Kacchako catch up
Me regretting this because I have to write Ochako every chapter. Ya know what 😌💅🏾 kacchako is the only way I'd actually like her a bit more. Really, But Ochako is so annoying omg- I only have one really happy friend and Rosalind was kind of based off of her. ERYKA WE STAN YOU GODDESS.
Ok but, Ochako looks exactly like Inko and it's disturbing me.
Who confessed first and how
Ochako rebounded with him after Tsu and Izuku got together. They just went on a date and had a pretty good time.
Depressed kids?
Osoro and Okimi and Juno. If you know Juno, you know Juno. lol. Their kids aren't depressed or anything tho. :/
Big spoon/little spoon?
Ochako is a little spoon obviously. Bakugo wouldn't allow her to be big spoon because big spoon is fun for him and he's a little brat.
Do they want kids?
No, Juno is enough. Jk they wanted one or two but that was really it.
Random headcanons
(If you don't know Juno, she's in All Of The Lights and Bloody Rose.)
They drag Juno out of Mitsuki's house and bring her bowling while she threatens her older brother and calls Ochako "marshmallow" and things like that.
How did the public react to their engagement?
"THATS SO TOXIC, ME NO LIKEY" - also known as toxic Izuocha shippers who ask for tododeku shippers to respect their ship and then pull this the second they hear someone ships kacchako :). (I'm not talking about anyone I know, I'm just making a joke.)
Ochako buys him earrings and stuff like that. You can't tell me he doesn't have piercings.
Katsuki buys her anything she wants because he knew she didn't get much growing up. So dinner dates are always really important to them.
What did they do on their wedding night?
Ummm... sat on their couch and watched horror movies. Might've done some r rated shit but that's all I'm aware of.
Where'd they go for their first date?
They went to a Mochi cafe and they were having a lot of fun.
Do the kids play sports?
Osoro: he plays basketball with Rei and Iro.
Okimi: she's only nine years old. She's a Girl Scout lmao.
Favorite outfit on the other?
Katsuki loves when she wears band tees or something matching with him.
Ocharoach (yes) loves his punisher tshirt.
Who do the kids duet with?
Osoro and Akane
Okimi solos
What happens when the other gets hurt?
Katsuki: on his way to beat the shit out of someone
Ochako: bruhhhhh can y'all not die for thirty seconds-
Hamilton Song?
Have the kids ever been friendzoned?
Osoro: no he basically friendzoned Mizumi
Okimi: she's nine
What are road trips like?
They're pretty chill until traffic comes in. Bakugo Road rages and screams.
Favorite season activities?
They love autumn because everything is dying, calming down, it's colder too. They like pumpkin picking and baking stuff. Oh and dressing up for Halloween!
Favorite memory?
Ochako singing When will my life begin to their kids is adorable to him and his heart goes boom.
Least favorite memory?
Haha he almost lost an arm in a battle and she didn't sleep out of worry while he was in the hospital.
Kids favorite memory?
Osoro: winning his first championship game.
Okimi: first time going to an amusement park.
Kids worse memories
I honestly dunno-
First thing said to kids?
Ochako: we aren't naming him Flynn Ryder
Ochako: look at her
Katsuki: hey princess
Grooms party/ bridal party
Ochako 1-A girls
Katsuki: 1-A guys
Do the kids have many friends?
Osoro: kinda lmao
Okimi: she's lit and all of her friends are really fun.
What do they do in quarantine?
Ochako teases Bakugo over anything.
Most danger the kids have been in?
Osoro was part of a rescue squad (Daenerys got kidnapped by Phoenix lmao-) and dangeeerrr
Okimi knocked on someone's door and they almost brought her inside before seeing the number 2 hero at their side walk.
When they're mad at one another?
Bakugo smokes more than once a day, Ochako angrily cooks food.
What do the kids do during quarantine?
Osoro sends funny memes to Mizūmi.
Okimi eats her Girl Scout cookies and gets bullied by Juno.
Where'd they choose to live?
Near mountains. Bakugo really likes the view of the lake, the mountains, and other stuff, but it's a pain to get the kids to school. They only have a few neighbors but they're all pretty chill. Most of them are old though.
Who's the kids favorite heroes?
Osoro: dad
Okimi: Uncle todoroki
Something weird they do that the other finds cute?
Katsuki makes a really funny face when he cooks.
Katsuki loves when she plays with Juno while she was a baby.
How did they fall in love?
At a Christmas party after graduation. They had been together for only a few months and he kissed her for the first time.
What happens when kids cry in restaurant?
Katsuki: oi, shut up brat
Ochako: don't say that to him!
Why would the kids go to jail?
Osoro: manslaughter
Okimi: premeditated murder.
First thought when they met?
Ochako: jeez take a chill pill
Katsuki: Jesus Christ she's got round cheeks
Have the kids ever gotten jealous?
Osoro: no not really
Okimi: yeah, her friend made more money than her and she got pissy.
What happens on beach days?
Bakugo is Beating Deku at volleyball and gets hit in the face by Tsu's spike. Ochako teaches Okimi how to swim, and Osoro is laughing.
