Midotsu catchup
I stan this ship even tho I forgot I shipped it for a month because Ryushot came into existence.
Also I headcanon that Tsu is autistic. That might come up. (I also believe Reiko might be as well but that's not the topic of the chapter.) also, can someone educate me on gender fluid? I don't want to misuse it in case I want to create a gender fluid oc.
Also there's a joke with the girls names.
Who confessed first and how
Tsu definitely asked him first. On a class A movie night they were the last two in the common room. That was when she asked him out. It was third year as well. Hitorei had gotten together by then.
Depressed kids?
Clover is eleven and they didn't know if she was just stressed or depressed. They asked Shoto to talk with her and after that Tsu had a talk with her.
Big spoon/little spoon
Tsu can wrap her body around him so they switch when they want to. Tsu is usually tiny spoon because of her height and she's always tiny spoon during winter because y'all know-
Do they want kids?
Tsu doesn't know. She's honestly a bit unsure of it but Izuku definitely wants kids and he wants to be there for his kids no matter what, so he doesn't care.
Random headcanons
Tsu absolutely hates being carried around (like in the ova she got embarrassed when Deku held her.) and he knows and only does it when he gets really excited. Like when she got pregnant, their wedding, when she said yes to their proposal.
How did the public react to their engagement?
"Wtf is this- omg- WTF IS THAT"- also known as toxic Izuocha shippers (not all Izuocha shippers are toxic, respect them and if they don't respect us, too bad.)
Tsu loves flowers. (Fun fact: Midotsu book was almost written and Tsu was a florist. Decided not to write it because I cared more about reads and people liking it. (It was an idea when I first made this account. July or sm was when it was made.)
What did they do on their wedding night?
They just cuddled. They might've done some r rated stuff but I'm not sure if they did or not.
Where'd they go for their first date?
They went to a carnival because it was sunny and 1-A wanted to go. They just separated and kissed on the Ferris wheel at sunset.
Do the kids play sports?
Mizumi does competitive dance. (Not Amai and Riven, decided they were both lit cheerleaders.)
Mariposa plays Soccer and Softball.
Clover is on track.
Favorite outfit on the other?
She stans his hero costume just because it's hot on him. (I dont even find Deku hot, he's too baby faced. I like facial hair 😌💅🏾. Dabi and Natsuo are my only exceptions.)
He likes his shirts on her. They look like dresses and go to her knees. Sometimes she wears them in public with shorts or sm. He accidentally put her shirt on once and didn't realize it was cutting off circulation.
Who do the kids duet with?
Mizumi: HER GF~
Mariposa: Riven and Mari are the same age and do similar activities. They're besties and the exact opposite of August and Mana. Energetic boy and a shy girl. August is just serious and oblivious to The point it's hilarious and Mana is a damn stalker.
Clover: Riitsu and Clover are really cool together.
What happens when the other gets hurt?
Tsu: this bitch ass hoe really just- I'm finna- I HAVE RAZOR BLADES HIDDEN IN MY HAIR!
Izuku: um tsu, you're bleeding a bit. Are you ok or should I- AAAAH YOURE COUGHING BLOOD.
Why does that sound like something he'd actually say-
Hamilton Song?
Have the kids ever been friendzoned?
Mizumi: Rei was her first girlfriend but she had been rejected by guys. (She's bisexual.)
Mariposa, no not really. She kinda likes August but Manami scares her a lot.
Clover and Riitsu don't even like each other that much but are love interests at the same time.
What are road trips like?
Weird af
Tsu: Turn right
Izuku: You told me to go left a few minutes ago.
Tsu: well now I'm telling you to turn right.
Izuku: Wtf
Mariposa: can we eat?
Tsu: you ate two hours ago
Mariposa: I'm hungry again.
This is a literal conversation I've had with my parents.
Favorite season activities?
Spring. Tsu doesn't have to worry about passing out and Izuku likes watching everything come back to live.
Favorite memory?
Tsuyu started crying at their wedding. When her dad walked her down the aisle to Izuku, she started crying. Her family and mother was there. She could hardly look Izuku in the eye and had to wipe her tears a few times before they could begin the whole thing.
Least favorite memory?
When they returned from the All For One Battle. She apologizes a lot in the future for saying it too. She remembers it and has nightmares of them dying and all her friends dying and her play nieces and nephews not existing. She wakes up in a cold sweat and starts crying and they have to spend five minutes trying to calm her down and tell her it was just a dream before they go to back to bed. She even had them in UA and would call Izuku and they'd go into the common room to watch a movie and calm down.
Kids favorite memory?
