Fatjoke Catchup
This was requested and I ship it :/. Vicsdemon , AkanoKaguya522 , Technically Herooji as well.
No hate, I still ship Eraserjoke, I just prefer Fatjoke :/
Who confessed first and how
Emi confessed first. She just made it obvious :/.
Depressed kids?
Their kid isn't depressed.
Big spoon/little spoon
I- Taishiro is big spoon.
Do they want kids?
Hell yeah, they love kids.
Random headcanons
Emi kind of wants to rebrand herself. She's known as a kid friendly hero and she doesn't like kids as much as everyone thinks she does.
How did the public react to their engagement?
Loved it. They only had a few haters but they really didn't and still don't care.
Emi likes weird stuff so he walks into stores and just buys random shit for her.
Taishiro likes Dinosaurs :3.
What did they do on their wedding night?
Surprise, it's not R Rated. They just cuddled.
Where'd they go for their first date?
The beach. There's a tiny cafe there and he brought her to it before they just watched the sunset. It was cute.
Do the kids play sports?
Their daughter, Spencer plays Lacrosse.
Favorite outfit on the other?
He likes turtlenecks on her :/. She's short lmao.
She likes hoodies because she can steal them.
Who do the kids duet with?
Spencer doesn't duet. She's a solo brat.
What happens when the other gets hurt?
Fatty boo just helps her, he doesn't care about the villain anymore.
Emi can handle both the villain and her husband.
Hamilton Song?
You'll be back. Idk they probably just love it.
Have the kids ever been friendzoned?
No, Spencer is single.
What are road trips like?
Normal. Emi listens to comedy shows, Fatty Boo drives, Spencer is on her phone.
Favorite season activities?
Spring time because everything comes back to life.
Favorite memory?
The day they got to hold Spencer.
Least favorite memory?
Doubt it.
Kids favorite memory?
Spencer remembered meeting Millie Yamada. They're really close.
Kids worse memories
Spencer remembers meeting Okuri for the first time.
First thing said to kids?
Emi: Aww
Fat: Omg look at my daughter-
Grooms party/ bridal party
Emi: Nemuri, Miruko, Mt.Lady, and Ryukyu are all best friends and you can't convince me otherwise.
Fatgum: everyone in the Shie Hassaikai raid-
Do the kids have many friends?
Spencer: yes
What do they do in quarantine?
Tbh they probably just cook.
Most danger the kids have been in?
Spencer almost got killed by Meg in the Sports Festival. Cementoss, Aizawa, Midnight, and Present Mic had to hold her back.
When they're mad at one another?
Emi gets all serious and just walks angrily.
Taishiro stay a good foot away from her everytime he's mad. Only a foot because she's warm.
What do the kids do during quarantine?
Spencer goes swimming in their pool.
Where'd they choose to live?
They live in a gated community.
Who's the kids favorite heroes?
Spencer likes Aizawa and anyone who gives her mochi
Something weird they do that the other finds cute?
When he's in his skinny form, Fatgum puffs his cheeks out and walks around like that.
Emi slides down the stairs on a blanket like a five year old.
How did they fall in love?
Idk :/.
What happens when kids cry in restaurant?
They sit there and stare at the kid like it isn't theirs.
Why would the kids go to jail?
Spencer: drugs
First thought when they met?
Emi: how soft is he?
Taishiro: Jesus Christ wtf is she on?
Have the kids ever gotten jealous?
No lmao
What happens on beach days?
Spencer isn't allowed to look like a snack so Fatgum always makes her wear shorts at the beach. Emi is allowed to tho. She ends up sleeping on his belly at some point in the day.
How did their friends find out they had a crush
She made it obvious lmao.
He didn't say shit but people found out.
What are they like while drunk?
Save yourselves, these two are weird af while drunk
Have the kids ever fought a person?
Yes. Megami. She lost and almost died that day.
How'd the kids feel about getting the talk.
Spencer was uncomfortable and just listened to it.
Comfort the other?
They're both crazy and don't need it
How do the kids feel about vaccines?
She despises them.
How much crackhead energy?
Too much 11/10
What happens when the other is away?
The most random shit goes on.
Who kills the spiders + kids
Spencer kills it. You can't tell me both of them aren't scared of spiders.
What colors do they wear to formal events?
Yellow looks amazing on them.
Criminal couple?
Run. They aren't Ryushot scary, but they're scary. Emi is choking you out, he's fast, I'm scared of them. 9/10. They still act like little kids sometimes.
Who gets lost in a store?
Love song?
Song 2 U- Victorious
What're they like after wisdom teeth removal?
Higher than snoop dog omg-
What scares both of them?
I really don't think anything scares them :/
What happens when one gets bullied
Family pictures?
Cute and funny. He has to crouch down just to be in the photo tho-
Villain kids?
I don't have a quirk for Spencer yet so idk
Who cooks?
Little things they notice/ love about each other
They love Literally everything about each other
Do they like their fans?
Of course! All of them are amazing!
What vine/tiktok trend?
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Who's the better singer?
How strict are they
Not strict at all. Emi can get strict sometimes, but hardly ever.
Weirdest thing they've done together?
Had Spencer
Cutest thing they do with their kids?
Spencer just lays on top of Fat's belly when she was a baby.
Shopping together?
Online shopping
Santa isn't real
Spencer never really believed in him
How do dads feel about dating?
Hell no
How do moms feel about dating?
Emi is protective as well.
Kids after school activities
How scary are the kids?
Spencer isn't scary at all, 3/10
Kids weapon of choice?
Spencer: crossbow
Kids Nicknames
Fatty boo gives the best cuddles
Kids headcanons?
Spencer wears Rose Colored glasses
How do they feel about their neighbors?
They're cool with each other.
That one tiktok trend?
Taishiro: lmao what
Emi: what-
Were their kids planned?
Spencer: yes
Which parent do the kids love more?
Spencer: Dad
Who tells better jokes?
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