The kids original names?
Rei has always been Rei but she had shorter hair.
August was an after thought. His name started with an S and he had purple eyes.
Twins have always been Hino and Haruhi.
Eve, goddamn, Eve used to be named Cloud, then Briar, then I got bored and named her Cloud Briar like that was a good idea.
Akane and Reiji. Never thought about their looks so they didn't have a description.
Rukai, Tani, Rocki.
Those were all Dove's first names. I had a huge issue with giving the ocs English names for a year before I did research and realized I'm an idiot. She always had vitiligo but her hair was longer, she was an exact copy of her mom, she had a pink streak through her hair, and she had floppy ears.
Frappuccino because her hair is funny
Always been Stormi. Riitsu was an after thought.
Dabi x Toga
Made him after Dove's whole arc was over. Always has been Roman.
I think I made her around the same time I saw the big three. So like, last year, April. Always been Amai, but her personality wasn't picked out.
Phoenix was an add on and he was nameless for a long long time.
The English version of her name. Oakley. I'm thinking of changing it back to Oakley because I might make her a boy. (Not making her transgender.)
Megami makes name was Akarui then Aibi, now Megami.
Daenerys's name used to be Venus. Then Khaleesi.
I recently made Rosalind but her name was gonna be Katherine. She was gonna have a brother but I wanted to give him a ghost name and couldn't find a good ghost. Ok but Katherine because there's a hallway in England and you can hear the ghost of KATHERINE HOWARD running and begging Henry the bitch for forgiveness.
He had an older sister named Clarith but I thought I had too many girl ocs. She still exists, I just haven't introduced her to you guys.
His name is written down somewhere
And Dawn.
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