*sighs as I put on my uniform* *goes to class once I'm ready*
Aizawa:*waits for Kat to enter the classroom*
*walks in and sits at my desk like usual*Aizawa:*looks at him and sniffs the air* Pup, come here please. *he frowns*gets up goes to him being "calm"*Aizawa: What's wrong? *releases parental pheromones* nothing... *senses pheromones*time skip to after school*Aizawa:*in the common room watching tv with Mic* See, I don't understand why you make me watch this...we see this every night Mic. Mic:*snorts* You never complain about it so I take that as a win. Aizawa:*rolls eyes and frowns* Katsuki wasn't himself today. Before class started I confronted him. Mic: He was like that in my class and Nem's class. in my dorm curled up knowing I'm gonna get hurt takes a shower looks in mirror whimpers a little seeing all my scars* *puts makeup back on curls up in room*Aizawa:*his mother senses heighten* Come with me. *drags Mic to Katsuki's room and knocks* Bakugou? gets a bit startled in room curled up in bed*thinks: shit I forgot to lock my door*Aizawa:*opens the door quietly and growls at Mic to stay put* I'm coming in kid. *he walks inside and looks at the sight of him and his instincts kick in* Kid..? Can you sit up for me? *he releases calm pheromones*sniffs air senses him immidetly almost tenses but listens and sits up still cuddled into blanket*Aizawa:*purrs and walks over to where he is and purrs* Why aren't you at home? *notices a scar under his neck* 'I hope this isn't what I think it is' *he thinks*I just wanted to stay here...curls up in blankets again getting a bit distressed about the topic without knowing it*Aizawa:*slowly feels his forehead to see if he is sick* You always go home pup, is there something going on?n-no... *getting a bit distressed about the topic curls up into blankets more* Aizawa:*hears a calm rumble from Hizashi and cups his face* Remember what I told you and Izuku about lying? It hurts me love, I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong. *he gently combs through his wild hair* whimpers a little cuddles into him hiding face sending out distressed hormones*m-my m-mama *whimpers a little* s-she hurts meAizawa:*stops himself from growling and takes Katsuki into his arms and kisses his head* You are not going back to that house. Do you understand? *scents him like crazy* Midnight will handle it. Do you want to stay in the dorms with me and Hizashi?nods whimpering*Hizashi:*opens the door and releases his own parental pheromones- his hair is down-* Aizawa:*rumbles and pulls Kat's face to his neck* Calm down love,clings onto him whimpering a little face in crook of neck*Aizawa:*sighs* Did you eat anything today? Hizashi:*combs fingers through katsukis hair* gets a bit startled by hizashi* a l-little not m-much Hizashi:*lets out a low rumble and nuzzles into Shouta's neck* Aizawa: Do you get fed when you're at home?n-no...my mom is mean and my dad...h-he left us when I was young so I had to fend for myselfAizawa: Did you ever feed from her, pup? Hizashi:*stares at katsukis hair and fluffs it*n-no...maybe when I was really young I can't remember... *whimpers a little scared that I'm in trouble for not knowing*Aizawa:*purrs* That's okay love. Heck, I feed Hitoshi all the time. Hizashi:*snorts* Yeah he does. He literally drags him away from my classroom because he senses Shinsou being anxiouscalms down a little*Shouta: Do you want me to make you something or feed from me? I don't care one bit to feed you. shrugs just nuzzling into him*Hizashi:*smiles* I'll go see if Nem is done training.*leaves£ Shouta:*whines and lets his omega take over and feels his chest get heavy*has head on chest kinda just calming down*Aizawa:*smiles softly* Hitoshi is here. Wanna go hang with him?shakes head clinging onto him more*Aizawa:*nods and lifts up his shirt and tucks it over Katsuki and lays down and rubs his back* eventually starts nursing after awhile*Aizawa:*purrs and combs fingers through his hair* Take it easy. I'm not going anywhere.eyes closed*while nursing*Aizawa:*smiles* Hizashi:*having a blast with Nem and Shinsou*eventually finishes 1st side which took around 15-20 mins bc trust reassurance etc*Shouta: If you ever feel stressed and need reassurance please come to me and I will help you pup, it hurts to see that you are in so much pain nods