How did their friends find out they had a crush
Ochako is horrible at lying lmao.
What are they like while drunk?
Katsuki: angy and mad.
Ochako: laughing 24/7
Have the kids ever fought a person?
Osoro: yes. Phoenix. He was part of Dabi's rescue squad and all. Phoenix retreated before they could arrest him-
Okimi: no, her dad might be a violent Pomeranian but Ocharoach is her mom.
How'd the kids feel about getting the talk.
Osoro: I already know this stuff-
Okimi: 👁👄👁 what on earth-
Comfort the other?
Ochako holds onto him for a few minutes before thinking about it.
Katsuki is a crackhead and goes ahead and does it.
How do the kids feel about vaccines?
Osoro: miss me with that-
Okimi: never take me back here.
How much crackhead energy?
Too much, Katsuki exists.
What happens when the other is away?
Katsuki commits arson and drinks with the bros. Ochako just hangs out with her mom and dad while they have a blast.
Who kills the spiders + kids
Okimi is a brave cookie but Katsuki and Juno will get the hairspray and lighter.
What colors do they wear to formal events?
Criminal couple?
I hate Ocharoach but she's powerful I guess. Like in the moment that made me ship them, meteor shower and the big blasts that almost ripped his arm muscles.
Who gets lost in a store?
Bakugo has to go harass a kid for shoplifting so Bakugo gets lost.
Love song?
Bad Boy- Cascada. It's literally a song about a one night stand and the girl wanting more.
What're they like after wisdom teeth removal?
Bakugo: Like I'm Bakugo, turn their sounds to fuckin smoke, yeah, bish I'm bouta pop, bish you know I'm bouta blow up, only need these hands~ (my friend played this on her speakers but we couldn't hear it, but another table could and she said "what're you listening to? It was good." "Bakugo-" and now me and that girl we're pretty close friends. Miss you ;-;.)
Ochako: sleepy is cuter than tired~
What scares both of them?
All Might dying.
What happens when one gets bullied
:) it rains red because no one insults Bakugo's wife.
Family photos
Kinda hilarious, their kids are Satan spawn and Bakugo is tryna round them up and then their picture looks like they're perfect.
Villain kids?
Juno: quirk: Firecracker, an explosion with different colors and the longer she holds it, the larger and more chaotic and dangerous it gets (for her and the victim it hits. Her muscles rip apart as well.)
Osoro: quirk is making things levitate then blow up. Meteor shower would be much more dangerous.
Okimi: might be quirkless, I'm not sure if her quirk yet.
Who cooks?
Bakugo lmao.
Little things they notice/ love about each other
Um. Idk-
Do they like their fans?
Yeah, they're chill. Most of Ochako's fans are kinda creepy, Bakugo's are just thirsty.
What vine/tiktok trend?
Bakugo pulls out his acoustic guitar and looks Ochako in the eye. She was walking back to the dorms after class with Mina. Her and Tsu had lost their tight connection after their drama over the damn nerd. Bakugo decided to make his crush feel better.
"What is he about to do?" Mina whispered to her brunette friend.
"Um... idk Mina, if I did I would be less confused."
"I love you bitch, I ain't ever gonna stop lovin' you. Bitch."
Who's the better singer?
I- I honestly think neither can sing because Ochako sounds like she has mad voice cracks. WAIT, Bakugo and Renai Circulation. Bakugo is better-
How strict are they
Very strict. Okimi isn't allowed to have guys over and she's only nine. Osoro brings home a girl and they aren't allowed to be upstairs.
Weirdest thing they've done together?
Just Dance but they were jammin out to I don't dance~
I don't dance is the Kiribaku theme song because we all know Chad and Ryan were the big gay and just weren't allowed to show it cuz of Disney back then.
Cutest thing they do with their kids?
"Hey my little spicy Mochi. You're my little princess explosion murder and any guy who tries to date you will feel my wrath."
Shopping together?
Ochako is good at picking out all the cheap clothes that are still cute. He treats her and tells her she doesn't have to stay in the clearance section and can get around the store if she wants.
Santa isn't real
Osoro: witnessed his parents putting presents down and screamed.
Okimi: doesn't know-
How do dads feel about dating?
"I'll make it rain red if anyone tries it."
(Meanwhile my dad who gave me mixed signals about being overprotective letting me have a boyfriend in seventh grade. We broke up two days later-)
How do moms feel about dating?
"No dating until highschool."
Kids after school activities
Osoro: basketball with Iro and Rei or hanging out with Akane
Okimi: girls scouts
How scary are the kids?
Osoro: pretty scary
Okimi: hell spawn bites
Kids weapon of choice?
Osoro: swords
Okimi: teeth
Kids Nicknames
Osoro: none
Okimi: Oki, Mimi, Kimi.
Katsuki helped her parents construction company out a bit. Her dad didn't like him and he wanted to get on his good side 😌💅🏾.
Kids headcanons?
Osoro told Iro about his feelings for Akane and he went "DoNT gO GRinDInG coOcHiEs WiTH mY sIStEr oR i'lL nEvER TaLK tO yOu aGaIN"
And then they laughed for twenty minutes.
