\-Izuku's P.O.V-/
I finished with my concert hours ago and we're heading home, only to be intersected by hundreds of fans. I was stuck in that crowd, getting photo's taken and signing autographs. A few people even asked me out. No thanks. I don't need more attention then I already have. Though, my body guards always end up saving me from the crowds and take me back home.
"Thanks guys. How many times is it now? Like, 236?" I joked.
"Number 237 by my count." Kaminari said.
"You sure? Thought it was 238." Kirishima laughed.
"Nah. You're just trying to get above me in saving points. I'm one above you." Kaminari said.
"Hey! We're tying!" Kiri replied, turning a corner.
"You two never give up, do you." I chuckled.
"No way!" They said in unison.
We all laughed as we reached the house, Kiri pulling into the driveway to park the car. We got out of the car and headed inside, flopping on the couch with sighs of relief.
"Crap. I forgot. I have to meet up with someone." I said, facepalming.
"Seriously, Izu? Well, go get ready. And be careful. We won't be there to help you this time." Kaminari said.
"Will do." I said, standing up and kissing their foreheads before heading upstairs to get ready.
I stripped down and grabbed my spray tan, spraying my body. I then grabbed a white T-shirt, jeans, sunglasses and a cap. I pulled on a forest green jacket and looked myself in the mirror.
'It's fine, I guess.' I thought.
I walked back out, saying goodbye to the two boys on the couch and left, getting in one of the cars. I drove off, heading back into the city. I drove into a parking lot before getting out. I headed over to the streets, keeping my head low as to not draw too much attention. About to turn a corner, I bumped into someone.
"S-sorry!" I stuttered, looking up at the ash blonde male.
They only let out a "tch" before leaving. I shrugged it off before walking again. I looked round before finding the meet-up place.
"You're finally here. Took long enough."
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry about that, Shigiraki. I completely forgot about this whole meet-up." I sighed.
"Jeez. Anyway, let's go. We can talk elsewhere." Shigiraki replied before walking off.
I followed after him. He led us to a cafe a few blocks away. We walked in and found a table. A waitress came by and we orders a latte each, Shigiraki black while I had heaps of sugar.
"Now then. Read through this." Shigiraki said, handing me a folder.
I took it and scanned through the pages inside.
'Double pay if I over run the top hit and take down the opposing idol group,' I read. 'Seems fair enough. Just hope boss keeps his deal when I agree to this.' "Sure. I accept this deal. Boss better pay up once this is done."
"Oh don't worry about that. We could rise this up to triple pay if you do this quick and with little conflict." Shigi replied with a small smirk.
"Will do." I smiled at him as our drinks arrived.
We finished quickly. I stood up, taking the folder with me and waved goodbye to Shigiraki as I left. Walking out the entrance, I caught a glimpse of ash blonde hair beside me. We locked eyes for a moment before walking off. I headed over to the car, getting in and driving off. It was late in the afternoon, the sun slowly setting in the opposite direction. I parked under a shady tree and stepped out.
'Might as well walk around here for a bit.' I thought, walking down the street to the park.
I circled round, finally deciding to sit on the swing. I started swinging subconsciously, staring up at the orange, pink, purple and blue sky. It was beautiful.
"Third time, huh?"
I stopped swinging and tilted my head down, looking across the park to the same ash blonde.
"How..." I murmured, staring at him.
"Guess it's fate? Though, I really don't believe in that. But because of this, I feel like punching something or someone." He said, clenching his fist.
'He's gonna kill me.' I thought as I stood up.
"Who the f*ck are you and how the hell do we keep running into each other?" He asked, releasing his fist.
"M-Midoriya Izuku." I stuttered, feeling that if I gave a fake name, he'd probably kill me right there and then.
"Midoriya?" He repeated. "You mea-"
"Yes," I cut him off. "And it may be hard to believe, but, I am that 'world famous idol' everyone knows about."
"The actual f*ck..." he murmured.
"Now that I've told you my name, will you tell me yours?" I asked.
"Tch. Whatever. It's Bakugou Katsuki." They said, looking away from me.
"I've heard about you," I said, walking over to him. "You're a player type of person with a really aggressive personality and will most likely kill anyone and everyone who gets in your way. Am I correct?"
He shoved me up against a wall and threw my sunglasses away so he was staring directly at me. My heart rate quickened. His face was right in front of mine.
"Let's get one thing straight. One, I'm not a f*cking player. Two, don't go around saying stuff when we haven't even full met and three..." he closed the distance between us, locking his lips with mine.
I didn't know what to do. I was frozen solid. He bit my lip, making me yelp a bit as he slid his tongue into my mouth. He felt round before finally parting for air.
"You're coming home with me." He smirked, making me gulp down a lump in my throat.
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