Stuck with a Wolf
_•_ Shinso's P.O.V _•_
"Y-you can speak the human language?" Shouto stuttered, shock and confusion evident in his voice.
"Even though I look like this, I use to be human myself," The wolf replied, taking another bite of his fish. "Just finish eating and go to sleep. You can use the furs as blankets."
"T-thanks." I thanked, eating my apple.
We quickly finished our food and grabbed the fur blankets, wrapping ourselves in them as we leaned against a giant rock. The warmth engulfed us, Katsuki and Shouto falling asleep almost instantly. I had a bit more trouble though, like usual. I tossed and turned as I tried to get comfortable, but, to no avail. I gave up with a sigh as I laid sprawled out on the smooth hard ground.
"Can't sleep?" The wolf asked, not taking his eyes away from the burning fire.
"Nu-uh. Haven't been able to for a few days now," I replied, tilting my head to the side so I could see him. "By the way. What's your name?"
"Izuku Midoriya. Yours?"
"Hitoshi Shinso. You wouldn't happen to be the kid that went missing almost 10years ago, would you?"
"That was me. Father came back, took me away on a boat that ended up submerging. I managed to survive here on this island."
"How'd you become like you are now? A quirk?"
"I was born quirkless, according to the doctors. But, after living here for 2 years, I slowly developed these wolf like features. Now I look like this."
I hummed in response. Izuku put out the fire before crawling over on all fours. He sat down against the rock before bringing my head onto his lap. He slowly brushed his paw like hand through my messy purple hair in a soothing manner, humming a small lullaby. I closed my eyes, enjoying the peacefulness and calmness around me, as I slowly fell into a deep sleep.
*Time Skip morning*
"Hey dipsh*t! Wake the f*ck up!"
My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the brighter sun shining down. I looked up at the two staring down at me.
"What." I deadpanned, not wanting to deal with this right when I wake up.
"What the f*ck are you doing? You don't even know this guy." Katsuki asked, the scowl on his face growing angrier.
"I never asked for this. He did it himself. Also, while you two were asleep, I got a few answers out of him. Now leave me alone." I replied before rolling over, facing into Izuku's stomach.
"What the hell...?"
I looked up, seeing Shouto poking at Izuku's face. His snout was gone?! He now had a normal human face. I sat up, now awake. His ears and tail shrunk down, the fur covering his hand and feet lessened as well. Even his claws shrunk. I blinked a few times, trying to process what I was seeing. Before we could decide what to do, we're heard some rustling behind us. Izuku's wars twitched, hearing the sound. He slowly woke up, green eyes opening. He looked past us, eyes focusing on something we can't see.
"Stop hiding and come out." Izuku called out, brows narrowing.
"Awe, come on. You're not making this fun for either of us. I was hoping for a game of hide 'n' seek."
Izuku stood up, telling us to stay where we were. Katsuki, of course, decided against that and wanted to fight whoever the hell this person or creature was.
"Then it's not my fault if you get hurt." Izuku said, claws lengthening out.
"Ha! Like hell I'm gonna get hurt. I should be the one telling you that." Katsuki replied, a giant smirk crossing his lips.
"Get out here now, Spinner!"
A green reptile like person stepped out carrying a giant sword made from heaps of other swords.
"You brats again? Are you serious?!" Spinner exclaimed, causing a confused look to cross Izuku's face.
"You three know Spinner?" He asked, turning back to face us.
"Those two know him, I've just heard of him." I replied.
"I've been itching to get back at the League for the training camp." Katsuki said, punching his hands together as explosions went off.
"Hell no. If Nomu's can't take down these guys. (!3' I'm sure as hell not gonna fight." Spinner said, slowly stepping back.
"Oh, you're not going anyw-"
"Leave." Izuku cut Katsuki off with a hand.
Spinner nodded once before hiding away back in the overgrowth. Izuku took his hand away from Katsuki with a sigh.
"What the hell! I was gonna pound that motherf*cker into the ground!" Katsuki yelled, tic marks appearing across his head.
"I don't want a fight to break out. There's already enough bloodshed," Izuku said calmly as he turned to face Katsuki. "Those who fight for personal game win nothing in the long run."
Before a fight could breakout between these two, Shouto and I restrained Katsuki. He stared thrashing around in our grip, yelling curse words. Izuku walked up to him before jabbing a finger into his neck. Katsuki fell limp in our grasp. Izuku picked him up bridal style and backed away, placing him down at the base of the giant rock. He threw a fur blanket over him before standing back up again.
"It's better this way. We can't be too loud." Izuku said, turning back round to face us.
"Why?" Shouto and I asked in unison.
"There's a beast that lives here in a dark cave. He's the island's protector. He's constantly sleeping throughout the day and only wakes up even full moon. He can sense when someone sets foot on this island. If you're too loud, he'll wake up and find you, only to kill you in a matter of seconds." Izuku replied.
"Is that just a legend or..." I trailed off, seeing a grim look shadow over Izuku's face as he faced down, shaking.
"It's real. I've seen it. Watched it devour countless inhabitants. I almost became one of them," he looked up with a horrified look plastered on his face. "You'll see him tonight. When the full moon shines over top. He'll come out."
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