Things they wish they could change
War arc spoilers btw.
Todoroki wished he met his class earlier. Like in Elementary school. Would've been something that got him away from Enji.
Momo wishes she got to experience things normal kids did. She never went to a water park or carnivals as a kid because her mom deemed them unnecessary.
Mina she wishes she got rid of Gigantomachia when she saw him the first time. Now people are severely hurt because of the monster.
Kiri: we all know this one.
Surprise Surprise, Dove might've been an accident but she's their favorite mistake on earth. They're other mistakes look like Shigaraki after the cult harasses him for hurting Ryuko's feelings.
Rumi wishes she left her family sooner than she did. They're really controlling. Like, Toph's parents bad, not Ozai bad.
Hawks wishes he never went to the commission. Sometimes tho. He realizes he probably wouldn't have met Rumi if he wasn't brought to the commission so :/.
Iida wishes he...
There is no Stain arc in Bnha. Just like there is no War in Ba Sing Se.
Mei wishes she... idk.
Denki wishes he hadn't been Mineta's friend-
Kyouka kinda wishes she realized Kaminari liked her sooner.
Dabi x Toga
After Roman was born~
Dabi wishes he was a part of Pluto's life. He gave Roman a good life and taught him right from wrong and he realized his parents weren't good people. He wants to be a part of his second son's life but he already knows that's big impossible.
Himiko wishes she had saved the friend she lost. (Y'all manga readers know what I'm talking about)
They wish they had met before school. It would've been much better and Nejire needed more friends while she grew up.
Sharing headcanons with y'all.
Ryuko wishes she left China sooner. She wasn't born there but she was raised there and her parents were horrible people. So ya know what... she ran out of the country and went to her own Uncle Iroh.
Shinya wishes he was there to fight Shigaraki. If he had maybe the fight wouldn't of had as many casualties.
Reiko loves herself.
Hitoshi wishes he didn't reject her. He liked her but he didn't want to get distracted by their relationship until he could let distractions happen.
Tetsutetsu wishes he defeated muscular faster. That fight gave him and Kendou one of their worst fears. Tight spaces...
Kendou kinda wishes she won the beauty pageant but she thinks it was silly at the same time so she doesn't really know how to feel about it.
Setsuna wishes she helped more when her friends attacked Gigantomachia. She watched Reiko do more than her and her quirk wasn't even good for these situations-
Sero wishes he could just do more tbh. In every situation. Saving people, apprehending people, being a better boyfriend, being a good dad, etc.
They don't have regrets~
Emi wishes she didn't chase after Aizawa for ten years :/.
Taishiro doesn't regret a thing 😌💅🏾
Tsu wishes she tried to make friends a bit more. It was really hard even when she tried her best. Much harder. That's why she was really upset when she thought she would lose her new friends. Didn't think she would make anymore 🥺😭
Izuku regrets a lot
Ochako regrets thinking about taking Izuku away from Tsu when they first got together. It made her think a lot about her character and she feels guilty for thinking like that.
Katsuki regrets everything. Getting kidnapped is biggest regret. He's kinda the reason so many people died in the war cuz All Might wasn't there.
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