Tetsukendo catch up
Jesus Christ it's been a while since I've done this.
Who confessed first?
What do they do in their free time?
Watch tv
How many kids?
1 and it's a boy.
What did their parents think of them?
Kendou's dad (single dad) is ok with him. He was on his best behavior and liked fishing. They got along.
His mom and dad didn't like her that much. They did find her nice tho. They just didn't care for her that much I guess.
How did they propose?
He got down on one knee in the middle of a formal event and she cried.
Did They Raid Area 51?
Tetsutetsu wanted to but she wouldn't let him.
What are dates like?
Quiet. They order food in and watch a movie or they go to a bar and watch a Football (American football) game or sm.
How do they punish their kids?
The kid picks the punishment but they make sure they atone for their crimes if it's bad enough.
What happens after fights?
She feels guilty and apologizes. He understands why she might have yelled and forgives her.
Who requires attention
What do they hate about one another?
She hates how reckless he gets when he's in danger.
He hates nothing. He dislikes a few things but he loves her.
Who is the more protective one
Who is more protective over the kids
Not doing the villainy question
Who is more likely to get hurt in battle
What are habits they have as a couple
Getting too excited over nothing.
What happens when they find out she's pregnant?
He just hugs her and cries while apologizing over and over again.
What happens when the other is away for too long
Tetsu gets lonely and spends all of his time with Kirimina.
What are their just Dance dances?
Who gets more jealous
Who is more likely to cry over Iron Man's death?
Tetsutetsu is literally iron
How do they show their love
They show each other a bunch of affection.
Who is more likely to start a fire
Tetsutetsu cant cook at all.
What do they do for Anniversaries
They go out. for their seventh anniversary, they took a vacation.
What do they do when the other get sick?
When Itsuka gets sick, she gets all mopey and whiny so he has to spend time with her with a mask on.
When he gets sick, she becomes motherly af and makes sure he doesn't move a muscle.
Who is more friendly with the family
Itsuka has to be. They don't like her that much.
Contact names for one another
For Tetsutetsu: hubby😍
For Kendou: Babe🥰
Favorite movies to watch together?
They like Fighting with My Family.
Who is Big Spoon/little spoon
Tetsutetsu is big spoon because she likes his eyelashes on her neck.
Do they do couples cosplay?
No, he doesn't like it.
What happens when she takes his hoodie?
He really loves it and he gives her a bunch of kisses. She laughs.
What do they do in Quarantine together?
They play video games or play fight with their kids.
How do they calm the other when their stressed?
Tetsu gets stressed when she gets hurt and she has to reassure him that she's fine. He won't let her go the entire day either.
She gets stressed out from simple things like "I didn't do the dishes and now I have to leave so now there'll be more dishes because my husband has to feed the kid." So he does the dishes for her.
Who likes Horror Movies?
Kendou and Reiko have movie nights in the dorms where they take the entire common room area and watch horror movies where the rest of the class might come, depending on the movie. Tetsutetsu might watch if Shinsou is there.
Nicknames for one another?
Tetsu and Suka
When/where was the first kiss?
After the training camp. They kissed in the hospital and just hid that from everyone. They lie and say something like "a McDonalds."
What happens when they fight?
She starts screaming at him because he said something inconsiderate. The screaming is mainly "YOU NEED TO BE MORE CAREFUL, WHAT IF YOU DIED."
Who likes cuddling the most?
Tetsu craves hugging and cuddles with her.
How would they react if they were accused of dating beforehand?
Kendo: why-
Tetsu: 0///0
How'd they realize they liked the other?
She liked him after the training camp. She thought it was really brave of him to do what he did.
He got his crush during the 1A vs 1b thing.
Who wakes up first?
Who gets scared easily?
Who sings in the car?
Who kills the bugs
How do they comfort the other when they're sad?
Hugs and kisses and food. Recipe to cure sadness.
Who teases the most?