Mizumi: she stans the day she got a role in their schools musical as a background dancer. She had to wear contacts for it because she thought her glasses might fall off.
Mariposa: her and August went to a carnival and he taught her a bit of ASL.
Clover: Izuku taught her how to fish without her older sisters
Kids worse memories
Mizumi: she lost her glasses
Mariposa: the soccer ball hit her in the face in the middle of the game. (Her jersey number is 17 in every sport she plays. Her dad's ranking and her mother's ranking.)
Clover: While she was fishing with her dad, she fell in the water and almost drowned before her dad picked her out. Tsu heard of it and Clover is no longer allowed to go outta lakes with Izuku.
First thing said to kids?
Tsu: who does she look like?
Izuku: what song should I play?
Tsu: awww she has freckles
Izuku: omg she's so cute!
Tsu: want another?
Izuku: kinda
Grooms party/ bridal party
Tsu: Reiko, Setsuna, Momo, Ochako, Jirou, and Ryuko was invited but not in the party.
Izuku: Todo and Bakugo.
Do the kids have many friends?
Mizumi: yeah. She's really friendly.
Mariposa: her teammates on both teams
Clover: meh, not really. She's into being alone or having one or two friends.
What do they do in quarantine?
Both are essential workers but are kinda paged in for their safety.
Most danger the kids have been in?
Mizumi got salmonella...
Mariposa almost got ran over but Tsu and Izuku have parental skills and said "get back"
If you've read We're 1-A, Clover has a similar incident to Tsu in that. Waves and stuff like that... she almost drowned again, but Tsu is fast underwater and saved her
When they're mad at one another?
Tsu ignores him unless she needs to tell him something.
Izuku gives her angry but funny glances as they watch tv together and he sits on one end of the couch.
What do the kids do during quarantine?
Mizumi: her floors are wood. She dances on them. Air guitaring in socks, ballet, and hip hop. Well "hip hop". It's just the few things she learned from Tsu.
Mariposa: watches Camp Rock with Riven as Shindou and Izuku drink. They have a small house kind of thing with a bar so Izuku invites Shindou over and that was how Riven and her met. The kids drink sodas.
Clover: call up Riitsu and rant about something.
Where'd they choose to live?
Tsu wanted a place near a meadow but he thought it was a bit too much. They live in a small community on a hill. There are multiple ponds so that was enough for her. It's not gated but it's a steep hill to drive up.
Who's the kids favorite heroes?
Mizumi: she really doesn't like heroes all that much
Mariposa: stans her parents.
Clover: could care less.
Something weird they do that the other finds cute?
Tsu's hand gestures are all really cute to him. He loves it a lot lmao.
She finds his mumbling mad creepy but kinda cute at the same time.
How did they fall in love?
She fell in love with him the longer she was in his class and when she sees him get hurt, her heart shatters. He fell for her when he saw her laugh because Tsu's laugh must be hilarious omg-
What happens when kids cry in restaurant?
It's time to go.
Why would the kids go to jail?
Mizumi: theft
Mariposa: disturbing the peace with a Camp Rock song
Clover: homicide.
First thought when they met?
Tsu: Jesus Christ why is he mumbling-
Izuku: is she a frog or a lizard, I don't wanna ask and sound dumb. Maybe she's a snake.
Have the kids ever gotten jealous?
Mizumi: yes. Before she and Rei were dating she saw her former crush, Osoro Bakugo, hanging out with a girl and she got hella jelly
Mariposa: Manami and August's little obvious thing made her mad. She cried for a while before starting to hang out with Riven.
Clover: no.
What happens on beach days?
Izuku is yelling at Mizumi to cover up. Tsu is just sitting in the sun and enjoying herself and her big floppy hat. Mariposa is wheezing and gets hit in the forehead by a volleyball by a Clover who isn't messing around.
How did their friends find out they had a crush
Tsu and Ochako started a small rivalry over him. Tsu won and Ochako rebounded with Bakugo.
He started mumbling about her.
What are they like while drunk?
Tsu: flirty
Izuku: he doesn't drink a lot but when he drinks too much he spills everything.
Have the kids ever fought a person?
Mizumi: no
Mariposa: yes. This girl on her team wouldn't stop talking shit. She tackled her and threw a few punches before the coach separated them and they both got punished.
Clover: she decided not to. She has self control. Until someone touches her food.
How'd the kids feel about getting the talk.
Mizumi: U👄U 👁👄👁 what?
Mariposa: that's cool. Wait that's how I was born?
Clover: pfft you mean naked wrestling?
Comfort the other?
