What did their fans think of their relationship?
Todo fans started sending hate towards Momo. They wanted to be Mrs. Todoroki and she was taking that spot. All they could do was pray that they would breakup but then it was announced they were engaged and Momo was a problematic hero for at least a year before it died down.
No one cares! They find it really cool and cute. People already shipped them and when they finally started dating, people were excited.
Literally no one cares. They already acted like they were together for like two years. People suspected they were together and it was more like a "oh finally". When they announced they were having a baby, that was a different story.
"Who's that?"
They left UA as a couple. Before they had many fans, they were already dating lmao.
Dabi x Toga
People thought it was weird. Sure, they were part of the big three in highschool, but they had totally different personalities.
They kept their relationship private for a while but a lot of people suspected they were together. Sure, Yuu got hate, so did Kamui (the pervs weren't allowed to take bum pics anymore) but they still had temporary break ups too.
(Idk if their age difference would be concerning since they're both adults.)
People got angry because a lot of people like the mysterious part of Edgie and Ryuko was happy to go to interviews and tell a bunch about their relationship. Then there was the fans who wanted to know more about his life.
Then there was the Ryuko fanboys who adore their dragon waifu and just hated it.
They had a lot of supporters (the entire Ryushot club-) though so like :/.
Reiko x Shinsou
No one cared tbh. They aren't the nicest or most powerful heroes or anything so they weren't the biggest deal. They aren't that popular either so like no one cared-
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