cuddled into him*timeskip to talking with the police*Shouta:*starts to scent him heavily* Hizashi:*talking to Midnight* yeah Sho's been acting weird lately. He has cravings all the time and these are weird ones...I've never seen the man eat real food... Midnight:*chuckles* maybe he wants to try something different hiding behind him as we talk to the police they tell them she stopped feeding me at age 3 which is when my dad left and that I've been abused both verbal and physical and suffer from malnourishment etc*Shinsou:*beside Aizawa and hizashi and rubs Katsuki's back* Aizawa:*growls lowly* yes. He is getting out of that home! *takes the adoption papers and hands them to hizashi* Get her out of my sight. Police:*takes Mitsuki away while she is screaming at Katsuki*just hiding face shaking a little from what happened*Hizashi:*releasing warning pheromones to Mitsuki* Aizawa:*turns around and pulls Katsuki to his chest* You're safe now pup. *kisses his head* Shinsou:*smiles*immidetly clings onto him hiding face more as i hear her screaming and yelling at me terrified*Shouta:*scents him heavily and takes the pups to the car and gets in with hizashi* Toshi sit up front. I'll sit with him. Shinsou:*sits in the front* has calmed down a lil as now that they think about it they realize i do look a bit smaller then the others and put on that fake face they would see everyday then break down when I'm alone*Shouta:*nips at his nose and growls* stop that. I can feel your thoughts. nuzzles into him* m-mamarp also i have a pa day tmrw so i will be able too rp all day)Shouta: it's okay baby, mama is right here. *scents him* (Oh nice!)(Out of curiosity, what grade are you in?)12 but im really short) *hiding face clinging to him*(That's pretty cool! I'm 16☺️ and I'm short so don't worry) Shouta:*kisses his head* Take deep breaths love. *subconsciously places his hand in his stomach and rubs it while his other hand combs through Katsukis hair* Hizashi:*drives to the dorms*clinging onto him hiding face trying to calm down*(I think this would be easier for you! If you want that is: Bakugou:*hides face into his neck and tries to calm down* You can also write it like that! *)Shouta:*pulls his shirt over him and hugs him close to his chest releasing paternal pheromones* Calm down loveitś just eaiser for me for what ive been doing as it takes me really long to learn new skills bc i have autism =_= ;-;)Awe it's okay!mk continue i also like doing first person bc its like im the actual character and in a way it brings comfort if u look at the one titled my story it will explain...most things)that's understandable! continue)Shouta:*pulls his shirt over Katsuki and hugs him close to his chest and releases calming pheromones* Calm down love starts calming downShinsou:*purrs and smiles* I always knew you had a soft side! Hizashi:*rumbles* Calm down Toshi *chuckles* your mom is literally in the car and I don't want to get killed Shinsou:*snickers* well I have a new brother basically! head on chest*Shouta:*combs fingers through his hair* You're safe now love. *calmed down timeskip to getting home as when they talked privately they recommend they should probably nurse me for awhile considering I wasn't properly taken care of as most pups still nurse especially at age 3 when they're growing etc* Shouta: it's best that I feed you, love. I do need to take a shower but do you think Toshi can come in? He's quiet when he's around kids his age. But when he's with me he's talkative.
nods a little bit nervous bc I am not really social and I'm the youngest out of all of us*
Shouta:*smiles softly* alright then. *kisses his head and tucks him into his bed and scents him heavily* *leaves to go take a shower* Shinsou:*nervously walks in and sits down at his desk* um...hi
hi... *curled up in bed*
Shinsou: I guess you're going to live with us now...so um just let me know if I bother you too much or if you need anything. Shouta:*showers*nods* thinking: heś not that bad iḿ sure we will get along*
shrugs as he also noticed during play fighting etc iḿ one of the more playful ones especially with izuku* eventually gets bored decides to pounce on him playfully* Shinsou:*growls playfully and tackles him back and pulls at his ear* growls playfully pins him down* Shinsou:*laughs and chirps and nips his nose* Gotcha!
