Ryukyu x Edgeshot catch up
Y'all know I'm trash for this ship and if you don't know that then :3
Excuse me
Who confessed first?
Ryuko totally confessed first
What do they do in their freetime
Watch Anime
How many kids?
Two, both are girls.
What did their parents think of them?
Ryuko's parents were neutral. They could really care less. Having a top ten hero in their house wasn't new so they didn't really care-
His parents are probably sixty and just want grand babies.
How did they propose
She was in a hospital and he thought he was gonna lose her so he just asked her to marry him and she said '✌🏽😚 Yee'
Did they raid Area 51
No, they aren't stupid
What are their dates like
Just eating and talking about work and getting away from their kids
How do they punish their kids?
They don't. They just take away screen time and make the introverts go outside.
What happens after they fight?
Ryuko locks herself in their room and even though he can obviously slip through with his quirk, he doesn't and just talks with her from the other side of the door.
Who requires more attention?
Ryukyu. Edgie definitely doesn't need more attention
What do they hate about one another
He hates how she puts herself down like she doesn't deserve anything.
She hates how he scares her.
Who is the more protective one
Ryukyu is Friggen protective af.
Who is more protective over the kids
They cannot be villains and if they were
👀 say goodbye to me liking any of the pro heroes other than Fatgum and Miruko
Who is more likely to get hurt in battle
What are habits they have as a couple
Forgetting what couples are supposed to act like and awkwardly holding
What happens when they find out their having baby
They're really happy because of my headcanon that they've tried to have kids for a while and finally get to have one.
What happens when the other is away for too long
Edgie doesn't miss her too much. He has the mentality she'll come back so he's pretty ok about it.
She misses him and calls him everyday at random moments. Like she's getting something to eat and she'll call him because she feels lonely.
What are their Just Dance Dances?
Edgie doesn't dance because he doesn't like too.
Ryuko dances to everything and anything. Her favorite dances are Umbrella and Bad Romance because Umbrella is fun and Bad Romance makes her torso hurt
Who gets more jealous
Ryuko feels like she is less popular than him and he'll just leave her for someone more popular even though that's hardly possible and that's not what he'd do because he's a respectful boy. So yeah, she's more jealous-
Who cried over Iron Man's death?
How do they show their love?
Kisses on the cheek and forehead.
Who's most likely to start a fire
Definitely Ryuko-
She cannot cook.
If she is cooking, she's only allowed to boil, chop, and microwave. She'll burn herself if oil is popping, she'll burn the house down if she's left alone.
She can make amazing sushi and soups tho-
I am trash for this ship and I swear I just looked at them one day, said 'they have similar personalities' and then this whole thing happened.
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