Tetsu teases a lot.
What do they do when the kid gets lost?
"I'm not messing around Elliot, come out right now or I'm leaving."
"Yo, cmere or I'm eating your food"
What vine describes their relationship
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Same as Kamijirou lmao
What vine describes their relationship with their children?
Kendo: We did it, you're gonna be a father!
Tetsutetsu: What do you want? I'm reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban.
Who takes the blanket?
Tetsu takes it.
Favorite Hamilton song?
Friggen adore the Scuyler sisters.
How do they wake the other up?
He bats his freakishly long eyelashes on her neck and she wakes up.
She tickles him awake.
What do they give the other for their birthday?
She bakes him a cake.
He brings her out to a movie and accidentally meet up with HitoRei. HitoRei was watching a horror movie.
Ships most likely to be canon
I'd say a good 7/10 because of that one moment in the manga where he had a bunch of faith in her and the training camp.
What did fans think of their relationship?
"Oh, they weren't dating already?"
How'd she reveal she was pregnant?
"Baby we did it, you're gonna be a father"
"What do you want I'm reading Harry Potter-"
Jk she just told him and he cried.
Favorite anime intro?
Yuri on Ice
What do they do in quarantine together part 2?
They play wrestle with their son.
Who jumps to conclusions?
Who screams memes in public?
If they were a movie, which one would they be?
What happened when the kid learns to walk?
Tetsu got sentimental af and started crying because HIS SON COULD WALK OMG.
Kendou sent the video to Reiko. Reiko and Rosalind come over and have play dates so they know baby Elliot.
What is game night like?
Itsuka cheats and sneaks the good Uno cards into the baby carrier on her chest so that he can't win easily.
How did the public react to their pregnancy?
"Oh that's cute."
People liked it.
Would they get matching Tattoos?
Maybe their son's birthday but I doubt it.
What is it like when she's having her time of the month?
Hell. She gets whiny and needy so she needs attention and chocolate and everything.
Which of them likes anime?
Who goes to bed first?
How would they react if the other rejected their love?
Who throws the kids in the pool?
Kids Quirks?
His hands are covered in metal. The dont become bigger but their really strong. When he eats iron, the skin becomes harder and not as easy to break.
Where did they have the wedding
Idk a beach
Too loyal, no cheating.
Do their parents like each other?
Not really.
Who is stricter?
Who gets mad at bad grades on a test?
No traitor
Children's names?
How do parents react to having grand babies?
Her dad said "ok."
His parents weren't happy and almost disowned him.
Do they wear matching outfits to formal events?
What song did they dance to at their wedding?
Um, idk
What do they do when their kid brings home art?
Hang it up because it's actually good.
What happens when kids are left alone with dad?
Kid can lift weights omg-
Do they do karaoke?
Tetsu and Kiri do.
Mina and Itsuka laugh and do it themselves right after.
How do they bond with their kids
Play wrestling.
How do they handle bullies?
"Why tf is a lil brat messing with my son."
"She's cute-"
Do they have a family pet?
What happens when mom watches the kids?
Kid is asleep.
What picture describes their family?
Where was their honeymoon?
An amusement park
What are their kids first days of school like?
Elliot was a sweetheart and was already a teachers pet.
Have they moved before? How'd the kids feel?
Never moved.
Who's closer to the kids?
What's their favorite thing to cook together?
Why would they breakup?
I can't think of that reason lmao
What is their favorite anime ship?
They like Sistine x Glenn
Favorite animation memes?
I'm the man
Favorite song?
I will survive- Gloria Gaynor
How would they react if their kids won the sports festival?
Elliot and Kiri's youngest kid would fight (it they had more kids) and Elliot wouldn't win but Tetsu was happy that he made it. Kendou was glad he got farther than her-
What happens when someone flirts with their partner?
Kendou will fight.
Tetsutetsu gets possessive and gives her a hug that let the guy know to back off.