sureee *gets off him only to lunge at him again taking him down* haShinsou:*smirks and dodges and pounces on him and smiles* Ha! Shouta:*looks at the scar over his belly and sighs* I'm sorry...I'm so glad I have Hitoshi and Katsuki. *walks out of the bathroom and hears chirps and smiles and walks to Katsuki's room and lets out a low calming rumble* Shinsou:*perks up and chirps* perks up chirps rolls over pinning him to the ground* ha whos got the top ground nowShinsou:*laughs and kicks him up -gently- and hugs him* What are you making for dinner? Shouta:*chuckles* Hizashi brought sonic for you both but Katsuki will feed from me so he will have two meals. *smiles warmly* Is that okay with you pup?nods*Shinsou:*yawns and purrs into his neck* Shouta:*kisses their heads and sits down in front of them- he has his shirt off, the scar across his stomach shows-* laying on Hitoshi a bit tired from playfighting* I still win *sticks tongue out at him playfully*Shinsou:*grumbles and grabs it and laughs* Ha! I win! Shouta tell him I won! Shouta:*snickers* nah meanie *pouts a little* playfully throws a lil pillow as him yelps running away from him hiding behind hizashi as soon as he comes to check on the 3 of us*Hizashi:*smiles and ruffles his hair* uncle Hizashi is to the rescue! *lifts Shinsou over his shoulder and throws him on his bed* Shinsou:*laughs and throws a pillow at hizashi* Stop!! Shouta:*smiles* awe pounces on him playfully* Itimeksip to feeding me*Shouta:*cradles him and nuzzles into his hair* Your food is in the microwave. cuddled into him nods* *after eating we are all having a movie night*Hizashi:*whispering to shouta* Stop being insecure about your scar Sho, you couldn't help it. Shouta:*sighs* I know, but I could've had my own pup if it wasn't for that villain...*snarls* Shinsou:*watching a movie with katsuki* *is laying beside him * Hizashi: well look, it isn't your fault. Shouta: Yeah. But now I have two pups. *he smiles softly watching them scent each other* I was going to name her Belle. Hizashi:*smiles softly* at least she is in your heart Shouta:*nods* yeah.*nuzzled into his neck purring a little eventually lays down putting my head on his chest getting a bit tired*Shouta:*nuzzles into his neck and combs fingers through his hair* eventually falls asleep curled into him*asleep cuddled into him head on chest* Shouta:*whines softly* Hizashi...I miss her Hizashi:*nuzzles into his neck*
asleep* *moves a little making the 3 of them look down as they see possibly one of the cutest things* *is asleep head on chest has hand wrapped around finger suckling on it softly asleep* Shouta:*rubs his back and purrs*asleep nuzzled into him more* timekip to the middle of the night*
Shouta:*on the phone with Midnight* Yeah, the agency actually liked Joke so she's working in mine now. Hizashi:*asleep in the common room*starts to wake up bc of nightmare* *is in sharing a room with hitoshi gasps wakes up curls up in bed tries to go back to sleep not wanting to bother anyone*
Shouta:*grading papers* Hitoshi:*sniffs the air and wakes up and groans* B'gou? is curled up whimpering and shaking a lil* Shinsou:*sits up and looks at him* um I'll go get mom *gets out of bed and walks to Shouta's dorm and barges in* Katsuki is scared Shouta:*frowns and makes his way to his dorm and walks in* you okay kid?gets a bit startled* i-i'm f-fineShouta:*releases calming pheromones* easy there pup, *walks over to him and lifts him up and cradles him to his chest* shhh....you're okaywhimpers a little*Shouta:*slides off his shirt and pulls him back to his chest and sits at the edge of the bed and scents him heavily* Go ahead love.latches on starts nursing*Shouta: What caused this? *looks over at shinsou* Shinsou:*shrugs* I really don't know. I woke up and heard him whimpering. *sits beside shouta and nuzzles into his neck*Nursing eyes closed clinging onto him while nursing*Shouta:*purrs* Easy loveShinsou:*yawns* how's the other one? Shouta:*a few weeks pregnant-* good. The villain sure knows how to use their reproduction quirk.eyes closed nursing eventually calms down and falls asleep*
Shinsou:*nuzzles into his neck* When are you going to tell him?Shouta:*smiles* probably when he starts living with us love asleep*
