Todoroki took Momo to one and didn't know what he was supposed to do. He ended up winning her one of those goldfish that die within a week and a big teddy bear cuz he burned the stand down.
Momo felt bad for not getting him anything so the next day they went out for soba after school.
During the tunnel of love they were singing Fall Out Boy.
She got competitive and won something from every game in the carnival. He ended up carrying at least a hundred stuffed animals with his feathers.
They ate- carnival food is good as hell.
They went through the haunted house and he held onto her the entire time. When she felt her shirt get wet because he was crying, she felt really bad for laughing. They ended up getting a bunch of food afterwards and she won a pikachu plushy for him.
Dabi x Toga
I don't see them going, idk why.
She picked him up and carried him around when he got tired. She ended up getting distracted by a ride with a short line.
I have no idea
I don't see them going to Carnivals, but I see them going to like festivals.
Ryuko wore a really cute casual dress and he didn't know she looked cute in pink and was kinda confused af cuz whenever she wears pastels, it's usually blue or purple. But other than that, it was really as normal as it could get. They ended up getting bored and leaving half way through the night- Ryuko wanted food that wasn't covered in grease and Shinya diets and would refuse to eat it anyways. (Shinya gives off vegetarian vibes idk why.)
The built the haunted house. Their classmates forced them to so they made it really scary Just for payback.
They were just vibing-
They went to the haunted house and Setsuna started crying.
They got separated and got things for the other before running onto a ride
Got Spencer a big teddy bear 😌💅🏾
It was their first date. She was really blunt with her feelings and when they went on the Ferris wheel, Tsu kissed him. It was really innocent and she clearly tried to not make it too awkward by kissing him on the cheek.
Ya know, I could be hella cruel. But I'm not going to be. I'm nice like that.
Ochako and Tsu fighting would just be me and my dad play fighting tbh- (military household, we get rough af-)
He burnt half the games down
They watched fireworks and he held her hand every where they went. They ended up in the haunted house and Komari didn't cry once because she was tryna get better control over her emotions 😌💅🏾
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