
Drawfey:This totally wasn't my fault.
Lil:*draws x in bottom left corner*We tied!
Cyan: Yay!
Drawfey:I...dare...Greninja...to yeet...themself...off...a cliff-*faints because of running too much*
Greninja: Wait w h a t-
Alyssa: Do we even have a cliff nearby?
Image: *Snaps her fingers* We do now. Look outside.
Everyone: *Peaks out the windows to see the house is now on a cliff*
Alyssa: ... We're not doing this-
Greninja: It's a dare I have to-
Image: Worst case scenario he dies.
Everyone: ...
Alika: *Smacks Image in the back of the head as hard as she can without looking like she's actually putting effort into it*
Image: Ow!
Ela: Worst case scenario he dies and you can revive him, right?
Image: *Holds up a full revive* Yes.
Greninja: Holy duck why did I agree to this book?!
Cinderace: You got a choice?!?!
Greninja: ... Can I back out-
Cinderace: I'll make you try moldy rice if you skip out on this.
Greninja: BoTh OpTiOnS kIlL mE-
Image: Do they?
Greninja: ... I'm taking my chances with the cliff-
Alyssa: That's the more dangerous option tho-
Greninja: Do I look like I care?
Cinderace: We tried.
Greninja: So is there a specific way I have to jump off for it to pass as yeeting, or...?
Alyssa: Just jump.
Alika: Do a backflip!
Gray: I'll heckin do it if you do it.
Image: Alyssa is about to lose her pokemon partner and the weird side of her personality.
Alyssa: How high up did you make this thing?!
Image: High enough. A good match for when you eat carrots at 3 in the morning. Now will you two please jump?
Greninja: *Does a backflip off the cliff*
Gray: *Pencil dives off the cliff backwards*
Everyone: ...
Greninja: :ThErE's A bUnCh Of WoOlOoS dOwN hErE wHaT tHe FrIcK-
Gray: We MaDe iT!!!
Image: Leith, Lewis, Wendy, and Jack summoned their friends.
Alyssa: Thank goodness. Can they get back up here?
Image: *Snaps her fingers and Gray and Greninja are teleported back up, along with Leith, Lewis, Wendy, and Jack, and the other wooloos are teleported back home*
Gray: That was kind of fun!
Image: Too bad it's now too dangerous to do again. *Snaps her fingers and the house is on flat ground again, back where it was before*
Greninja: Aw man.
Alyssa: I'm still debating whether I'd try that.
Alika: You wouldn't, lol. You're too afraid of falling.
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