Shouta:*lays him back down on the bed and kisses his forehead* Toshi, do you want anything? Shinsou:*shakes head* no, uncle Zashi said that he found some baby supplies Shouta:*smiles* alrightasleep curled up*THE NEXT DAY starts waking up nuzzles into blankets not wanting to get up especially after all that's happened*Shouta:*in the bathroom cause of morning sickness* starting to wake up still hasn't told them anything else as they only know part of my past about my mom*Hizashi:*knocks on the door softly* Katsuki honey? You upsits up* *stretches yawns a little but opens door* is still a bit sleepy bc i just woke up*Hizashi:*smiles softly* Hey honey, Sho is in the bathroom but let's go down to the common room. I made an American breakfast nods* *still a bit sleepy follows him* knowing the police will come and soon get me to a home where I'm either the youngest or the only child but that won't be for a few months* *timeskip to after he has the pup* *has been a bit more aggressive and keeps getting in trouble by all 3 of them* is arguing with shinsou yet again* *they hear a knock at the door*Shinsou:*yells* STOP BEING RUDE! I DIDN'T TAKE YOUR DAMN HOODIE Shouta:*stressed out- opens the door holding his pup* *glares at him* police (p) : hello Shouta: Oh, hello. What can I do for you? Shinsou:*bares his teeth*lunges at him pinning him down* P: we're here to take bakugou *meanwhile with me and shinsou* *has been acting severely aggressive to everyone especially the new pup as I always hurt her* growling has him pinned down*Shouta:*nods silently* Kai:*nuzzled into his neck* Shinsou:*bites his hand to the point it bleeds* Shouta: Why...why are you taking him?yelps* *backs away from him* growls as mic comes in to calm us both down growling as shinsou is severely more injured* p: it's for the best that *sighs* it's for the best that we place him in a new home he will be moved in a week or 2 and incase ur wondering u guys have no say in the matter *they leave**is just curled up in corner with both shinsou and mic looking at me while my head is down and I'm curled in a ball growling every time they get close or try to touch me*Hizashi:*scruffs Bakugou and uses his dominant alpha voice* Down. Shouta:*tears up and nods* okay. I'll inform him*is just curled up in corner with both shinsou and mic looking at me while my head is down and I'm curled in a ball growling every time they get close or try to touch me little did they know I already knew about the police*is just curled up in corner facing away and refusing to look at them growling every time they get close*Hizashi:*frowns and looks at Shinsou* Grab Shouta. Shinsou:*limps to shouta and whines and nuzzles into his neck* he done it again... Aizawa:*hands him Kai and kisses his head* okay pup. *walks to their room and opens the door and lets out warning pheromones* Come. Here. goes to him knowing I'm gonna get in trouble*Aizawa:*bares his teeth and latches into his neck as a sign to say 'stop'* Shinsou:*sniffs and nuzzles into Kai's neck* I don't want him to leave either... Kai:*babbles*whimpers* *timeskip to night* *is curled up in bed as everyone is asleep has already packed bags bc I've been through this multiple times before* *curls up falls asleep timeskip to the next morning* *is already awake growls every time the try to get close just curled up in corner refusing to interact with them**knowing it's for the best but every time this happens my heart always breaks*Hizashi:*frowns* love? Come on now...Shouta is trying his hardest...*opens his arms* Shouta:*talking to Tsukuachi over the phone* Alright...what if I take him to therapy? You already are planning on letting him stay longer. curled up in a ball* *head down on my arm in corner*as he can tell something is bothering me*has even been refusing to nurse and everytime he tries it just gets to the point where i hide under the bed*Shinsou:*talking to Izuku on the phone* he was screaming and biting me. Zawa still wants him here and so do I but do you know how we can make it stop? Izuku: I'll be there in a minute. Hizashi:*frowns and walks over to him and lifts him into his arms and nuzzles into his neck* cmon love. growls squirming in his arms* *gets to the point when i hide under the bed again refusing to come