•~Izuku's P.O.V~• *Still 5*
I've been here for a couple weeks, but, I haven't seen anyone else here besides the men in suits. I thought I was the only one. I was way off. The men in suits moved all the habitats together and joined them. I popped my head out of the water, seeing heaps of other hybrids like me here. They all looked scared out of their minds. Either seeing others or because they've been taken away from their parents recently. I haven't seen my mother since I was taken. It's hard, to say the least.
'I hope they'll be okay. It's not nice, but, you do get use to it, sooner or later,' I thought, diving back down in search of food. 'Maybe some fish will cheer them up a bit.'
I spotted a little school of fish. I dove down, going under them, before shooting up, biting fish after fish. The ones I killed floated to the surface as others escaped. I spotted one that was slower than the rest.
'You're mine.'
I shot after it. It swam faster, heading straight towards land. It leaped out of the water. I followed with it, grabbing it with my teeth. But, someone else had caught it with me. A wolf hybrid. Ash blonde hair, ears and tail. Though, he had two tails?! His pricing blood red eyes stared into my forest green ones. The fish was still moving so I bit down hard, killing it before letting go and sinking back into the water.
'He can have that one.'
As a raven, whose name I learnt was Tokoyami, took the fish I killed, giving them to the new hybrids. I took the remaining two fish he left for me. I dove back down as I ate one. I winced in pain as part of its fin sliced my mouth. I was about to continue eating when someone shot down right towards me, gulping down the other fish in one go. They turned to me, showing their sharp teeth.
'Shark hybrid!' Fear struck through me.
I let go of my fish and swam away, going as fast as I could. I looked back, seeing them following me. I came to a halt once I saw I was headed towards the glass barrier. I turned round, closing my eyes as I braced myself for impact of any kind, but, it didn't come. I opened my eyes, seeing a fluffy tail in front of me. It was a fox hybrid. They stopped the shark where he was. He wasn't happy. Just as he was about to bite, I grabbed the fox hybrid and swam away, going down to my little home.
"We should be safe here," I murmured, going up to the little surface area and hoisting the fox hybrid out of the water. "Thank you for saving me there."
"No worries."
I was about to climb up myself to rest when I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I let out a yelp as I turned my head, seeing the shark hybrid bitting down on my arm. He let go and licked his teeth, seemingly satisfied.
"Hey! My name's Kirishima Ejirou. What's your name?" They asked, smiling at me.
"That's how you ask someone's name?" The fox said.
"That hurt you know. But, my name's Midoriya Izuku." I said, rubbing my arm.
"Todoroki Shouto." The fox said.
That's basically how we became friends, I guess.
"Oh, I wanna show you something." I said, jumping out of the water and grabbing onto the handles I had installed to swing my way across the little cave. "Come on!"
I swung myself into a slide, going down head first. They came after me. We went round, twisting this way and that. We slowed down a bit, but sped back up as I got a button, steepening the slide.
"Grab hold of my tail." I said as I stretched out my arms.
Shouto grabbed my tail as Kirishima grabbed his. The end was coming near. We shot out, going up at the end. I grabbed a tree branch and swung us round, landing on solid ground. They let go of my tail and lay on the grass. My tail lay flat as I stared up at the sun. My eyelids started to droop, so, I closed them and fell asleep.
I woke up, feeling weight on my chest. I looked down, seeing Shouto, Kirishima and the ash blonde wolf from before laying on my chest. I pushed them off, laying them still on the ground as I crawled my way over to the edge, diving back into the water.
A week passed and everyone got to know each other. It was all fun and games, till today. A man came in with a water tank in hand. He grabbed me and shoved me inside the tank before walking off. I tried to escape, but, to no avail. Next thing I know, I'm being thrown into the ocean. I landed with a loud splash. I rose to the surface, only to see a huge cliff edge and more water.
"Who're you?"
I turned around, seeing another mermaid. He looked around my age with had messy purple hair and slight eye bags.
"Midoriya Izuku. Who're you?" I replied.
"Shinsou Hitoshi. Guessing they just threw you out?" He said.
I nodded in response. He reach out a hand in which I took. We dove back under as he took me to his home.
*Time Skip 10 years (age: 15)*
I've been living with Hitoshi and the merfolk for 10 years. I've finally learnt how to change my tail to legs. I tried to find my mother, but, I never did. I've pretty much given up.
"Hey Izu. Wanna race?" Hitoshi asked, swimming over to me.
"You're on," I said. "3... 2... 1... GO!"
I sped off with Hitoshi right behind me.
"Hey! No head starts!" He yelled.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I stuck my tongue out at him as I sped on ahead.
We swam left and right, up and down, twisting and turning. The cliff came into view. We dove down deep, almost to the bottom before shooting straight up. We reached the surface and kicked ourselves out, changing our tails into legs and grabbing onto the rocky surface. Hitoshi was just above me.
"Dammit! I was so close." I pouted.
"Ha! You should know you can't beat me, Izu." He said.
"What about those thousand times I beat you at cards? And at cleaning. An-"
"Okay! Okay. You showed your point. No need to rub it in." He cut me off.
We climbed up to the top and peered out at the sky. We laid down, taking in our surroundings. A sudden sound caught me off guard. Leaves rustling. We stood up, eyes searching.
"We should go." Hitoshi said, backing up.
He dived down, me right on his tail. I jumped to go down, but, something, or someone, caught me, pulling me up.
"Hito!" I yelled.
He turned over, facing me with fear and worry etched into his face, arms outstretched as I was pulled back up. I was turned over, meeting a pair of blood red eyes.
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