If they were in a group project, whatre their positions?
I was always the smart kid and just showed off the second we played Kahoot or Quizlet because I'm that one dummy that memorized everything about the stars in fifth grade and memorized the periodic table and cells and atoms and stuff like that-
Todo: The kid who tries his best but the smart kid has to correct his work and teaches him how to do it.
Momo: the smart kid that basically does the entire project-
Kiri: the kid who tries his best but only gets one slide done because he didn't know what to do-
Mina: the kid that did nothing and is just the speaker because she's the extrovert.
Rumi: the presenter
Hawks: did none of the work and just put down random ass facts so he could get credit.
Mei: the smart kid who doesn't even show up on the day they present-
Iida: kid who does all the work-
Both of them are the presenters
Dabi x toga
Slackers and don't even present cuz they stopped giving a damn about their grade-
Nejire: presenter that actually did something
Tam tam: has to ask to add something because he's scared of getting something wrong and having the group hate him for getting a bad grade.
Yuu: slacker that doesn't show up-
Kamui: does a bit of the work and gives up after four slides
The two kids who hardly speak but can blast through work like their lives depend on it then take a nap or eat while their group is trying to figure out what's going on and they only team up with the other kids who won't slack off or they yell when someone starts slacking-
The demon summoners who have no real idea of what they're doing- they don't know what they're doing anymore and just pick out all the pictures so they can say they did something.
Tetsutetsu: genuinely trying but smart kid has to tutor him and work at the same time
Kendou: does most of the damn work
Sero: knows what he's doing but would be nice if the teacher helped every now and then.
Setsuna: hides memes in the text or makes school appropriate memes just for a laugh.
Shindou: starts cursing the slackers out in Spanish and then does half of the work-
Tati: does two slides and tries to make them look pretty and doesn't do anymore slides.
Fatgum: stop this man, he gets into it and won't leave a slide for his partners sometimes.
Emi: presenter- she is too much of an extrovert not to do it
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