out*timeskip to when izuku shows up* *is still hidng under bed curled up*Hizashi:*sighs and sits at the other corner releasing calming pheromones* Izuku:*walks inside and walks to Katsuki's room and chirps- they are really close like brothers*under bed whimpering as all of them are now in the room as i'm clearly distressed*Izuku:*crawls under the bed and curls up to his back purring* It's me Kacchan. curls up nuzzles into him as he's the only one who knows the real reason to my past* *aka having an attachment disorder being f*cked by everyone in my family etc* *whimpers shaking trying to stay strong knowing the other 3 are here*Izuku:*growls lowly warning them to leave them alone* Hizashi and Shinsou:*quickly leave and walk down to shouta feeding Kai* Shouta:*smiles warmly* he's aloud to stay. Those officers weren't even on the case. Izuku: Let it out Katsuki. *combs fingers through his hair* it's better than hiding it. cries into him* i do-don't wa-wanna b-e r-re-placed ag-again *crying into him curled up*once he's done feeding kai they go to check on us seeing the most heartbreaking thing* *is curled up in bed crying into him shaking as it's to the point where i could make myself sick if i don't calm down soon*Izuku:*(pretend that Izuku is a third year)* shh...you need to calm down bub. Shouta:*walks up to them with Kai in his crib asleep and lets out a purr* Love? We have something to tell you. Izuku:*combs fingers through his hair*has face buried in his chest crying*clinging to him crying it's so bad I'm shaking a little* Izu:*sits up and rubs his back* Kacchan. They have something to tell you. Shouta:*lets out a maternal scent and walks up to him and cradles his head* You're aloud to stay my love.still cuddled into izu still clinging to him as he knows his won't end well bc most of the time I have to be moved bc I become too aggressive not bc I'm mad but bc of being neglected etc*
Shouta:*pulls him to his chest and purrs* I know you feel neglected, kid. But we are going to work on it. You are aloud to stay here and if Midoriya wants to stay then so be it. I don't want you going back to those abusive homes. *rubs his back*Izuku:*nods and pops his back* Yeah, my first year Aizawa-Sensei was hovering over me all the TIME because I kept using my quirk wrong.
*calms down a little curled up still finally falling asleep from tiring myself out*curled up clinging onto izu still* *is asleep*Izu: He is warming up. I'm glad you took him in Sensei. *rubs his back* Shouta:*nods*asleep* *timeskip to after i wake up* *starts to wake up*wakes up not knowing he left but he told u guys everything* *is snuggled into blankets*Shouta:*walks in to his room and holds Kai and lays her on Bakugous chest* wake up kidyawns starts waking up panics a little backing up seeing him and seeing izu went back*whimpers backs up into corner of bed whimpering as the other 2 come to check on us* is in corner of bed nuzzled into blankets clearly distressed*Kai:*chirps at him* bub! Shouta:*chuckles* Good morning lovenuzzled into blankets hides face in pillow*curled up* sees the other 2 come in is still not happy that izu left me here curled up in bed in corner of the bed*Kai:*curls into his chest and purrs* Shouta:*hums* Izuku is coming over in a little bit. He left last night because Toshinori needed him real quickw-whatever... *curled up head on my arm looking away from him*Shouta:*walks up to him and calmly releases a maternal scent and scents him heavily* You're okay now. still refusing to nurse etc which is very concerning bc I was never fed which led to malnourishment etc* *lifts head up a little after hearing the door open and seeing mic and toshi walk in* lays head back down after realizing it's just them head on arm again looking way*Shinsou:*purrs* Hey Baku! Izuku:*trailing behind them and makes his way to his bed and smiles* Get out of bed dummy. still not trusting them fully* *just curls up in deku's lap* Izuku:*rumbles and smothers him in kisses on both sides on his cheeks platonically* cmon let's get up f-fine...but i still don't trust them... *gets up*Izuku:*chuckles* I know it takes time but Eraser did save you honey. *stands up and is about 6ft* I think you should give them a chance. timeskip to when it's at night