favorite avatar character?
Todo likes Zuko a lot :)
Momo likes Toph. Thinks she's badass. She also has a mini girl crush on Azula.
Kiri is a big simp for Ty Lee
Mina really likes Yue and Sokka. Didn't like it when she turned into the moon.
Rumi adores Toph.
Hawks simps for Uncle Iroh
Mei: Koh-
Iida: Mai. He really likes Mai.
Kami will simp for all the girls tbh. Azula, Toph, Katara, Especially Yue, Mai, and Ty Lee.
Jirou likes Aang.
Dabi x Toga
Dabi loves Azula...
Toga adores Aang, Sokka, and Toph.
Dabi x Memeaboo
Dabi still stans Azula
I- I like Princess Yue and Sokka. Yue reminds me of Aisha from Winx. Idk who tf lAyLA is but she better back off and give me my Aisha back. Oh and WHERE TF IS NABU I MISS HIM. It's been 8 something years, wtf is wrong with me
Nejire is a SIMP for Zuko
Tam tam really likes Appa and finds Toph hilarious
Kamui likes King Bumi
Mt.Lady likes Avatar Kyoshi
Ryuko hasn't watched it and Shinya forced her to sit down and watch it or else he would sleep on the couch and she likes using him as a heat source so she sat down-
She likes Avatar Kyoshi, Koh, and Uncle Iroh
Shinya loves Uncle Iroh and Mai.
The ember island play's cast. Other than that, they find Toph hilarious and love Joo Dee.
(Ok but like... why didn't they just call Joo Dee Judy?)
Sokka is a meme man, they Stan cactus juice man and Cabbage man
Shindou adores Azula
Tatami deadass acts like Ty Lee so-
Fatgum likes Iroh and Sokka
Emi got on the ground and sobbed when Yue died. But she likes Ty Lee and Azula a lot. She finds them funny.
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