Tsu promises if he gets a good grade on the test, they'll go out to get ice cream together.
She gets nervous about going to class reunions because she didn't know if she and Ochako were even friends. So... he promised her jello. You know damn well she went.
How do the kids feel about vaccines?
Mizumi: cries even when she was fifteen. Tsu has to hold her tightly just so she gets it.
Mariposa: wheezes the second it starts hurting.
Clover: Has to hug Izuku tightly. She's really scared of it.
Y'all I just choked on my spit by accident.
How much crackhead energy?
4/10. Tsu is pretty serious, Izuku is just cute.
What happens when the other is away?
Tsu is ok but she kinda just loses a bit of interest in things. Second he gets back they go out to date.
When she's gone, he hangs out with his friends.
I honestly think Tsu and Izuku would be good teammates :).
Who kills the spiders + kids
Tsu is a damn frog, she probably ate it.
What colors do they wear to formal events?
Almost white but it's a bit teal, and a dark teal. That or black and teal.
Criminal couple?
8/10: quirkless Midoriya has a gun and knows everything about every hero. Tsu is just dangerous. Like Miruko. If Tsu trains hard enough and works on her legs more, she could rip heads off, so gymnast things, etc.
Who gets lost in a store?
Tsu is short af and gets lost a lot because he gets distracted and forgets that she wanders off when she gets bored.
Love song?
Galway Girl- Ed Sheeran
What're they like after wisdom teeth removal?
Tsu's grew in correctly or sm. (My dad never got his removed because of sm like that.) Izuku
Started sobbing lmao.
What scares both of them?
All For One, Shigaraki, dangerous villains, but they still fight them.
What happens when one gets bullied
They don't get bullied. Number one and number seven are honestly scary-
Family pictures?
Before Clover was born, they took a few family pics while she was pregnant. They were all pretty cute and they took them in the summer while she was showing. Clover was born in Fall, close to Winter.
Villain kids?
Mizumi and Rei are deadly: 7/10 because it's corn dog girl. (WE ALMOST FORGOT THIS JOKE YALL)
Mariposa: she's just Ty Lee mixed with frog. Basically flying and still a frog. 4/10.
Clover: quirkless Riitsu as her partner in crime, not much. 5/10 cuz guns exist.
Who cooks?
Tsu can't cook much. Izuku definitely does.
Little things they notice/ love about each other
Tsu stans his fidgeting. She doesn't know why but she stans it.
He loves her. Everything she does he stans. Well, unless he committed a murder.
Do they like their fans?
No not really, they draw hentai of her.
What vine/tiktok trend?
Tsu: it's not water
Izuku: vodka I like your style
Tsu: it's vinegar
Izuku: what?
Tsu: it's vinegar, pussy.
Who's the better singer?
Tsu singing Toxic is the funniest thing on earth. But I think Izuku sounds much better.
How strict are they
Tsu is the strict mom. Izuku is the understanding dad who only wants his kids to be safe.
Weirdest thing they've done together?
They had a weird thing where they'd only scream at each other but they're just screaming "I LOVE YOU YOU PURE BEAN." "YOUR AMAZING TSUYU, I STAN."
Cutest thing they do with their kids?
They all go to the beach in summer and everytime they take a family picture and it's usually hung up in their house.
Shopping together?
Tsu isn't into it but Izuku might drag her out and find her a cute frog hoodie that's oversized.
Santa isn't real
They haven't been told, they're too scared to tell them because they don't wanna break her heart.
How do dads feel about dating?
Izuku is fine with it. Especially Rei and Mizumi because it's Todo's daughter so they don't care too much.
The second they get heart broken, there's an issue.
How do moms feel about dating?
"Oi, Hurt her and I'll get the spoon."
Kids after school activities
Mizumi: dance
Mariposa: soccer
Clover: she helps tutor kids.
How scary are the kids?
None of them are very scary except for Clover.
Kids weapon of choice?
Mizumi: battle axe
Mariposa: dagger
Clover: pistol
Kids Nicknames
Mizumi: Mimi, Mizi, Miso soup, Zuni
Mariposa: Mari
Clover: Doesn't have one.
Tsu and him just sat on her waterbed and he braided her hair as they had a long conversation. She didn't know if she wanted to cut her hair or not. She still has long hair tho lmao.
Kids headcanons?
Tsu shouted "GET IN BITCH WE'RE GOING SHOPPING" to Rei with Mizumi in the back of her car.
How do they feel about their neighbors?
They're pretty cool but she doesn't like them that much.
That one tiktok trend?
Izuku: um... wtf
Tsu: can you put your clothes back on plz?