and they already put kai to bed* *is curled up in bed not knowing they also had a monitor to watch me too is just curled up clinging to blankets silently crying which breaks they're hearts as they now know my full past*Shouta:*frowns* Hizashi, he is declining my milk. He obviously wants it but he won't take it. Hizashi:*nods* Usually pups will do that. Especially what they did to him. Just give him time. Izuku:*in the shower-he's staying the night*curled up in bed waiting for izu whispering a little*knows izu is a heavy sleeper knowing imma wake up from nightmare/flashback*Izuku:*gets out and puts on his sweats and walks out and lets out a rumble and climbs in bed beside him and pulls him to his chest* I'm staying up. I'm not going to sleep tonight. just nuzzles into him id clearly wanting to nurse and wanting that comfort but I just don't trust them*is them* *has head on his chest curled up whimpering a lil**Shouta:*walks into their room and lets out a purr* Izu:*purrs back and nuzzles into his neck*curled up into his side is alot smaller then him again bc of neglect etc*Not even noticing he walking in*Shouta:*rumbles and walks over to Izuku and preens him and slides his hair back and scents him heavily* Izu:*snorts* see Kacchan? He is a softy. He actually helped me when I was a first year.calms down a little head on Izu's chest * yawns a little cutely in their opinion nuzzled into him curled up falling asleep* Izu:*hands him to Shouta and smiles when Bakugou latches on to his chest* I knew he would do ithad almost immidetly latched on* *is nursing eyes closed*head on chest eyes closed nursing*Shouta:*grumbles and smiles* As soon as I gave birth to Kai he stopped feeding. He smells like a newborn now. *combs fingers through his hair and purrs* he really needed it.eyes closed nursing kind clinging as if someone were to take him away from me or me away from him*Shouta:*releases a calm scent and sits up against the bed frame and cards his hands through Izuku's hair and bakus hair* he's finally calm. You can smell it. Izuku:*nods* I know. He actually trusts you now, I'm glad he got him out of that house. Now he will be okayToday at 10:39 ameyes closed nursing head on chest*A Few Weeks Later is watching tv*Shouta:*in class with everyone and everything finally back to normal* Bakugou stop yelling at Todoroki *snickers* he didn't mean to call you my secret love childhmph finepouting* *timeskip to getting home*Hehe Shinsou:*walking beside Bakugou and ruffles his hair* secret love child eh? no hmph he was just teasing me and I wouldn't be talking *sticks tongue out at him* last one to get home gets a cuddle night with both our dads *runs*Shinsou:*outruns him and tackles them through the door and laughs* I win! But you can take them. I have homework to do Hizashi:*holding Kai close to his chest and rumbles* Shouta is on patrol right now little listeners hey i'm not that small he is *looks at shinsou*Shinsou:*laughs* yeah okay, says the one who can't even reach the top shelf at the dollar store. Like dude you are short! Kai:*reaches for Katsuki* oh be quiet *pouts* Shinsou:*ruffles his hair again and walks to his room and starts to work on his homework* Hizashi:*chuckles and kisses bakus forehead and releases a paternal scent* did you have a good day?goes to room to get changed into more comfy stuff* *little did they know I had a few positive things and a little secret which only izu knows* (aka having to wear diapers after being stabbed by my mom and it was bad enough that I could no longer control my bladder but I just put makeup over it) after telling him my day was goodHizashi:*bottle feeds Kai* Sho should be here a little after 8. Shinsou:*frowns and looks at his lap and whines quietly*meanwhie with me* *sighs changes self hides stuff again has been very cautious when their in my room which all of them have noticed comes out shutting door is in pjs*Hizashi:*already knows what's going on with him and grabbed some diapers for him and set them in his bathroom*timeskip to a few weeks later where they found out while I was asleep*is curled up in bed asleep*timeskip t the next morning*Hizashi:*already knows what's going on with him and grabbed some diapers for him and set them in his bathroom*goesto change panices thinking who found out and how*goes to*little did i know they wanted to talk to me about in while kai was asleep to let them help me and give me the best life which incles changing me etc* *walks out still a bit sleepy bc I just woke up* hizashi:*yawns and turns on the news and smiles* sits beside him curls into his side not knowing all of us will talk bc knowing me I'll break down so nem is babysitting for the day*