What do the kids think of the other kids?
Too long.
He doesn't know many of them because he's only five. He knows the Todo twins and Eve tho.
What's the stupidest thing they've done together?
They stole Reiko's movies and painted over comedy movie dvds so she would watch Comedy and not as much horror. They care.
Who panics the most during quarantine?
Who cries when Carla Jaeger dies?
Favorite Disney Movie?
Who's more serious?
What happens when kids say their first words?
Screamo bands have nothing on them. Reiko absolutely dies when she finds out Elliot said "Nug nug."
What happens when grandparents are stuck with the kids?
Doesn't happen.
Do the kids get in trouble at school?
No, Elliot is an angel.
What's made both of them cry?
Elliot broke his arm for the first time and they were so scared.
Does she practice makeup on him?
No, he doesn't need mascara and she can't get it on him since he will put her in a headlock if she tries. (It doesn't hurt because they wrestle a lot)
Do they drink together?
No, he drinks with Kiri. She drinks with HitoRei
How long did they date before getting married?
About a year
Who tells better bedtime stories?
Tetsutetsu is far better.
Who do they double date with?
HitoRei,Todomomo, or Kirimina
Would their kids ever get kidnapped?
No he's really loud and knows stranger danger.
What is a big no no between both of them?
Certain wrestling moves are no no's. No dropping, slamming into the ground, and no tackling. They might be rough but those are big no's.
Do they fight together?
nO tHEy DO nOT
What happens at the kids events?
Tetsutetsu starts screaming and Kendou has to calm him down.
Do they chaperone the kids events?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Who are the kids more like?
Elliot is a soft boy and definitely more like Kendou
Who handles crying babies?
Who do they get jealous of?
Tetsu gets jealous of Monoma.
Kendou is jealous of either Setsuna or Momo
What do their class/friends think of their relationship?
What happens when he grows facial hair?
"That's hot"
What happens when their kids have a nightmare?
Elliot cries and Kendou hates to see him cry so they have a whole ritual to get rid of the monsters.
Who was their best man/maid of honor?
Momo and Reiko were her maids of honor.
Kirishima was his best man.
What happens when their kid loses their first tooth?
Elliot's baby teeth were thrown away and he got a tooth fairy (unlike Rei.)
What's the cutest thing they do together?
He picks her up over his shoulder and walks around the house. their son finds it adorable
What happens when the pet goes missing?
"It's gone"
What happens when there's a power outage?
They're asleep by then.
Kids birthdays?
November 25th
Who's their best friend?
Hino and Haruhi
What happens when one of them gets hurt?
Concerned yelling.
How old are the kids?
Favorite vocaloid song?
What do they do when there's a bad day at work?
Same as Kirimina
Do they play video games together?
Favorite old Disney/Nick shows?
Idk Jessie or Good Luck Charlie
Kids appearances?
Light Orange hair, dark blue eyes.
What happens when their kid brings someone home?
They try to be more accepting than their parents were. Unless the girl/guy is horrible, then they'll make it obvious they hate them. (Elliot is Pansexual)
Do they share desserts?
What happens when the kids get sick?
Pulled from school and they watch Tinkerbell as a family. Jk Kendou and Elliot watch Tinkerbell, Tetsutetsu has work.
What was the babies first birthday like?
Just 1-B and 1-A. Rosalind was nine and played with Elliot the entire day.
Who does the kid's hair?
How old was the mom when the kid was born?
34 I think
Has their ever been a fight at the dinner table?
No, they're very well mannered
Do they go to formal events while pregnant?
Yes, she doesn't like the attention tho.
Did the baby cry a lot?
Not really.
How athletic are the kids?
Very athletic
If they took a shot everytime they made a bad decision, would they still be sober?
How does their class/friends react to the pregnancy?
How do the celebrate Father's Day?
Breakfast in bed, cake, and a few other things he appreciates.
This took me two hours.
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