Were their kids planned?
Yeah, they wanted kids after having a long discussion.
Which parent do the kids love more?
Mizumi: mom
Mariposa: dad
Who tells better jokes?
Izuku tells the better jokes.
The weirdest thing they've heard at 3 in the morning?
"My loneliness is killin meee, aannnddd IIII, I must confess, I still believe~ still believe~"
Movie nights
Izuku is holding onto her a lot. He's pretty scared lmao.
Describing characters in a sentence.
Izuku: freckle
Tsu: green bean.
What did they say when they were asked out?
Izuku: ummmmm sure? Hey why not! Sounds like fun! The class wants to go to the carnival, what about we go there?
If the kids weren't heroes, what would they be?
Mizumi: a chef
Mariposa: actor
Clover: inmate
What type of bender are they?
Tsu: water or earth bender
Izuku: air or non bender.
What type of benders are the kids?
Mizumi: half water half Fire bender (like Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi)
Mariposa: air bender
Clover: idk non bender
What would they get tattoos of?
A sunflower
What do they think of themselves
Tsu: those bitches really had the nerve to bully me.
Izuku: haha not quirkless, hair was yummy.
Their relationship with Eri
Their fake daughter-
What do the kids think of themselves?
Mizumi: haha I'm cute
Mariposa: damn I should grow my hair out.
Clover: um... what? Mother, father, why do i look like a rat?
How do they dance?
Tsu is good at hip hop, ballet, and tango but that's really it. Izuku is good at ballroom dances and that's it.
Formal events?
They jam out on the dance floor, being the main center of attention because of their ranking.
Kids first carnival
Mizumi's was lit. It was when she met Rei for the first time. They ran off and got on the fairest wheel together and ate cotton candy.
Mariposa didn't have that much fun. She fell and got hurt and they had to go home early.
Clover fell into a fountain-
How do the kids react when their siblings get bullied?
Mizumi has her girlfriend, her girlfriend's cousin, and her baseball bat.
Describing the kids in the sentence.
Mizumi: ahahaha ahh that's hot, ahh that hot
Mariposa: Amanda Bynes in She's the man
Clover: Big titty goth gf
If they were locked in a room with each other for an hour
Rated r for mature scenes :/
Favorite avatar character.
Tsu: stans Toph because they both have a few issues that make it hard to make friends.
Izuku: he loves Aang. The kid is adorable to him.
Kids names if they were the opposite gender?
Clover was always Clover. The other two, Idk-
Habits of the kids?
Mizumi has a habit of doing tiktok hand movements in class
Mariposa has a habit of staring lmao
Clover has a habit of cutting her hair three inches after she gets tired.
Kids love interests
Mizumi: Rei: girlfriend
Mariposa: August: ex crush, Riven: best friend
Clover: Riitsu: best friend
Random things the kids have done
Mizumi and Stormi dance around her house and then forgot to invite Rei as the go to Walmart in onesies and run around.
Who eats the other's food
Izuku doesn't realize it cuz it's dark lmao.
Tsu kinda does it on purpose.
Who's more enthusiastic about birthdays?
Izuku, Tsu can get enthusiastic but Izuku is usually more excited.
How do they feel about Riverdale?
Tsu hates it
Favorite song from 2000-2019?
My Evangeline: Princess and the Frog.
If y'all didn't realize, Princess and The Frog is where I got the fairy godmother thing for the Cinderella book. And something I believed in when I was younger.
If they were in a group project, what position?
Tsu: the person who does their best
Izuku: the one who does all the work lmao
What highschool stereotypes are they?
Tsu: quite girl
Izuku: annoying kid :/
What highschool stereotypes are the kids?
Mizumi: popular kid
Mariposa: the sporty girl
Clover: quiet kid
What are the kids like during their time of the month?
Mizumi: a bitch. Rei is always nice to her and calms her down.
(Ok but no, I put my sketchbook down for a minute in my theatre class after school last year, and this annoying kid that everyone finds weird looked through it.)
Mariposa: Hates it. She can't play sports without cramping much.
Clover: lucky bitch who's just bleeding. No gut punching.
Do the kids hang out with their siblings?
Mizumi does lmao. She loves her sisters.
Matching formal outfits
Things that make them jealous?
Tsu doesn't get very jealous.
Izuku doesn't either lmao. There's nothing to really get jealous of :/.
Kids formal wear?
Something like this because Clover is only twelve.
Kids Casual outfits
Ask on crack?
Tsu: Britney Spears
Izuku: Idk lmao-
Um sorry it took a while, this was 3481 words long. :/
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