after aizawa and toshi drops him off and they come back* *meanwhile with me and zashi* *is play fighting chirps*bc he's distracting me and keeping me happy so I don't get too overwhelmed bc they don't want me stressed when we talk)Zashi:*pulls at his ear and laughs* gotcha! hears the door open perks up sneaks up behind shinsou*pounces on shinsou chirping happily* ha gotcharp)Shinsou:*yelps and laughs* No! *bites at his neck* Shouta:*walks over to Zashi and sighs* Midnight is coming down later. That alright? Zashi:*nods* yeah, fine by meyelps playfully as he's chasing me* you'll never catch me alive *hides behind mic and aizawa**timeskip to when we are gonna have the talk as the adults go about what way to do it meanwhile with me and shin* *is playfighting*Shouta:*getting smothered to death my Midnight* Midnight:*scenting him heavily* Jeez shouta...I haven't been here in a while. Hizashi:*snorts* the idiot has pouches and pouches of juice in the fridge. Midnight:*rolls eyes* Of course. Shouta:*sighs* Anyways, I think we should tell him about the surgery he can have so he doesn't have to wear them.is laying on shinsou* ha i win again *smiless while looking down as him has him pinned down* Shouta:*him and Midnight are dating but Shinsou calls them (hizashi and shouta) his dads)* Babe can you check on Kai? Midnight:*nods and walks up to Kai's room and smiles* Hey baby Shouta and Hizashi:*walks over to Bakugou* pup? Come here for a second
looking up at them cuddles into one of them after standing up* Hizashi:*runs fingers through his hair* We want to talk to you little listener. How would you feel about having a bladder surgery
oh no no no no i am not having surgery 0-0 Hizashi: You won't have to wear the diapers love. Wouldn't you like that? Shouta:*walks upstairs and nuzzles his face into midnights neck*
nooo and i d-don't wear diapers Hizashi:*frowns* Honey. Don't lie to me.
embarrassed* l-look i d-don't need d-diapers
Hizashi:*sees that Shinsou went to get smothered by Midnight and pulls him into his lap and scents him heavily* You do. That's why I'm the one talking to you and not Shouta. I had the same problem, *lifts up his T-shirt showing a huge scar across his abdomen to his pelvis* I had to wear them when I was your age. But I got the surgery and everything went back to normal. i d-don't want s-surgeryHizashi:*nods* and that's okay. It's just a simple one! Shinsou:*purrs and feeds from Aizawa* Shouta:*combs fingers through his hair* Did you figure out why my class almost killed All Might today? Midnight:*snorts and pecks his cheek* just worried about him is all cuddled into him* yawns a lil* Hizashi:*sighs and yawns and takes a nap* Shouta:*laying beside midnight with Shinsou curled into his chest* I think Bakugou is finally opening up Midnight:*hums and scents him* yeah, I can see that honey
timeskip to night* goes to change self like usual after having a bath has a lot of scars* little did ik tmrw morning would be different bc from now on they would be changing me as toishi zawa and mic all talked and agreed meanwhile with me is asleep nuzzled into blankets* Zawa:*glares at Hizashi* you know he is 15. He can change himself and he would feel embarrassed if we did. Hizashi: Yeah I know..
asleep* timeskip to a few days later whimpers as I wake up feeling not good*
Shinsou:*spent the night at Kaminaris house* Shouta:*having time to himself with midnight with their door closed* Babe...it's 1 in the morning. We have work in a few hours. *kisses her softly* Midnight:*kisses and smiles and hugs him close* Yeah I knoe*knowstarts crying loudly after awhile waking all of them*Midnight:*senses go haywire and races to his room with Shouta* Bakugou?! crying making grabby hands feeling hot and cold and sick to my stomach*
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