~Izuku's P.O.V~
"Hey. Are you okay?"
I looked up, blinking sleep away from my eyes as I stared at the person who woke me. He had bright blonde hair with a lightning bolt through it. He had equally yellow eyes that showed a caring, concerned vibe.
"I'm fine." I replied, locking eye contact with them.
"That's good. I thought you might've been hurt or something," They sighed in relief. "But, what are you doing out here?"
"I-I'm kinda on the run right now..." I replied truthfully, not sure why though.
Something told me I could trust this guy. That he was safe to be around. I don't have to hold my guard up near him. It was just on instinct, I guess. He took a moment to process what I said.
"On the run? Did you commit some sort of crime? You don't look to be someone who'd do that sort of thing." He asked.
"It's not that I committed a crime. It's cause of who I am."
"That's strange... oh! By the way. What's your name? I'm Denki Kaminari."
"Izuku Midoriya."
"Well than Midoriya. It's a pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand as a wide grin spread across his face.
I took his hand, a small smile forming on my lips. He suddenly heaved me up, back onto my feet. His smile lingered while I returned the look with confusion.
"Tell ya what. I'm gonna take you back to my place. You seem like a nice guy." He said, dragging me along after him as he walked off.
I just followed, not knowing what to do. Half of me said to trust and go with him, while the other half said don't go. So I just let him drag me along. Anything's got to be better than living on the streets with barely any shelter or food, right? Snapping out of my thoughts, I realised we were out the front of a nice looking house. It was made from birch wood, covered in a nice, soft brown coat. Relatively large windows occupied the walls with a nice white tint to them. Denki pulled me along as we entered through a dark brown, wooden door.
"This is my place. Make yourself welcome." He said, letting go of my hand as I ventured in.
My ears started to perk up as I stared in awe at the beautiful sight ahead of me. Gold and white decorated the walls, leading into the kitchen and lounge room. The kitchen was filled with sliver stainless steel and light blue back-splash. Small potted plants filled the window seals and brought life into the rather spacious area. The lounge room was even better. A snow white lounge occupied the center, small bookshelves stacked up along the walls. A coffee table was seated in front of the lounge with a large flat screen TV imprinted into the wall. My ears stood up tall as I gazed around the place. I heard a sharp intake of air behind me. I turned around, only to meet a pair of awe struck eyes.
"Y-you're o-one of t-them?!?!" He stuttered, staring wide-eyed at me.
"Y-yeah..." I murmured, scratching my cheek as I turned away.
"THAT'S SO COOL!!" He exclaimed, running over and trapping me in a tight hug.
"W-what?!" I questioned, surprise evident in my voice.
"I thought you were all extinct! This is amazing!" Denki let go, grabbing my shoulders as he stared into my eyes. "Do you mind if I call some friends over? I heard that you guys don't like a lot of attention."
"I-it's fine." I stuttered. "But, could I have a quick bath?"
"Sure! The bathroom's just upstairs to the right." Denki said before taking out his phone and starting a call.
I nodded in response, heading upstairs as he started a conversation. I found the bathroom and entered, seeing a bathtub, shower, sink and toilet. It was almost completely white, except for the few teal and blue coloured tiles across the walls. I walked over to the bathtub and started running the water. Once high enough, I stopped and stripped down, stepping inside. I sunk down, feeling the warmth creep up my skin. My ears lay flat on my head as I closed my eyes, taking in the silence around me. After a few minutes of soaking and washing myself down, I stepped out, grabbing a towel and drying myself down.
"Wait. I don't have any other clothes. Guess I'm wearing the same thing than." I sighed, taking my clothes and pulling them on.
I left the hood down as I cleaned up the bathroom and left. As soon as I got down, I noticed 5 people in the lounge room. They all turned to me, eyes widening.
"Holy sh*t..." the ash-blonde murmured, dropping his phone onto the lounge.
"You weren't joking." The bi-coloured said.
"You actually found a rabbit folk." The redhead muttered.
"What the f*ck..." the purple half whispered.
"Uhh... h-hi." I stuttered, scratching my cheek.
I watched as their faces turned bright red as they looked away. I tilted my head to the side in confusion as they all stared at different spots in the room. Denki coughed into his hand, gaining our attention. He quickly introduced everyone to me before asking a question.
"So... you guys wanna watch a movie?" He asked, earning nods in reply. "Cool. Let's watch a comedy."
He chose 'Have a Nice Day' before slinking down onto the lounge. I walked over and sat down next to him and Shinso. We started the movie, our eyes gluing to the screen as it played. About an hour 10 minutes later, I fell asleep on Shinso's shoulder, sinking into darkness.
'Holy sh*t he's sleeping on me!'
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