How do they feel about their neighbors?
They're ok, Bakugo actually gets along with them.
That one tiktok trend?
Bakugo: rated r for mature scenes
Ochako: damn you have a lot of scars
Were their kids planned?
Which parent do the kids love more?
Osoro: Mama's boy
Okimi: daddy's girl
Who tells better jokes?
Bakugo's jokes are mainly insults or threats to Deku.
The weirdest thing they've heard at 3 in the morning?
While they lived in their apartment, they heard "OMG WTF IS THAT"
Movie nights
She sits on his lap and they shared the blanket. Their popcorn was kettle corn and had pretzels and things with it.
Describing characters in a sentence.
Bakugo: angry Pomeranian and chihuahua mix
Ochako: Disney Best Friend Character you would probably hate irl.
Ochako: Horse Girl.
What did they say when they were asked out?
Bakugo: tf, don't you have a thing for- ohhhhh
If the kids weren't heroes, what would they be?
Osoro: a singer
Okimi: a nurse
What type of bender are they?
Ochako: earth bender. Air benders can't fly unless they let go of all attachments, so Earth Bender.
Bakugo: Fire bender.
What type of benders are the kids?
Osoro: Ummmmm... Earth and fire bender I guess? Probably an earth bender.
Okimi: non bender or fire bender
What would they get tattoos of?
Their anniversary.
What do they think of themselves
Ochako: Lmao
Bakugo: you're a god
Their relationship with Eri
Bakugo: who tf is this-
Ochako: sisters
What do the kids think of themselves?
Osoro: lmaooooo I'm cute
Okimi: goddess
How do they dance?
Ochako doesn't know how, Bakugo teaches her and knows everything- Mitsuki is to thank.
Formal events?
They dance, eat food, and go home after an hour.
Kids first carnival
Osoro: he went with Rei, Mizumi, and Iro and Akane. Rei dragged him away from his mom and dad.
Okimi: went with Juno when she turned fifteen. (Juno is only seven years older than Osoro.) Okimi had a lot of fun and ate Cotton Candy.
How do the kids react when their siblings get bullied?
Osoro: pfft, dad gonna kick someone's ass.
Describing the kids in the sentence.
Osoro: a bit of an asshole but not that much
Okimi: Bakugo's princess.
If they were locked in a room with each other for an hour
Some shit goes down. Whether it was rated r, Training, or just Bakugo sleeping, something went down.
Favorite avatar character.
Ochako: Katara. Even tho Katara reminds her of Tsu, she likes Katara.
Bakugo: Sokka is hilarious to him.
Kids names if they were the opposite gender?
Osoro: it's pretty unisex.
Okimi: Oki idk.
Habits of the kids?
Osoro has a habit of biting pencils.
Okimi has a habit of stress eating.
Kids love interests
Osoro: Akane Kirishima: crush
Okimi: none
Random things the kids have done
Osoro watched The boys duct tape Rei to a ceiling and feed her spaghetti.
Okimi almost fought someone over a French fry. Her, Clover, and Riitsu are all friends.
Who eats the other's food
Who's more enthusiastic about birthdays?
How do they feel about Riverdale?
Despise it. Ochako knows that's not what dead bodies look like. Ryuko showed her a few and they were all pretty lit.
Favorite song from 2000-2019?
Good Girls, bad guys- Falling In Reverse.
I stan the trope and then Kissing Booth had to ruin it because Elle is a horrible friend, Lee is a horrible friend and Boyfriend, and Noah... Jesus Christ you're not cute, you look like you could strangle her while caressing her and the fact that Lee thought he hit her... Kissing Booth two is even worse. It's all ok when the girl cheats but it's "BAD BAD, YOU'RE HORRIBLE" when the guy cheats. Bruh- kacchako is my favorite example of this trope.
If they were in a group project, what position?
Ochako: kid who is kinda stupid but tries her best.
Bakugo: slacker.
What highschool stereotypes are they?
Ochako: horse girl
Bakugo: kid who's popular because he got suspended for fighting.
What highschool stereotypes are the kids?
Osoro: boyfriend of the hot Cheeto girl
Okimi: sweetheart
What are the kids like during their time of the month?
Osoro is wheezing at Akane and Tameiko. Then he gets sad and buys them ice cream.
Okimi is crying on the first day, then she's ok.
Do the kids hang out with their siblings?
Osoro doesn't like to but Okimi does
Matching formal outfits
The two heroes outfits because....
Why is she wearing a flower when her dress doesn't even have a floral theme. And the red heels are the same color as his shirt.
Things that make them jealous?
Katsuki gets jealous when guys get too close to her.
Ochako gets jealous of anything with tits and I'm not even lying, Have you seen what she's done with Deku?
Kids formal wear?
I had to, his expression is just hilarious to me-
At least when Okimi gets a bit older. Couldn't find any cute light pink ones so I settled with blue.
Kids Casual outfits
She likes sweaters
Ask on crack?
Ochako: Camilla Cabello
Bakugo: Pete from Fallout boy. DANCE.
This took me THREE days.
Oh and~
It's not toxic~ If it is, by that logic, all other Bakugo ships are toxic food
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