Movie nights?
Momo makes the blankets and they have the time of their lives watching The Kissing Booth before realizing that it's not that good and changing it to Liv and Maddie
They watch movies with Tetsukendou and that's mainly those weird WWE movies that are kinda cringy but adorable to watch.
They cuddle, sit there, and watch The Kardashians being dumbasses for two hours while it rains. Believe it or not, Dove watches Keeping Up With The Kardashians a lot.
Disney plus and thr-
DISNEY MOVIES ONLY. They watch the good live action movies and that's Cinderella and Aladdin and that's it.
They watch the Hamilton movie and make funny tweets on each other's accounts as a joke. Like "mmmm Chicken Nuggets are so smexy 😩😩😩" and now Momo is scared.
Dabi x Toga
They sit there and watch Tyler Perry and Jordan Peele movies.
YALL KNOW THE ANSWER. THEY SUSHI ROLL AND EAT POPCORN BY SHOVING THEIR FACES IN THE BOWLS. It's adorable but they do it separately until she gets cold and needs to cuddle him.
They watch bad movies and just laugh at the bad jokes.
I- 👁👄👁
Rated R for Mature scenes.
When they don't do that they, have the lights in the house really dim, and it feels like their in movie theaters so :), they also cook on those nights and end up forgetting their watching a movie so they just find another lmao.
Scary movies and they share a blanket because of how tiny she is. She gets scared by Slasher Movies tho. That stuff really scares her, surprisingly, so when they watch those, he hugs her really tightly so she's not scared.
Tetsu wheezes at every funny moment and Kendou laughs a bit before calming him down.
They get distracted and start making tiktoks
Rated r for mature scenes :/
Sharing mochi and just having a really good time.
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